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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 9 KB, 512x512, bitcoin.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5492930 No.5492930 [Reply] [Original]

$20-$35 fees are killing it.

>> No.5492946

>$20-$35 fees are killing it.

yes, and this is a good thing.

>> No.5492949

increasing the block size ironically. it should happen in a day or two i'm not following segwitx2 closely.

>> No.5492981

Bitcoin cash

>> No.5492983


Why the fuck are you paying those kind of fees? 150 sat/byte will get your tx cleared just fine right now.


High fees are just an idiot tax on those who don't know how bitcoin works.

>> No.5493006

Anything over $1 is ridiculous

>> No.5493020

Bitcoin is not a payment system. It's a store of value. Anything involving transactions is irrelevant.

>> No.5493032

Exactly, if nobody paid high fees then there wouldn't be any

>> No.5493073

If every transaction was segwit fees would be near zero. Bitch to your wallet devs to implement segwit.

>> No.5493088
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>"killing it"
>people still pay
>price goes even higher
>poorfags being dead weight drop off to shitcoin market where they belong
You do realize poorfags are essentially evolutionary dead-ends and this outcome was inevitable from beginning?

>> No.5493099


>> No.5493115

What happened with that? As far as I knew the majority of the Bitcoin community wanted Segwit several months back, then all of a sudden it just gets cancelled and no one seemed to mention it again... What was all that about?

>> No.5493122

>Bitcoin is not a payment system.
saying that is like digging up and fucking a corpse.
it's just not normal you can't ignore it was a human being at one point.

>> No.5493137

Bitcoin Cash

>> No.5493144

But didn't Satoshi specifically say he wanted it to work like cash?

>> No.5493155

it gets worse... a lot worse. they are now stealing bitcoins from the satoshi accounts.

>> No.5493162


Then go use another crypto.

>> No.5493182

LMAO just repeat it enough times and it'll become true right
>oh shit btc isnt good for its primary function anymore
>just change the definition of what it's for np
I just know you faggots got the same talking points from retarded youtubers and r/bitcoin

>> No.5493184

>products key feature are electronic peer to peer transactions
>doing transactions is not it's intended purpose

Corecucks everybody.

>> No.5493188

of course it's a payment system that should act like digital cash. that's the only thing giving it any value. you couldn't even use it as a "store of value" if you couldn't transact it rofl.

>> No.5493189

So you'd be happy to see Bitcoin fail?

>> No.5493205


What the fuck are you talking about? Segwit was implemented but many of the services built on top of bitcoin (exchanges, wallets, etc) have yet to implement segwit due initially to all the bullshit around the 2x fork and now just due to laziness and inertia.


It's not going to fail because a couple of angry anons think 1-5 dollar fees are too much.

>> No.5493247

Yes go read the white paper. It's in the subtitle of the goddamn paper "peer to peer electronic cash system".

>> No.5493254

I think it's about scale, normies look at bitcoin and it's 14k so the $25 fee isn't much because they aren't making many micro transactions. They are paying like 3 fees a year and trading 30k at a time and saving it for later.

Traders don't care, they know this.

We at /biz/ make it a big deal because we do a lot of alt trading.

It's all about scale.

>> No.5493275

I'm talking about the Segwit 2x fork being cancelled.
It's not just a couple of angry anons though is it? It's anyone with a brain who can see BTC fees are absurd.

>> No.5493284

Trade BCH instead. Instant solution.

>> No.5493304
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It's not 1-5 dollars, it's 40-68. I want to buy some shrooms off the darknet but can't because the buyer refuses

>12-20 holy shit. getting back $110 out of $178 order??? fucking $$68 in fees on ONE order??
i am pulling most listings til after christmas...this is crazy. ill repost everything on Dec
>12-15 hey everyone, im really trying to figure out ways of bundling items to avoid withdrawal fees on each item. there is a $25 add on item on ever listing in the shipping options, for either 1 jar of mushrooms honey, 1 gram of Malani-style charas, or 1.2grams of bubblehash

damn right it's absurd


>> No.5493306

Why not use a shitcoin like litecoin or even bcash? Until lightning network comes out I'm using VISA for purchases and get some cash back points. Only thing I use BTC transactions for is moving between wallets or exchanges for trading. My last transaction cost $6 and took an hour. That was like two weeks ago.

>> No.5493317

>$31 coffee

I want to use crypto currencies, not just speculate.

>> No.5493354

Correct me if I'm wrong, but aren't many DMN already accepting BCH?

>> No.5493394

where to buy shrooms tamodachi?

>> No.5493416


No one cares about 2x and even if it does come to fruition it'll just be another tradeable shitcoin like bcash. BTC fees only get absurd for short periods of time when normies are either all heading for the exits or malicious actors are intentionally spamming the mempool. 150 sat/byte corresponds to roughly 5 dollars to send thousands of dollars worth of BTC inside 1 hour. In no universe is that "absurd", and the fees will only decline further as more institutions adopt segwit.


In what fucking universe is it 40-68 dollars right now? If fees get that high, then just put your degenerate drug transaction on hold for a day or two until shit clears up, or go use another crypto.

>satoshis vision

*teleports behind you*

>> No.5493466
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Hardfork upgrade. Already happened.

Pic related.

>> No.5493487

>No one cares about 2x
But the fork has obviously split opinions which is preventing a solution. Even though Segwitx2 been cancelled for now some platforms built on top of BTC clearly still aren't satisfied with Segwit as it is.

>> No.5493554
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Segshit is already implemented on numerous services like Shapeshift, go see their twitter page you shill faggot - its full of dumbarses asking for segshit to be implemented to reduce fees, it fucking already is.

>It's not going to fail because a couple of angry anons think 1-5 dollar fees are too much.

