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54962602 No.54962602 [Reply] [Original]

When I was a dumb teenager (19 so still adult) I got charged and convicted for capturing a raccoon and burning it alive. I also spent time in a psych ward so that’s also a limiting factor. Please help me get a job or make money literal fast food places don’t want me.

>> No.54962612

I don't have any advice, but I will anxiously monitor this thread to see other people respond to this post. Kek

>> No.54962630

raccoons suck ass but that seems a little over the top

have you tried getting a job in rodent extermination? like that one dude who tried to assassinate bjork b4 he heroed himself?

>> No.54962655

It stays forever? Land of the free. Kek

>> No.54962658

people like you should be put to sleep indefinitly

>> No.54962663

19 is 1 year above adult age. If you as adult thought that burning a raccoon alive is a good idea, you should castrate yourself.

>> No.54962664

You can try and get your record expunged but you sound like a psychopath.

>> No.54962666

>black cap turned white cap

>> No.54962682

Plot twist: OP is only 20

>> No.54962684

Wtf nigga. How is that illegal? Are you the anon posting houses in West Virginia?

>> No.54962686

This post further implies that you recorded the execution and shared it. You’re a fucking nigger and don’t deserve money. Don’t downplay your age take you can’t even take accountability years later as what you claim to be an adult

>> No.54962706

Talk to a temp agency, they’ve hired worse (me)
>t. Convicted felon three years in federal camp that eventually learned to trade

>> No.54962731

Why? It’s just a racoonn

>> No.54962738

Learn that temp agencies don’t take convicts

>> No.54962754

That's vermin, he was doing society a favour. I don't get this idiotic Anglosphere treatment of animals like humans. There's too many of some and their population needs to be controlled. It doesn't matter how it's done (as sport whatnot).

>> No.54962771

I would hire a convicted big time drug dealer but not you
deal with being branded a scumbag

>> No.54962799

Don't they allow in Florida for people to target practice on iguanas because they are an invasive species? Racoons are the same thing. Like to a domesticated normie it might sound inhumane but vermin is driving other, native species out and making them extinct. When I was 19 though I just jerked off to anime.

>> No.54962800

go light yourself on fire faggot

>> No.54962812

If you burn a raccoon alive it means you have no empathy and are a psychopath. Psychopaths need to be put down as rabid dogs they are, alas, our governments are not allowed to do that.

>> No.54962818

They took me 8 years ago, not sure how it changed since then. Literally picked me up at my halfway house every morning til I was released, and I was one of the few guys at the slaughterhouse speaking English too.

>> No.54962841

So you’d hire an even worse criminal over me?

>> No.54962847

go to goodwill job center or similar place that provide free help and training with jobs and resumes, they also provide a network for you and recommend you for jobs with employers they know but yea you have to be willing to put in the time with them and not be a faggot and expecting to do nothing and get something

>> No.54962862

dealer provides a useful service to happy customers while you tortured an animal for fun and views as you probably posted it online.

>> No.54962865

Of course they don't hire psychopaths at a job where customer service/contact is your daily deal. Learn to cook and become a cook, if you have a car license learn how to operate a forklift and apply for a job at a warehouse or something.

>> No.54962882

Another reminder that shutting down the asylums was the biggest mistake society ever made.

>> No.54962903

Don't listen to all these pussies crying over a fucking racoon. Normally construction jobs allow ex criminals.

>> No.54962952

some crime takes masculinity, physical or mental strength, varying levels of intelligence, cunning. but your combination of extreme physical and mental weakness with violent tendencies (read: the quintessential "chud") is the worst of both spectra.

>> No.54962965

you're going to have to tell them what you actually did, and nobody is going to put their business in jeopardy for an extremely feminine crime.
it's just a poor look.

>> No.54962967

Killing pest is considered a crime. Land of the free. Don't you kill and eat animals in muttland.

>> No.54962979

Animals aren't human. Animals are incapable of feeling emotion, they are lesser beings. Abusing animals does not make you a psychopath, maybe a little unhinged but still.

>> No.54962982

Do you live in or near a big city? All those buildings have windows that need to be cleaned and not many want to do that job. Well known this job hires felons and pays well too.

>> No.54962990

Anon it's a racoon, they're pests like squirrels and mice. If he burned a dog then I would agree with you.

