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File: 153 KB, 1200x628, 1669286266044372.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
54999866 No.54999866 [Reply] [Original]

where is the objectively best place in the USA to buy a house in right now, and why?

>> No.54999891

There is no "objective", everyone has different priorities. Got any criteria?

>> No.54999910

what does this graph represent? total home sales? population growth/decline?

>> No.54999935

Fuck off, we're full.

>> No.54999942

>people flocking to states at risk of extreme weather catastrophe


>> No.54999972

fuck off

>> No.54999994

slow down, you're going to confuse OP who is a retarded /pol/nigger

>> No.55000028

As a white person? St. George UT or that area.

>> No.55000179

>go live in Zion fellow goy
nice try

>> No.55000189


>> No.55000310

Tennesse or W. Virginia.
Beautiful nature.
Affordable housing.
A great balance between natural conservatism and celebrating the golden age of science.
Far away from Woke York.
Far away from Trump country down south.
Great gun laws.
Will not be affected the water wars.
Will not be affected by the great shortage or immigrantion.
Has Dollywood which is the better Disneyland.
Go here if you value freedom, faith, science and humanism.
Except if you're a trann+y. In which case you need to go to SanFran and pay federal tax.

>> No.55000334


It's very underrated if you want a conventional life. Hardly any other places in the country balance low cost of living, decent job opportunity, "more traditional" American values than midwestern cities/suburbs.

The southeast would be my other pick but it isn't quite as balanced imo. And there's way more joggers.

>> No.55000343

South Dakota

>> No.55000391


>> No.55000426
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Indiana, Ohio, West Virginia, or Kentucky

Everywhere else is either full of shitskins, kikes, shabbos goyim, or is some desert/swamp bullshit

>> No.55000427

Texas and Florida.
Projected future economic and pop growth. Most of the eastcoast isn't growing, most of the west coast is actively declining. Buying a house in either is a bad investment by definition, and an expensive dangerous place to live. Florida and Texas aren't heaven, but they still have a likely boom ahead of them. A house is a good investment in those two, it's as safe and prosperous as the US gets. The Midwest and other in the middle of nowhere areas are in the middle of nowhere. If that's what you're looking for, they're good options too, but it comes at a substantial cost to growth potential and living standards

>> No.55000453

>west coast is actively declining

god i hope so

>> No.55000483

Home prices in the place i live in north carolina wont stop going up. Everyone i talk to says they wont stop. Multiple people i know are FOMOing into houses. Im leaving though.

>> No.55000511

Northwest Arkansas

>> No.55000525


I'm going to say it right now, quality of life is still higher in better midwestern states. It's just boring because we don't have a coast. That's pretty much it. Everyone who comes here from TX/FL remark on how much cleaner and orderly it is. We live great lives, to the point that people get bored and look for something crazy in CA/TX/FL/NY.

>> No.55001024

This anon has it right. Add in North Georgia (Gilmer, Pickers, Fannin, Rabun counties) and select non-Asheville-infected areas of Western N. Carolina. Tennessee is probably still your best bet though. N. Florida too, from Ocala up to the GA line, but you have to be prepared for the heat, bugs, and rain.

>> No.55001057

This guy gets it. Weather, population density, things to do. Everyone has different priorities and traits they want in a neighborhood

>> No.55001229

Same, North Carolina is growing like mad and I'm looking to move somewhere more rural and laid back and with less minorities

>> No.55001315

>Northwest Arkansas
Wrong this place is a shithole full of jeets, traffic, and over priced housing.

>> No.55001529

>Mormon cult city

Lol no

>> No.55001544

Philadelphia center city if we're talking roi

>> No.55001785

The place with the least amount of joos and kneegrows

>> No.55001826
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same. i actually dont want to live in a state that has future prospects. growth is a fucking meme that just means more shitskins arriving. does anyone actually think its whites contributing to population growth? I am not interested in having the value of the property I live on go up. I want stagnation so I dont have to stress about rising living expenses.

>> No.55002305
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Long term good investment or short term Austin-level gains?

For the latter? Southern cities that haven't quite blown up during the pandemic.

For the former? The rust belt. Especially around the Great Lakes. In a decade or so, the migration you've seen to the sunbelt will reverse course as Americans flee climate change and seek affordability. Specifically, you'll want to buy in places where urban infill and gentrification are possible. And when I mention some of the places, you are going to think I'm insane. I promise, you will thank me in a few decades.

Great Lakes-adjacent Rust Belt cities are the prime targets:
>Grand Rapids
>Detroit (seriously)
>Kansas City
>St. Louis (questionable on this one)
>Cleveland (also questionable)
>Minneapolis/St Paul

You'll want to look for dense, walkable, MAJORITY WHITE OR HISPANIC neighborhoods to get the best bang for your buck. Otherwise, you'll be stuck in a spiral of crime and the neighborhood will never improve.

