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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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54979128 No.54979128 [Reply] [Original]

What would you do if you had a million dollars, /biz/?

>> No.54979140

A lot of hookers for a bit

>> No.54979145

Hire a killer for 30K and have you killed for annoying shitposts

>> No.54979147

Nothing. I would do nothing.

>> No.54979153

500k btc
500k eth

>> No.54979176

Disappear and hide from my family. I've been poor for so long that I would be able to do a lot with 1 million, life changing things.

>> No.54979181

some really boring shit. But mostly I would move to somewhere warm but without severe risk from hurricanes.

>> No.54979225

nothing special.
buy a nice new hunting rifle, scope, mount and a pallet of ammo, that's like 10k tops
then simply invest the rest (in precious metals)

>> No.54979234

uh oh, SOMEONE's got a really bad case of the Mondays!

>> No.54979257


>> No.54979296

Chloroform a little girl. Leave her in a shack with an actor. Come in, making it look like I rescued her, then we disappear on the run together and live in the woods until she's of age. Then we live in a cottage and tend to the animals, crops. I will live off dividends in some AT&T stock.

>> No.54979382

Launch my own shitcoin

>> No.54979400

2 girls at the same time man

>> No.54981316

I would do 500k in stable coins and stake em. Then I would do 500k in CDs or something like that. Then I would DCA with my passive income like a wagie again.

>> No.54981345
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>> No.54981683


>> No.54981751

Please explain to us why those two girls have penises?

>> No.54981801
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Plant nursery
2 30x100 foot hoop houses filled with all the best
one for sun one for shade.
1 24x60 glasshouse for houseplants and mixed containers.
1 20x30 brick building with natural stone for retail shit and goodies for roasties who love muh garden... kek I mark it all up 200%
16x80 haybarn for fertilizers and potting mix
New Kubota tractor
New to me used Ford 1-150
Land to put all this shit on outside city limits because fuck city taxes
use piece of said land to cut and bail hay for tax exemption
two chicks at the same time

>> No.54981836


>> No.54983246
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buy a fucking house and make it a smart one, you know, with shit that opens and closes automatically, put more money into PLEB, and finally open a business, I just want a peaceful life

>> No.54983331

I would become a landlord in my ethnically homogeneous country, have a bunch of kids with a village and church active girl so my people dont die out

I would need to learn how to put tiles, do masonry, carpertnry a bit, plumbing and electricals I already got covered but just need to practice.
Maybe do some web dev on a side (I'm a web dev) just in case all of my houses get burned down or whatnot. But not that much.
I would also party a lot first year. For cheap.

>> No.54983954

I'd buy a yacht and dump part of it on DiD and Zks narratives.

>> No.54984000

>many plans
>party for a year first
i would wish you good luck with that but i do not
wish you good luck that is

>> No.54984030

I did have a million dollars
I remember eating at a diner and thinking how good I felt that I was finally going to retire.
Now I'm back to 250k and I want to fucking kill myself

>> No.54984136

What if she grows up to be ugly. VERY ugly?

>> No.54984174


>> No.54984342

pay mom's debt
fix house
make mom live comfy
help brother
leave away from my autistic old brother

>> No.54984984
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i've had a million dollars a couple of times now and both times what i did was I rode it all the way down to 400k

>> No.54985014

pay my loan shark debts
give the rest to my family and just build my dream

>> No.54985020
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>> No.54985049

Continue working

>> No.54985077

>Chloroform a little girl
Let's be honest. You'd do that without the million bucks. This is also why girls find you
Protip, less chloroforming of children.

>> No.54985229
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>What would you do if you had a million dollars
I would like the US president and fight like Russian president. But all my expenses will be made through CryptMi gateway so approximate cashback and rewards for generational wealth. When 1 million anon, I'm tired of hopium life?

>> No.54986025

Whatever you do, don't tell it to family.
Let them think you are a poorfag.
Trust me.

>> No.54986127

just do things instead of saying how much you got

>> No.54986901
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I live in a low-cost country, I'd buy a house in a quiet and peaceful town, I'd start farming and I'd put 25% of it into something that gives me some good income for the rest of my life, also I'd use rebase just for fun

>> No.54987161

You should move to an even cheaper country, start a business that involves the locals and pay them good according to the country standards, you'll be god

>> No.54987179
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Your English ain't Englishing that much anon

>> No.54987181

So you basically wanna live a farmer's life

>> No.54987430

who the fuck gets nfts for fun

>> No.54987818
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$500k BTC
$500K AVAX

>> No.54987985

Buy the place, make it nice, tesla 3, get my ass eaten and keep on slaving...

>> No.54988838
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Become an AVAX Validator

>> No.54988880

Make 10m with it

>> No.54988917
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2 femboys at the same time

>> No.54988926


not take profit and watch 70% of it dwindle away and hate myself every single day

yes, pedantic anon, I did not technically ever have the 1mil but I could have simply clicked a few buttons on my screen to retrieve it and I chose not to. close enough for a lifetime of self-loathing while I try to get it back

>> No.54988930
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oops I meant tomboys

>> No.54988954

I don't know. I'd probably just buy another Ralsei plush and save the rest for my future family.

>> No.54989467
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Living the good life I never had, I'd spit on my boss's face and take my mom to Rome at least once.

>> No.54990058

Buy some property in the middle of nowhere and fuck off

>> No.54990240

accurate choice

>> No.54990843

500k for AVAX staking and the rest on living a decent life for once.

>> No.54990914
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gamble it all on red

>> No.54991261

>500k btc
>500k eth
Good recommendation eheh, but I'd prefer to diversify into some solid Alts like Egld, Matic, Ride, Kava, Cardano, and peanuts in Doge for the next Elon Musk pump
>I have very high hopes with them

>> No.54991272

finally devote myself fully to my Husserl studies and go after a respectable academic position ideally somewhere in Europe

>> No.54991407

two chicks at the same time

>> No.54991437

This. Nothing else matters except starting a good family.

>> No.54991505

but i dont have a million dollars