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File: 33 KB, 510x374, israel-node-picture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5493653 No.5493653 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.5493668

Good, fuck the kikes.

>> No.5493687

This is a good thing. There's so many scam blockchain companies starting up to rob people's money.

>> No.5493697

How has the world not possibly caught on to Jewish tricks?

>> No.5493712
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>> No.5493729

jews being jews

>> No.5493734
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Fuck the Kikes.

It threatens their monopoly on the money supply.

That's why XMR is the National Socialist's coin of choice.

>> No.5493759



>> No.5493783


>> No.5493798

Looks like they are killing the competition and preparing for the crypto shekel

>> No.5493835

fucking retards

the fact that Long Island Iced Tea changed their name to Long Island Blockchain Company (this is on NYSE by the way) and their stock rose 1000% in a day is exactly the type of thing that Israel is trying to avoid on their stock market

>> No.5493839

OY VEY GOYIM!!!!!!!!! What are you doing buying this fake internet money???Trust in fiat. Feed me shekels

>> No.5493863

"Dead Jews, Good news"
~United Nations, 2017

>> No.5493865

bizraeli here, I couldn't actually find the source on the israeli website they mentioned, nor by googling for it. I've actually read a news article today about giving more leniency to declaring taxes on crypto gains, compared to stock trading. I'd treat this as some old nerd not understanding crypto or doesn't want meme companies to crash people's stock portfolios if crypto crashes.

>> No.5493886

Oy Vey

>> No.5493907

Somethings not right, if the Knesset is assessing making a digital shekel...

>> No.5494026

>being this Jewish

>> No.5494040

The knesset and some stock trading legal guy aren't the same thing (the stock guy is probably less corrupt desu). If Israel is making a digital shekel it's going to be like that russian crypto, only to get people to pay their taxes.

>> No.5494071

how is it the fault of the company if brainlets buy into a litteral joke

>> No.5494073

>to get people to pay their taxes.
That's where this crypto game is heading and it's pretty damn obvious.

>> No.5494113

Just saying there's probably no Israeli conspiracy. If there's a jewish money conspiracy it probably wouldn't include Israel. If anything everyone here would get JUSTed on just the same.

>> No.5494128

Sieg Heil!

>> No.5494150

Oh, I don't think Israelis or Jews came up with crypto, but I've been saying Israel will be the first country (at least modernized country) to adopt a digital currency.

Being that they are in competition with Asia over technology, and a massive black market problem.. not to mention employers paying people in cash...

>> No.5494161

>t. Schlomo Shekelstein
Fool me once ...

>> No.5494282

>Being that they are in competition with Asia over technology, and a massive black market problem.. not to mention employers paying people in cash...

Shit man you know your stuff

One of the banks is forcing heavy this app payment system like they got in China, that would be their attack angle to push crypto I guess, maybe it's already staged behind the scenes, make paper a thing of the past and force people to use tracked currency.

>> No.5494358

>maybe it's already staged behind the scenes, make paper a thing of the past and force people to use tracked currency.

Pretty sure there is something about this in Isaiah.. tracked currencies would imply that people around the world would be able to trade currency, and have it taxed automatically via the code.. Essentially, it could be considered a global currency. Another reason as to why Israel would want to be the first to adopt.

>> No.5494404
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>> No.5494457

Only got 20 of these... Thinking about buying some Bitcoen. Honestly think it will be bigger than Bancor.

>> No.5494492
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>> No.5494497

>National socialist
Yeah let's kill everyone who doesn't have the same skin color, steal their property and establish communism!

>> No.5494521

But Israel doesn't have any goyim. Just muslims and they don't buy crypto because they're poor.

>> No.5494524

Probably... I can't survive in the goyim play pen called "work"

>> No.5494531


>being this fucking retarded

I bet you think the holocaust happened too, don't you dumbfuck.

>> No.5494587

They're not banning cryptos faggot. They're implementing some regulations because they want Israel to be the ICO capital of the world.


>> No.5494605
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(((they))) are after us

>> No.5494623
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lmao shekelstein gtfo

>> No.5494630
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>> No.5494730

You probably tell people DEMOCRATS WUZ THE REAL RAYSIS

>> No.5494740

Join our Discord group to find out what coin we’re pumping next: https://discord.gg/2dwZ9VK

>> No.5494774

>we need to abolish liberty just because some retards make bad financial decisions, even if it harms the ones who are using said liberty in an intelligent way
Fuck off.

>> No.5494780

The Jew is scared of someone other than himself being in control of the currency. Reminder that the federal reserve is literally a private bank operating on the Rothschild gold standard. This isn't a conspiracy theory, they outright say so.

>> No.5494797

damn this looks awesome

>> No.5495165
File: 305 KB, 422x323, CRINGEFAG.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anon I -
Every time I see someone post "Cringe", it makes me see a Creature like this at the keyboard typing it. it gives me nightmares. Please. Stop.

>> No.5495257
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Jesus do you retards even bother reading? They want to ban companies from our stock exchange in order to prevent shit like with the Long Island Ice Tea stock you dumb nazi cucks

>> No.5495308
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Let them scream into the abyss... its all they have

>> No.5495317

>you have to be a Nazi to hate niggers and Jews

Top zozzle

>> No.5495395

This obviously bothers you all that they are involved but why no threads about their involvement with bitcoin ever? They are already in control.

>> No.5495404

>oy vey goyim, it's for your own good

>> No.5495471


> national socialism
> not holding your nations currency

>> No.5495482

Looks like Bancor IS stoppable afterall

>> No.5495520


>> No.5495578

Found the kikes

Either way, this is just a case of Jews jewing Jews. Bibi knows that the smelly kikes in his country will flood the markets with fake bullshit.

>> No.5495745


>> No.5495832
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Bancor is unstoppable

>> No.5495943
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>> No.5495944

oy vey, the only way cryptocurrency should be legal is if a large percentage goes to help the 25 million jews that died

>> No.5495981

>25 million
Anti-semite. It was at least 50 million.

>> No.5496082

goys will be goys go and buy Long Blockchain Corp you damn inbred idiots