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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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54928830 No.54928830 [Reply] [Original]

wen moon

>> No.54928850

It’s getting serious

>> No.54928863
File: 1 KB, 70x45, Untitled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>only 210%

BITCOIN on arbitrum doing 332%


5 hour old.


>> No.54928880

No one uses that shitchain.

>> No.54928895

no one pays for eth gas of some copypaste jeetshit

>> No.54928906

No gas = more jeets.

>> No.54928922
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>> No.54928933

>gay fake billboard
Try a real one
>but the one in mumbai...
In a real country I mean. The one in the jeet car in india is not a billboard

>> No.54928941
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Shit forgot the pic

>> No.54928990

The coin is slowing.i guess even in mumbai you need to sleep.

>> No.54929077

Soon the village will rise up, starving again.

>> No.54929154

How can they never stop being hungry?

>> No.54929361

Fuck just woke up. I thought this shit was dead. Was there any news?

>> No.54929677

Just the beginning. Thank you Obama

>> No.54929683

News is it’s the best coin ever conceived and is going to $10mm the second they get the cg or cmc listing

So probably later today, load up now dingdongs

>> No.54929748

thanks obama

>> No.54929849

Did it really hit 5m MC overnight??

>> No.54929919

This really is as real as it gets

>> No.54929951
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>> No.54929975

stop killing it you retarded chimpanzees. DO NOT REDEEM

>> No.54930037

is this the one?

>> No.54930043

We back
Fuck the deemers

>> No.54930067


>> No.54930123
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>> No.54930165

It's going can down, can it heal itself?

>> No.54930218

Yep literally the last chance to scoop any kind of dip, since it’s before all the listings. Couldn’t imagine a better time.

>> No.54930221

going 100m or market is wrong

>> No.54930233

Which one are you guys talking about?

>> No.54930244

fuck, I'll get a tiny bag. Hope the fucking gas doesn't rape me, how much slippage for this piece of shit on uniswap?

>> No.54930275

7% more or less

>> No.54930283


yea, i faded it at .00015

actually it was because uniswap is a piece of shit and won't allow you to swap token to token in many cases.

some error that says (insufficient liquidity)

I don't understand how uniswap is even a top eth swap

>> No.54930322

Thanks fren.

Crypto whales love torturing themselves with it, it turns them on.

>> No.54930324

Is there anything better to use than fucking Uniswap?

>> No.54930349

dexviews usually doesn't fuck you so much with the slippage shit. Also for some reason I usually get the jared shit-sandwish less often .

>> No.54930383

Do I have to use uniswap to buy this or can I just swap it through Metamask?

>> No.54930409

I was in the process of deploying shadow funds but I got stuck, out of gas

>> No.54930418

I used uni, not sure if you can swap it straight from the mask.

>> No.54930436

wtf how? I have $1000 and this nigger is saying I have insufficient liquidity.

>> No.54930486

reload it, sometimes jeetaliks likes to play with your mind. Happened when I tried to get some shiba sub-100M mc. I gave up like a retard.

>> No.54930497

this will unironically be bigger than pepe. a giant fuck you to finance

>> No.54930541

come on just pop of to 150 mill, you can do it

>> No.54930556

both pepe and this piece of shit were born here, it needs to happen.

>> No.54930564

hope obama sees this post and airdrops 0.01 eth to all BITCOIN holders so I can get out of this hell
PS: not begging, I'm not going to doxx my wallet

>> No.54930743
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Obama is a main dev of the project

>> No.54930768

biz can bring this thing home today... pls secure a bag at sub-10MM or you'll kick yourself. SUB 10MM BITCOIN?

>> No.54930788

Obama will print us money, just like the fed. But this time is for the common folk.

>> No.54930920

thanks obama :)

>> No.54930949

Them democrats always have the best connections to the deep state.

>> No.54930967

it's pooled with eth so you have to swap from eth numbuts

>> No.54930989
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Shits never gonna die it hasn’t even listed yet, the dip is slurpable, the tension palpable.

>> No.54930990

Obama is Sonic ?

>> No.54931163

It died in 2021 and it still managed to come back, who the fuck knows.

>> No.54931568


>> No.54931654

It can moon or flop, I don't see an in-between tbf.

>> No.54931820

Definitely will moon starting with cg listing and twitter freaking out about how stupid it is

It’s #13 on dextools rn and they’re not even marketing

>> No.54931876

I do sometimes wonder why did it flop the first time, back in 2021. Was is the bear?