>> No.54963015

Completely untrue, I have had many animals who truly loved me, didn't eat my food, preferred to stay outside but still wanted my affection.
I had a cat get hit by a car at 65 mph 5 years ago and almost died, went paralyzed for a month and had to keep her alive with oxycontin antibiotics gabapentin and manually holding her so she could use the bathroom.

To this day if she hears a car she runs.
had a cat get hit in the nose by a frisbee 10 years ago, I pulled a frisbe out and she went from having fun to hiding in my basement.
Fear/Love are part of the same emotion.

>> No.54963030

Those are animalistic reactions to stimuli, it has nothing to do with emotion. Something hurts > I avoid it.

>> No.54963033

My youngest cat Wiggly is the most possesive cat I've ever had, if I try to give attention to my other cats he sits and whines, louder and louder till it gets quieter and more pathetic.
He won't stop until I pet him, then he attacks all my cats.

I tell him to "es go wiggle" and he will run full force from outside to my bed to goto sleep with me.

>> No.54963041

Dawkins and you both need to learn 1000x over how cringe you are

>> No.54963042

Again, not real emotion. If I train a bot to say it loves me, does it feel emotion? Of course not. Same concept with animals.

>> No.54963043

equally feminine animal and thus reaction

if he was out lynching niggers it'd be a different story
but feminine violence is deeply embarrassing and no self respecting man would want any business relationship with that level of high-estrogen depravity,

>> No.54963044

My cat mother who had 4 kittens with birth defects still cleans them and protects them today she gave birth in 2020.
They are all deformed so she keeps nurturing them, her one that wasn't deformed was her favorite her son Danther, was killed by a car, she still looks for him today and sits on his grave.

>> No.54963046

Learn to give good advice dickhead >>54962965
It’s a masculine crime though

>> No.54963047

You're a contrarian I'm not talking to you faggot giving examples, you can kindly kill yourself your kind isn't needed in this world and especially on /biz/ if I caught you hurting animals I would unironically keep you in my basement and torture you to death, humans are insignificant.

>> No.54963052

Motherly instincts are hardcoded into most animals. Just because something acts in a manner similar to humans doesn't mean it feels emotion.

>> No.54963055

Dogs deserve to be burned though

>> No.54963066

Yeah you don't have an answer for that do you moron, all mammals feel emotion it's hardcoded into our DNA to survive, the same as fear/stimuli

>> No.54963074

You aren't giving any examples you massive loser. See, the pet faggot shows his true colors. He is a complete psychopath who only sees animals as equals. He has no problem torturing humans, but if humans torture animals, he takes issue. You're a hypocrite, there is no logic behind anything you say or do.

>> No.54963078

>Humans which are mammals and animals are superior to all the other mammals/animals
That's where you're incorrect, we are the worst and most parasitic simple as.

>> No.54963085

>5 posts defending burning animals alive.
Go shout this opinion out loud faggot not on a dead business board.

>> No.54963091

warehouses, construction sites, places that hire people with no socials is what you're looking for
then take that money and throw it all in parsiq ezpz

>> No.54963097

What in the fuck. A cat is a desert animal that stupid humans keep at home. It feasts on mice and birds. When you're not home your cat is busy devouring some rat by the side of the road. In some countries cats are considered an invasive species because they destroy the ecosystem. Emotionally damaged people project human characteristics onto some dumb vermin that pisses everywhere (check with a UV light your counters) and 9 times out of 10 turns their asshole towards them. It says more about the stupid humans than the animals.
Some idiot grilling a racoon is still making it die in a more dignified way that it would in the wild.

>> No.54963099

Those aren't real emotions. They are reactions to stimuli and pre-programmed functions coded into DNA.
You're a massive pRedditor and you need to go back.
Where did I defend burning animals alive? Oh way, I didn't. You took one statement I made and twisted it in your mentally ill mind. You must have those cat brain parasites.

>> No.54963114

You don't deserve fuck all nigger.
Hang yourself.

>> No.54963115

Kek I ain't reading your nigger writing, go outside and touch glass you fucking unloved untouched pathetic fat fuck.
I know who you are, only one fucking nigger here advocates killing animals and it's the same nigger who tries to dox people constantly here.
Kill yourself you are a parasite, of course you defend parasitic behavior otherwise your kind dies out.

>> No.54963128

>parasite parasite parasite
Why are pRedditors like this? The only parasites here are the ones inside your brain.

