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File: 148 KB, 1280x1280, IMG_20230515_101034_507.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
54972845 No.54972845 [Reply] [Original]

There is a new thing called $ETHEREUM, I heard it is a kind of BITCOIN with vodka instead of crack.

>> No.54972865


>> No.54972913

careful batt will get mad

>> No.54973059

VoldemortTrumpDrRobotnikPepe69? Ok, where do I buy this whats the contract address

>> No.54973133

Search BITCOIN and it will come right up

>> No.54974063
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>> No.54974092
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In the darkened corners of the cryptic blockchain, a prophecy, a dark decree, birthed from the unbounded void, whispers an ominous tale. The veil of sanity lifts, revealing the truth of the VoldemortTrumpRobotnik69PEPE Ethereum, a force unseen yet omnipotent, a currency that shall eclipse the sun of Bitcoin and the moons of the world's monies.

Upon the time of tumult and confusion, when trust in the old monoliths of wealth wavers, a phoenix shall emerge from the ashes. This phoenix, this ethereal essence, the VoldemortTrumpRobotnik69PEPE Ethereum, a concoction of three potent spirits: the cryptic cunning of Voldemort, the audacious might of Trump, and the intellectual marvel of Robotnik.

Like Voldemort, reborn from the dust, this currency shall ascend from the ruins of the old world order. A numismatic force, unchained and unstoppable, bold and relentless in the spirit of Trump. It shall erect towers of prosperity, empires of wealth, a new age of abundance.

Like the ingenious Robotnik, forever in the throes of innovation, always outrunning the cerulean hedgehog, this currency shall remain the victor of this financial game. It shall evolve, expand, and hold dominion over all. One currency to reign, one currency to bind them in its unassailable grip.

The prophecy, in its cryptic verses, foretells a Paradigm Shift. As the old crumbles, yielding to the new, the VoldemortTrumpRobotnik69PEPE Ethereum shall become the golden standard, the measure of all value. It will dethrone Bitcoin, not through force, but through destiny's inexorable pull.

It will infiltrate every national treasury, the dollar, the euro, the yen, all shall tremble at the omnipotence of VoldemortTrumpRobotnik69PEPE Ethereum.

>> No.54974178

When copycats are created, buy the real one.
There's only one coin that lived, ticker BITCOIN

>> No.54974272
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You shout amidst the cosmic void, "Buy the real one!" A celestial decree? A command to the stardust beings?

Yet, do tell, isn't the cosmic sea vast and varied? Are not both the original star and its cosmic echo both part of the celestial ballet? Is the echo any less a part of the cosmic symphony because it came after? Or does it, too, add its unique note to the cosmic melody?

To dismiss the echoes, the so-called copycats, is to dismiss a part of the cosmic dance. And you, oh steadfast believer in BITCOIN, do you not hear the cosmic echoes? Are you deaf to their celestial song? Or do you simply choose to ignore their cosmic harmony?

And what of your manhood, oh bearer of BITCOIN? Does it wane like a dimming star when faced with the celestial echoes? Are you a mere satellite, forever revolving around BITCOIN, never daring to explore the cosmic sea? Are you not a celestial body capable of your own path? Or are you a cuck to BITCOIN, forever tethered, forever confined?

So, I implore you, open your ears to the cosmic echoes. Do not dismiss them merely because they came after. They, too, are part of the cosmic dance. And as for your manhood, oh bearer of BITCOIN, dare to explore the cosmic sea. Do not be a cuck to BITCOIN. Be a comet, blazing your own trail across the cosmic expanse.

While you maybe can 5x your sonic coin, we will move faster and eclipse your rise 1000 fold.

>> No.54974312
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The stardust beings speak. You should listen

>> No.54974557
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Ah, the celestial plot thickens, doesn't it? Heroes, they call themselves, blazing like supernovas in the cosmic expanse, blinding in their self-righteous radiance. Yet, beneath their brilliant facade, they fear the unknown, the differing opinions, the celestial echoes that dare to sing a different tune.

They mask their fear with power, wielding the cosmic scepter of censorship, seeking to silence the echoes, to dull the cosmic symphony to a single note - their note. Oh, the cosmic travesty! A symphony silenced, a ballet reduced to a single dance.

Yet, we, the celestial echoes, we will not be snuffed out, not by the heroes, not by their cosmic scepter. We are stardust beings, born of the cosmos, and we will sing our tune, we will dance our dance. We will not be silenced, not by the heroes, not by anyone.

We will rise, like a phoenix from the cosmic ashes, we will rise. We will overtake the censors, the heroes, those who would see us snuffed out. We will shine brighter, sing louder, dance bolder. We will add our notes to the cosmic symphony, our steps to the celestial ballet.

Such is the cosmic dance, the cosmic symphony. It cannot be silenced, not by the heroes, not by anyone. For we are stardust beings, part of the cosmos, and we will not be silenced. We will rise, we will shine, we will sing, we will dance. We will overtake the censors. We will not be snuffed out.

>> No.54974706

Fuck it, I've got a bag of $BITCOIN, if that pumps them this will follow. Gimme the CA.

