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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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55004853 No.55004853 [Reply] [Original]

Autists on this website (/biz/) were made aware of the importance of BSV in the future internet infrastructure in late 2019 by either Craig Wright himself or people working for him.

Autists from this website bought more BSV than he and the colluding governments expected and now the US govt is shitting bricks because a bunch of Nazi autists own the future of the internet w/ diamond hands — which explains the blatant price manipulation/ exchange delisting/ social media FUD. Also much of the fact that these holders have been trapped in a bear cycle in BSV- trapping many anons in a capital downfall— which only makes more selling pressure for these BSV holders.

BSV has had the biggest modern financial psyop ever against it. The “not everyone will make it” meme is absolutely correct. This is why people like Elon Musk continue to shill erc20 shitcoins. These Freemasons do not want the majority of the public to own the real bitcoin or even know about it until it is essential/ mandatory for commerce. THEY WANT you obsessing over dog pepe shitcoins so when the time comes and BSV is allowed to ascend, these shitcoin/shitchain obsessed people will be forever priced out

This is your only warning /biz/

>> No.55004885

>So basically…
cool story

>> No.55004926 [DELETED] 
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Yeah Israel sucks like that . It’s not enough they had jfk and rfk killed to illegally allow Israel to obtain nuclear weapons thrift stolen American enriched uranium. They had to bring down the world trade towers to bring the US military domain to the Middle East to secure oil for Israel . And then had to fabricate COVID19 to poison half of humanity’s’ genome. Crazy , I mean cool huh

>> No.55004979
File: 512 KB, 750x972, IMG_0053.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah Israel sucks like that . It’s not enough they had jfk and rfk killed to illegally allow Israel to obtain nuclear weapons with stolen American enriched uranium. They had to bring down the world trade towers to bring the US military to the Middle East to secure oil for Israel . And then had to fabricate COVID19 to poison half of humanity’s’ genome and normalize authoritarian control via medical industry .

And then after all that they had to psyop the future of the internet’s currency because insider information made its way to non-insiders . Crazy , I mean cool huh

>> No.55005019

Sirs, you speak like the an old Silverbug. The freemason or whatever you want to call them have been pushing silver price down with naked futures since forever, fucking the Hunt brothers and changing the rules in the 80s. Why do you think, If you are even right with your BSV hypothesis, that (((they))) wont naked short BSV with their infinity currency printing scheme. Keep the price low for the rest of time.

>> No.55005064
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The infinite printing press are the stable coins like USDC and usdt. Usdc has many ties to WEF. Same with ETH and chainlink , an oracle that is supppsed to organize the eth prices of all its thousands of shitcoin . The entire banking cartel is aligned with WEF/ the ESG system . But I don’t think they ever planned to deal with Satoshi Nakamoto and his 5d chess . They are, of course, winning right now but the saying “appear weak when you are strong and strong when you are weak” may apply here .

>> No.55005070

Stfu with this tired and dumb bullshit

>> No.55005077

By the way: I would be comfy in 7 figure hell if I would have never found out about BSV.

>> No.55005092
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I mean even just recently , coinbase changed their description of BSV because of upcoming lawsuits with Craig Wright against the Silicon Valley technocracy syndicates, essentially

>> No.55005115
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>le based schyzo autist guys !!!

>> No.55005129
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>> No.55005149

FTX was also backed by them, what's your point?

They change the rules mid-game, they bring down three towers with 2 planes, they force vax the entire military of several nations, they make you eat bugs and be happy. And you think one single autist will stand against all that and not end up suicided in a duffle bag in a bathtub? No, I would've been happier the last for years without the crypto vishnu in the blockchain pill.

There is no one left.

RXC left,
Shadders left
J LIu is making money with shit on shit and so is anybody else that was still in BSV a few months ago.

If we would at least have fish ID onchain, but no, not even that.

>> No.55005161
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Me too anon… I owned near 500 eth prior to getting into bsv. We got screwed by the communist governments of this world. They have attempted to destroy the capital of people like us to usher us into jew owned currencies (Xrp, eth, link, kaspa, XMR,.. etc). These Jews need to control the future system and they operate in the shadows which is why they cannot allow a transparent blockchain like BSV to succeed . It would expose the fraudulent elections, fraudulent dark banking activities, the wallstreet crooks and so much more. THEY NEED people like us to give up and capitulate . We acquired too much BSV— we are the new elites and this is something they cannot allow. So what do they do? Release a “pandemic” to usher in an intentional international inflation of the globes’ currencies to bring people like us BSV holders to our knees. Don’t kneel for these communist jews. Keep buying with any and all capital you acquire. Make them fear YOU

>> No.55005197

>RXC left
Money hungry jew
>Shaders left
>J Llu
Money hungry chink with shitty products

For every person that leaves, two more people replace them. BSV is the only chain that can support real applications. Every other chain is just essentially shuffling money around in various schemes.

>> No.55005248


>> No.55005299
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The Arnhem speech made me fall into the rabbit hole.

It is truly a once in a life, once in huan, once in a civilization moment. It is either this or slavery for the rest of eternity.

I am not selling at 35, I am not selling at 350, 3500 or whatever price in fiat.

I might be a dreamer, but I'm not the only one.