But the idea is simple:
>buy in a relatively run-down neighborhood on the edge of gentrification
>white hipsters will move in
>hipsters set up boba tea shops and artisan coffee joints
>neighborhood improves, more wealthy urbanites move in
>wealthier urbanites demand better city services
>city gives it to them
>neighborhood gets nicer
>now a livable area
>exit to a californian at a 700% markup
Too easy.

>> No.55002343

Every kike, thot, nigger and liberal is moving from ny and cali to those states.

>> No.55002512

>buy in a relatively run-down neighborhood on the edge of gentrification
>white hipsters will move in
>hipsters set up boba tea shops and artisan coffee joints
>neighborhood improves, more wealthy urbanites move in
>wealthier urbanites demand better city services
>city gives it to them
>neighborhood gets nicer
>now a livable area
>exit to a californian at a 700% markup
You are spot on here, I’m a Great Lakes anon and will hopefully be buying within the next year or so. There are some neighborhoods primed for gentrification. I’m fucking off to the Northwoods in the end though, not commiefornia

>> No.55002573

>I’m fucking off to the Northwoods in the end though, not commiefornia
As you should. I should note that I'm not meaning you should move to california when you sell, rather to sell to a californian. lmao

I am in Chicago and love this city but I will outgrow it eventually. My fiancee's family is from the UP and I'd love to buy some land up there eventually when I exit my startup and my kids are grown adults

>> No.55002619

Oh my bad, lol.

Milwaukee, myself. Love/hate it but don’t plan on staying here forever. That said, nowhere else I care to go city wise. UP or Northwoods WI would be comfy.

>> No.55002778

goddamn I need to get out of georgia. fucking sick

>> No.55002810

California, because you belong there

>> No.55002828

Would you accept an asian person moving to you're state? Asking for me

>> No.55002829

Ohio Kentucky and Indiana are niggerville. I've been going out to the pacific northwest the past few years for work and every time I come back to Ohio it's like returning to a third world country.

>> No.55002906

Growth just means higher taxes, more traffic, pollution, and more diversity. It's only a positive if you already own a home and plan on leaving for somewhere else. Literally the quality of everything in life decreases the more people are there. Except investing I guess.

>> No.55003011
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>living in a state without a coast

>> No.55003117

>living in a state where you can only drive maybe two hours tops in one direction without driving into the ocean

>> No.55003360

>Ohio Kentucky and Indiana are niggerville.
Kent, Ohio is niggerville?
Cleveland or urban Ohio in general I will concede

>> No.55004963

checked. try east river bottom country

>> No.55005487

are you some kind of dumbass?

>> No.55005554
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We all know

>> No.55006658
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LOL no. You want white. Spics are even worse than niggers, because their population is only increasing.

>> No.55006686
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Tennessee yes. West Virginia no.

>> No.55006791

can you even buy anything in utah as a non-mormon?

>> No.55006803

TX or FL. Best states with no income taxes. Unless you are a broke nigger or mexican. Then commiefornia for handouts

>> No.55006998

St George is a soulless stripmall of a city, decent nature though. The modern Mormon is a vapid consooooomer, fed a diet of oversized sugar cookies and fastfood. I have never met a group of people less capable of independent thought. Specifically Utah Mormons, the Mormons I've met outside of Utah good company.

>> No.55007058
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No income tax in Tennessee as well.

>> No.55007117

I know but TX or FL>TN. There are more states that dont have income taxes. Alaska for example.

My point is that TX FL is overall best choices imho.

>> No.55007174

Both of these states are becoming overpopulated and overpriced jungle shitholes within the next 10-20 years. The Texas border is a time bomb disaster waiting to go off where 10s of millions will call the state home just from foreign crossings alone, on top of millions more more from domestic migration. And for Florida, Imagine living on a disaster prone peninsula with millions of other Boomers between you and the mainland through a couple choke points. Home prices and rent are also skyrocketing in these two places (more so Texas than Florida), which you also get screwed up the ass in property taxes to compensate for not having an income tax. The only attractive offering these two still have are lower costs of living and lower energy prices, and the more conservative state level politics of that's your thing. I would recommend looking elsewhere across the South for cheaper options that's not on the radar yet from most of the herd.

>> No.55007187

Well things I like

Conservative firebrands

Better temperatures

Also what you are saying is a problem if you are broke nigger or mexican but not a big deal for the rest. Any professional can make a better life. Now that s my honest opinion. I respect yours. This is just my angle.

>> No.55007195

-Bull Trap States-

-Shithole States-
New York
New Jersey

-Actually Bullish (Fuck Off, We're Full) States-

>> No.55007245

I'll give you that, not dealing with months of snow or freezing your balls off is a plus. If you had a business or made a lot of money, then the tax burden would be noticably less than in dem shitholes. My point was that TX and FL may seem attractive now, but wait another generation from now and it won't be the same story, to each their own though, decision respected.