>> No.54931935

How long do i have

>> No.54931960

Stop shilling you fucking pajeets give me another day ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

>> No.54931983

cg is on the talkins with them (according to devs kek) rn so who knows.

>> No.54932031

fuck you, it's ride or die mofo!

>> No.54932050
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alright you froggets I had my coffee bought in. lets pepe this bitch.

>> No.54932118

I bought a sucidie stack for now

>> No.54932135

We can pull this shit brother.

>> No.54932144


>> No.54932192
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>> No.54932216

it came to me in a dream

>> No.54932223

devs showed some screencaps in the tg. they are pinned. Honestly I doubt they are fake, u gotta be braindead not to pitch this shit there, the meme potential is too high.

>> No.54932309

BITCOIN: the future?

>> No.54932509


>> No.54932735

Always, simple as.

>> No.54932752
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>> No.54932973

dogshit memes, but i guess we have all sort.

>> No.54933310

Already rugpulled lmfao

>> No.54933376

Lol retardobama

>> No.54933476

It's mooning right now. Probably will hit 10 mil today

>> No.54933810

Not even close it’s #6 on dextools without any listings compadre

>> No.54933852

I sold all my LADYS for this, feel very keke

>> No.54933902
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>> No.54933931

These meme coins are getting ridiculous and I'm starting to think a government is behind them to change public view to cryptocurrencies as being a joke.
>you can buy PEPE on major exchanges
It is happening, the beginning of the end of the crypto. It was a fun ride guys. But we lost.

>> No.54934286

Who won in all this?

>> No.54934373

Wen listing? Devs move at a snail pace

>> No.54934465

Devs said, soon kek.

>> No.54934536

Poorfag here that lost his job family and house and I'm absolutely ready to unlock my final chromosome. I have some eth, but don't know how to use uniswap, I looked around but couldn't find the token to swap to? How do frens

>> No.54934619

Probably later today if they submitted forms yesterday

>> No.54934620

Just use the contract, put it where the token should be

>> No.54934649


Sorry for newfag, but what's the contract?

>> No.54934911

Cant post it or jannies will nuke it. Search in dextools for bitcoin and it will appear, check there.

>> No.54934970

No worries, we got you. The ticker is $Bitcoin.

>> No.54934971


I'm seeing that there are separate ones for BTC and ETH though, I wanna make sure I get the ETH one right? Idk wtf I'm doing to be honest, I'm just a coinbase normie really, got ETH ready to transfer though

>> No.54935014

Check its the etherium one. The one thats like 1 day or 24 hours old.

>> No.54935117

Found it on Dextools, is it specifically the token address on that page (Bitcoin/WETH) that I should paste into uniswap, or the pairs address? I don't see a field that says contract that has a long address near it.
I have ETH in Coinbase, planned on swapping with uni, where does it 'go'? Definitely a newfag to unlisted stuff, appreciate the help!

>> No.54935126

Paste the bitcoin/weth

>> No.54935163

That's the top header with no other digits that I see, just below it though there is a token address I could copy, or a pair address I could copy

>> No.54935193

The one that ends at EEEa9

>> No.54935304

Finally got it figured out and now uni says I don't have enough, I only have 0.46050392 ETH ~$852 to my name, I've refreshed a few times but keep getting the same issue. Does it have to be at least a grand or something?

>> No.54935383

Connected my coinbase wallet, but do I need to actually send the money from coinbase to somewhere first before using uniswap?

>> No.54935524
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It's the BITCOIN stupid

>> No.54935760

It’s the people’s bitcoin.

>> No.54935778

I’m pumped for dog w bats epic moon shot.
If this garbage is back you know we hitting 50b EOY

>> No.54935828

BITCOIN is the father of all memes

>> No.54935829

How much is needed in ETH to buy in? I can't get Uniswap to work. Any other better swap services?

>> No.54935834

A man can dream, imagine telling your co-workers you are quitting because this piece of shit moon!

>> No.54935844
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>> No.54935845

Dexviews is better.

>> No.54935866

Cant tell where one begins and the other ends.

>> No.54935901

Dex is telling me insufficient funds for the swap too, I have 0.46050392ETH (~$820), how much is needed?

>> No.54935908

Dont try to buy all. You need to leave some eth for gas. Use 0.4 to buy.

>> No.54935947

even when I go to .4 or .3 it isn't working. I connected my coinbase wallet to dex but it isn't showing balances, do I need to do some initial transfer from coinbase or something?

>> No.54935948

Is 1.3M MC high? Im waiting for some dips

>> No.54936007

Try reloading the page mate, or go to the telegram for more specific answers.

