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5498415 No.5498415 [Reply] [Original]

Please answer the following:

>1 - Year you got into Crypto?
>2 - Bitcoin Core (BTC) or Bitcoin Cash (BCH)?
>3 - Trump or Never-Trump?

>> No.5498436

Core (although I'm holding BCH from the fork)

>> No.5498449

yuropoor, idgaf

>> No.5498471


>> No.5498477


>> No.5498520

Who is the slut?

>> No.5498530
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>> No.5498563

>>1 - Year you got into Crypto?

Dec 2013

>>2 - Bitcoin Core (BTC) or Bitcoin Cash (BCH)?


>>3 - Trump or Never-Trump?

I don't care. Just not hildog

>> No.5498564


>> No.5498622

dont know what you expect to get from this. most people here are late adopters, and are more likely to get emotionally invested in alts like bitcoin cash as a way to "catch up" with those who got in early.

>> No.5498725


>> No.5498747


From 7 submissions thus far, 5 are from 2011-2013 (early adopters). 2 submissions are from 2014-2017.

Out of the 5 Early Adopters, 2 are for BTC and 3 are for BCH.

>> No.5498755

wel since i have both i just keep it in a wallet and shut the fuck up about it

>> No.5498871
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Full Gommunism

>> No.5499123

>Don't really care. Bitcoin has name but BCash has better technology

>> No.5499131

Hello oldfag, why core? BCH is what BTC was back in 2011, just with bigger blocks. None of this SegWit, LN and BlockStream crap. I would assume most who have been here pre august fork and have evaluated the technical merits of each, would have sided with BCH for that fact alone.

>> No.5499145


>> No.5499147

>capitalism is destroying culture *sniffles*...bitcoin is prime example of capitalist nihilism *sniffles*

>> No.5499150

>Bitcoin core

>> No.5499156

TRUMP for now because he lowered the taxes on my long hodls :P

>> No.5499195
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All these bch faggots should neck themselves. Are y kidding me

>> No.5499213
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>> No.5499230

I prefer the philosophy of BCH instead of BTC, but I don't think there's ever going to be a flippening... Unless the miners stage a coup.

>> No.5499258


>> No.5499321

> 2016
> BTC / Segwit
> Trump

>> No.5499687

>BCH, still holding BTC but shifted to BCH couple weeks ago.

>> No.5499753

Interesting. Well, time will tell. BTC is dead in the water atm, and I feel a changing of sentiment coming up personally.

But that could be my wallet getting hungry and me getting delusional.

>> No.5499862

idea: the holocaust but its real and for people that vote and bought bitcoin cash

>> No.5499912 [DELETED] 


>> No.5499958

The problem with holding BCH is that it's really a ticking time bomb because the day when LN gets released (yea I know, Soon TM) BTC is going to pump so fucking hard and BCH will be dumped hard. This will happen regardless of whether LN is actually better philosophically/technically, it's just how crypto markets work.

In addition, Core could cuck your shit at ANY moment by finally upping block sizes on Core, which would render BCH worthless. I have a feeling they actually will at some point AFTER LN adoption gains traction, because ultimately for BTC to become truly usable block sizes will have to increase anyways even with LN. I think Core wants LN to gain traction first, because if they simply upgraded block sizes first, no one would care about LN.

People just don't trust Jihan, Ver, and whoever the BCH dev teams are, even if it really IS what BTC was originally supposed to be.

>> No.5499965

vocal minority. these are the same lolbertarian fags that think trump is their savior

>> No.5500054

December 2017
Bitcoin cash
Never Trump

>> No.5500069
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November 3rd 2017 2500$ on ether
BTC because fuck bcash and manipulation.
TRUMP WILL RED PILL MANKIND(has done more to pump the movement to end human financial slavery to government than anyone in office beside the Pauls)

>> No.5500713

>1 - Year you got into Crypto?
2017. I've been following Crypto since 2013 though. FML
>2 - Bitcoin Core (BTC) or Bitcoin Cash (BCH)?
>3 - Trump or Never-Trump?
Not a burger. Can't care less.

>> No.5500730

Can I pick neither? Fuck both.

>> No.5500743

Literally all crypto's promise is a product after 5 years, BZC is the only one of 20 coins that's actually finished.

>> No.5500768


>> No.5500834

sums up zizek

>> No.5500862

2013-balls deep 2015

I wanted to make a thread like this, but figured everyone would have lied about their time in crypto to validate their position in this argument.

>> No.5500888

"Fat degenerate cokehead charlatan who wants free shit from the government" is a better summary.

>> No.5500960

I got into crypto last month and already up 1000% because of our pump and dump community

join in on the action: https://discord.gg/Yb7gfXx

>> No.5500990

>Trump, he has high IQ, has been succesful on many areas.

>> No.5500993

>>1 - Year you got into Crypto?

>>2 - Bitcoin Core (BTC) or Bitcoin Cash (BCH)?
Both are crap. Own both, but moving away from them.

>>3 - Trump or Never-Trump?
Not a burger, so neither. If I were, I'd be in the "kill Trump" camp.

>> No.5500997


august of this year
jihan woooooooooo
dont really care but I enjoy seeing sjw-types massively triggered

>> No.5501191

the amount of trump supporters in this thread really explains the level of shitposting and infantile content on this board.