>> No.55007311

Tennessee is already a boom state, only a fucking retard would buy there now

>> No.55007333

-Bull Trap States-

-Shithole States-
New York
New Jersey

Mild Potential
South Dakota
North Dakota

-Actually Bullish States-
West Virginia

>> No.55007363

ah I forgot Missouri they're bullish as well

>> No.55007377

Why would Idaho be a bull trap

>> No.55007388

only good thing about living in connecticut

>> No.55007405

*is that it has one

>> No.55007419

I hear you anon. I wish US starts to act crypto payments just like Arms & McGregor in Dubai so it would me more convenient. Just my opinion

>> No.55007564

Florida to have a free lizard zoo, plus the last time I went through there things weren't that expensive, if I keep holding PLEB for a few years maybe I'll get one over there

>> No.55007581

all the califags already moved there even over the course of the last 20 years, house prices are pretty high, better options

it's bordered by multiple insane liberal shitholes

if we're talking in a business sense, the price is already inflated and it will continue on that course

>> No.55007652

nice and quiet

>> No.55007656

I already did this with Detroit btw

Bought a house just on the edge of the city and a working class suburb for $300 + $7000 in unpaid taxes in 2010 and spent the summer fixing it up with my dad. Sold it for $45k in 2011

>> No.55007659

Michigan has plenty of coastline and if you're not counting it because it's fresh water you're a freak

>> No.55007847
File: 261 KB, 800x1206, yberpunk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Had a wild wild dream years back. Before the pandemic, before this climate change bullshit. Around 2016. I was meditating daily back then to clear my mind, and was primarily focused on my day to day life. Nothing out of the ordinary.
One day, I fell asleep in my car at work, and I had a dream.
In this dream, I was transported into this futuristic city, and my mouth dropped. "Fucking New Hampshire?!"
Looked exactly like pic related. You couldn't see the sky, everything was blackish grey, so I don't know if it was day or night. Lots of massive metal piping going everywhere, and people. People everywhere as if it were nyc but the smog & pollution was intense. I just kept saying to myself in the dream "This is New Hampshire?! wtf?!" over and over again. In this dream,I was looking through someone else's eyes not my own. Like 3rd person.
He had on a backpack, a black dufflebag over his shoulder with jeans and cowboy boots.
Pic related is the closest picture I can find

>> No.55007905

Don’t listen to this faggot. Fuck off, we’re full.

>> No.55007918

>doesn't even list washington/oregon/California
Fuck bros it's over

>> No.55007972

yea, I kind of just copy pasted that other guys list to save time

in a way oregon actually has a chance because they were pushing that greater idaho initiative

>> No.55008592

Your best chance is to leave the country kek. Go to a place like Malaysia, get land cheaply, then apply for a loan from mnicorp for your business. When you have made your money, you can buy land from anywhere in the US.

>> No.55008709

U.S Virgin Islands if you're not a pussy

>> No.55008732

spics are oblivious to how the appear to the rest of society. something to do with that iq i guess.

>> No.55008747

The Bible belt is full, dont come here. Confederates everywhere still and lynching is a thing

>> No.55008780

It's actually empty and houses are selling off as people expect a government shutdown and property values to drop dramatically as land opens that was sectioned off defended by red tape and socialist bankers propping up housing mkt for them to dump and steal $ from people. For their own clan. GameStop. xD

>> No.55008792

shouldn't you be recruiting, you're barely hanging on and just lost georgia

>> No.55008962

recruiting for what? GA is going woke, LA has too many blacks running everything. FL has too many people, TX is turning blue

>> No.55009097

Missouri is massively underrated

>> No.55009248

Why would you buy a room on a sinking ship?

>> No.55009266

Every other ship has already sunk (LATAM) or is sinking faster (Europe) or doesn't want you (Japan)

>> No.55009277

shut the fuck up we're full.

>> No.55009392

Sounds like in your dream NH became Chiba from Gibson's novel. The only problem is that Asian cities are very dense due to population size and available land, while the US is just huge compared to how many people live in it. If anything, I expect the US to become more distributed, with many more smaller towns popping up as more and more work is done remotely. Cool dream, though.

>> No.55009397


Sinking compared to who? Lmfao

>> No.55009414

>Go to a place like Malaysia

Kuala Lumpur is nice, but to think that US is worse is just wishful thinking. Malaysia is built on oil revenue, which will one day end. US has it all. It's an empire for a reason. Current cultural / societal issues will eventually be resolved one way or the other. Structural advantages will remain.

