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54972346 No.54972346 [Reply] [Original]

>daily stand up

>> No.54972361

we get it, you're a codecel.

>> No.54972369

I want to kill myself

>> No.54972377

I wonder if my teammates can notice that I get up like 10 minutes before

>> No.54972389
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I get up the minute my meetings start and crawl out of bed over to my computer to turn it on. I then proceed to stay on for an hour on mute while I do all my morning chores (eat, shit, brush teeth, etc.)

>> No.54972418
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>woke up 5:30
>come home 7:00
>gf made breakfast
>make the long commute from the kitchen to my desk
>company polo on top, boxers below camera angle
>8am rolls around
>hey there guys how was your weekend?

>> No.54972441

pathetic wagie

>> No.54972473
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I like my job

>> No.54972503
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>"hey anon, somehow I can't see your webcam yet"

>> No.54972518

>company uniform at home

>> No.54972531
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I remember a new "project manager" tried to force this
just told him no

>> No.54972546
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they pulled that one on me and i just casually said that i would resign on the spot if they made me turn my camera in a meeting with all the core managers. they never mentioned it again after that

based, project managers are the jannys of the professional tech world

>> No.54972550

I'm on sales calls all day so usually if my calls are camera on I'll put on the polo

If camera off I'm in sweats and a hoodie

>> No.54972588

Based optimistic early riser

>> No.54972618

Fuck you I'm not a janny you fucking retarded whore the whole fucking project depends on ME I'm the one who MANAGES IT hence the name you fucking imbecile. I would love to fire someone like you.

>> No.54972649

project administrator
project secretary
project janitor

>> No.54972665
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>> No.54972697


shut the fuck up. all you are there for is knowing the business logic you don't actually do anything.

>> No.54972712


>> No.54972744

Most physically fit janitor.

>> No.54972797
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>burndown charts

>> No.54972808

>below camera angle

>> No.54972814
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exactly my point. Powertripping micromanaging faggots who no one likes

>> No.54972815


get out of here normie!!! it's only for INCELS here!

>> No.54972822

I told you stop taking pics of me waking up

>> No.54972831

I am a product manager and i can confirm you are a cuck by definition tho

>> No.54972833

you guys bother with a mouse jiggler?

>> No.54972838

>t. lazy codecel
project managers are the key to productivity. without project managers, codecels would be playing vidya and watching porn all day.

>> No.54972848

Technically Im in a sales engineer role, but I work at a startup and I am basically the entire sales team, plus my boss (the founder). I have a compsci degree but just find working in a role like this is a lot more enjoyable.

>> No.54972850

>sorry I'm gonna miss the stand up, I got a user that needs immediate assistance. I'll continue with my ordinary tasks after that
>repeat ad nauseam
gg no re

>> No.54973073


people in your team know you are bullshitting. nobody deals with clients at 9 AM unless its a level 1

>> No.54973143

My previous job as an onsite IT technician had users bugging us at any given time of the day so half of the time it was actually true, the company had over 500 employees so there was always shit to do and I'd rather help a user with a problem than sit in a meaningless brain dead meeting with lazy useless gen x managers

>> No.54973159
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>Weekly Sync-up

>> No.54973240

ummmm whos going to tell him a trinity means 5 in number????