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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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55003583 No.55003583 [Reply] [Original]

>do really good at job
>they start giving me impossible tasks and enough work to kill a horse

Fuck corporations dude

>> No.55003604

i always act like i'm drowning under work when i'm doing mountain bike during my shifts

i got a 4% raise this year

>> No.55003613

enough work to kill a fucking horse?
that's a lot of work bro
horses need to be worked hard to die from work
do you froth at the mouth you work so hard?
do they hose you down when your body starts overheating?
you better watch out bro
some people put things up horses bums to make them work harder

>> No.55003636

no no no, anon u dont understand ur a serf. just do as little as you can do, and if they fire you just get hired somewhere else doing as little as you can do. working hard is only for personal development if u want that.

>> No.55003831

Yep that was my first job out of college
>2 years in doing good at job
>impress bosses, chitchat with them, lunches
>suddenly getting extra duties dumped on me
>get into argument during yearly performance review when I say a 2% raise isn't enough
>they say I have to prove myself by doing this work for another year to deserve a larger raise, and they are hard to push through HR because of company policies
>stop doing the extra duties, it's not worth 2x the work for a maybe
>get fired for not doing the extra duties that were not even part of my job originally and I was never paid for even though I had a flawless record and outperformed most people in my department just because I didn't accept an IOU as compensation
They're now suffering millions of dollars of downtime because everyone is quitting left and right because of workload issues. Which would have all been avoided if they just gave a normal raise. AND IT WOULD HAVE COST THEM ALMOST NOTHING IN COMPARISON

>> No.55003871

take the niggerpill and come in late, smelling like weed, talk loud for an hour, take 40 minute shits, talk only with blonde girls and then take another forty minute shit ....you'll get less work and still get a 20% raise

>> No.55003889

you see the problem here is you forgot that ur a serf and slave. you dont do this 'try' thing

>> No.55003926
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You fucked up doing a good job.

>> No.55003958

after a corporation has grown far beyond what it was at its founding by the original stakeholders, the entire management structure of the organization has been peter principled into place, meaning precisely not a single person left living has foresight beyond the next quarterly earnings report, and that means everyone down to your direct team lead

>> No.55003961

The trick is to do a really good job for about 4hrs of an 8hr day. You have the flexibility to ramp up or down based on workload. Some days you have literally nothing to do and other days you work 14hrs. The 14hr days will kill you if you're actually puting in 8hrs of high quality work every day.

>> No.55004034

same hahahah
i integrated chatgpt into one of my services the other day. when i say me i mean autogpt and i supervised. it took me a week, now i have the week off while my trainee finishes it off.
>t. promoted to senior dev 2 months ago
work hard and get fucked or look busy and get to fuck

>> No.55004195

>do job better than I did before
>coworkers are black and lie about working even harder than me, actually do no work
>boss thinks I am the lazy one
And done.

>> No.55004235


>> No.55004245
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This is the most blackpilling thing about the corporate world.

We were always told growing up that working hard will help us move up the corporate ladder faster.

In reality, if you work harder, you're simply seen as the "useful autist" that management and coworkers can exploit at will. If anything, since management views you as an autist, they'll come up with every excuse to not promote you, with excuses such as, "you work diligently and volunteer for over time, but you don't communicate with the team enough", and "you only live in the moment!" I know this because this was my exact fate at my old job before I finally gave up and quit after 5 years of working for the same company.

The only way to get ahead in the corporate world is by being Mr. Popular, just like it was in Middle + High School. And yes, sexual dynamics also play a role in this phenomenon, just like high school (women get promoted way easier than men do).

Hell, I remember some dude from my same apprenticeship class who managed to skyrocket at least several ranks above me to System Designer while I remained stuck in Programmer Level 2 purgatory. He was actually quite stupid & incompetent and he simply skyrocketed up the ladder simply because he was popular and the funny guy on campus.

tldr; be buddies with management, the "class clown" amongst normies *cough* your coworkers and you'll skyrocket up the corporate ladder faster than you know it.

>> No.55004441

>We were always told growing up that working hard will help us move up the corporate ladder faster.
I was not taught this. My Dad drilled it into my head that understanding requirements and the subtext of requirements and then delivering is what matters. There is no incentive for working hard, only delivering result.

>> No.55004463

>ENTRY LEVEL IT JOB (needs bachelor's degree and 1 year of experience at the same job)
>starting pay: 16 an hour
In the first place how do you get experience to get experience
In the second place, 16 dollars an hour?- lol
The USA is a country where they shit in your face and expect you to be grateful for the experience.