>> No.55009417


Which part? From what I've seen of PNW cities they're overrun with homeless people and trash but I've honestly never been to Oregon/Washington

>> No.55009424

>socialist bankers
Now that's a stupid thing to say

>> No.55009428


Land is still very cheap in that East Tennessee area and I imagine it's only going to keep getting popular as the years go by. It's like Fortress White People and you get to feel like you're on vacation every time you step out of your door and get a whiff of beautiful mountains and lakes.

>> No.55009644

I'm trying to decide between NH and ME. I like that theres no income tax or sales tax in NH, but those property taxes worry me.

ME has income and sales tax, but seems like lower property taxes and cheaper housing prices.

>> No.55009702
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>Europe is sinking faster than the US
anon I...

>> No.55009721



Specifically LA County or San Francisco.
It's great for OP.
Because, you know...

>> No.55009729

Finance and politics are the same.
>Tolerate replacement already!
>Omg the economy is gonna kill us all!
>Ignore suicide rates correlation with illegal immigration.
>Now pay more in taxes!
I wish that finance and politics were separate...

>> No.55009790

Hispanics cause crime that targets the children of whites... Every time. Every time. Don't fight it, avoid it.

>> No.55009840

West Virginia is cheap but the one's that cross the state border to work where I am are have attitude problems and are legit crazy.

>> No.55009850

Hiring opportunities depend on the color of your skin now tho, at least in my area...

>> No.55009905

Time for counties to secede states.

>> No.55009916

They ARE socialists... WEF is Marxism.

>> No.55009930
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organic party registration trends still favor Republicans. Dems just have a much louder media/academic megaphone, that has diminishing returns. They are just about out of nigger votes in Philly, Detroit, and Milwaukee to keep them alive in the midwest so... maybe this is the region to move to.

>> No.55009945


Here you go

>> No.55009946


It's counterintuitive, but corporations converge towards Marxism as centralized economies imply total control of resources. Not all businesses are for a free market, the larger ones in fact start to collude with and weaponize the state against small and middle sized competitors.

>> No.55009960


Lmfao, I love when lefty thinktank visuals backfire like this. Avoid orange at all costs

>> No.55009961
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>great schools
>high standard of living
>equidistant to NYC, Boston, and Providence
>high paying jobs
>fall in New England can't be topped
Sure, if you're a redneck, you won't like it here (maybe with the exception of Litchfield and Windham county). But saying that the coast is the only good thing is just wrong.

>> No.55009972

No we're not dumbass. We need more conservatives to come to protect our gun laws. Trannies or city lovers not welcome though. Nature conservationists who care about self defense are most welcome.

>> No.55010022

i completely agree with you anon, but most people don't think that far nor plan ahead when it comes to living areas and such. but it's accelerating, which people still don't realize. I recommend people not to move to anywhere where coastline is eroding. that's a recipe for disaster especially in places such as florida. texas also is going to be a firestorm if the country enters civil war / balkanization mode especially with the migrants

>> No.55010111

He's a tranny?

>> No.55010131
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It's important to note total tax burden as well. States like TN and TX will get you in other ways (e.g. property or sales tax).

What's Florida's secret you ask? How do they fund everything?
Well the answer is they really don't. Government services in Florida are shit. And if that's something you like, then by all means, it's the state for you.

Just don't send your kids to public school or expect any option aside from driving to get to work.

>> No.55010132

There are crazy people everywhere. A few anecdotal stories do not make statistical evidence. That being said, I once met some true freaks in New York. So I know where you're coming from.

>> No.55010135

Do people who jog disrupt daily life that much in America?

>> No.55010144


Sometimes they like to rob construction sites and attack people

>> No.55010160


Government services are shit in Illinois too. More money thrown at government does not mean better services. Better servicers means better services. More often than not you only need a fraction of current revenue to support services the public generally uses, the rest is thrown at welfare queens and bureaucratic grift.

>> No.55010243

Yeah. They do.

Off course there are good ones. Smart, driven friendly joggers. That will help you out.

The problem is they are the minority. The majority has very poor impulse control. They see it? They take it. They want it? They rape it. They need a high? They do it.

And the worst of all they do NOT understand correlation and causality. They do not understand that if they do drugs or crime and neglect their house/family/work the neighborhood goes to shit.

And I understand why they do it. Everybody wants to be free and impulsive. It's just that it ruins the world for everyone around you.

Thanks for coming to my Ted Talk. Take away notes; learn about impulse control.