>> No.54963139

>raging this hard on a sunday morning because nobody shares his parasitic psychopathic behavior of killing innocent animals
You think you're edgy but one of these days you won't be around this shit board and that day we can start having real discussions again, not constant off topic horse shit like this to feed this stupid niggers ego.

>> No.54963142

You're projecting pretty hard, mate.

>> No.54963149

Bye nigger, i killed this thread, you can try samefagging to keep it up but you won't get anymore yous from me today, nigger.

>> No.54963161

>feminine violence
Shut up retard.

>> No.54963171

You're unhinged. I haven't samefagged once, you are just paranoid. You don't read my posts. You don't develop your argument. You just spout your emotions and when someone disagrees you go off like a time bomb. Maybe, just maybe...if you can't develop a proper argument it means you have no ground to stand on.

>> No.54963194

>If you burn a raccoon alive it means you have no empathy

Are you a literal racoon retard?

>> No.54963213

Where are the bodies hidden?

>> No.54963222

You’re a loser, who cares about humans unless they’re rich doctors or bankers. 99% of humans are trash losers

>> No.54963227
File: 6 KB, 225x225, download (5).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

One time I put out a mouse trap and it killed a mouse. How long will I have to spend in psych wards? AM I A MONSTER?

>> No.54963241

Well, most people who aren't mentally ill, for starters. The top 1% probably deserve less care than everyone else anyways.

>> No.54963246

Checked, even the psycho OP gets it.

>> No.54963251

Whenever I see threads like this on 4chan, I am sure it's a larp to trigger the hyper soi "moralfags" who somehow became convinced that human-made morals were ever meant to be applied to non-human animals.

I hate to be a direction-brained retard myself, but "leftist brain rot" seems like an apt term here.

But yeah, as an adult, I think that burning a raccoon to death is kind of poor taste. Kind of cringe. But as a teenager, I'm sure I would've giggled hysterically at it. No harm no foul as far as I'm concerned.

>> No.54963255

For you, also side note dogs and racoon I don't give that much of a shit about, had you burned a cat I'd probably gut you.

>> No.54963259

How did you burn it alive?

>> No.54963274

If you agree with a psycho it says volumes more about you than me. You're head is pretty messed up so I understand that you are unable to understand why.
You sound more violent than OP, how interesting.

>> No.54963284

Compassion towards animals is a white trait so I wouldn’t expect you to get it.
>I dont get these compassionate humans (‘anglos’)
Lmao, lol

>> No.54963298

>>5496327 4
Not talking to you nigger
No yous for you.
but to the board I'll say, I never said I wasn't a psycho, I just like cats.

>> No.54963302

Amazon is always hiring. Trades or start your own business. Any white collar govie jub hs effectively barred you. Anyway to get your record expunged like maybe a fuckton of community service hours?

>> No.54963303

you don't get it. just because you (a faggot on a mongolian basket weaving forum) is okay with it does not mean that several other entities completely unrelated to you will be okay with it. most people look down on hurting animals, and it seriously upsets them. you would know this if you weren't terminally online jerking your hotdog 24/7, and had a job. i wouldn't want OP in any position, because the crime indicates he has low impulse control, and very likely could do something unhinged. like if OP dealed weed, or something, and caught a charge he'd be well liked because that's relatable. we are not disgusting mudniggers who never learned how to domesticate god's creatures. we naturally like animals.

>> No.54963310

Moralfags are an easy (You) exploit. The devs got lazy and didn't bug test.

>> No.54963316

Thanks for proving me right.

>> No.54963322

I'd unironically hire OP if he burned a dog, especially a dangerous one, fuck dogs they are gayer than racoons.

>> No.54963326

If he burned a shitbull I'd pay him $100

>> No.54963329

you are actually retarded, or just non-white. only mud-men races fear god's animals, and are afraid of domesticating them. truth is i am happy you people don't keep many animals too many stories of mudniggers fucking goats last thing I'd want to hear about is aisha fucking the dog like all the mudnigger fantasies of white women.

>> No.54963330

Also protip feed racoons cheese its, they get stuck in their throat and have to gag themselves, it's fun to watch them ripping the cheese its out.

