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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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54999446 No.54999446 [Reply] [Original]

I moved back in with my mom back in 2018 because neither of us could afford rent on our own. We found a nice place for $1500/m. Even when the pandemic struck and I lost my job, we pulled every string, called in every favor, worked every lead we could to keep current, and we were never more than a month late. They'd been raising the rent higher than inflation for the first few years, but the past 2 have been egregious. We're now over $2000/m, +$300 if we have to go month-to-month, which they're trying to impose on us now because we've been fighting to get a full 12-month lease instead of the 6-month one they offered (after which point they'll go up again).
And it's not supply and demand. I walk around the complex almost every day, and the number of empty apartments and parking spaces keeps going up. And when rents "dropped" nationwide, they didn't actually lower their rates, they just offered discounts for new renters. I don't know how this is legal, since so many laws and norms are based on the assumption that prices will drop when demand drops, but they found a loophole and are milking it for every drop.
We can't move because even if we got our full deposit back it wouldn't cover a new deposit for anywhere close enough for my mom's job (and she needs me to come along because the deposit would go back into my bank account). Most of the properties in the area are owned by the same manager, or use the same rent-setting software, so they're definitely fixing prices, but there's no way to make them stop since no one with money or influence will take them to task. We've been abandoned by the government because this is how they make their money too, and we'll probably be homeless before the summer is up. Probably going to lose my storage locker full of everything left from my childhood and young adulthood, too. I'm so tired of this scam economy in this scam society run by sociopaths. Thank you for reading my blog.

>> No.54999461


>> No.54999487

Can you tell us more about your mom?
What size feet she has?
Does she has long toes or thick soles?

>> No.54999525

Rent gouging/fixing is real, people are having their lives disrupted utterly, I am one of them, politicians don't care.

>> No.54999527
File: 48 KB, 720x691, 1663225472226434.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Post mom.

>> No.54999577

Yes OP needs to post more about mom and her feet.

>> No.54999631

the apartment complex i live in was sold to a big jewish asset investment firm in 2019 and they raised rents from $950/mo to $1500/mo over a period of 3 years. many such cases.

>> No.54999642
File: 124 KB, 1115x739, home price in bitcoin.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

rentoid, you need to stop spending all of your money on funkopops and start saving in bitcoin

home prices go down
rent prices go down
when priced in bitcoin

>> No.54999774

Land of the free :/

>> No.54999792

It's interesting how most property in the west is owned by either Hebrew or Northern European companies.

>> No.54999817

There are places on this planet where the audacity to do something like that is tantamount to a deathwish.

>> No.54999833

im putting red loctite on the water shutoff valves and all lightbulb fixtures when i leave.

>> No.54999838

How tf are you paying 2000$ a month when I only pay 700$ a month on mortgage, which includes taxes+insurance, for a 125k home?

>> No.54999975

he lives in or near a city and you live in the middle of nowhere.

>> No.55000083
File: 41 KB, 750x555, EqSNwxGXEAMjgu2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I see alot of people living in motels/hotels

its usually $50-70/day if you're extended stay meaning its around $1200/month almost the same as an apartment (LOL JK apartments are $1400+ now)

so you can probably go there and stay for a few months, u dont need a big deposit its usually just 1 day

>> No.55000143

what are you gonna do? move? lmao personally

>> No.55000265

That's if you don't have storage costs because you lost all of your belongings. Otherwise, packing everything up could be up to $400/mish in this area alone.

Bleak :')

>> No.55000313

>Most of the properties in the area are owned by the same manager
Is he Jewish?

>> No.55000332

Move retard

>> No.55000372

Put them over the plugs too.
Concrete down the drain.
If it has a dish washer on site, cut a small hole on the water lines.
Remove the mesh end caps on the sink faucets and clog them.

>> No.55000416

call one of their ads in your building under a fake name from a diff number and see what they're asking. if it's lower than what they're asking you, call their bluff and tell them you'll match that price or leave.

>> No.55000429

Old money whitey.

>> No.55000452

Already tried that, they won't budge. They're also pricing us as if we have one of their upgraded units because it's "market rate" (remember, they're the ones setting the market).

>> No.55000484

Probably a jew. I feel bad for you, you've got to make a decision about if you want the world to make you its bitch, or if you've had enough of that shit and you're ready to take destiny into your own hands. Go do SOMETHING, if you're too dumb to figure out how to make more money I genuinely feel sorry for you. What can we tell you to make you smart enough to make more money?

>> No.55000537
File: 131 KB, 750x1000, 70AC4219-E677-4AB3-BAF4-6D0497A2B019.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Keep your head up anon. You’ll make it through this and be better for it. Don’t give up hope. There was a time when I thought I was going to be homeless and I was in a similar situation to you. I told myself, “I will not be homeless”. A miracle came into my life a few days before rent and I was able to pay it. After that momentum kept bringing good things into my life.

You’re in a tough situation but the way out will present itself. It always does if you just ask. Good luck anon

>> No.55000592

>a summary from chat-GPT

The individual who wrote the message explains their situation of living with their mother since 2018 due to financial constraints. They express their efforts to maintain timely rent payments despite job loss during the pandemic. The rent increases over the years have become excessive, and the landlord insists on a shorter lease term and additional fees. The person believes the high rents are unjustified, as they observe numerous vacant apartments and parking spaces in their complex. The landlord has not actually lowered rates but rather offered discounts to new tenants. The writer feels trapped because they lack the means to move and blames the property manager and rent-setting software for fixing prices. They express frustration with the lack of government intervention and foresee potential homelessness. The message concludes with a sense of exhaustion and disillusionment with the economic and societal systems in place.

>> No.55000613

Wait, I've done better.

Financially constrained, writer lives with mom since 2018. Despite pandemic job loss, they struggle to pay increasing rent. Landlord offers discounts to new tenants but not existing ones. Frustrated with lack of government intervention and fears homelessness.

>> No.55000619

No, I actually looked into it. So WASP he's got a stinger instead of a butt.
>Go do SOMETHING, if you're too dumb to figure out how to make more money I genuinely feel sorry for you. What can we tell you to make you smart enough to make more money?
I gave up. Seen too much corruption. Building something myself takes time.

>> No.55000640

Thanks bro I'm trying to hold on. Shit's in the pipeline but the universe seems constipated atm.