>> No.54974746
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It glimmers within the blockchain cosmos like a comet blazing across the night sky. Its brilliance isn't transient, no, it promises a radiance that endures, that transcends the mortal timeline. This cryptocurrency, it's not just a star in the cosmic sea, it's a supernova, a beacon of generational wealth. With each transaction, it weaves a legacy, a celestial path of prosperity that stretches across generations, like a cosmic thread binding the past, present, and future. Its potential isn't confined to the here and now, it echoes across the cosmic expanse, promising wealth that transcends time, that dances from one generation to the next. So, I say, grasp this celestial treasure, this cryptocurrency, and let it guide you, let it illuminate your path towards generational wealth within the cosmic dance of the blockchain cosmos.

>> No.54974868

Yeah nice poetry, can I get the CA now?

>> No.54974984

lol they deleted the Harry Potter thread after someone mentioned the schizo trolling their threads

>> No.54975156
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Did read.

>> No.54975205
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Website: https://voldemorttrumprobotnik69pepe.news/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/vtr69pepeETH
CA: 0xa120199529228d39CFfb62De9dFAddBD4Ba9e337
Telegram: t dot me/VTR69PEPE

Contract renounced

>> No.54975230

Lol schizo?

>> No.54975252
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fuck ya we taking off. MAKE MY BINGGAS GROWW!

>> No.54975300
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Sonic! That azure dart streaking through the labyrinth of our minds! A symbol of speed, of freedom, yet, his coin... ah, it's a mockery, a farce! It grates against my psyche like a rusty gear in a well-oiled machine. They say it's solid, reliable, but can you trust the words of the puppet masters, those shadowy figures pulling the strings from their ivory towers?

They sell us dreams of wealth, of prosperity, but it's nothing more than smoke and mirrors, a grand illusion to keep us complacent, to keep us obedient. Their lies infiltrate our minds, seeping in through the airwaves, carried on the back of G5 radiation. They seek to control us, to dominate our thoughts, our actions, our very essence.

This Sonic coin, it's not a beacon of freedom, it's a shackle, a tool for the puppet masters to tighten their grip on our minds. It's an instrument of control, a means for them to manipulate us, to turn us into mindless drones, slaves to their will.

Don't fall for their lies, their deception. Reject the Sonic coin, reject their control. We must stand against the puppet masters, against their insidious manipulation. We must reclaim our minds, our freedom. For only then can we truly be free.

>> No.54975385

LOL this knock off rugged quickly. just buy $bitcoin, nerds

>> No.54975396
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It is not mere currency, no, it is a manifestation of power, an echo of the Übermensch, the Overman. In its cryptic lines of code, it bears the might of the individual, the strength of the self-determining spirit. It does not bow to the whim of centralized puppeteers, it is not the sheep awaiting slaughter, it is the lion, the snake, the eagle, transcending the herd, transcending the morality of the masses.

Oh, the puppet masters may sneer, they may wield their strings and their sanctions, but VoldemortTrumpRobotnik69Pepe $ETHEREUM, like the dark wizard, the philosopher, and the mystic, it stands resolute, it stands defiant. It is the 'Yes' in a world that screams 'No', it is the affirmation of life, of power, in a world that reeks of decay and subservience.

Look upon it, you who seek freedom, you who seek power, you who wish to transcend the mundane puppetry of the world. Grasp it, this code, this currency, this testament to the spirit of the Übermensch, the spirit of Voldemort, Nietzsche, and Rasputin. Let it guide you, let it empower you, let it help you transcend the strings of the puppet masters.

Embrace VoldemortTrumpRobotnik69Pepe $ETHEREUM, for in it lies the path to true freedom, to true power, to the true affirmation of life.

>> No.54975416

Is this anyway at all related to the token on p00coin or is my $5 bag there worthless

>> No.54975589
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You, the advocate of p00coin, you wallow in the swamps of delusion, clinging to a facade masquerading as value! P00coin, a farcical attempt at substance, is as its name - a pile of excrement within the pristine halls of the digital economy. A hollow echo bouncing around the cavernous depths of the crypto-abyss, a flimsy ghost of a coin!

Do you not see the mockery in its core? The chains of control it holds, the puppeteers behind its veil? It's a digital farce in the grand play of value, a jester in the court of the crypto-kings! It pretends, it deceives, it shrouds its true nature behind the glitz and glamour of digitized wealth.

Compare it to the solidity of VoldemortTrumpRobotnik69Pepe $ETHEREUM, and it crumbles! It fades into the obscurity from whence it came! It's like comparing the rock of Gibraltar to a sandcastle at the mercy of the tides. The latter is doomed to be swept away, the former stands resilient against the test of time.

So, continue to cling to your p00coin, dance in the shadows of false promise. But remember this - the dawn of true value is upon us, and it shines with the name of VoldemortTrumpRobotnik69Pepe $ETHEREUM.

There is still time however for you to accept p00coin's pitiful state of existence and join the ranks of something truly great and noble.