>> No.54963336

I don't even have $100 to my name and I'd go find $200 and a hooker for him if he gutted a shitbull.
Had to tell a tweeker if he let his shitbull on my land again I'd gut it infront of him and then he was next, he leashes it now.

>> No.54963339

worst post

>> No.54963340

Kek I absolutely mindbroke him. I'm sorry, I really am, but you should honestly evaluate your own values.

>> No.54963373

Why do shitskins hate animals so much? It's really a shitskin thing too. I don't see James Smith making torture videos of monkeys, or talking about feeding poison to the wildlife in the area. It's almost a Javier Ortizio, or a Mujahar Dikshitar. Weird how life works.

>> No.54963471

Not really weird, sign of lower intelligence, white people are the only salvageable race, and we need work.
There's plenty of subhuman types among our race that could be plucked out overnight and I wouldn't shed a tear.

>> No.54963510

Spaniards detected.

>> No.54963569

Animal cruelty. I have no problem killing animals, but killing them in a premeditated hurtful and lingering way is very bad behaviour. You would do that to other humans if it was easy enough
>He's just a criminal, who cares
Just kill them fast, nigger

>> No.54963575

Why do anglos replace humans with animals? All this disgusting "dog mommy" crap.

>> No.54963592

Everyone except me needs to learn to speak and write properly

>> No.54963593

Dude you just saying this means you are still pretty fucked in the head and didn't change much desu

>> No.54963610

It's so free that he will never be allowed to legally possess a firearm as long as he is a US citizen. Rightfully so, animal abuse is one of the strongest behavioral indicators of degeneracy. Sounds like your typical leftist.

>> No.54963637

>look down on hurting animals
That's because they are domesticated and neither know how the food industry creates what's on their plate and how animals behave in the wild. Cats especially destroy everything in their path, kill all small animals. The same way people hunt iguanas in Florida (a man-made problem) they could hunt cats.

>> No.54963642

Besides the fact that most of your opinions are retarded, you are missing the point.
Burning an animal alive is about you, the human being, and not the magic dna/you can't talk english to horses therefore they have no emotions. Also, hate to break it to you anon, but you are an animal too

>> No.54963647

Good. stay away from society you freak

>> No.54963659
File: 2 KB, 125x100, 1679061474787301.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This OP. >>54962602

I believe you're still pretty fucked in the head. Objectively speaking, you'd be a risk and a liability to any business and/or company taking into consideration how sensible the society we live in is. There's literally no excuse as to how much damage a company would suffer because of your intransigent and negatively inspired actions ; who would want to hire someone who will most likely bring a lawsuit in the future? Seek help and humble yourself, take a look at the future you want to have and how much negative impact you're creating for your own fucking future; take care of yourself and stop HATING so much because all of this is just unresolved hatred and traumas. Take this from a future psychologist.

>> No.54963687
File: 71 KB, 714x471, yoplait.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm thinking of inverting in this yoghurt brand.
The problem with cities is that animals have no natural predators.

>> No.54963691

>dur hurr society is full of domesticated NPCs who want animals to be on the same level as them

Unironically clinically retarded. This is not about us lowering our own treatment towards other to a fucking cat's level (which would literally be devolving to feral animals). This is about OP's notion of morale. New age zoomers and literal teenagers have this meme created mentality of being as dumb as a rock and not trying to elevate their minds and souls.

>> No.54963749

Kys sicko. Glad to know the estrogen they're putting in the water is making people feel more empathy. Trans women are women btw

>> No.54963785

>Please help me get a job or make money literal fast food places don’t want me.
To answer the post, if I would be an employer, I would think the judge must have been a stupid woman and not care. It's difficult enough to get employees capable of getting *anything* fucking done in a stupid first world country. As long as you do your job a reasonable employer doesn't give a fuck. Everyone did something stupid when they were young. If you can post on this shit board you can work in tech.

>> No.54963901

People here really getting so sensitive about burning a raccoon. Thats exactly what you would consider doing in nature before “america” created all these “rules”

Have you seen big cats rips baby animals from their mothers then rip their head off?

>its for muhhh food

Its there to satisfy some primal urge to rape and kill that a high test male has. Estrogen femboy cat lover in this thread seriously copingmm2wjk

>> No.54963935

>Teenager take

That's exactly what you kids need to understand. WE ARE NO LONGER LIVING IN 1400BC. You need to adapt to todays society rather than wondering why people don't act as ruthless as they needed to in the primal ages.