>> No.54936092

This could be the bottom imo. There’s definitely more to come based on what the team (same as BSC) has been doing. I will be seeing what happens.

>> No.54936197


>> No.54936253


>> No.54936255

Brother, make a metamask wallet.

Send your eth to that wallet - then you can buy then , like stated above use maybe try buy 0.4.

And welcome fellow bitcoiner.

Get in the telegram

>> No.54936263

Fuck please be this the coin. I cant take the wagie life anymore, it sucks my soul

>> No.54936266

use metamask, it prevents fails

>> No.54936286

Hpos10i is the only true meme coin, and it's actually funny. The best one...

>> No.54936336

Motherfucker it better be it!

>> No.54936364

how to buy: copy contract address » metamask » swap eth to $bitcoin (pasted address)
/ca 0x72e4f9F808C49A2a61dE9C5896298920Dc4EEEa9

>> No.54936433


Fuck me, I have been trying to buy this shit for like three straight hours and tried transferring internally in Coinbase from the main ETH wallet to the web3 wallet before I saw these tips. That should work, but now they're verifying my ID and idk how long that will take. Anything I can do from here? My main ETH has already moved out of my wallet balance and can't be moved to metamask, but is not yet in my web3 wallet

>> No.54936485

I am waiting for the day when this can feed my village in Bangladesh

>> No.54936488

Is this in any cex?if not how much slippage should i use?
I don't want to lose my $150
>INB4 poor
It's over

>> No.54936542

you can buy eth through metamask

>> No.54936568

1% slippage did fine to me.

>> No.54936583


I'll definitely do metamask next time, but the coinbase ID thing finally went through and I can buy. Just while sitting here price has gone anywhere from .12-.2 (with all the zeroes) for Harryobama, I wanna press buy at the right instant to maximize my small investment. Any tips or just bite bullet right this second?

>> No.54936589

god i fucking hate coinbase for this shit, they do it constantly

>> No.54936594


Yeah lesson learned for sure, just had to learn the hard way because I'm not missin my vacation on the moon!

>> No.54936642

Can somebody tell me whats the ticker pls

>> No.54936677
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the ticker is BITCOIN

>> No.54936731

So, what do you guys think of this magnificent technology company?

>> No.54936774

Honestly? Fuck it might do well but the entire market feels weird. Something big if brewing, it might be good, might be bad, but its coming

>> No.54936779

I think it could be good. Historically speaking, we are far from its full potential

>> No.54936784
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looks promising

>> No.54936798
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>> No.54936916

>2:41:58 PM

Kek your chart is like 4 hours old. Its hovering the 1.8-2.5M mc rn.

>> No.54936933


Watching it waiting for the right moment to buy in, keeps going down a bit and I don't wanna buy peak

>> No.54936937

I think this is a good floor.

>> No.54936999


it was briefly at .15 and my fucking phone froze when I tried to swap

>> No.54937041

Jannies won’t suppress us.

Kikes won’t win

The real Bitcoin

>> No.54937043

How do I buy??

>> No.54937164

kek biz buying a new rug missed out on pepe much ?

>> No.54937162

Why do I always get into these things during the crabbing phase (most likely leading to a dump) than the instant moon phase? Its all so tiresome.

>> No.54937179

Uniswap, dexviews. The usuals.

>> No.54937182

does this ever end

>> No.54937191
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that was the scam copycat someone launched on arb, real ticker is BITCOIN on ETH

>> No.54937242
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>> No.54937247

>>54937043 see

>> No.54937280
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>he buys the tops

>> No.54937345

Phonefag here
Is it too late for buy?
What's the current marketcap?
Where's telegram sers

>> No.54937395

the ticker is bitcoin ser, you gonna find it

>> No.54937413

THE GREAT ARCHITECH BROUGHT US TOGETHER FOR THIS MOMENT. all info on dextools $bitcoin . telegram is schizo as it get's

>> No.54937597

listed on coinmarketcap. we are so gonna fucking make it

>> No.54937623

We moving my basterd.