Trump is either incredibly easy to manipulate though his stupidity/sensibility to criticism or simply a troll and none of those make a good president.

>> No.5501211
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Started in BTC, all iMonero from here on out for 10x.

>> No.5501253

>who wants free shit from the government
He doesn't, he actually wants the state to have all his money and leave him poor. He literally supports Stalinism as it historically happened, no "it wasn't real communism" bullshit. He's outright insane.

>> No.5501262

Ron Paul

>> No.5501265


t. MSM titsucker

Really, that's the narrative they've been trying furiously to foster with useful idiots like you, before and after he won the election as POTUS.

Guy can't be touched by your typical Washington lobby and it makes them so buttmad.

>> No.5501413


are you actually implying MSM is just a hegemonic entity with a single agenda? As if there wasn't a sector of MSM and other actors whose best interest is to have a literal tool as POTUS (hint: it's trump)

damn, an actual trisomy 21 case posting on the internet, amazing.

>> No.5501485

>I'm so fucking smart you guys...

>> No.5501586

that's a great argument

>> No.5501654

Core (although I'm holding BCH from the fork)

>> No.5501703

2013, BTC, Trump

>> No.5501991


The reason I included Trump vs Never-Trump in this poll is because objectively, I had a hypothesis that if someone chooses Trump, then they are also likely to choose BCH.

With all the "BCash/BTrash" haters, I wondered if my hypothesis was accurate.

Never-Trumpers are cult-like and would rather see the USA be destroyed than for Trump to succeed.
Never-BCH refuse to see the problems the Lightning Network to solve the horrendous tx fees and times.

So far results show roughly show:

BTC / Trump: 1111111111
BTC / Never-Trump:
BCH / Trump: 111111
BCH / Never-Trump: 11

BTC / NA: 111
BCH / NA: 111

The results aren't necessarily what I expected thus far.

If a BCore fan can debunk the video below, I'd feel a lot better about keeping my BTC. If the video isn't debunked, I got to ask why you'd choose BTC over BCH?


>> No.5502028

Once you have an argument to refute I'll present one in kind.

>> No.5502057

>Never-Trumpers are cult-like
as opposed to they people that keep supporting a guy after fuck up after fuck up after fuck up ad infinitum?


>> No.5502122


Where do you sit on the BTC vs BCH debate?

>> No.5502193

March 2013 (goxed)
Bitcoin Cash (is for hodling)
Trump (Paultard)

>> No.5502196


BCH I guess
Never Trump

>> No.5502274

Corecuck ftw but before normies made it unusable

>> No.5502499

I'd like to see them both die slowly enough so another crypto can take BTCs spot. BTC appears outdated and almost useless to me but it'd destroy the whole market if it went down like it should. I think BCH is dangerously centralised and although the technicals may be what BTC was intended to be, the context of its inception and the whole Ver/Jihan drama ruined that claim already. So yeah I don't think either of them deserve the #1 spot, but its a necessary evil for now.

I suppose the reason never-trumpers seem cult like to you is probably because those who are more vocal about it (normies on fb, buzzfeed and so on) are generally not people whose opinion is worth listening to anyways, but you'll find this is true for almost everything

>> No.5502532

You have to understand that while Trump isn't our dream, he's a symbol, and was a supreme agent of cultural shift.

>> No.5502544

How do you buy this shit without getting your identity stolen? I'm looking to get into this but I don't want my credit card info stolen. I only have experience investing with more legitimate brokerage firms.

>> No.5502602

Dec 2017 lol
I voted for Hillary. I’d consider myself a centrist/globalist/neoliberal.

>> No.5502641

Neither, buy XMR my sons.

>> No.5502645

seems to be a trend that early investors liked trump, and late investors like having seeing their wives fucked by other men.

>> No.5502658

1. March of this year...
2. Both part of the same tree but today BTC.
3. Fuck if I care I just ride the wave yo.

>> No.5502672

you can embrace this and not support him as a person/president. It's not like he did it knowingly.

As someone coming from country who's president so closely resembles Trump I cannot stress how dangerous his stupidity is.

>> No.5502728

I don't think he's stupid, but I do think he cares more about being liked by those closest to him than his own voter base at this point. I'm aware he might have some heavy weights around blocking him from doing certain things, but there was no reason he couldn't strike DACA on day one, for example.

I tentatively still support him in hopes that he still does good things but unless he actually does then I cannot back him in 2020. I didn't want it to be this way :(

>> No.5502735


>> No.5502768
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>1 - 2015
>2 - Bitcoin Cash (BCH)
>3 - Gary "Smoke Weed" Johnson

>> No.5502874


>> No.5503036


To purchase, look at Coinbase.com (BTC/ETH/LTC/BCH) or Gemini.com (BTC/ETH) which are both FDIC insured (for your USD) and have gone through stringent demands to get to where they are today. Are they hackable? Not super likely.

Besides, with the Equifax hack etc, your info may already be out there. Best to use always 2-Factor authentication with every website/app log-in you have.

Understand if you start transacting with BTC, the transaction fees will be high.

Perhaps better to start by buying ETH (which can either be a Hodl coin or is also a common trading-pair in the Exchanges).

>> No.5503066

No opinion

>> No.5503295

and this is how you can tell the difference between new tech s curve and bubbles.

bubbles pop, tech just uptakes, eg electricity.