>> No.55010303

North Dakota
Alaska if you are young

>> No.55010518

I can't disagree there. Corruption and bullshit programs eat up WAY too much state revenue than they supply and it's infuriating. Much of that funding goes to welfare, pensions (which is a whole other issue), and of course, corruption. I'd gladly support marginally higher taxes if they actually went to something that improved the public good. Schools are a prime example as that's what property taxes primarily fund. There are a few bright spots though
>Metra is extremely efficient and almost always on time, very safe too
>Public schools are excellent in most suburbs; some of the best in the country (fiancee works at one so I can personally vouch for this); selective-enrollment CPS schools are also extremely high-achieving.
>Outside of the city, highways are generally pretty clean and well-kept (you will be paying obscene tolls though)
>Lots of government subsidies for capital development projects, which depending on the project can be great
But overall I agree. It depends on what you want out of a state. And the waste that goes on at the state/local level is maddening.

>> No.55011990

I agree, but how do we filter for people who support gun rights and conservation without letting in leftists? The Californians from state of Jefferson are much different than sillicon valley tesla soi boys. So we have to tell the internet our states are full and let the individuals with the bare minimum of self-awareness figure out where to move to.

>> No.55011996

>Don't be my neighbor, I'm saving that spot for the illegal immigrants that were bussed here to meet the Kalergi Quota!

>> No.55012018


The majority of Cali/NY refugees are in fact the right leaning ones, who are jumping ship first. Data shows out of state Texans vote more right wing than "native" Texans. For the ones that aren't in this camp, all you can do is remind them of how retarded they are whenever they suggest doing the same thing that fucked their old state up.

>> No.55012315

Does this account for the high concentration of boomers in Florida who are going to start dying off over the next 10-20 years? The villages are going to be a ghost town after that

>> No.55012346


There's always the next generation of golf cart riding retirees

>> No.55012374

Unfortunately all of the 55+ communities that are legally allowed to discriminate based on age will definitely be somehow prevented from ever entering the open market again - it would be bad for real estate prices so it simply cannot happen

>> No.55012628

>The villages are going to be a ghost town after tha
Coming from a (former) floridian, there will always be new old people to replace the ones that die.

However, an opportunity absolutely presents itself in the places they've left. Midwest in particular.

>> No.55012642

I’ve been saying this for years and people brush me off as crazy but hear me out. The politicians/elite overlords in Illinois have purposely let crime and taxation run rampant in Chicago for the sole purpose of suppressing housing prices so they can consolidate as much real estate for themselves as possible. When the fresh water crisis truly starts to devastate the western United States all those retards living in the desert are going to move to Chicago which happens to sit on mighty Lake Michigan. Chicago is going to become the Saudi Arabia of fresh water over the next few decades so from a financial perspective makes sense. buying up homes in and around Chicago. But also can’t go wrong getting a house anywhere in Great Lakes region our time is coming very soon.

>> No.55012695

You broke the first rule

>> No.55012807

>let the individuals with the bare minimum of self-awareness figure out wh
We are capable of figuring it out on our own, so don't tell anyone

t. Floridaman who fled DC for east TN during the coof (it's awful here though, there's no good sushi restaurants or barcades)

>> No.55012810

There is quite literally nothing to do in North Dakota. It’s not a particularly beautiful state either.

>> No.55012946
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>ban foreigners from owning land
>limit number of properties individuals can own. implement law immediately and require immediate selling of current properties if someone owns more than 2 or 3 etc.

brainlet here. why doesn't the government just do this? prices would fall and people would actually be able to afford a fucking house then.

>> No.55012993
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There doesn't exist something where is "objectively" better to live in. I love living in Texas but people think the heat is a bitch and a half. Tho if you really want a good review of the place, Austin is a really good city, good schools... I finally paid the last payment of my house (which i bought after a massive pump on my peepo bags btw) and i put a down payment for a car, gf thinking of moving in with me, good weather, etc.
But it all boils down to where you like to live op

>> No.55013051


>> No.55013096

>where is the objectively best place in the USA to buy a house in right now, and why?
why are people speding hundreds of thousands of USD for shitty wood composite "houses"..?? i don't get it, was it just because money was literally free? if that's over, aren't prices gonna drop eventually? and drop by a lot, a wood composite "house" is not even worth 100k in my opinion, it degrades way faster than brick and mortar.

>> No.55013129

Way overpriced. Maybe when all the boomers die.

>> No.55013191

Jews and Boomers want more money. They don't care about the long term consequences.

>> No.55013370

>there will always be new old people to replace the ones that die.
the problem is that old people who grew up in a different generation don't turn out to be exactly the same as the previous old people, so it's unlikely that they'll want to retire in the same place that their parents/grandparents did

>> No.55013597

>limit number of properties individuals can own

so communism then

>> No.55013814


Fairly good answer, but eventually we are going to run out of states to do this. Instead, we should be thinking about why we are even living in a "legacy" country like the United States, Canada, Great Britain, or anywhere in Europe. If non-white populations are projected to become a majority, then what's even the point of staying? Zero difference between it and the 3rd world at that point, so why not just leave? At least in the 3rd world, you'll get access to better prices.

