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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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54962913 No.54962913 [Reply] [Original]

Sergey Nazarov
CEO of Chainlink
Leader of the 4th industrial revolution

>> No.54963148

>owns 50% of the supply
>dumps 150 million tokens on baggies
>makes $500 million without a working product
I'm thinking based

>> No.54963640

>makes fudcucks so upset that they have to spam biz 24/7
that's even more based
i think ill buy more chainlink tokens

>> No.54963884

why was he chosen? whats the real story behind 216?

>> No.54963894

he's based because he scammed gullible idiots, what's wrong with that

>> No.54963904

stop lying he didnt scam anyone you are a liar

>> No.54963909
File: 59 KB, 700x368, fat scammer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this Sirgay Nastyfat?

>> No.54963924

>also known as Satoshi Nakamoto

>> No.54963940
File: 421 KB, 682x578, Link-BTC.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

more like Scamtoshi Niggermoto lol

>> No.54963943

stop insulting him

>> No.54963947

>gets triggered and starts making shit up when i say ill buy more chainlink tokens
i think ill buy exactly 100 more chainlink tokens asap
sorry your efforts went to waste

>> No.54963952

this man wants to change the world, he wants to create a world without lies and corruption

how can you be so blind to his vision

>> No.54963966

Your colossal losses are making me seethe so hard. STOP!!!

>> No.54963975

stop being sarcastic, you sound silly

>> No.54963978

>tries to be sarcastic but is obviously incredibly salty
yeah... sorry bro
definitely only going to be adding to what i already have

>> No.54963987

kek you baggies are beyond schizophrenic, but I've got to admit I always have a chuckle whenever I interact with specimens like you

>> No.54963988

A new CEO would give this project new life. Sergey needs to leave the project IMO.

>> No.54963994

>calls people schizophrenic for saying theyll buy a crypto
more projection? buying more chainlink