>> No.54937687

where's the damn contract address on uniswap

>> No.54937719

official twitter: @hpos10iETH . contract:0x72e4f9F808C49A2a61dE9C5896298920Dc4EEEa9

>> No.54937868


>> No.54937927

can anybody give me a tldr on this thread pls

>> No.54937945

og dev of bcs version was doxxed. relaunched yesterday on eth. we make mememagic, it moons

>> No.54938121

If I dump 10 eth into this in 3 transactions in a single day.... What would that do to the price? How soon can I get eth if I currently don't have any funds on exchange? I'd buy tonight

>> No.54938146

/SONIC-PRINTER-GO-BRRR. funds can be bought on exchange in and delivered in ~10 min starting from scratch

>> No.54938201

$53,794.44 buy kek

>> No.54938226
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i'm gonna cooooooooooooooooooooooooom

>> No.54938269

>Insufficient liquidity for this transaction

>> No.54938275

what was the old ath mcap acctually?
And what do the devs have planned in their roadmap?

>> No.54938323
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The roadmap is meme the fuck out of this meme goldmine of a coin.

>> No.54938409

sort yourself out. we holding to 1billy MC>>54938275
25milly, 75milly peak

>> No.54938411

wow that dude is loaded

>> No.54938414
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Wen rug?

>> No.54938444

3 billy

>> No.54938459

ETH token sniffer gets 100/100 you fucking Indian

>> No.54938490
File: 148 KB, 1159x1280, hpos10i.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kek they still dont even know its on eth

>> No.54938517

wronk token r-tard

>> No.54938592

Why should a doxxed person then create a token on a new chain?
What does his location have to do anything with that?

>> No.54938693

Dam son really mooning with the CMC listing

Anticipating $100 million EOW

>> No.54938726


>> No.54938750


>> No.54938764

100 million when

>> No.54938809

Yaaaaaaaaa mooning like CRAZY

>> No.54938822

unironically gonna make it

>> No.54938846

Two more weeks.

>> No.54938867


>> No.54938870
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i am so happy

>> No.54938907

It’s really happening is it

>> No.54938926
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comfy, send it while everything else looks shit

>> No.54938940




>> No.54938958

GET IN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

>> No.54938975
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this looks like a fine investment...

but it won't truly moon until you guys start wearing the shirt. it'll be a fashion sensation. DO IT.

>> No.54938986


>> No.54939016

I wonder how much it would cost to have that shit printed in a random t shirt

>> No.54939038

Strsight from mumbai.

>> No.54939050
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am in ser otherwise wouldnt be so comfy!

>> No.54939086

Are all my biz bros actually, finally wagmi????

>> No.54939099

Hope. Bought a bag at around 3M MC.

>> No.54939131

Is 50 million mcap possible?

>> No.54939133

Exactly this is the one

The ultimate biz shitcoin to end all shitcoins before the entire market explodes

>> No.54939161


>> No.54939178


>> No.54939234

whats the suicide stack for this

>> No.54939240


>> No.54939271

It’s perfect because all the groundwork has been laid, it’s plug and play for the community

There’s like 500 stickers to choose from in the telegram.

Pepe adopted the shitcoin space, but BITCOIN was born into it and molded by it

…The perfect shitcoin

>> No.54939277

A saint, a seer, a prophet.

>> No.54939295


>> No.54939312

i'm gonna buy so many pogs from ebay. thanks obama

>> No.54939328

In terms of shitcoinery, yes it seems to be peak.

>> No.54939369

The shitcoin to end all shitcoins

Years in the making

>> No.54939388
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Question, what is the relationship of eth 0x72e4f9F808C49A2a61dE9C5896298920Dc4EEEa9 (this coin getting shilled in this thread) and BSC coin 0x4C769928971548eb71A3392EAf66BeDC8bef4B80 (created in November 2021)? Is this all from the same creator? Or is there shithousery afoot? I see that hpos10i dot com was registered 2021-11-23, but would like to dutifully follow chain of custody to the original creator. They are truly gifted.

>> No.54939395

Would you say its... the endgame?

>> No.54939403

the original is on BSC

>> No.54939417

Is it still early? Looks kinda pumped but not too much

Bsc or Eth?

>> No.54939424

Yep apparently it’s most of the main 2021 BSC guys which is awesome

Many impersonators have come and gone but these are the same devs in chat as the OG chat so I’m inclined to think it’s all legit

>> No.54939441


>> No.54939453
File: 401 KB, 2550x1008, Screen Shot 2023-05-11 at 10.02.02 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yea, looks like the same. Whoever controls hpos10i dot com appears to control both the eth and bsc contracts. Pic related is wayback machine from nov 2021.

I'm in. The meme energy is palpable.

>> No.54939485

I only have like $30 worth kek

>> No.54939487

What was the ATH mcap for the 2021 version?

>> No.54939695

metamask gas quotes are insane, like 28-45% of the purchase price. havent traded in like two years, is this the new norm? uni or dex have any better quotes?