IMHO, the true "smart money" move is to abandon ship right now. Convert your guns to full-automatic, bury them somewhere hidden (in Gary's Mod, of course), then LEAVE. Go to where the non-whites already are (non-white countires). Rule over the non-whites while hoarding your cash from a remote job. Keep your bloodline pure, do not cum inside Asian or African women. Then return the the US to fight if reconquista ever kicks off.

>t. true knower

>> No.55013831


Meant for:

>> No.55013839

Hello Center City investor. I see you in every investment property thread. Good to see you present. Also, i still say West Philly, right on the gentrification line on the western broader is a better investment.

>> No.55013857

Jews are not people, Anon. Neither are the Chinese. 1 home + 1 vacation home is enough.

>> No.55013880

Google the states that are best suited to handle climate change. As much as I like Arizona, its going to be a hot and dry shithole soon, I can't buy a house here

Unfortunately a lot of the states that are "good for climate change" are also democrat states. As a former democrat, i am fleeing every blue state shithole because you will literally be indicted by Alexandria Oscario Cortez for defending yourself against a black person.

>> No.55013904

We were lords

We controlled entire countries

You are promoting equality when it doesn't exist in nature

>> No.55013918

puerto rico no crypto tax technically a part of the USA or some shit like that

>> No.55013944

If I'm like an average vanilla gay, will I be okay? Like obviously I'm a literal fag, but I'm a little red pilled and I don't like trannies?

>> No.55013957

GA sucks ass if anyone cares

Unless you're on the coast then it's mildly ok

>> No.55013974

>We was kangs

Then own multiple homes in non-white countries. Don't lord over your brethren. Chinese are your land lord anyway now, right? Does that mean they are superior to you? Thought so.

>> No.55014100

Call it what you want, but your definition of communism is better than "you will own nothing and be happy."

At the very least they need to make land lord ship less profitable. I know some people that got in early on the housing market and constantly tell me all of the tax breaks, the extremely easy loopholes, the capital gains dodges to make it more profitable than my dumb ass working and saving like a soulless machine for the last 5 years

>> No.55014192
File: 238 KB, 1298x946, property tax by county.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Property tax is only high in blue counties.

>> No.55014244
File: 161 KB, 1000x710, map-census-2020.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Florida and Texas are full of shit skins.

>> No.55014501
File: 31 KB, 587x450, population change by state.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Nashville area sure, but Eastern TN is just now getting figured out.

Metro Knoxville is 83% white - highest of any metropolitan area of it's size or larger in the country. Rich whites are spending a ton of money in the mountains around Dollywood.

Tri-cities area is still a bargain - Kingsport/Bristol is only 200k for a house, Johnson City 250k.

State is solidly red unlike other NC/GA.

>> No.55014516

Essentially this desu

>> No.55014539

>dead economy
>no appeal to WFH employees
>no appeal to retirees


>> No.55014597

>communism is when anybody makes rules I don't like, and the less I like it the more communist-er it is
that's not what communism is you fucking retard

>> No.55014675
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Baltimore cause it's place where you can most likely build your monero business

>> No.55014687

/biz/ has really gone downhill so i'll be the one to answer: that map is showing black population by state in 2023

>> No.55015013
File: 29 KB, 527x374, arizona.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>only 34k blacks in Arizona


>> No.55015418

Greetings fellow Illinois chad.

I live in the West Suburbs.
>Top tier public schools, majority white. Last year 6 grads out of 90 grad class got accepted to ivy league.
>Property taxes are high-ish but not worse than East or West coast. I pay 7k per year on a 600k house. I have a 3 acre lot with a 3k sf house. Green as fuck with big maple trees.
> Neighbors are all white (polish or Lithuanian). Good people and culturally confident. Quite open about hatred of jogger culture. Totally cool about using arbitrary hoa rules to keep neighborhood jogger free.
>Close enough to a big city to get cool shit like concerts, culture but far enough away for joggers to roam into neighborhood
>Home prices are extreme lly affordable compared to the prevailing wages.
>Nigger anons here hate cold weather, but I consider it a homeless bum filter. Winter is only 2-3 months. get white Christmass occasionally and beautiful fall/ spring. Obscene heat year round is wildly overrated.
>Local police here (dupage county) are first rate. Very fast and responsive. Majority white too.
>Ohare is actually an awesome airport. Can get pretty much anywhere in the world direct. I go to Hawaii every year with the kids.

Plus all the global warming stuff too. Actually forget all i wrote. Its shit here. Stay away. Move to Philly. Yeah Philly is the future!

>> No.55015427

*3/4 acre lot.

