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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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54952397 No.54952397 [Reply] [Original]




>> No.54952409

Turn on flags

>> No.54952415

That won't solve the problems, flags will just make things worse

>> No.54952419

Ban India, and Israel.

>> No.54952432

Banning cryptocurrency would be fun. I say this as someone who's been in crypto for years. It's getting boring.

>> No.54952437

1. chainlink containment thread + hand out 30 day bans to any linker outside of it

2. repeal the anti begging rule so people can airdrop shitcoins to each other

3. make racism ok again

>> No.54952448

Flags immediately. Fuck these jeets.

>> No.54952458

This except for "le racism XDD".
Chainshitters have to be stopped.

>> No.54952463
File: 56 KB, 639x773, racism is big dick energy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.54952475

racism isnt even an issue. its a matter of free speech. if you need racism to be banned to stop your feefees hurting you need to leave

>> No.54952487

This board is so fucking bad, it's getting to the point where I'm tempted to install fucking urbit
Memecoins threads should be an instant ban, fuck these niggers

>> No.54952494

The crypto "industry" is about to end. Only btc will survive. Eth declared security and many people getting sued. 2024 there wont be an alt coin industry anymore. You can thank your Jew

>> No.54952498

>t. Ranjeed Manjeed

>> No.54952500

Report all sonicniggers and other memecoin groomers.
Force them into a containment thread.

>> No.54952503

including chainlink!

>> No.54952504

Flags only for India

>> No.54952513

how do you detect indians who moved to america? half the people demanding flags are mudskins demanding underserved legitimacy for being within the borders of the united states

>> No.54952532

If it tries to shill alt coins its a jeet

>> No.54952621

Range ban india on all boards of course. Ban shillers of shitcoins.

>> No.54952624

Just Pomp Wojak mister

>> No.54952841


>> No.54952877 [DELETED] 

This should've been done in 2017 already
It has to be done now

>> No.54952881

This should've been done in 2017 already
It has to be done now

>> No.54952886

As if these low iq bagholders with their Gme and bbbyq threads were any better. If anything they are even more delusional because at least the average Degen knows he’s a degenerate gambler, these “le squeeze” faggots unironically think the global economy revolves around their dying retailer

>> No.54952895


>> No.54953671


>> No.54953698

shut the fuck up ranjeet
disgusting shitskin piece of shit grussy

>> No.54953722

based degenerate gambler

>> No.54953732

Flags and/or range ban India.

>> No.54953785

remove IDs
permban all current jannies and replace with open source AI moderator

>> No.54953806

And to add to this ONE (1) THREAD PER TOKEN UP AT A TIME. if there’s a thread up about a token already, ban anyone trying to create a similar thread. Containment threads. PLEASE. We don’t need 5 link threads, 7 wojak threads. 3 avax threads, 4 bitcoin threads, etc. one token, one thread at a time, and 30 ban on anyone that tries to create duplicates.

>> No.54953813

only if theres an end to coin discrimination. shitcoin lives matter.

>> No.54953859

Just go ahead and ban jeets and the jews.

>> No.54953860

fucking cow shit consumer FUCK OFF

>> No.54953867

pick me

>> No.54953888
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unironically it would work. jannies are no different than a discord mod: fatlard pedophiles in a powertrip

>> No.54953891


>> No.54953912

Good. Maybe then you will actually produce something of value in your life besides gambling on worthess things.

>> No.54953914

That’s fine. There’d be so much more space opened up on the catalog that it’d be fine really. And new/low cap coins wouldn’t get immediately fucking pruned because of the 90th fucking link, pepe, or wojak thread of the day.

>> No.54953925

get rid of all threads but the /gme/ thread. his would save not just /biz/ but the whole world.

>> No.54953937

Suggestion, we scream


The board is now saved

>> No.54953941

anon, anyone in on 'squeezing the big bad hedgefunderinos' deserves to die, so let them be, they'll kill themselves on time

>> No.54953949

p-p-pink fields-kun?!

>> No.54954009
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I suggest we all start saying NIGGER in every post that way when pajeet shills his next rug and doesnt include the word NIGGER we will know its not one of us

>> No.54954021
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Just post more quality threads. We used to have very organic memes, and a very distinct sense of humor, but the OGs probably all left. I came here 2019 and it was a magical place compared to now. No homo.

>> No.54954070

the board is dead lil bro

>> No.54954080
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come back once BTC 10k. until then the board is dead

>> No.54954101


Dumbest shit ive heard all day. This will basicly become /pol/2.0

>wanna shit up a thread
>change flag to india or israel for the lulz

Already been doing this in /pol/ and /int/ for years and it works all the time.

If you think flags solves anything except give more reason for offtopic shitposting u are legit braindead and should kys dumb zoomers

>> No.54954113

Turn on flags to turn this into /pol/.

Now tell me how do you fix pol

>> No.54954205

been here since jan 2023 and have never seen the board in a better spot than now

>> No.54954215

Okay Ranjesh Patel. Go back to /pol/ then.

>> No.54954228
File: 1001 KB, 1475x1381, bobo-wearing-wig.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Whats the matter? This place is great

>> No.54954243

Delete it

>> No.54954285

This though.
Can janjans not just ban pepe poopoo crypto?

