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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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54970801 No.54970801 [Reply] [Original]

>housing is unafford-ACK

>> No.54970815
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>just live among dumb dirty yellow insects in a third world polluted primitive shithole

>> No.54970891

Vietnam can't be that bad.
I doubt any region can be bad if you have enough money relative to the cost of living.

>> No.54970897
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>Vietnam can't be that bad.
>I doubt any region can be bad if you have enough money relative to the cost of living.

>> No.54970900

Can I move to Vietnam as a white guy with a white wife and a white kid and like $300,000 liquid assets? I don't really want to be a Muttmerican anymore, every year the cost of living goes up and the quality of living goes down. I've had enough.

>> No.54971075

what is your post trying to say?

>> No.54971305


lmao ya boilin'

>> No.54971993

I'd go crazy living in a pod like that. Can't work on a car. Can't have a single creative hobby like woodworking or metalworking. Even gardening is limited to a half-meter square probably. The only thing you can do if you live here is go out to bars and clubs and get drunk and do drugs. I'm not socialized enough for this. If you want to see a school shooter, then I guess you can force me to isolate myself in one of these for the rest of my life with no way out.

>> No.54972029

Bigger nigger, i don't want to live close to gook trannies

>> No.54972040

300K is not enough for Vietnam. 500K minimum to account for foreigner "tax" because the locals will get the deals and you'll be stuck paying the white prices
>t. brownoid viet chink who moved to US for uni.

>> No.54972075

If you have to flee to a third world shithole, you already lost.

>> No.54972087

Exactly this. I don't understand the /biz/raelis thinking the grass is greener as third worlder now first worlder

>> No.54972135

Search Gaito when you’re in Vietnam, you can find fine yellow puss for like 20$ a pop and they suck the absolute life outta you. Its heaven on earth, Been there thrice and would go again this year.