>> No.55015622

you forgot corporations

>> No.55015651

Texas, Florida, New England area imo

>> No.55015662
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Same Illinois anon. Not sure if ID has changed.
>western burbs
>low-ish property taxes
>great public schools
>giant lot
Guessing Barrington? Very nice. My best friend's from Barrington. You're much further along in life than I am; 26 and still very much enjoy living in the city.
Without doxing, I'm in Lakeview/North Center area (off the paulina stop) in a nice condo I got in 2020 when everyone was fleeing the city. Deal of the century. A little less than half what your house is worth.
In a top CPS elementary district too, so even if my (future) kids don't test into a selective-enrollment school - I've heard kindergarten especially is wildly competitive - I have a fallback plan without having to sell my place and give up my exceptional interest rate.

>obscene heat year round is overrated
I grew up in Florida and fully agree. I don't think I'll ever go back except MAYBE when I retire. Wages here are much higher compared to COL and being engaged to a public employee it makes complete sense to stay put.

>Plus all the global warming stuff
This can't be understated. The southwest is going to start rationing water like South Africa rations electricity and it's going to spur a massive return to the Great Lakes region in general, especially as our winters grow more mild. Keep in mind that a large chunk of those new arrivals to states like
>Even California in many cases
Have roots in the Midwest. The first place they'll look is close to home. We are super fucking early.

And if we ever get the joggers on the S/W sides to stop jogging, it's game over.

>> No.55016396
File: 100 KB, 1280x886, 1627947627553.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thanks for leaving out VT, stay away aspies

>> No.55016414

Actually, Im Downers Grove. Not doxxing myself either. I moved here from California (which I liked) but married a Midwest gal who wanted to be closer to her family. I said sure if we had 2 more kids in exchange ( we had 2already) and the deal was struck.

Cant go back, although I do miss the ocean (thats why I fly to Hawaii every year).

The city is fucking crazy and run by criminals but suburban Chicago and the rural areas are actually quite well run, as I described above.

What people tend to forget too about the midwest is just how important food production is the world of the future and Illinois has the most productive farmland in America (outside of California inland empire which is god tier). Everybody thinks Iowa, Kansas, etc but Illinois produces the most ag products net and per capita of all thr states. Abundant rainfall and rich soils with lots of sun, mean that will be very profitable for farmers forever. There is a reason Chicago exists where it does; its a "coastal" city connecting the Mississippi delta production to the east coast.

Im bullish on Illinois. But move to Philly. Really its much better. Illinois sucks acually. Stay away.

>> No.55017379
File: 162 KB, 1124x377, naperville.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Midwest suburbs peaked 20 years ago. None of the areas have been able to maintain their demographics as whites move out, younger whites aren't having kids, and non-whites are replacing them. Property taxes are triple what they are in other parts of the country with similar schools, and the infrastructure is shit. Traffic into the city is insane. Weather is only good from May-September. White Women in Illinois vote D+6. Wisconsin D+3. Minnesota D+6.

>> No.55017435

please exit the mitten at once

>> No.55018016


Fellow Illinois bois

This state is a mess, but it's home. We have some real issues to solve with our pension problem, but while we're the worst in the nation....I'm surprised how common it is amongst other legacy states and cities. Pritzker seems to have been pretty competent with the states finances, which has me mildly hopeful (wanted to hate him, but hey I'll take any wins we can get).

I think we're going to see some good news in the next decade. We'll probably get shit on in the national press for the next few years, which I really hope we do. Trying to snatch up some investment properties in areas of Chicago ripe for gentrification in my lifetime. Crime is ridiculous....I mean not in my neighborhood, but you know. But a lot of the poor black people are moving out to the south, in droves. Lot's of yuppies moving in, and former black neighborhoods going Latino. I'm looking for 10-20 year real estate plays when water becomes a real shift situation in the coming decades.

>> No.55018047

Retard lmfao

>> No.55018228
File: 90 KB, 636x600, chicago.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The only people leaving the Chicago area are whites. Niggers are moving to the suburbs, and spics are moving in everywhere.

>> No.55018262

Chicago and the Chicago suburbs are fucking disgusting hellholes and you couldn't pay me to live there. Only a retarded nigger from California could possibly think Illinois is a decent place to live fucking kek.

>> No.55018278
File: 1.57 MB, 1644x1004, 1677448029005916.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What about Pennsylvania?

>> No.55018322

>Data stops at 2017

Bro my neighborhood is getting whiter every year sounds like a you problem

>> No.55018359
File: 425 KB, 2560x1266, 2020s.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>thinks it's gotten better since 2017

The Chicago posters on this board are worse than the moron spamming the shacks in WV.

>> No.55018371


>> No.55018500
File: 802 KB, 1920x1331, snow2019.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Winter is only 2-3 months
>beautiful fall/ spring
Lies. It's cloudy, windy and cold from mid October until April most years.

>> No.55018549

higher living expenses is determined by aggregate world growth. if you're not growing as fast as the world average then you're getting poorer

>> No.55018577

likely only 34k live there and they lied about it to protect the rigged election

>> No.55018590
File: 213 KB, 1200x876, tornadoes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Then the summer brings storms, power outages, and tornado risk.