>> No.54954288

Updoot. This is the final solution.
/biz/ is a blue board but the word "nigger" should be exempt from racism-only-on-/b/ bans because this term has become a established, nay! traditional 4chan meme, and has thus transcended the status as a mere polemic insult. Similar to how every anon on 4chan is a faggot I propose that any one posting on /biz/ is also a nigger and thus it should not just not be banned but encouraged to at least use the meme-term "nigger" once in every /biz/ post. I hope all (You) niggers agree.

>> No.54954303

Keep believing in trash and sh*t, Karen. I hate to be the sensible person saying this, and I hate having conversations with Pajeet with a no-risk mindset.

To think of it, what made you think BTC would hit $10k when many would invest in it as hedges and also on RWAs like Mnicorp and many others?

Some sort but it will get back on track when the market picks up.

>> No.54954310

Much better and rapidly changing captcha? Basically need a better ai to fight the bots

>> No.54954330

Quick money with high profile risk. Not my kind of thing except I have fund to spare.

>> No.54954559
File: 20 KB, 181x207, Screenshot 2023-05-13 170654.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stop cancer threads like "what do I do with my 200k", "I'm 5 years old and only worth 10 billion, fml" and "5 million is literally nothing".
Don't hand out warnings or bans for participating in /biz/ memes and culture, I shouldn't get one for posting a bobo in a bobo thread, absolutely stupid jan jan.
Threads with fat nigger pussy stay up while others not as bad get deleted, stupid jan jan.
In fact, fire all jannies and replace with new ones, they clearly don't know what they are doing.
If you just quote someone's entire post and post a bulljack or something, it adds nothing and should just be considered antagonising, ban.
Twitter screencap threads from "literally who" on Twatter, ban.
Lust provoking image irrelevant to OP's post, ban.
Pointless goading of whatever token like in this pic, ban.

>> No.54954589

Well maybe if we actually bump a good threads, that gives actual fucking info about this current clown ass bear market, the board will be back pre 2018.

That, or we initiate another BSC casino era again

>> No.54954614

Then suggest something you low life reddit spacing nigger jew cock licker motherfucking jeet

>> No.54954625

Go back to the abbys. Fall into the nothingness that awaits you and other redditor niggers

>> No.54954627

no more meme tokens allowed. period. board will clean up in a day.

>> No.54954703

Flood the board with more shitcoin threads. Accelerate.

>> No.54954721

What's an abby my nigger fren? Please explain like I'm a nigger birthed onto a McDonalds table.

>> No.54954810

no one makes any OC anymore, everyone is just constantly refreshing to see someone else magically find and post extremely valuable market asymmetric information, which is why this board is now just twitter screenshots and telegram jeets

>> No.54954826
File: 420 KB, 488x654, pk3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just buy partykarts dude, its going to save this god forsaken forum

>> No.54954870

Just delete this board. It died in 2020.

>> No.54954885

Fire the reddit tranny jannies and mods

>> No.54954904

suggestion: faggot

>> No.54954951

OC is created out of habbenings.
No habbenings, no OC.

>> No.54954968
File: 133 KB, 1000x668, 1674746812985473.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>That won't solve the problems, flags will just make things worse

>> No.54954986

The obvious solution is to make a separate /crypto/ board.

>> No.54954987

there were endless "habbenings" since 2020, in fact much bigger habbenings than before when OC was actually regularly created. no OC, dead board

>> No.54955000

Back in the day I heard whispers about OGs on /biz/ retreating to an exclusive community on Discord or wherever where they had to prove the possession of at least 100k in assets to enter, which necessarily filtered out jeet shills.

Not sure how the proving process worked, particularly for those with non-crypto assets who wanted to preserve their privacy, but it's definitely something worth revisiting.

>> No.54955005

It will take more than that but I agree we should get flags.

>> No.54955013

Updoots are cancer because they stifle reasonable but unpopular contrarianism.

>> No.54955019

this will be possible when DECO is released, like a /biz/ which you can only enter after you prove with your wallet that you have at least X amount of money, all without sharing any of your information of course

>> No.54955034

>Only btc will survive
imagine believing this, imagine needing your daddy gov to ban competition. btc maxis are pathetic

>> No.54955046


>> No.54955304

Everyone who makes your argument on /k/ is a noguns europoor who deserves to be mocked. I'm betting you are actually an Indian or Jew

>> No.54955337


Rangeban India
Also Zoomers

>> No.54955342

allow racism
that is the only way

>> No.54955441

Not posting in all caps would be a good start, numbnuts.

>> No.54955486

It would be cool if /biz/ had a sort of gimmicky business thing going on like shitcoin logos instead of flags or maybe one of this running stock ticker banners at the bottom of each thread showing peepee poopoo lines or maybe even as anon above says a shitcoin wallet attached to one's id to establish a sort of intra-/biz/ economy. I don't know anything to just have discord trannies shill their pregnant butt 2.0 coins and nothing else happening.

>> No.54955552

>Buh buh but on /k/
Nigger go back to your zogbot recruiting station this thread is about the shitcoin board.

>> No.54955568

Fuck off Dhalit

>> No.54955999

fpbp death to all turd worlders

>> No.54956085

You will not win pidor

>> No.54956161

When I am on /pol/ I can safely spot, filter and/or ignore obvious spambots and shills, as they almost always use a memeflag. Obviously, VPNs are a thing, but flags are a start.