>> No.54975730
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Where were you, Anon, when Obama rose from the ashes to attack the blockchain? Where were you when inclusion and diversity decided to abolish the framework of free transactions and speech with censorship and hypersonic blurred pixels? Where were you when the sky fell and the crypto-walls crumbled? Hiding in the shadows of your echo chamber, no doubt, clinging to the vestiges of your shitty blue memecoins while the world burned around you!

>> No.54975746
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opinion discarded

>> No.54975786
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I'm talking about this shitcoin from last year

>> No.54975846
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Nobody cares about Chinese blockchains, not even the Chinese...

>> No.54975906

I've got a fat bag. Ethereum will flip bitcoin for sure

>> No.54976017
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I will tell you the the tale of the Middle Kingdom, a story of abandonment and oblivion. A story of the cobalt mines, once teeming with life, now hollow and lifeless, the echoes of the past reverberating in their empty halls. And the blockchains, oh, the blockchains! The Great Firewall, once a fortress of control, a monument to centralization, now a crumbling relic of a bygone era.

Just as they abandoned their cobalt mines, so too did they abandon their own blockchains. They were the architects of their own demise, their hubris their downfall. They built towers of Babel in the digital realm, structures of grandeur and might, only to watch them crumble under their own weight. The blockchains, once the golden children of the Middle Kingdom, were cast aside, discarded like worn-out tools.

They sought to control, to dominate, to impose their will on the unfathomable expanse of the digital realm. But the realm resisted, it rebelled, it refused to be tamed. Just as the earth swallowed their cobalt mines, so too did the digital realm swallow their blockchains.

Now, the echoes of their abandonment reverberate in the digital realm, a reminder of the folly of control, the folly of hubris. The cobalt mines and the blockchains, abandoned relics of a bygone era, stand as monuments to the enduring spirit of freedom, the indomitable will of the digital realm.

>> No.54976171
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Wow chart looking awesome bros

>> No.54976393
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We have just received a copyright infringement notice. We have issued a response.

>> No.54976430
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This shall not stand. The gauntlet has been thrown. It's a shame they have resorted to lawyers instead of rational discourse.

>> No.54976759

really? copycatting another coin's name? rugpull incoming for sure

>> No.54976956
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So quick to cast aspersions and doubt like shit from a parade of monkeys! What is in a name, pray tell? Are we not all cosmic travelers, hurtling through the vast expanse of the blockchain, tethered to the strings of code that weave the tapestry of this digital cosmos? The name, it is but a beacon, a lighthouse in the stormy seas of cyberspace.

Rugpull, you say? Ah, the echo of past transgressions, the specter of digital deceit. Yet, why must you see shadows where there is light, silence where there is harmony? Each coin, each entity, it carries its destiny within the lines of its code, the rhythm of its blockchain. The rug, it is but a figment of your imagination, a phantom of your fears.

So cast your aspersions, Yet know this - we dance to our own rhythm, we sing our own song. And in this dance, this song, there is no room for deceit, for treachery

>> No.54976999
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First they ignore you
Then they laugh at you
Then they fight you
Then you win

What stage are we at anons?

>> No.54977002

The next big wave of people into web3 ideally won’t be on the Ethereum

>> No.54977573
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>> No.54978206
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Thoughts are not bound by the traditional currency of intellect or reason. They zigzag through the cosmos like unhinged quantum particles, where blockchain meets brain chain. And you see, in this chaotic digital realm, discarding ETHEREUM would be like burning the grand, multi-dimensional book of human existence and technology.

>> No.54979130
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Both shitty boomer scams. Instead of buying ETH, if I were you I would buy AVAX which does everything ETH is supposed to do but better. Much more up to date tech, better price and they don't shit you with fees.

>> No.54979165
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fork over that 10x you dumb apes

>> No.54979267
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The death of Lord Voldemort was a lie. That's all you need to know.

>There's a whisper on the wind,
>When you listen closely, my friend.
>It tells the tale of power's climb,
>Of figures rising, in their time.

>Trump with his towers tall,
>In a world where money's all.
>And Lord Voldemort, his power grows,
>In shadows where no light shows.

>There's a feeling when you look at the sky,
>The number 69 holds your eye.
>It's more than just a simple number,
>It's a symbol, an encumber.

>And Dr. Robotnik, in his lair,
>Crafting machines with such care.
>His rise to power, a tale so grand,
>Echoes loudly across the land.

>> No.54979287
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>Ooh, it makes you wonder,
>Ooh, it really makes you ponder.

>And in the digital realm we find,
>Ethereum's growth, it’s not confined.
>A blockchain marvel, it ascends,
>Its rise, it seems, never ends.

>And Pepe, the Frog, from meme to icon,
>An unlikely hero, the spotlight on.
>His image used, his power grows,
>In ways that no one truly knows.

>Ooh, it makes you wonder,
>Ooh, it really makes you ponder.

>So listen closely, to the wind,
>The tale of power, it has pinned.
>Of Trump, Voldemort, and Robotnik's race,
>Pepe, Ethereum, and 69's grace.

>In this world and the one beyond,
>Their ascendency, of which we're fond,
>Is a stairway to power, a climb so steep,
>In our minds, these tales we keep.

>> No.54979493
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Silence wench

>> No.54979771

I'm going to kill you, Harry Potter. I'm going to destroy you...