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File: 541 KB, 657x455, sergcraft.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
54998966 No.54998966 [Reply] [Original]

Did you ever play late night Diablo 1 with Sergey when you were 13? I played with him a few times, PK'd him once and ironmanned with him, nice guy

>> No.54998974

why is he getting rekt in every game? lol

>> No.54998990

>PK'd him once and ironmanned with him
Are these sexual positions?

>> No.54999012

Starcraft was based, you could play it via USB drive without installing anything to the computer. We would play so many Lan matches in high school computer labs.

>> No.54999028

He's gettin hit by a fireball in D1 incase anyone recognizes his character for the grotesque murderer he was

>> No.54999070
File: 219 KB, 800x609, 1673021085900485.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Seeing pictures of these games always gives me intense feelings of sadness. It reminds me of a better time that I will never get back. All the friends I made that are forever gone. All the memories and happiness from a better time.

Now I am rich, but I would give it all to feel the way those games used to make me feel as a kid. Nothing else in life has come close.

>> No.54999082

and his getting his shit pushed in in WC2 and SC
kek, what a retard

>> No.54999238

Ironman was when 3-4 people make a new character and start a game and see how far you can get, I am allowed to believe that I did this with Sergey and since no one can prove otherwise I will choose to believe that it definitely did happen

>> No.54999281

ben listening to old fanmade songs and making myself sad
maybe you can populate old multiplayer games with AI players soon but it will never be the same. I don't think noobs exist in the same way they did back then because now every game is a finely tuned experience and they've all been gaming from childhood and having whatever current meta digested and spoonfed to them on youtube and tooltips holding their hand. The average gamer now would rape the average gamer 20 years ago. People were manually clicking their spells in world of warcraft for the first couple of years because 1/3 of the playerbase didn't know you could bind spells.

>> No.54999505


whats the game on the top right?

>> No.54999530

Yes he gifted me godly plate of the whale

>> No.54999532

Caesar III, 1998
good game

>> No.54999548

caesar i think

>> No.54999602

I wonder if he ever did walk around with a godly plate of the whale, kings sword of haste and obsidian amulets. Good question for his next nasdaq tech talk

>> No.54999624

i was gonna say i never played diablo but this looks similar to starcraft, which was indeed unfathomably based

>> No.54999648

wow this image and post hurts but is true, i need to save it
>t.soon to be 39yo

>> No.54999665

>I don't think noobs exist in the same way they did back then because now every game is a finely tuned experience and they've all been gaming from childhood and having whatever current meta digested and spoonfed to them on youtube
True. This goes for everything these days, not just gaming

>> No.54999671

diablo is so shit why do people like this game
>click thing till it dies
how is this any better than runescape

>> No.54999765

>biggest corporation in blockchain
>resorts to memes made by Chris Barrett
sisters not like this...

>> No.54999814

I played Quake 2 weapons factory mod with Trent Reznor.

>> No.54999849

yeah rory likes that game too

>> No.54999869

Insanely true

>> No.55000607 [DELETED] 

Trent played RTCW for a while too. One of his names was "Pooper Sniffer". Not joking.

>> No.55000837

The fact that he was playing world building games like ceasar and RTS games like SC and WC give me further assurance that my ealth is being guided by a 12th dimensional strategic mind. He mastered these games when he was circa 10 years old. That means resource allocation, long time preference payoffs, strategic feints, resource ladder builds, etc.

For the zoomers and peanut brains on this board, go and play a competitive world class RTS like SC2 - its free now and still probably the best RTS created. If you can beat a high level AI then you will now have a greater appreciation for the strategic mind behind Chainlink. If you cannot compete in these games then just sell or keep your dancing fortnite mouth shut

>> No.55000970

it is total shit compared to broodwar with all the broken imbalanced shitunits, even more so for sp, and ffs wc2, god knows I loved that game but it isn't even that complicated as an RTS to begin with, these are the most mainstream normie-tier games he could pick
>t. actual blizzard rts fan
go back to >>>/v/

>> No.55001004

btw caesar 3 was good, but caesar 2 was the real hardcore shit. c3 was bloated af in some parts
>inb4 durr that means it was more complex!1
no, it was plain stupid

>> No.55001068

Post YFW Sergey is putting his whole soul in to revolutionizing worldwide fintech just to raise enough money to be able to buy out Blizzard from Activision's greedy clutches and save them from California.

>> No.55001113

Reminds me of
Zergey confirmed.

>> No.55001191

Perhaps BW is better, but wtf cares?? The point is that he was playing these games in elementary school and zoomzoom niggers should experience an RTS to appreciate thought processes ingrained in his brain since his earliest memories. you fucking idiot

>> No.55001249

You're thinking of d2 but not d1.
D1 puts extreme emphasis on positioning and deliberate actions, as well as planning and preparing.
Also you're only thinking of d2 in easy modo. In harder difficulties, it's about build autism to hit the right numbers so the stuff you hit dies fast enough and you survive long enough to keep going.
But to answer your question, d1 and d2 are fun in large parts due to unpredictability (changing terrain, quests, gear and gear stats, etc.) that can make your run very different even with the same class and build. The feeling of dropping an item and going "woah, this is so cool! I want to build around this item's unique blend of abilities" is something only true roguelikes also possess. Meanwhile the diablos are realtime, unlike roguelikes' tile-based, turn-by-turn nature, obviously it has better graphics, and it's also less hardcore (no death = character deletion unless you choose that mode).

>> No.55001267

The youngest zoomer in this thread is (You).

>> No.55001300

how many pokemon games did crypto mewtwo list?