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54992708 No.54992708 [Reply] [Original]

Is it a financially good decision to move to Boston?

>> No.54992729

No probably not. It sucks, is boring, and is too cold in winter.

>> No.54992741
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>> No.54992748

>the $1.3M gigapod

>> No.54992752

Where everyone is a total piece of shit dickhead? We should nuke that hell hole after NYC and LA. Fuck Boston, everyone that comes from there is a nigger even if they're white.
>t. worked with many people from Boston, none deserve to live

>> No.54992776
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No move to Philadelphia

>> No.54992782


>> No.54992791

>6,900 sq ft
Better than OP’s 862 sq ft

>> No.54992795

Is it next to a baseball field? I think that fence is higher than the US southern border wall

>> No.54992811
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>> No.54992814

where are you from? cousinfuck alabama?

>> No.54992821
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>Is it next to a baseball field?

>> No.54992831

>t. some offended Boston faggot

>> No.54992850
File: 1.34 MB, 1080x1359, Screenshot_20220718-104229.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Insane price aside, OPs house looks pretty comfy. I'd live there in my 20s

>> No.54992865

This is surprisingly kino.

>> No.54993075

Should I build my own house?

>> No.54993622

Get a job as a framer for a few months, they won't pay shit but they'll hire you as long you show up every day. Learn basic stuff like how not to cut your hand off, get plumber, electrician, and foundation reccomendations through work. Then you buy a kit house and put it together.

>> No.54993701

no the cost of living is driven up by the lecherous healthcare and education industries and you get very little for it given the soullessness of the people who profit from them. everyone who isn't a college student or cancer patient is a dull alcoholic laborer who lies about participating in bank robberies

>> No.54993761

Have you ever actually been to Boston? Everyone talks like it’s some redneck city when it’s predominately a bunch of gooks, Indians, WASPs, Jews

You would just be nuking the affluent parasites you idolize

>> No.54993809

people have different roles in life. those gooks, indians, WASPs, and Jews are able to understand and operate in the world in a way you can't and accomplish different kinds of tasks of a higher value, which is what allows people like you to survive by doing lower level work

>> No.54993822

I’m from the Boston area originally. Lived in LA and NorCal for a while, now back in Boston. Bostons not so bad. I legitimately hate it, but you learn to love to hate it.

>> No.54993837

i literally don't know why i live here

>> No.54994830

I heard the government there puts gay flags everywhere

>> No.54994842

And drunk niggerball worshippers getting in fistfights everywhere

>> No.54995226

The dream

>> No.54995324

>moving to a city, ever
Unless you get a job making so much money that you can semi-retire on in under a decade, then no.

>> No.54995399

you will always be a shit colored low IQ parasite.

>> No.54995424
File: 292 KB, 768x576, Gerald_Field.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey Arnold!!!

>> No.54995435

why not fully retire in under 5 years

all it takes is Honor, for the little guys. HeyItsMeTheDev

>> No.54995443

And how exactly do you buy a house for 1m in your 20s?

>> No.54995447
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I-Impossible. I killed you

>> No.54995609

What an awful field.

>> No.54995979

my uncle lives there and he always tells me how quiet it is, maybe it's worth it, although I still want to move to Canada, I literally want to live in the snow for the rest of my days, or until my PAPA bags run out

>> No.54996161

posts like yours is why i wont put anything good on here. all the people im making millionaires are thouroughly vetted. How does it feel knowing social credit is coming and losers like you are going to be drone striked into dust and rubble?

>> No.54996353
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somehow the exterior of that house is more repulsive than the west virginia meth shacks that mentally ill "cityfags???" faggot keeps posting.

the tonka truck plastic shitbox and the maserati niggermobile really seal the deal.

>> No.54996367

>the best cities in the usa are heckin BAD
>live in based and trad texico essay

>> No.54997110
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I live in Chicago, pretty close to this listing. If you're in the right neighborhood (and you will know pretty quickly), it's a really nice place to live, and relatively affordable when compared to other major cities.

It does get pretty cold though.

>> No.54997117

Financially the best decision is to find the optimal intersection of wage potential (especially in your particular industry) and low cost of living. Boston usually ain't it on that account, very expensive for few returns.

>> No.54997170
File: 313 KB, 1026x855, geneva il nice house.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Obviously if you don't want to live in le pod (condo), the suburbs are generally pretty affordable and very comfy
>overwhelmingly white
>some of the best public schools in the country (and the property taxes to boot)
>extremely safe, some of the safest places in america
>pretty decent city services (roads are always plowed quickly during snow, highways outside the city are usually pretty nice), etc.

The only downsides are the taxes, and it does get pretty cold. Property tax is very high. Gas tax is pretty high as well but if you're commuting into the city on a regular basis, you can use Metra which is a very cozy ride and only $5 a day with a monthly pass.

>> No.54997198

If you at least criticized driving and parking in Boston you'd be more than a meming chudlet ITT

>> No.54997233

Checked the cornered chudchild. Lmao

>> No.54997237

boston is objectively, outside of MAYBE manhattan (the rest of nyc is relatively fine), the worst city in the US to drive in.