All this is caused by a crazy societal disassociation. Months/Years stuck to a computer and memetic toxicity without having real social interactions to nurture your common sense outside of school and/or work.

>> No.54963972

The urge is still there.

Its just cucked.

>Same with men lacking and self respect, paying their entire salary to women online

>Estrogen in the water
>muhhh toxic masculinity

Theyre trying to make you all tame, take your guns, take your fighting will.

Warriors dont slave well.

>> No.54964031
File: 104 KB, 1024x678, 1674445472013023.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Effectively radicalized
I hate cucks, LGBTQ degenerates and blacks as much as you do and I'm also fully aware of how ((( ))) have polluted the water and food supplies with estrogens but I'm still aware of how 99% of the people out there are not as paranoic as this website wants you to be.

Your mind at this point is literally a product of the counterintelligence offensive, brainwashed and radicalized to be a feral monkey whilst your ancestors tried to push the modern arts and refined culture; literal devolution.

You can be smarter that this kid, they're playing 5d chess with your life.

>> No.54964036

Whites. Abort their children ok. Gender reassignment for their children good! Meanwhile, we etnics just smack our pets with slippers if they misbehave. Feels good to be non white

>> No.54964065

I enjoy art and culture too. I probably have a higher education and salary than you. Im just not as low iq as OP and got caught like that

I control my urges. I let them out in the gym or the ring. But to shame what OP did as some inhumane monster is just cucked.

Id kill any animal, in anyway without hesitation if needed / wanted. The only “moral” blockings would be the law

>> No.54964069

just apply for jobs and dont tell them about your criminal record. easy peasy. most companies wont even bother to check. just dont mention in the interview about the raccoon

>> No.54964084

If you eat meat then youre the same. Youre just too cucked because the torture is out of your sight far away disassociated so you feel better

>> No.54964085

Because unless the person if of Northern European origin they are disgusting and subhuman, below animal

>> No.54964091

You don’t know how farming works

>> No.54964114

Cats literally will shred the head off an animal and play with it

And here you are defensing thrm like some precious pure holy creature. They see you , human, as below them. If you didn’t feed them and weren’t bigger than them, they’d slit your throat for fun in a second. (Human meat is bitter so they couldn’t eat, just for luls)

>> No.54964118
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Cringe mentality; effectively radicalized and devolved.
>Embrace monke, emotionless vehement stoicism good!
Let me guess, you don't practice your own spiritually neither?

>> No.54964127

why not? Its just a fucking retarded human
I rather the racoon lives and OP dies

>> No.54964141

i don't know, but i wish you the best. i hope you get better and make it.

>> No.54964168

you dont deserve to live a good life

>> No.54964173

Congrats, once again you've "devolved" to just insulting with nothing to say.

Yes I meditate. I do breathing exercise. I'm very Intune both mentally and spiritually (and intellectually). I don't intend to harm anyone randomly (mostly because of societal consequences) But could I?

Yes I would kill an animal without hesitation. burn it. slit it in half. bash it's head to death. Easily.

Cry about it cuck estroboy

>> No.54964195

shut the fuck up pussy

>> No.54964208

It depends on the psycho's ability to control themself.

Most CEO's are probably psychos. No way they can steal that much money, cause endless amounts of death and suffering , ruin society and all without any self suffering within their conscious, unless they are also psychos.

They just dont go out burning raccoons and posting it on the internet. They "kill" "rob" and "steal" within allowed parameters defined by society

>> No.54964224

I was about to make a dumb thread about how I shat the bed again and posting a frog but your baitpost is like 1000 times better kek.

>> No.54964253

Assuming that the type of offense is listed on the record, if it comes up, I'd try to be honest about it, e.g. "It was sadly a time during which I was deeply mentally disturbed. That doesn't make it all right, don't get me wrong, it's just the reason I did it. I am glad that I am better now" (I hope you are better now).

>> No.54964264

You mean chinese, m8

>> No.54964267

Ok might have been "just a racoon", but it still felt pain.

>> No.54964277

It is a masculine crime, but that doesn't make it good. It just makes it a crime that men tend to commit.

>> No.54964280

>Rent free
>Touched a nerve
Keep hitting yourself against the same wall, there's a bigger picture in life you're obviously ignoring. Educate your soul for a brighter future, not a better one.

