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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 30 KB, 1023x1023, verge2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5496963 No.5496963 [Reply] [Original]

soon wraith released, FUD scattered, 3-4k sats easily after that... we'll leave inferior coins like monero behind in dust.

>> No.5497034

The false flagging is getting too obvious, bro.

>> No.5497096

what false flagging? Enlighten me.

>> No.5497152

I believe XVG is worth 3000sats, but these few days where p&d, simple. It will be a year or two before XVG will be in that range for valid reasons.

>> No.5497169
File: 1.08 MB, 750x1334, BF701813-05A0-48CA-AB22-C0A0C6C10B7C.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I’m sorry

>> No.5497188

Why still spreading those lies?

Proofs that they are all lies.

Link 1 theripplecryptocurrency.com/verge-hoax-investors-lose-millions/

Link 2 reddit.com/r/vergecurrency/comments/7m51ic/hodl_guys_wraith_is_coming_sunerok_who_is_the/

Link 3 reddit.com/r/vergecurrency/comments/7m72am/official_verge_statemen

>> No.5497224

get rekt, fudster...

>> No.5497226

Hey man

Get out while you can... your links don’t mean shit, biggest p&d in history

Please don’t lose your money

>> No.5497231


They're lying to you, my dude. I only hope you know when to get out.

>> No.5497249

i'm not selling you my verge... I know you want to buy them, but well, I'm not someone you can scare.

>> No.5497298

is this a competition for the most ridiculous FUD? We all know you want to accumulate, but please, dont be so desperate fudding XVG. I can't even call you #vergefam, despite you owning bags of XVG.

>> No.5497302

you have to be both-

1. brand new to crypto
2. a fucking retard

to unironically think xvg has a legitimate valuation anywhere over 300 sats

>> No.5497339

3M sell wall at 1200 gone in seconds. I hope you bought the dip or had iron hands.

>> No.5497352

I guess you just won the competition. But you didnt say KYS, so we might have someone else winning this.

>> No.5497379

yes, but trying to ride this bitch with something small you're willing to lose is a great lesson in pumping and dumping.. anyone new to crypto should unironically give this shit a try. It's a fun ride.

>> No.5497406

$200k in...

>> No.5497411
File: 50 KB, 499x499, 1452285127467.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just look at them go again...

>> No.5497422

already sold 80% of my XVG at a 3000% profit. hoding a small amount still (didnt have a massive stack to begin with). all in all I'm quite happy. Even if it turns out that everyone is wrong and this coin is legitimately going places, I can be content with the gains that I've made. Get out, mate

>> No.5497478

FYI the team is making a video update and should be up any minute. I never had XVG but it was obvious this was a fud campaign. Im sorry to the anons that don't want the 50 percent discount on lambos

>> No.5497517

video in a few minutes!

>> No.5497616

hey, as long as you know what you're doing. :)

>> No.5497665

>this coin
>legitimately going places
how can anyone still have any doubts as to what kind of shit coin this is?? Look at their fucking github, for fucks sake. I've seen much better university projects than this pile of crap.

>> No.5497693

It’s 1 dev lol

>> No.5497721

>people complaining about a coin is a massive conspiracy but all these shills copy pasting the same shit over and over again so they buy their bags are not
I want you all verge marines to fuck off already, /biz/ deserved better than coordinated low effort shills

>> No.5497723

yeah, does anyone need to say more?

>> No.5497746

Kinda like Mitsubishi Nagabukkake and BTC !

>> No.5497756

You have to go back.

>> No.5497791

this is fud

>> No.5497810

>spread the truth

Link 1 theripplecryptocurrency.com/verge-hoax-investors-lose-millions/

Link 2 reddit.com/r/vergecurrency/comments/7m51ic/hodl_guys_wraith_is_coming_sunerok_who_is_the/

Link 3 reddit.com/r/vergecurrency/comments/7m72am/official_verge_statemen

>> No.5497840

Oh shit it's pumping too

>> No.5497892

>that pajeet sentence structure

Neck yourself, sir.

>> No.5497964

see you at 4k sats

>> No.5498023
File: 45 KB, 652x518, 1513313469147.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying people aren't losing their shit and dump way before
for example right about now

>> No.5498048
File: 223 KB, 1200x1167, D5A8CB65-1966-4E1D-8D75-32CD58B29692.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sumokoin is superior to verge.

>> No.5498077

>almighty FUD can't stop the XVG train
>pajeets shitting in the streets out of fustration that verge will be overtaking Monero and other shitcoins, leaving them with bags reaching up into the sky

fucking kek.

>> No.5498099

why are pajeets so emotionally attached to their precious coins? why dont they move to better ones like XVG from monero?

>> No.5498116

lol i also believe everything i read on /biz/ ;p

bazingacoin to the moon1!!

>> No.5498167
File: 10 KB, 236x213, 1513932508549.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wtf lads I bought at 1230 and now it's fucking crashing

>> No.5498206
File: 48 KB, 499x499, 1460484509618.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah, yeah

>> No.5498221

HAHAHAHHA, that's because you fomo... you had literally 23 hours to buy under 1000 sats.

>> No.5498303

Remember to filter XVG and Verge and avoid getting caught in this shitcoin scam

>> No.5498331

question: just how many different pnd groups are working this bitch with different targets in mind, s.t. they all work against each other at some point?

>> No.5498346

Your loss, pajeet.

>> No.5498368
File: 113 KB, 736x1417, 02b5aa123af24f29e08bec6bc612f3c3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying this shit isn't funny to watch

>> No.5498398


Faggots are setting tiny sells to suppress it. I have 300 left to unload and they keep undercutting everyone and each other. Dumb cunts don't understand that they're breaking the rate. If they'd just obey and stick with everyone else, we'd have a rate that people could either buy from or fuck off.

>> No.5498493
File: 58 KB, 645x729, 7312429.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's true, I'm just sad that all the invite links to the official discord have been mysteriously cancelled and I removed myself from that hugbox right before the crash. I've got a friend who's still in it who says it's a laugh riot rn.

Yeah I really lost out selling you all my bags at the ATH. Thanks for the gains, marine.


>> No.5498536

>I want you all x marines to fuck off already, /biz/ deserved better than coordinated low effort shills.

Spoken like a true bizraeli

>> No.5498539
File: 81 KB, 548x1088, 1484280312854.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Someone told me Verge was gonna be a top 5 coin

Enjoy your status as the new Digimarines fags

>> No.5498598
File: 1.57 MB, 320x240, 08-04-22-1513245969232.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That spot is reserved for Linkies

>> No.5498742

Finally a constructive post. Will look into it.
Your thoughts on AEON?

>> No.5498773


Chainlink would have had to actually been alive at some point to be the new Digimarine

>> No.5498805

THERE IS A VERGE PUMP AND DUMP COMING UP! get in on the action to know when to dump!


>> No.5498839

but it IS 1 dev, this isn't just a biz meme this is well known, wide spread fact.

>> No.5498954

and his commits are a fucking joke.

>> No.5499731

still a big fan even tho its down fuck the haters whatever monero is crap, tried it, its shit

>> No.5499956

>I am too stupid to use Monero.
Monero doesn't need you, newfag.