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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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54942564 No.54942564 [Reply] [Original]

How did /biz/ fall for this?

>> No.54942582
File: 633 KB, 776x762, coinmarketcap rank 2020.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Chainlink has always been a shitcoin like the rest. /biz/tards thought they had found le "secret hidden gem" back in 2017 and promised Ethereum style gains while they relentlessly shilled their shitcoin. They unironically believed their premined scam token printed out of thin air would have been used by the World Economic Forum to enforce the 4th IR.

The shilling was so intense that even OGs ended up gobbling their own delusions and hopium. After 6 years Link is trading at single digits, the only person who got rich was Sergey and OGs still haven't made it. The cherry on top of the cake is that it got outperformed by Bitcoin, Ethereum and most altcoins. Only salty bagholders and literal schizos are left holding heavy bags incapable of accepting the situation and lashing out towards anyone pointing out reality.

>> No.54942829

No one I know fell for it

>> No.54942852
File: 75 KB, 1254x783, makinit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you're like one of those lampreys that cling onto a huge shark

>> No.54942936

you keep spamming that image but you didn't buy at ICO and you dollar cost averaged over the past half a decade like all Linkies.

Even DASH and VeChain are both trading above their ICO price, this doesn't mean they aren't dead shitcoins too

>> No.54942955

>Fall for this
The hype when it was $0.33 was insane. We found a gem that went greater than x100. We would FUD our own token for fun. You think we didn't sell on the way up? Lol

>> No.54943000
File: 809 KB, 2016x1344, 1683480979621532.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah sorry guys but I think ill just buy even more in addition to my staking gains
Thanks for keeping biz a link board!

>> No.54943040

its the price of a cup of coffee

>> No.54943052

Biz was buying at 1000 sats. You'd be a fool not selling at 100k sats. A 100x in Bitcoin terms . In dollars it went like 500x

But it's over now and link is a token not needed scam ( let's be honest)

>> No.54944226

Most esteemed and treasured anonymous friend, I cannot express the joy that permeates my being upon hearing of your magnificent prosperity. It warms my heart to know that your life is unfolding in such a magnificent and glorious manner. You are a true paragon of virtue, a shining beacon of hope and inspiration to all those fortunate enough to cross your path. As I bask in the radiant glow of your magnificence, I cannot help but feel humbled by your unwavering concern for my financial well-being. Your generosity of spirit is a testament to your noble character, a shining example of the boundless compassion and kindness that you so effortlessly exude.

Alas, my dear friend, it is with the utmost regret that I must disappoint you. My beloved investment is not something that I can part with, as it holds a special place in my heart. Its sentimental value far surpasses any material worth it may possess, and it would be a disservice to myself to relinquish it.

I can only hope that my decision does not cause you undue pain or distress. Your friendship and support are invaluable to me, and I would be remiss if I did not express my deepest gratitude for the unwavering kindness and compassion that you have bestowed upon me. May the fates bless you with an abundance of prosperity, joy, and happiness, my dear friend. I eagerly await your next correspondence, and I remain with the highest regards and warmest wishes.