>> No.54964285

every living creature on this earth feels pain.

>> No.54964288

You are part of "99.9% of humans". You're just condemning yourself.

>> No.54964301

I just woke up and posting in a chan thread while i was brushing my teeth. about to close this and go eat.

which part of these posts screams "touched a nerve" ?

lmao cope more cuck boy, still have nothing to say except to try to make some targeted personal attacks. are you sure you're not the triggered one?

cya in a few hours

>> No.54964304

Have you considered that you need to hear properly? If everyone except you seems to speak incorrectly, maybe the problem is with your hearing. The two would be indistinguishable.

>> No.54964317

A "real human" wouldn't demean himself by calling other "subhuman", it's per se an imperfection to be filled with rage, therefore it can't be a constitutive part of being a "real human" (as opposed to "subhuman", as you say).

>> No.54964321

>9 posts in 50 minutes
Mad and fuming. Sucks to be riddled with mental illnesses

>> No.54964325

Yes, it does.

>> No.54964416

Yeah bro, 9 posts in an hour on a sunday afternoon on the ONLY thread interesting here that's not


Absolutely FUMING ROFL

Sorry I upset you because I said I would kill cats without remorse. I know you probably love your cat. But if it came down to it, i'd stomp it's head in.

Love the insight this thread gave about how normies view animal killers. Guess I need to continue masking IRL

Here's 10 in 1 hour btw. Fuming

>> No.54964452

And yes I have mental illness. You probably do too.

At least I admit to it. You're coping

>> No.54964975
File: 240 KB, 933x688, universe-25.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Get off your high horse. Vermin is vermin, it needs to be culled otherwise you won't have any corn fields because wild swine ate it all because their population exponentially increased. The moment they eat all the corn half of them will starve because there aren't enough resources left. Look up UNIVERSE 25.

>> No.54965116

What's universe 25? A marvel movie? Maybe thanos is a good guy in that universe

>> No.54965269

fuck lmao

>> No.54965379


>> No.54965622

Quite interesting, I was just lowkey trolling your comment but thanks

>> No.54965721
File: 70 KB, 1024x576, french-foreign-legion.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Join the French Foreign Legion, they have much worse people than single-incident animal abusers and psych niggas (just don't tell them about that). You get a new identity and after a few years a french citizenship too. Then leave after your enlistment is up and settle into some government job. Next, spend some of your free time in southern france and find yourself a beautiful french country wife and sire many children. There you go. Protip: learninf french before joining the legion will make your life abundantly easier.

>> No.54966195

There's a difference between humanely and quickly dispatching a pest with a gun or trap, and burning it alive. The difference is evil.

>> No.54966321

God this board fucking sucks I think tiny hatted faggots unleashed schizophrenics upon this place because white people were helping white people.
prove me wrong.

>> No.54966459

mental gymnastics just so you can excuse yourself of your past evils
stay poor, nigger
sage grows in all fields

>> No.54968051

I dunno, sounds like you kinda deserve the spot you’re in

>> No.54968185

You are a subhuman

>> No.54968281

chink detected

>> No.54968311

Man, this is a troll or you're absolutely fucked with no chance in this world.

>> No.54968394
File: 16 KB, 128x128, 1684111404344544.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When driving around in the USA it feels like things that other countries wouldn't care about can be life-ruining in the USA, while niggers just run around and steal shit with virtual impunity outside of a few non-retarded areas with non-cucked whites. It really is a prison country where there is limited opportunity but people ride high on 1980s memes about just 'getting a job' and all your problems will work out.

>> No.54968770

i would hire op

people with no other options = best or worst employees, worth the gamble

>> No.54968867

Kek did you eat it afterwards you fucking weirdo? I wanna see how these job interviews actually go when you need tot tell that bs

>> No.54968936

But in all seriousness OP, you fucking filmed that shit with your stinky brown hands right? Can’t figure out how someone would find you burning a racoon otherwise. Tell us the story here

>> No.54969051

>That's vermin, he was doing society a favour. I don't get this idiotic Anglosphere treatment of animals like humans. There's too many of some and their population needs to be controlled. It doesn't matter how it's done (as sport whatnot).
I don't see anyone criticizing taking the vermin out, but torturing it for apparent excitement is something that needs to be addressed because that is not a healthy mindset.
Look up Morley Robbins. The Allodial Money Power are attacking our cellular energy generators (the mitochondria) by depleting magnesium, retinol, and bio-copper from our diets. This leads to nervous system dysfunction and a toxic, congested, de-realized brain.
The rusty metallic iron filings added under the guise of "iron fortification" is just over the top.
Morley Robbins explains in detail -- look him up.
Look up Chris Palmer. Keto is an amazing therapy that can help restore some nervous system and brain function by forcing autophagy -- the recycling of the toxic zombie cells.
Look up Dr. Thomas Seyfried to learn how the same processes prevent cancer from developing.

