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54973413 No.54973413 [Reply] [Original]

Both have similar populations and started out as poor impoverished countries but China was able to lift 800 million people out of poverty meanwhile the many indians are still living in poverty

>> No.54973436

check back in 15-20 years
china's growth was literally parabolic
i think india today is like china in the mid 90s
>omgwtfbbq not even a good comparison ree
afaik another major difference is india is largely divided politically and socially, china is kinda one big machine and has been for the last couple hundred years
india on the other hand, would be more accurately split up into at least 5 or as many as 20 different countries

>> No.54973449

India has more states rights and the states regulate everything to shit. Imagine a USA with 50 different Californias with insane regulatory codes

>> No.54973464


>> No.54973479

Indian average IQ is 77
China average IQ is 104. Mystery solved.

>> No.54973497

Indians are natural servants and up until recently they have always cucked out to stronger forces. Only now are they trying to flex back because they've developed some leverage

>> No.54973503

>developed country

Lmao, maybe for 1/10th of their population.

>> No.54973554

China's literacy rate is 99%.
India's literacy rate is 77%.

Educated Chinese people tend to stay in China.
Educated Indian people move to the West.

China is more important politically, they have been a UNSC member since 1971. When you have the power of the veto, it's natural that countries tend to cozy up to you.

China got their first nukes in 1964.
India got their first nukes in 1974.

China was an important ally to many countries during the Cold War, after the Sino-Soviet split. Examples include Albania, North Korea, Cambodia and to some extent Vietnam. At most, India played a part in Bangladesh's independence.

Also, India has a lot of minorities both religious and ethnically. In India, for example the Punjabi Sikhs, the Muslim Kashmiris and the South Indians gave the Indian establishment a difficult time to build a united society.

Anyway there's more reasons but I can't be bothered to type them all up.

>> No.54973570

I sawn an hystorical accurate movie called RRR and I would say they are too busy having homoerotic friendships, dancing and fighting each other over bristish stuff. Also because Nacho nacho nacho nacho Nacho nacho nacho nacho Nacho nacho nacho nacho Nacho nacho nacho nacho

>> No.54973593

Indians are too busy shitting in the streets to develop anything.

>> No.54973604

Bahubali 1 and 2 is better anyway.

>> No.54973606

Actually we're too busy taking over your companies and fucking all your women, so please continue coping cumskin.

>> No.54973614

Great contribution to the thread anon, you sound like a real winner

>> No.54973633

The British colonized India, fuck up everything and then they left. They are too low IQ to sustain a western-like civilization. China had its millenary culture essentially intact and adapted to the current times. Also higher IQ like another anon said

>> No.54973660

Their flag has a butthole on it

>> No.54973925

Mao hired communist jews and killed 80 million poor people.
Chinks jewd themselves lmao

>> No.54974068

Ironic isint it

>> No.54974141

religion is the reason. political ideologies can and will change, religious thought doesn't.

>> No.54974501

ah yes, the 80 gorrillion!

>> No.54974527

>China was able to lift 800 million people out of poverty
If china so rich, why are there civilian places within it that i am not allowed to visit?

>> No.54974534

the obvious answer to this question is that china's economic and political system is better at creating growth.

>> No.54974550

[citation needed]

>> No.54974551

>China had its millenary culture essentially intact and adapted to the current times.
No it didn't. No it doesn't.
This is as fake as the 'india for 6k years' meme.
China was raped by everyone successively for the past 4,000 years.
Just like everywhere else on the planet.
Seriously, you guys could barely hold a century without failing to deter invaders.

>> No.54974716

Based and makes pajeets seethe. As said before, they crave feces and want to be one within the poop. This causes severe retardation in the children, which further increases their affection on stinky smelly excrement. Poop poop poop

>> No.54974784

They literally bathe in cow shit. Tells you all you need to know really.

>> No.54974948

poo logistics occupies too much brainspace

>> No.54975282

You can only steal what others made.
And notice how badly Indians want to be white? Why do you want to be white so badly anon? Shouldn't you hate cumskins? Ohhh shit in the street my friend

>> No.54975316

China can be more easily top-down controlled as a cohesive whole, which is great for pulling off big moves, but unfortunate if you're caught on the wrong side of them. India is simply much harder to wrangle with major differences between regions, and is more like the US or EU in that regard.

>> No.54975320

Anyone who knows the basics of market factors knows this.India will never replace china.

India has a consumption based society, China was able to stomp out it's comsumer base to create a manufacturing economy because of unironic authoritarianism. India being a democracy and al that will never achieve that.

Also, Indian products are inferior in quality and will never be accepted by the walmarts and tescos of the west. India will always remain a stupid service economy. rebute me with facts or gtfo my board.

>> No.54975324

USA forcibly industrialized china in the 1950s and beyond, and outsourced much of its manufacturing. india was industrialized by the USA, but not to the extent of china.
because real countries restrict the freedoms of dirty subhuman foreigners.

>> No.54975771
File: 507 KB, 1192x2136, 600m lbs of poo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the timing was different. china grew with the globalization of the markets and scaled efficiently

india got the timing wrong. their population did not keep pace with infrastructure. this is why there is 600MM pounds of human waste unleashed onto the streets, annually.
an ongoing public health crisis is unfavorable to attracting economic investment. china may commit human rights atrocities on the daily but that doesn't smell as bad as 600MM pounds of literal shit.

>> No.54975784
File: 104 KB, 1212x760, ICP Chart.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ICP rugged their economy.

>> No.54976568

you are about to get spammed really badly

>> No.54977062

India held a lot of noncompete regulations in place which protected indian workers from being displaced through industrialization i.e. the clothing industry from being industrialized and reducing the need for labor by 90%+. Thus there was no industrialization and no need for education as there existed no jobs requiring education. This continued for decades as china pursued a policy of rapid industrialization.

>> No.54977069
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>> No.54977603
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>> No.54979193
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>> No.54979304

China is a developing country