>> No.54997262

>million dollar apartment

>> No.54997281
File: 897 KB, 1025x854, WHAT.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can find million dollar apartments everywhere anon

>> No.54997284

>just buy a condo in back bay the most expensive part of a top 20 most expensive city on earth

>> No.54997715

all fun and games until the baseball field is renovated into basketball courts fo dem youths

>> No.54997860
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Funny how that works isnt it

>> No.54997884


It was like that at my LA Fitness too lmao

>basketball hoops are up
>constant noise, nigginess, chaos, fights, and even a shooting
>hoops gone
>ahhh... peace

Basketball-Americans... not a meme at all

>> No.54997979

>>constant noise
Its for the best
You could have lowered your alertness state otherwise

>> No.54998480

lol that's a Lincoln, which have become niggermobiles so you're right about that.
Is the house next to a school or a correctional facility? I guess they're about the same, never mind

>> No.54998562

Not for everyone, I prefer to live on rent because I'm always moving around and I also get to pay my rent with CryptMi card which offers me cashback reward, so all the money that I would spend in 30-40 yrs time won't get anywhere close what I need to buy myself a house

>> No.54998588
File: 35 KB, 480x360, hooligans_storm_over_europe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Interesting. Is this the quintessential outcome if you build a European style city with old towns?

>> No.54998594

No one worth any real amount of $ wastes their time on this board. Cute larp THOUGH

>> No.54998706

>fucking hate NJ
>it's 200 grand for the shittiest condo here
>all of my friends and family live here
God, I want to move to Illinois, this state sucks so much ass.

>> No.54998758

Why the fuck would you want to move to Illinois? Unless you're in love with Chicago there's no reason.

>> No.54999085

Yeah Illinois is a tough sell. Indiana or Missouri, maybe.

>> No.54999232

How many landlords will offer you a payment platform where you will use your card, except you are always paying through agents, but that CryptMi card is a good one, I use it too.

>> No.54999267

just move to pennsylvania, provided that you can stop acting like the typical niggerfaggot jerseykike and learn to fucking drive.

>> No.54999301

is $1.4M a bad price for a 2bd apartment in a good location? I think it's pretty reasonable. just mortgage that shit and it's not even hard to pay off

>> No.54999339

It's you PA fags that can't drive.

>> No.54999481

No, California or Florida only.

>> No.54999542

It should be noted that all of the fistfighteurs are somehow also both white and white supremacists.

>> No.54999561

>Jeep next to it
>Your little Nazi brain "halt and catch fire"s.

>> No.54999974

I didn't even notice it, it blended into all the concrete around it

>> No.54999983


>> No.55000175

Americans are finally discovering euro-tier house prices, what a shocker.

>> No.55000195
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>NJ guy dreams of IL

thank you for the keks

>> No.55000206

>shitty weather
>high taxes
>full of chinks
hard pass

>> No.55000220
File: 34 KB, 699x485, Noticer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's Idaho's secret?

>> No.55000231


It's surprisingly scenic and is drawing in hordes of Cali refugees. California is single handedly pumping the numbers of every state surrounding it.

>> No.55000292

This looks like a million-dollar apartment in DC, except you have to live in Durham.

>> No.55000306

>Park sits unused, overgrown
>Ed Wuncler smiles
Narrator: The location closed 6 months later.

>> No.55000319

I always imagined it was some sort of psyop since it's literally built on a landfill (same with the JFK library).

>> No.55000732

The crime rate is the secret. Idaho has a lower crime rate than Vermont, which surprises me greatly (I live in Vermont).

>> No.55000752

300k coding job and investing in crypto, not hard if you're not a retard.

>> No.55000767

I was in Boston for a few days and there was SO MUCH fine young pussy walking around everywhere. It's got a ton of colleges so all the malls and everything are swarmed with young women everywhere.

Once I'm done traveling I'm going to move there for a year to pick up a wife and then move somewhere else.

>> No.55000817
File: 237 KB, 1280x850, Sandpoint_Idaho.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Great /out/
Very white
Getting full of Californians though.

>> No.55000824

Right....because white people don't use parks and blacks, when they do use, tend to keep it clean and well-maintained.

Do you live in a fucking fantasy world in your own head, nigger?

>> No.55000855

Imagine paying over a million for a home, only to be surrounded by violent niggers

>> No.55000956

This anon is lying, the suburbs are terrible and you should avoid them. Don't buy a house anywhere near here

>> No.55000990

Apartments are for the destitute. A free man does not share walls.

>> No.55001064

I heard that the Californians are going back home now that COVID and such have died down. The winters were harder than they expected.

>> No.55001347

Not where I live, they're still here. They also fuck off during the winter and go back to California/Washington and charge $4k for people to rent their place in the winter months. I've been noticing overpriced real estate bags staying on the market longer but anything realistically priced is sold within a day. Maybe the tech industry actually has to collapse with mass layoffs/forcing back to the office but I doubt anything changes for the better.

>> No.55001360

>because white people don't use parks
>and blacks, when they do use, tend to keep it clean and well-maintained.
Also correct.
>Do you live in a fucking fantasy world in your own head, nigger?
Surprisingly, once again correct, but unrelated to the topic du jour.

>> No.55001452

Nice larp, loser.

>> No.55001488

>$604 a month to get ass raped by an HOA

>> No.55001812

born and raised in worcester (central MA)

move to natick/framingham. you'll save a fuckton of money and less niggers. then its a 30min drive into boston, or just move further inland to worcester county and then you're in trump country.

>> No.55002132

You're right actually. Shouldn't start shilling until I move out of the city and buy in the suburbs