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54957005 No.54957005 [Reply] [Original]

How to cope as an Algorand bagholder?

>> No.54957474


>> No.54957626

you sell

Broke FTX lows of November/Dec already, how the fuck are you still holding this. You are holding AT A LOSS even if you bought this scam in 2019 before defi/on-chain mania. Even the current crop of crappy 2021 L1 projects that will probably never make new highs are still up multiples from that period in time

>> No.54957663

I can't believe the token distribution and mismanagement were so fucking bad, holy shit.

>> No.54957718

It will break the March 2020 Covid lows this year as well, will be amazing to witness. Only around a -25% from here. It's never going to $1 again you can smell it. And ALGOBTC never reaching it's 2020 pair highs

>> No.54957793

I mean the marketcap is 10x HIGHER than it was in 2019 and you are still holding at like a -30/-50% loss from that point, it’s amazing how shitty Algo is. How do you not feel much worse than someone who bought the top if you have been in this thing for 4 years

>> No.54957879

imagine missing out on this.
grats on this. srsly.

>> No.54958012

Oh God. Yeah, if you anyone thinks the price is bad, check ALGOBTC. If you think that's bad, check ALGOETH. If you think THAT'S bad, take a look at the Algorand Foundation CEO.

>> No.54958041

is this thread a bottom signal? As far as I know, Algorand is a working technology quite capable and sustainable. No matter what happened with distribution, it's now in the past.

Am I fundamentally wrong? I don't think so. I may buy a 100k cheap sui stack.

>> No.54958051

>No matter what happened with distribution, it's now in the past.

It won't be forgiven since nobody has any gains. And fundamentals are a meme.

There's no bottom signal for dead coins.

>> No.54958107

>It won't be forgiven since nobody has any gains
that has nothing to do with what I said, or with logic in general. Isn't it? The tech is actually good => demand can exist => coin go up

if whales are selling at a loss now, even better?

>> No.54958138

This is a reddit coin. There is no cope. It's over if you bought this.

>> No.54958146

>The tech is actually good
t. illiterate midwit

>> No.54958162

why waste your time to type irrelevant shit like this? the tech is good factually, go use it or go suck a dick, idgaf, I'm here to speculate on something risky, not discuss how large your mom's anus is after yesterday night or some other shit

>> No.54958166

>that has nothing to do with what I said
>No matter what happened with distribution, it's now in the past.

Anon, you're catching falling knives. I've seen the same story as Algorand with plenty of other coins.

>> No.54958170

LMAO based retard

>> No.54958843
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Selling your chuddit coin for something bullish, my personal recommendation: VINU
Dogcoins never fail, chuddit coins ALWAYS fails

>> No.54959005


>> No.54959246

Well you can cope by continuing to buy. Or you can cope by continuing to hold.
Or you can cope by selling.

I’ve got a big ole bag and I’m holding because I’m too lazy to sell and have to figure out taxes and stuff.

>> No.54959834


>> No.54959940

I know that feel

>> No.54960097

Top kek and truth