>> No.55004569

>i got a 4% raise this year
That's lower than inflation. You actually got a pay cut.

>> No.55004584

What would the Bateman's think of the conflict in Ukraine?

>> No.55004618
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Escape the corporate bs with PartyKartsToken, you can gamble all your money on a race to either make it or break it, tg is partykartsio

>> No.55004869
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The problem is anons, I do not have a college degree. So I can’t leave really until I have enough experience here to carry my resume. Plz kill me

>> No.55004924
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>We were always told growing up that working hard will help us move up the corporate ladder faster.
My dad literally told me this shit when i told him that i was coasting hard on my job without anyone noticing. These boomers are raised in a good economy and thinks that hard work= success

>> No.55005389

>start dropping the ball
>oh I guess he's not such hot shit
>he's still good, no reason to fire him though, let's just give it all to Jim

>> No.55005556

Stop, fuck man I wasn’t even trying to be hot shit I just wanted to do a good job

>> No.55005653

This sounds like constructive dismissal, look into it. You might be able to sue them or something depending on which country this is

>> No.55005702
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>bosses give me too much or they give me retarded tasks
>purposely sabotage my work and feign ignorance about all the problems, act like all the shit "features" are how I understood the request
>bosses always back off after this
I started doing this when I got pissed at my bosses and wanted to get fired, but instead they just relegated that work to someone else, reducing my workload.

>> No.55005712


In shitmerica it doesn’t matter and if it’s a “right to work” state it REALLY DOESN’T MATTER

>> No.55005749

If the thing you're doing badly isn't worth the trouble to fire you over, you can get away with it with zero consequences. I've been told countless times to show up on time to my job, but I know that they won't fire me just for being late, so I can ignore it and show up late. It would take them too long to train someone new

>> No.55006015

You think this, until one day it’s no longer true and reality bitch slaps you.

>> No.55006044
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At most jobs, you and the guy that sucks dogshit are going to be paid the same, but because you worked harder, they expect more out of you

>> No.55006055

as rare of the chance i do see this place or site, which is now at this time, wanting to get a laugh. This is unreal relatable, got off at 8pm est.

i feel you bro, and no good deed goes unpunished. literally scraped the twice baked potato out of my soul for informing what I helped mitigate and solve the fuck out of today after my last call.

>> No.55006100

me same man>>55006055

IB/BC hurts but it's better than drinking beer and skateboarding all time a year ago that I was doing. Still like both though. Have an unreal day tomorrow. and i know that's what u be doin' because thats how it is

see u in the 212

>> No.55006123

Hell yeah brother, double checked. Hope tomorrow goes smooth enough for you

>> No.55006156

all delusional teenagers that literally have no concept of a corp finance job, what it means to take ownership of what you want to do with a career, or ownership of self/role/tomorrow.

>> No.55006185

being a good competent worker is a curse.
if you're a worthless sack of shit you get paid to do nothing while your tasks gets given to the competent workers. ask me how i know

>> No.55006223

This is extremely true, I only got where I am at because I work hard in areas where most people don’t. On the other hand though there seems to be a ceiling to this strategy and I seem to have quickly reached it, because they give me problems now but not enough time to do it, and I don’t have the authority to tell other people to do it.

>> No.55006231

woe is you? definitely up late but ill be in times sq tomorrow 7am because I hate myself with a passion

>> No.55006269

feel hard, relate. fucked up hard first round in college, took a few extra. first job in IB from a strange opportunity. 1 year in, moved out of state and could complain but anytimeI could be upset about anything I'm trying to think of the good it could be doing as I type this dumb af comment

>> No.55006295

My favorite is retail jobs that send you home early if you are a good worker. Literally incentive to half ass shit to stay the full 8 hours

>> No.55006343

I can't blame to hard if there's no yearn. As well, shit's situational broh. There's a Papa Johns guy that wanted to do dishes rn but another delivery order came in his homie had to go out, the ovens are still dirty. There are also jobs in IB that people get to dance and leave at 4 but I'm in the circus of shit that action doesn't end till 6:30 then if it's shit I'm working on an e-mail after. and they even asked us to come in on Saturday this week

>> No.55006363

>be me at my job
>bosses expect me to do things
>do them at my normal pace
>they appreciate my work because a lot of it is drudgery they would rather not do
>have to think and pay attention on the job, but can take a few breaks here and there because I have little overhead

Am I the only one with a normal job around here?