>> No.54939708


>> No.54939758

uniswap and metamask were about the same for me

>> No.54939921

It's just ETH right now my basterd. Gas fees have been insane for this entire week.

>> No.54940067

What's with metamask charging you the gas fee even if the transaction fails? I lost $60 last night trying and failing to buy. Is that really what eth has been reduced to nowadays? Outrageous.

>> No.54940074


>> No.54940127

Yeah, its fucking stupid. ETH is a massive pile of shit in general and leeches are just taking advantage of it.

>> No.54940164

from what I understand, you should usually just do metamask because while uniswap will give you a 2-3x cheaper quote on gas, it'll pull a switcheroo at the last second and be about the same as metamask, but without insuring that the actual transaction wont fizzle. just have to get used to dealing with buys above 0.1 eth i guess

>> No.54940188

I mean, it is what it is. Eth is where all the whales/money is. But, truly, what a shit chain, kek.

>> No.54940223

>>54940164 here,
definitely use uni actually, just do a bit of dd on current gas prices. customizing all values in uniswap to be 10-20% less than the shown amount will lower the fee price by that amount in turn, and the transaction will still likely be instant since there will always be people who got in at a floor trying to pull some scratch out.

>> No.54940324

I'd rather prefer to have my money on alts with utilities like CYMI whose platform I use for crypto payment than buying any meme right now.
There won't be a new PEPE, at least not this year again

>> No.54940516

>I'd rather prefer to have my money on alts with utilities
You're still clinging to this? Alts with utilities at this point are a meme in itself, only difference is no significant gains.

>> No.54940587

Damn, that shit made me stop doing anything on ETH network

>> No.54940734

There are difference to it, because I believe that meme coins doesn't have any other thing to offer than pump and dump unlike utility tokens having products and solid fundamentals as back up

>> No.54941213

bitcoin is the future

>> No.54941310

So they just ignored the BSC version and made a completely new one? Not even an airdrop? Lame

>> No.54941425

This reads like it was written by the Succession writers. It kinda glows but the effort based kinda glow.

>> No.54941438

I asked around on TG and it seems BSC holders got to vote if they should relaunch on eth.

>> No.54941464
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If ETH is where the action is then that's where this had to go

>> No.54941479

Bitcoin is the future

>> No.54941500

good morning sers, many wishes from all of village

>> No.54941555

Thanks for sharing my memes and enjoying a coin I helped create. Feels good that people still get a kick out of it 1.5 years on. No matter if you make money or not I hope one day you'll be reminded of this coin and laugh about it. The Coin Who Lived.
t. Nov 2021 OG

>> No.54941668
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Blessed Trips. WAGMI

>> No.54941866
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>> No.54941967
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>> No.54942070

Frens are connected in the most weird ways sometimes. Based.

>> No.54942372
File: 7 KB, 287x175, okvc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yea anon am stacking my bag with that, but looking at the new UTK tokenomics it go some anon hard, I'm also participating in Metastaking,it really offers a great yield,

>> No.54942701
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>> No.54942718

Wagmi fren

>> No.54942813

This shit will go to 100 mil

>> No.54943083

What's the make it stack?

>> No.54943084
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CMC listing was quick

>> No.54943320

Whats usually next? Cg? Exchanges?

>> No.54943610

500k would be plenty I think

>> No.54943730

Cam this shit really hit a dollar?

>> No.54943735
File: 682 KB, 875x723, WGMI.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is 300k enough to make it?

>> No.54944103

Probably if 500k is Sui stack.

>> No.54944389

trending #8 on dexview

>> No.54945493


>> No.54945597

New car, caviar, four star, daydream
Think I'll buy me a football team

>> No.54945643

fuck jannies why are they deleting the other threads?

>> No.54945678

Because they're stupid faggots

>> No.54945685

I know that feel. Whenever someone posts a BITCOIN meme I made years ago now, it makes me happy. The only memecoin I saw that had a soul.

>> No.54945698

If there is any truth or justice left in this clownworld then BITCOIN will take its rightful place above the soulless, memeless shib.

>> No.54945699

absolutely based ser

>> No.54945731

Holy fuck it's #1 on dextools

>> No.54945765

when shirt i want shirts to clothe my village

>> No.54945822
File: 58 KB, 842x337, sonic crusadenolog.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Damn straight

>> No.54945918

You forgot about PButt.