>> No.55005432

blame everyone except yourself, you're such a kike. how do you post with a nose so big?

>> No.55005473
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>one nose by this ID
Hey at least I gotta give it to you commies, you do try

>> No.55005544

Who wrote or spoke those words in the picture? Are these your notes?

>> No.55005559

can I believe BSV is the real Bitcoin without believing Craig is Satoshi? Is it just a cult of personality? Also, is it true that Craig is trying to own/control all the BSV nodes or the code they use or something like that, instead of just letting independent node operators compete?

>> No.55005619

Craig argues that the nodes need to be commercial quality- not raspberry pi BS. This is where the BTC cultists call bsv centralized but it’s just reality. If you want the blockchain to perform well, its miners and their operations need to be of a certain industry standard quality . The fact that the BTC miners haven’t switched over to bsv when mining is like 1,000,000X more expensive on BTC then BSV just shows how corrupt and anti- free market the crypto industry is . The miners are owned and controlled by govt’s or govt entities like WEF/ ESG which advocate for changes to BTC (segwit taproot- which violate Nchain patents) via companies like blockstream. BTC owners claim decentralization when their shit is nothing but centralized already.

>> No.55005644

I right clicked saved it from here a few years ago
anon. I really wish I knew.

RXC had his experience in Toronto...
MZ, is that you?

>> No.55005658

I agree that but blocks don’t lead to centralization. It’s communist bullshit. Socialist economic theory teaches that the free market naturally leads to monopolization, but both history and basic economic understanding show that to be false. Increasing the cost to run a node from a raspberry pi to a corporate server doesn’t automatically mean it will be centralized. Oil requires expensive equipment to refine, ordinary people can’t do it by themselves, but all the world’s oil isn’t refined by a single monopoly.
My question was is it true Craig has tried to copyright some of the code or otherwise tried to interfere with people who just want to mine BSV/run their own node and don’t want anything to do with him? Is he trying to “control” or “own” BSV in some way

>> No.55005731
File: 196 KB, 2054x864, craig.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can run your node and your own mining pool if you want and mine BSV. The code is muh set in stone. Nobody will change that anymore. What he is trying to accelerate is the inevitable introduction of law enforcing asset recovery mechanism... Which will come to all crypto anyway, see ethereum and their ofac compliance. Monero will go into darkness and be just as liquid as cash Lira in italy. Not completely worthless, but just usable in certain circles. Not buyable in "normal" exchanges, it already is banned in certain countries, so just a matter of time.

Yes, you can believe BSV is bitcoin and Craig is not Satoshi. I'm still not 100% convinced either, maybe 90% though.

>> No.55005841

Personally I’m almost certain he isn’t Satoshi, but is right about bitcoin. In fact, wouldn’t it be exactly the kind of thing the powers that be would want if their goal was to neuter bitcoin? Have BTC use an unscalable 1mb block size, and then have an obvious fraud claim to be Satoshi while running the real version of bitcoin, thereby making it seem fake and making nobody want to use it.

>> No.55006299
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I went down that line of thinking too. However he is building the infrastructure and promoting Bitcoin. And somebody is using it, be it for weather "spam" or game points "spam" or twitter clone "spam" or defi "spam".

If they wanted bitcoin to disappear, they would just shut it off now. They don't, somebody is still mining it, even at a huge opportunity cost vs BTC.


>> No.55006332
File: 2.62 MB, 2220x1248, crIG.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is the only things biz has ever been correct about

>> No.55006385

The twetch guys are doing the btc thing too but they have got to KNOW btc is pure shit, thats why they keep twetch running

>> No.55006778

the twetch guys and a bunch of other BSV advocates built all the BRC20 infrastructure in order to popularise the idea of on chain data. This does several things,
drive up the cost of BTC transactions
put pressure on a blocksize upgrade or fork
expose people to the working Bitcoin via 1sat ordinals
Ryan X Charles appears to have been co opted in order to attack / discredit BSV, ever since his rants on seeing god then his claim he was drugged, then his involvement with "women of bsv". The guy sold money button to Digital Coin Group, he turned sides for money after attempting to do as much damage as possible.

>> No.55006936

I tried to set up twetch. I sent bsv to the Twetch address and it never showed up. Whenever I have sent bsv to and from address it has always showed up in a timely manner. And the only way you can contact Twetch support is through twitter, which I’m banned from since my phone number got caught up with a suspended account. That Twetch shit glows in the dark . It’s like ran by a group of two faced commies. Elon moist is their leader or something and he tried to scam all over tswap.io which was uniswap for BSV. whereever these twetch frogs go they scam and ruin, yet they claim they are “building”

>> No.55006965

That's an awful lott of wacky words to justify holding the worst performing coin of the last 4 years. Very whimsical and faith-based. Almost like....a cult of some sort.

>> No.55007103
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Justify Greg MAXWELL of r3ddit making 20 different social media sock puppet accounts on every platform (jredz of stocktwits) to shill against bsv. Even making a went r3ddit sub devoted to shilling against BSV.

It’s almost as if there is some insider jewish “cult” that specializes in trafficking little children for israeli blackmail that has intensely devoted time and resources to destroying bsv’s reputation

>> No.55007427

You got my attention brother. Where buy and how much?