>> No.55006367

>In the first place how do you get experience to get experience
internships or jobs given by family friends

>> No.55006387
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>do really good at job
you created you pb.
be bad at job but fun/nice guy. Oh it s anon bringing some coffee and snacks again....Thx anon

>> No.55006445

and I can relate on that, delegation is a mysterious "voodoo" you seem to have an ability to cast when you pass the threshold of 'direct shit in your face ohfuckohfuck' to 'oh yeah i kinda remember that, HEY "JOSH" how's that report on @*%@R^&% with that ###,###,###.## thing going on'

>> No.55006462

"Tomorrow morning okay?"

>> No.55006595

The best workers always get punished with more work. It's a good lesson for you

>> No.55006639

Just start delivering work slower and slower. No matter how many times your boss asks for you to deliver the results, just say "it's really hard it will take longer" and just put it off until you've stretched a hard task out so long that it becomes easy.

Eventually they will catch on that they need to give work to somebody else or hire more people to help you.

>> No.55006677

bro that's not how it works get real

>> No.55006827
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beautiful digits anon; truly a sight to behold

>> No.55006917
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I used to have a good job but I got fired for sleeping in my business hours
Now I'm living out of my VINU savings thanks to their last year 10x
Trying to get something new now :(

>> No.55006924
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By god it's true

>> No.55006977

Not saying merit can't be rewarded, just that often it is not the case

>> No.55007428

Hard work and smart work should be implemented at the same time. I work in a daily job and I am good at it. Plus I also generate passive income in crypto. I metastake UTK for 25% APY and atake ATOM in my ledger for 20% APY which is pretty reasonable imo.

>> No.55007481

>really small team in a factory
>only one other guy who I manage
>our CEO works from home 4 out of 5 days and doesn't seem to actually do anything
>workload is heavy
>other guy quits because the workload is intense and repetitive
>I explain to our CEO what the issues are and why he quit
>am told we're only going to hire for a direct replacement despite me making it clear that a single new hire will just quit in a couple of months because they haven't fixed the workload problem
The constant process of hiring and training will cost far more than just hiring two people. Whatever I'm out as soon as I get another offer. Never work for a startup.

>> No.55007502

The APYs are not bad. But is it consistent and safe?

>> No.55007528

Yes it is consistent and safe. It's been a year and I have got good returns. Plus tye value of the tokens are getting high as they develop vigorously especially with UTK. This month I am bullish as fuck cause they are rebranding as xMoney for the good with new features.

>> No.55007541
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Always do the bare minimum

>> No.55007544

at least when they want to fire someone you will be safe, I work too much not because I want money, but to keep my ass in peace so I can keep my PLEB bags

>> No.55007559

They are detached from awareness living like instinctive animals. Its your job to manipulate them

>> No.55007572

I would have been PISSED. Sorry you had to go through that bs.

>> No.55007584

Based. Too bad my gf can't take this advice.. I've tried.

>> No.55007595

A story old as time. Its like everyone involved is literally retarded.

>> No.55007747
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>> No.55008155

PLEB is shit shit.
CHUNKS is on the way to moon and beyond.

>> No.55008195
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>get job at convenience store
>do really well, master it effortlessly since it's such an easy job
>there are always two people and it's really chill once everything is done, on most days you can take long breaks, life is good
>few days here and there where the coworker is out sick I can still manage fairly well even though it's hard to do everything solo
>manager tells corporate how good of a worker I am, how much of a skilled little wagie drone I am, how I can do everything so easily and effortlessly
>corporate decides they ACTUALLY don't NEED TWO PEOPLE since I can OBVIOUSLY do EVERYTHING BY MYSELF
>and they fire my coworker, reduce crew size to one person per shift, and expect me to do all of the tasks while also running the checkstand
>absolutely grueling work, prospect of a break is literally non-existent but corporate says "feel free to take your legally required breaks whenever you can hehe"
>bring it up with my manage that I was only able to work so efficiently because I had someone else to run the checkstand while I was doing everything else
>she says "it's not that difficult, really. Corporate has determined that one person per shift is good enough"
>eventually find out that the better the store performs in the books, the higher the manager's quarterly bonus is
>manager basically threw us all under the bus so she could get a bigger bonus from corporate
>ask her once more to hire another person to work swing so we can return to having two people per shift again
>she refuses and says "the store can't afford it, and corporate won't allow me to hire another person"
>quit on the spot with no notice
fuck these people

>> No.55008517

Your dad was smart, the other guy is a retard who asks serfs what lords want.

