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54987255 No.54987255 [Reply] [Original]

When I first started buying crypto in 2016. I thought memecoins like doge were for literal retards. After seeing Elon pump doge in 2021 I finally started trading memes. I’ve made more from memes than I ever did from big cap crypto trades. I had to put my ego aside to get rich.

>> No.54987293

Not pumping your stinky bags, sandeep.

>> No.54987394

If it has a frog it's an astroturfer that glows

>> No.54987443

Most people think they’re smarter than market. Memecoins is just another example of those people not being smarter than the market. Memecoins are here to stay

>> No.54987568

that’s right bruh. you should be in 0G sminem right now. It’s clown world time

>> No.54987727

this is what it comes down to. pride and ego getting the way of making money

>> No.54988035

Glad I bought sminem token
That shit is skyrocketing right now
Fuck traditional markets. I trade memes

>> No.54988103

you losers keep pumping this shitcoin and no one cares

>> No.54989366

some people are too good to make money on memes, not me
It keeps going up though

>> No.54989642

this anon knows. you can’t out smart the market

>> No.54990857

Checked and positive attitude pilled

>> No.54991242

It’s mostly glowies fuding us, any real crypto trader here owns at least one meme

>> No.54991685
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Ate my pride back when shib was doing fine to be honest ever since then I keep a bag or two in at least two shitcoins at a time. Now im betting on doge (thanks to some (((rumors))) I've heard) and Nilo because I think it has a lot of meme potential.

>> No.54992379
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Newfag detected
Sminem is inevitable

>> No.54992434

have fun staying poor
memecoins get the best gains

>> No.54993283

>memecoins get the best gains

>> No.54994422

>embrace clown world

>> No.54994681

Yup, anyone that goes on about utility and whatever nonsense is either a crypto newfag is a complete moron. The meme market is stronger than anything and crypto is for memes.

>> No.54994763
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Elon pumping doge and me missing out is what got me to buy Shib early and I made alot of money with it, now watching Pepe go off and missing out again I'm going to test my luck and see if I can have a repeat with Toad.

>> No.54994944

Based, I do shitcoins for the short gains, then buy into privacy projects for the long term gains.

>> No.54995612

it amazes me how one dog went so far as to even encourage other people to make their own shitcoins, thanks to that things like PLEB exist, thank you Elon for being the biggest retard in the universe