>> No.55018704

Columbus is almost a bull trap city right now. Houses are regularly popping up for over 500k in any decent suburb. I remember houses in the dumpy area of Dublin selling for 200k just a few years ago, and now they're going for 400k. There is also a measure to build over all the mostly vacant parking lots downtown and slap up apartments everywhere. Everyone is riding that Intel hype train and it's being reflected in the prices. A lot of people are returning to Ohio too after leaving places like NYC. The number of NY/NJ plates I see on cars with OSU bumper stickers is unreal.
Mild potential to bullish I reckon
t. Ohio

>> No.55018879

no, if there was no property tax then landlords could charge less, we also have the gay fiat system, but restricting land ownership is literally gay communism that NEVER works, it is impossible

>> No.55018886

that's all well and good but kentucky and wv are cheaper and more white

bang for buck you can't say tennessee is the best, it's like a meme, hustle and bustle but trad

>> No.55018890

highest appeal to wfh employees because it costs the least

dead economy, good, I want there to be even less jobs so the properties go down in value further

retireees are people who worked for 45 years like cattle, fuck them, I hope they drown in their dogshit fiat and the state seizes their land

incredibly bullish

>> No.55018893

communism is limiting the property people can own, of course, the leaders of the communist state get to own all of it, literally will never work, you pea brained retard

you can try to force it for 5 years but the dachas, etc, we've already seen what happens

>> No.55018896

yea it's overpriced and full of faggots

>> No.55018900

a lot of people need to die, it's a simple truth

>> No.55018909

literally try to enforce something that has never worked in all of human history, good one

I drive up there to work and it really is pretty dystopian, high taxes, high property price, restricted freedom, all to live around mexicans and nigs, downstate is better but, chicago controls the politics, we have good local government and sheriffs that are resisting though

>> No.55018916

tornados are a nothing burger in the northern half of illinois

>> No.55018922

there is 0 reason to live in columbus and that's not why I say it's bullish, I'd rather live in a trailer park

>> No.55018935

White hipsters in the 90s and 00s had it made. Investors mostly didn't know what was going on in the cities and the investors and normies wouldn't touch these areas at all. Meanwhile the hipsters were renting massive properties and paying next to nothing and basically doing whatever they wanted.

>> No.55018937

So what about Ohio makes it bullish if not for the city that has the most potential?

>> No.55018950

>if not for the city that has the most potential?

when has a city ever had the most potential, it's a strongly republican state with a solid white majority, I'd rather live in a shack worth 30k in a rural town with a walmart 20 minutes away

that is where the growth is possible

cities only degenerate, especially because you have a black problem even if it's smaller than elsewhere

>> No.55018982

btw columbus ohio is 30 percent black as of 2020, it's worse than I thought, abandon ship

>> No.55019001

literally gay meme

>> No.55019008
File: 253 KB, 1224x539, 2 homes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wv is the best deal you'll get in your entire life, you incompetent swine

and I live in illinois, so I've seen all sides of the coin with my own eyes

>> No.55019016

no idea what cringe tangent this is going on, it's hardly intelligible and not worthy of a concentrated response, literally just schizo babble

>> No.55019023

This (ignoring that this is an obvious /pol/ thread)

>> No.55019047

if you're a homeless trans black lives matter supporter then you should move to cali or new york, I hear it's swell

>> No.55019057



You do realize that capitalist speculation on housing and giant investment firms buying entire neighborhoods is the reason average americans can no longer afford a home, right?

>> No.55019058

pretty based, bulletproof escalade

dead drop your deliveries personally or use one of the thousands of abandoned houses

masquerade as a real estate developer

build a castle with a 10 foot high fence, security cameras

pay off the police, can't go wrong with this

>> No.55019076
File: 166 KB, 1280x633, GDP growth.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

WV is bleeding residents. There's zero economic growth.

KY has no significant population or GDP growth. They do have higher property taxes, 5% state income taxes, and a D Governor.

Take out Memphis which has the majority of black residents in TN and the state is 82% white. Knoxville is the whitest metro of it's size or higher in the country.

>> No.55019103

>just pretend there are no black people there

holy shit at this cope, it is literally good that wv and ky has "zero" economic growth, you are the person that has an opportunity in this case, it's called gentrification, it is literally the best time to buy, you will not get a second chance

wv and kentucky also have the highest percentage of boomers on deaths door, what does that mean for you, opportunity and cheap housing when they're gone

>> No.55019129
File: 47 KB, 305x461, aging population.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.55019135

also fake climate change faggotry has stifled the coal industry somewhat, it is literally a temporary restraint on wv, it has a power generation abundance that it supplies a surplus to surrounding states