>> No.55008616

Start your own business

>> No.55008637

desperate bankers need others to be nothing or their lifestyle will cause too much inflation to keep printing dollar out on people's head. GameStop ;)

>> No.55008645

Then a real company hires you and infaltion happens, bankers cry about it on 4chan lmfao

>> No.55008666

So there is no reward for taking no risk? That doesn't seem to align with the theme the rest went for posting in this thread, but banks are here 24/7 + pay for 4chan to exist so lol yeah we know because they have nothing else to do every person in finance has had their job entirely turned into pointless middleman for other people they hope are using doll gert$. A bad idea...Stonks

>> No.55008675

I buy what I value definitely don't keep dolgerts

>> No.55008770

>no risk
You’re fundamentally wrong about that, you take on the most risk with these jobs because they have unclear expectations, little chance of growth, yet will fire you for any reason destroying your career. People don’t work jobs like this in an office for no risk, they work them because they don’t have a better option.

>> No.55009493

I believe in high risk and high rewards so made 30x invested 1k in CHUNKS.

>> No.55010471

>just negotiate for betting pay bro
Libertarianism is a failure.

>> No.55010528
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Consultant here

This is the first job where I look at my superiors and don't actually want to get promoted, I'm sure they earn $$$ but they literally have no lives besides work

>> No.55010575

Protip: job adverts are often written by dumb HR people (not the hiring manager who actually understands the job you'll be doing) and are very flexible in practice

If anything the problem is that most people understand this so they just shove in a CV anyway as a YOLO, so every position gets 9000+ applications. So expect to put in like 30 applications and get 1 response as the norm.

>> No.55010601

Welcome to the real world. Underpromise and overdeliver, over and over again. Never work at 100%, don't even go at 70%.

>> No.55010685

Name, now

>> No.55010722

>quit on the spot with no notice

>> No.55010841

I don’t remember typing this

>> No.55010989

haha lol this is basically me. just don't piss off the wrong people and you're golden.

>> No.55011059

sunny ray

>> No.55011225

>be me
>wfh chad
>spend half the day drinking and doomscrolling
>still complete enough tasks to get promotions
Being good a your job is sick

>> No.55011670
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>get sales job
>performance is easily tracked by numbers
>fat bonuses and incentives tied to numbers
>follow the reinforcement schedule and only do what's tracked and rewarded
>ignore the bitch work
>superiors suck your cock every day because you make them look better
>value as an employee is unquestionable as long as you continue to do well

>> No.55011765

In this world it's truly fake it till you make it huh

>> No.55012570
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What happened to this project? Wasn't it supposed to be the next Chainlink or something?

Someone please explain

>> No.55013556


>> No.55013713

going through that shit now, quitting if Im not tranferred to another department
ahh yes good old slavehandlers/supervisors disrupting the status quo with their creative ideas noone wanted or needed, when they arent busy nitpicking your work of course

>> No.55013722

Confucius say: Work your manager or your manager will work you.

>> No.55013792

To add to this, make your boss you good, and they’ll reward you. Anything else is bullshit.

>> No.55013884

How do you know?

>> No.55014130
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>I get a job
>Start working at a normal pace, doing all the tasks
>boss complains im not "putting my 100%"
>says im not "on the team of the company"
>i get paid less because of this
>start working more
>take extra hours
>boss congratulates me
>my payroll goes back to normal
>they start giving me a ton of tasks because they know im desperate to keep the job
>at the end of the year party they congratulate the team even tho by this point im doing 75% of the tasks by myself without an increase in payment
Fuck man and corporations really want people to believe investing in crypto is "evil and bad to our economy" yeah asshole is bad for you because im making your salary in fucking no$thing tokens and you can't do jack shit about it

>> No.55016012
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>demoralization / anti-commie sentiment
yep, that's a KYS bingo right there

>> No.55016159

I made that post on data, I can’t have more than 1pdtid

>> No.55016471

Imagine being constantly reminded that you're nothing more than equipment.
Imagine being told you don't have any "rights" because you're disposable. Hell, you're not just disposable - you're consumable.
Imagine being treated as the lowest of the low, with no respect whatsoever.
Imagine being seen as nothing more than "grilled chicken" in everyone else's eyes.

>> No.55016526
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That's why you always give them 75% max capacity
Or even less if you're really good.
You fuck them before they fuck you.

>> No.55017654

a thread filled with people who work at a company & consider themselves irreplaceable pillars of the place LOL

Maybe start ur own business and make your own decisions you pieces of shit

>> No.55017764

Lie about college.

>> No.55019304

You deserve it for being a cuck and not doing only the bare minimum. Same with some people in my job who volunteer to be scrum masters or some shit to be in a 'higher' or 'leading' position while pretty much making the same pay and just having three times the responsibility while I browse 4chan