>> No.54969091

>When I was a dumb teenager (19 so still adult) I got charged and convicted for capturing a raccoon and burning it alive. I also spent time in a psych ward so that’s also a limiting factor. Please help me get a job or make money literal fast food places don’t want me.
You need to be able to explain what you did, your motivations at the time (dumb as opposed to evil), and you need to be able to do it in a credible way. You have to understand how bad it looks and convince someone you are not the caricature of the guy who would do that.
It would help to get to know some workers at a place you want to work, then maybe they could vouch for you.
Also, learn some skills on you own.
1. Theory of Constraints.
2. Toyota KATA
3. Ruby on Rails
If you get your skills really honed in, you can start your own gig.
Try to find a positive support community. It sucks being isolated -- I know.
Toxic narcissists are all around me and I prefer to be alone, but don't like being alone. It really sucks, but it is what it is.
Welcome to the End-Times.
And stop eating rusty metallic iron filings!
Of course the Money Power put them in the crackalicious foodstuffs! Think Matrix woman-in-the-red-dress.
PS -- think of the Death Star as your cell and its generator as your cells generators -- their mitochondria. The rusty metallic iron filings are the shots aimed at destroying your mitochondria...
The Money Power LOVE to mock us so!

>> No.54969242
File: 50 KB, 1400x900, 1661282494197257.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As a one wise man said
>If you want to burn racoons, you better start your own business

>> No.54969254

Become a competent machine learning engineer, those are in short supply and there are startups popping up everywhere.

>> No.54969281

Humans are the same way on a fundamental level

>> No.54969289

OP where can I contact you i'm in a similar situation and would chat but can't be here.

>> No.54969297

well if u are serious i will 100% help you because i think this shit is hilarious and genuinely want to be friends with the racoon exorcist.
join my discord: discord/Nwm4FcmzwT

>> No.54969300

You were just born in the wrong country op
You should have picked china lol

>> No.54969306

OP trying to scam people here now fucking classic, OP is a tranny btw he's going around mass reporting people for racism while begging.

>> No.54969322

Was a pretty good post until your NPC firmware showed up at the end.

>> No.54969341
File: 102 KB, 640x647, 37DDE2FE-0B42-4B0E-AF8D-16F2F8581A29.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Destroying your financial luck in an instant.

>> No.54970787

Dealers ruin people's lives for a quick profit, all OP did was ruin an animal's life.

Arguably the mental state necessary to deal drugs is "just" some denial of responsibility and self-justification, while the mental state necessary to burn an animal is actual psychopathy and/or sadism. So that would be an argument. But drug dealing having less severe consequences is absolutely not a fucking argument.

>> No.54970874

why is your skin color like shit?
go back to r*ddit

>> No.54970946

all you're showing is that you haven't actually changed at all or learned from what you called your dumb teenager mistake. you won't get anywhere

>> No.54970983

Underrated take.

>> No.54971013

I used to put ants on little plastic boats in my pool and make waves until they capsized. If the boats could stay upright for a significant amount of time through "the storm", then the surviving ants got to live. We are not the same.

>> No.54971037

you are a 100% a chink

>> No.54971077

>because that is not a healthy mindset
So you think the government should dictate what is and isn't a 'healthy mindset'. I agree that the air in cities is toxic and this shit accumulates in the body but really, the west is over diagnosing shit.

>> No.54971197
File: 88 KB, 750x823, IMG_1713.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Niggers being niggers
Such many cases.

>> No.54971297

>So you think the government should dictate what is and isn't a 'healthy mindset'.
Just because the government and most people - and specifically that anon (and me) - happen to agree on some points, doesn't mean that we think it should be dictated by the government.
The point is that this is an unhealthy mindset. The fact that the government agrees on this point is merely coincidence.