>> No.54945927

We will make them list or they'll regret it

>> No.54945986

Who tf reads all this crap

>> No.54945988

these gas fees are fucking stupid, eth is so fucking shit

>> No.54946016
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Thank you for donation sers

>> No.54946017
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>> No.54946032
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>> No.54946039


>> No.54946041
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oops i meant this og screencap

>> No.54946046

THE DIP IS NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

>> No.54946052
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>> No.54946145


>> No.54946156

Do like 2% and you should be good

>> No.54946180

I'm in w/ 100k coins, if we hit a billion like pepe did what would the theoretical cashout in USD be like?

>> No.54946209

I aped with 15% like a fucking retard. At least I got some coins

>> No.54946285

I don't know, isn't 100k the make it stack tho?

>> No.54946390


>> No.54946399

I sure hope so

>> No.54946802
File: 141 KB, 960x744, omabmasnoiece.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

midwits who missed pepe are passing this off as stupid, and others know they'll buy their bags when its pumped more lmao perfect start to a mini alt szn gentlemen

>> No.54946926

Is this the next pepe? Dont lie to me you little shit!

>> No.54947322

One Bitcoin to rule them all

One Bitcoin to find them

>> No.54947350

well my friend, you have to go to the page.

once youre on the page... there is a simple test, and should you pass you will be admitted with the knowledge you do so seek

>> No.54947396

>alt season
Alt season is when like XRP and ETH and shit all go up. This is SHITCOIN SEASON

>> No.54947437

I put my wojak stack into this at 3m mc and now wojak is pumping ridiculously. am I retarded

>> No.54947447

This is why I don't listen to the jews. Only fucktards still stick to ETH when a quantum resistant blockchain offers a fixed gas fee.

>> No.54947475

Gunning for alts is juicy, XRP, UTK, ORE and Matic feels comfy.

>> No.54947494

as a colloquial term my fellow degenerate

>> No.54947532

>Tfw your still a bag holder of the bsc version but faded the eth version at $600k
>$5m marketcap

>> No.54947643
File: 10 KB, 239x211, jhfv.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't rely on some shitty quotes jeets when I'm getting the best gist on crypto, as Token metric analyze quantitative data, and onchain data to help you identify the best trades daily.

>> No.54947755

I will lol if this crap hits a cent

>> No.54947773

I have my 800K, all is good

>> No.54947806
File: 272 KB, 1812x800, jeetsplease.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

jeets bls i need more bitcoins

>> No.54947841

Hole willage have new antibiotics sers. No more redeeming

>> No.54947906

Guys what happens on November 10th

>> No.54947945

Imagine this shit doing a pepe and hitting a $1 billion USD marketcap

>> No.54947948

it shall

>> No.54947993


>> No.54948029


>> No.54948041
File: 187 KB, 1458x782, jeethanku.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>astrology works in a retard market
>thank u jeets for the opportunity to buy your blood

>> No.54948119


>> No.54948132

Already slurped lol

>> No.54948201

vmu selling on you retards

>> No.54948215

No one cares about your tranny drama

>> No.54948261 [DELETED] 


this is you

>> No.54948302

>bro a guy who made the shitcoin you bought talked to the cops about something I'm not going to even describe in any of the ten threads I'm spamming but you should feel VERY fudded rn
Wtf did he snitch about, retard? Cocaine running? Rape gangs? Some stupid fucking money laundering scheme? RICO shit? Wtf?

>> No.54948449

I hate that you niggers cant just hold for a moment.

>> No.54948457

Theres something for everyone in BITCOIN

>> No.54948458

Go shill the coin someplace where people are less "haha it's gone up five millionths of a percent lemme sell then buy le dipperino" ADHD tier

>> No.54948566

Its fucking zoomers. They want x10000 in 2 hours or less.

>> No.54948678

>this is your counterparty
unironically easy enough mistake to make in brypto though, so much going on

>> No.54948747


>> No.54949133

Bought more cry faggot

Shit is going to $200mm

>> No.54949154

lol fuck it threw an eth in. Either going to miss paying rent or be buying a mutha fucking house. So far im liking my odds

>> No.54949275

Lol us fucktards like eths cuz poor jeets who cant afford a $50 gas fee dont dump on us for a 2x

>> No.54949285

jeets scammed again

>> No.54949443

bscbros how we holding up?

>> No.54949766

Coin Gecko and HotBit imminent source: just spoke to obama

>> No.54949886

A few other big listing things in the works too, can’t say

>> No.54949899

are you obama

>> No.54950197

who is obama

>> No.54950215


>> No.54950795

Wen Toyota