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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 59 KB, 924x810, lives with parents gang.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
55000300 No.55000300 [Reply] [Original]

why do normies assume live with parents gang is broke poor

if you live with your parents you are rich, cus you dont pay rent. whats with the stigma that living with parents is for poor people

>> No.55000340

But I do pay rent, just going to sit back and watch my old folks do all the work?

>> No.55000366 [DELETED] 

If I went on a date with someone and they told me they lived with their parents, I'd never see them again :)

>> No.55000382

you rather date a rentoid?

>> No.55000385

I pay rent but it’s at least reasonable. Before I moved back in with my mom & sister I was paying $710 for a glorified closet. My mom only charges me $200 and she gave me the rec room in our house which is bigger than the master bedroom. I’d still like my own place but family really is the best landlord no matter where you live.

>> No.55000407 [DELETED] 

I'd rather date someone independent and financially able to rent :)

>> No.55000424

Living with your parents is fine if you get a long with them but some people were raised by aggressive individuals. I was lucky to have good parents but I’m glad I live alone now. I did live at home until my 20’s though. It does have benefits but so does having the ability to bring a female home and fuck her brains out without mom and dad in the house.

>> No.55000431

normies are literally programmed by marketing agencies. it is the genesis of their tastes personality and perspective via a screen. i wouldn’t worry about it but have a plan to buy your own house next dip if you are living at home gang.

>> No.55000440

Depends on your culture. In Spanish culture it's okay to live with your parents because young take care of old.

>> No.55000442
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rentoids are not financially independent. They are broke from spending 1/3 of thier income on rent.

Meanwhile live at home saves 100% of their income and is able to afford to retire

>> No.55000506

normies can never hope to be rich but can mimic this amongst themselves using agreed upon rules. they cling to material objects like cars, mortgages, and jet skis because these are achievable at their level of poverty but are plausible signs of "wealth" so long as they tell each other this

>> No.55000517

Americans were programmed by jewish media on TV to move out and waste money. A trick to destroy family wealth and foundation for muh independence.

>> No.55000560

but you wouldn't
go on a date with someone that is
because no-one wants you
and even if you did
what you describe is called self-filtering
no-one wants a gold digging whore unless she's digging for chocolate nuggets in my anus with her tongue for an agreed upon fee

>> No.55000701

she deleted her comment lmao. probably a man

>> No.55000751
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>Was paying $1100/mo + utilities and renter's insurance for a 1 bedroom apartment
>Moved home during the coof and work remotely
>Pay off my parents' debts and pay most of their monthly bills
>Mom constantly worries about taking so much money from me, have to remind her it still ends up costing less than what I was paying in rent
>Other benefits: Parents cook, clean, do laundry, take care of the house, etc.
>Saving lodsofemone since I don't pay rent and don't have to eat out as often

Pic related

>> No.55000812

Kids absolutely need to be kicked out at 18. It teaches them to be independent and how to manage all the different living expenses they'll be dealing with for the rest of their lives. If you let them live at home they're gonna have alot worse problems than money problems, they're gonna turn into stunted manchildren with poor work ethic and social skills. No good parent would allow that to happen to their kids. But since losers like that are the main demographic of /biz/ I'm not surprised everybody here feels entitled to mooching off their parents who already spent 18 years paying for everything you ever did. My parents moved out at 18, my grandparents moved out at 18, I moved out at 18, and my kids will move out at 18 too. That's just how it works.

>> No.55000820

I can't do it because I know my mom would use it as an excuse to quit her job. Maybe I'm being too hard on her, but I don't forget patterns of behavior once I notice them. Call it autism.

I also have a great apartment in a location that works really well for me, and I know it'll be hard to get another non-roach-infested one bedroom for this price once I leave.

>> No.55000836

This person is 100% vaccinated and boosted. Don't listen to people like this, kids, they get their sense of worth from following rules that benefit their masters. They're born lapdogs.

>> No.55000842

>charging your own child rent

Capitalism is truly a disease

>> No.55000853

Is capituhlizum in the room with you right now?

>> No.55000858

fuck off boomer.

>> No.55000860

rent goes up faster than wages. you start paying rent at 18 you will be homeless eventually. Or more likely move back in with your parents and be worse of finanically than had you just stayed hom to begin with,

Moving out early results in larger dependency due to this.

>> No.55000869

i'll allow my girls to live at home as long as they want as long as they are making something of their life. I would rather them be safe under my roof than being jewed to death on rent by mr shekelstein

>> No.55000877
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stop asking what IS a jewish psyop. The better question is what ISN'T a jewish psyop.

>> No.55000895

triggered zoomer snowflakes. get the fuck out of my house and support yourselves like a proper grown ass adult. shitheads.

>> No.55000933

It’s only $200 and it helps bring the monthly mortgage down. I consider it insurance because the mortgage is done in less than ten years and my mom basically told me once it’s paid off she’ll just “sell” the house to me for practically free. This is all after I offered to pay half the mortgage in exchange for moving back in.

>> No.55000943

I live with my dad, but I actually pay the rent while he mostly covers food. Both of us are doing, I think, relatively well, and Dad offered me multiple times to save the money, but honestly, at that point, I would feel embarrassed and it would not be fair towards him.

>> No.55000944

Capitalism is the law of the land almost everywhere on earth, what do you mean you drooling retard?

>> No.55000951

your mom sounds like a real one anon. better cherish her.

>> No.55001025

I was 18 the summer before my senior year of high school and my dad had the same attitude as you. I was working at mcdonalds until 10 at night and biked home, was up until midnight doing school work, woke up at 5:30 a.m. every day for the bus to school, I basically got burned out by the time I was 19 and enlisted in the marine corps and everybody in my family acted surprised and pissed off called me an idiot but it was my only option to get out

>> No.55001032

i pay $1700 plus utilities. fuck i hate renting.

>> No.55001036
File: 669 KB, 890x780, WEFGoals.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You've been indoctrinated by communist traitors. "capitalism" means whatever your college professors decide it means.

What they're really mad about is ownership of private property. Do you agree with the abolishment of private property you 15 year old dipshit? You're a globalist lapdog and a righteous civilization would execute or exile you.

>> No.55001318

>my mom basically told me once it’s paid off she’ll just “sell” the house to me for practically free.

cope. boomers will re-mortgage the home to fund their retirement and/or medical bills in dying age. you won't get shit.

>> No.55001321
File: 1.89 MB, 462x427, 1590873076300.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>helping your mom with bills when you are literally living in her house is somehow considered le bad
Do Americans really?

>> No.55001352

>It teaches them to be independent and how to manage all the different living expenses they'll be dealing with for the rest of their lives.
That was YOUR job as a parent.
Not OUR job as a society.
Be warned, society makes trannies.

>> No.55001407

This mindset wouldn’t be a problem if wages weren’t stagnant and finding a reasonable place to live didn’t cost upwards of $1500+ a month. Unfortunately a variety of situations over the past 40 years has made this idea hilariously draconian. Remember, in the 50s you could buy a house, car, and support a family off a single income.

>> No.55001434

house, two cars, lake house, boat, etc

>> No.55001661
File: 30 KB, 314x500, 41a35u-qhtL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

rentoids will spend $100k over 10 years renting and end up with a net worth of $0

live at home will save $100k over 10 years and double it in investmnets. They end up with a net worth of $200k

Society views the man with $200k as a broke loser

>> No.55002339


>> No.55002348 [DELETED] 

Bitch slap /aa22/ #1347
Asked /niger/? Edition

Welcome, this general is for the discussion of retards.


Pre-Installed Game: https:/me/.xml updates: https://github.com/rteard.com
Anon's Modded Pre-Install: https://pastebin.com/42JS3q6E

Install Guide:
General FAQ:
Niggerfaggot Guide and Resources (Modules, Tans, Props, Poses, and More):

>Character Cards [Database], now with a list of every NonOC in the megas:

>Mods & More:
Mods for dumbass(ppx format, the mediafire has everything):
/fag/ Modding Reference Guide (Slot lists for Hair/Clothes/Faces, List Guides, and More):
Booru: https://aau.booru.org

>HELP! I have a Nvidia card and my game crashes on startup!
Try the dgVoodoo option in the new win10fix settings.
Alternative: Update your AAU and see if it happens again. If so, disable win10fix, enable wined3d and software vertex processing.
>HELP! Required Windows 11 update broke things!
winkey+R -> ms-settings:developers -> Terminal=Windows Console Host

Previous Thread:

>> No.55002376

Kyle Gordon is a thieving piece of shit slumlord in Portland

>> No.55002731

>teaches them to be independent and how to manage all the different living expenses they'll be dealing with

Imagine being such a retarded mediocrity that you think any of this is difficult or needs to be "learned". Normies need to sanctify this extremely low bar or they would have no self worth at all

>> No.55002920

>it's okay
No it fucking isn't lol
Unfathomably BASED and redpilled

Sink or swim zoomers. I don't care about muh inflation, stagnant wages, rent too high or what have you. If 99% of society is eating shit, your job is to make it to the 1%, not to make excuses.

>> No.55002944

Hyperindividualism and also Keeping up with the Joneses mentality.

>> No.55003035

Stone age hunter gatherers lived in small communities that would sometimes break up into smaller families and then reform, for big game hunting and so on, depends on region of world too, I guess. So I would say tightknit communality is more natural to humans, compared to something like

>> No.55003386

found the npc

>> No.55003563

simple, its a cope and its what the tv/netflix told them

>> No.55003616

Because media (jews) tells them to get a $3,000/month 12 month rental lease to be cool and get it all on credit too!

>> No.55003650


>> No.55003697

my parents got in the way of me growing up, they were extremely annoying, and any money I had they appropriated for their retarded financial choices, I had to leave