The entirety of South America, poor Asian countries such as Phillipines and NigAfrica are switching to Bitcoin Cash due to extemely high fees - which are currently higher than many of whom make in a month.

But you don't care about that because you're part of Adam Back's paid pajeet shill team.

>> No.5493604

Sending transactions isn't spam and fees >$1 are unacceptable no matter the amount.

>> No.5493615


btc is dead

>> No.5493618

Most normies just speculate though, bitcoin's devs just want to silently milk bitcoin through fees since it's the most "popular coin" people won't talk about fees for another few years.

>> No.5493640

the segwit fork is happening on the 28th, and bitcoin in going to moon just before then, I'd suggest transfering into bitcoin soon because it's only going to go up. http://b2x-segwit.io/?utm_source=themerkle

>> No.5493646


And many numerous more services have yet to enable Segwit which is holding back fee reduction. Bitcoin cash has no future.


Unacceptable to you, perhaps. Luckily there are plenty of cryptos out there you can switch to to satisfy your autistic desire for uber cheap transactions.

>> No.5493652

The Lightning Network is already out on mainnet, it should be functioning within the next year.

>> No.5493667

Fact is. BCH is accepted as a means of transferring your wealth from one platform to another. They all accept it as a method of payment. Its recognized as the official Bitcoin now. New exchanges are picking it over core.

Get out of Core while you still can.

>> No.5493671

Yeah and it won't do shit
They're gonna steal satoshi's coins and redistribute them.
Only satoshi's coins were out of the market and therefore redistributing them will literally do nothing for the value of your portfolio.
It's like a kid thinking "why don't we just give everyone more money"

>> No.5493683
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Don't be fucking coy with me kike, all the companies that bothered to support segshit have activated it - which resulted in no reduction in fees whatsofuckingever.

Bitcoin Cash is the only bitcoin and it's future is very bright.

>> No.5493704
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CGMC only accepts BTC, and it's currently the safest market out there. It's invite-only, and only REPUTABLE dealers who've sold for at least 2 years are there. Also, only weed and shrooms are sold there.

I can't do that officer. This is the one and only time you might unironically ever use reddit.


>> No.5493709

i'm not saying it doesn't make certain sense but it's distasteful as fuck.

>> No.5493720

>Hello Mr. Anonymous. We at the IRS have noticed you did not claim taxes on your cryptocurrency profits you made for the fiscal year of 2017. We have notified you bank and all your lightning networks have been frozen.

>> No.5493742



Wow, 14% adoption since implementation. Yeah, we totally don't have a ways to go you fucking idiot. Fees will come down, and you can go play in the shitcoin mud with the rest of the retards but don't come back crying to us when you get burned.

>> No.5493795

>Luckily there are plenty of cryptos out there you can switch to

Agreed, check that dominance figure friendo. The ship is sinking. Stay on at your own peril. Economics dictate BTC is dead long term, while alts have very promising futures.

>> No.5493799


>> No.5493820

segwit has about 15% adoption rate, hence the high fees still. bcash literally pays shills. if you are referring to adam back's tweet, he claimed that he was just saying combating the bcash trolls is a full time job, which i agree with. bcash faggots are relentless and full of misinfo and repeated propaganda by ver.

on chain scaling won't work long term and bloats the blockchain until then. you can either use a shitcoin with a small network so no fees, or use something like lightning which is only in testnet stages. like i said, i'm using VISA for now. i don't really need a censorship resistant decentralized immutable copy of my coffee transaction. this is like the early days of the internet. yeah you can technically stream video but i'd just rent the VHS/DVD until shit gets better.

>> No.5493843
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>> No.5493873


Dominance is a meaningless stat considering new flavor-of-the-month shitcoins are launched every day contributing to the aggregate mcap of crypto.

Bitcoin still is and always will be the largest individual slice of the pie though. I don't care if the aggregate size of the pie continues to grow.

>> No.5493872

Lightning Network will be available in 6 months tops

>> No.5493911

If that was the case then bitcoin is 100% working along the greater fool fallacy if it's something that literally can't do anything.

>> No.5493944

18 months*

>> No.5493959

You're completely wrong about on chain scaling. To scale to Visa would require 8TB a year or 300MB blocks. If you think that is cost prohibitive for miners and merchants, you're insane.

>> No.5493967

sure sure but it's worthless in itself. it needs an entire ecosystem with apps and tools and fair business models to be real useful. so maybe in 2 years it's gonna have some effect.

>> No.5493996

Tiny cap shit coins even in aggregate don't explain the dominance figures. BCH, ETH, and others do.

>> No.5494069

Depends on how much you're pulling in.

I bought the 12,000 floor and made a nice $5k, the "fees" felt more like a tip.

>> No.5494070

nothing's killing it.

people are transacting on other chains like ethereum (dont buy into the litecoin/bcash shilling, nobody is using it for anything, transaction volumes are a joke for both of those shitcoins combined).

the simple truth is even if bitcoin never gets lightning, it's never getting replaced by some pointless bitcoin clone, big money will always continue to use bitcoin as long as it doesn't have a serious vulnerability (and if it does, all the bitcoin clones go down with it).

the only successors to bitcoin must be completely unique blockchains on a completely new codebase. anything else is a weak imitation institutional money is very much aware of.

>> No.5494080

> Closes channel and settles balance on the blockchain.

>> No.5494090

Do not FUD. It'll be out in 6, dev said so

>> No.5494102

Yeah but at least it will shut up all the comments about how BTC is unusable because of the fees.

>> No.5494121

>Bitcoin was at the bottom of dip, from the peak you just bought.

This is what the lightning network is going to being you all. Banker control over your blockchain.

>> No.5494178

What are you talking about? Do you have any idea how LN works?

>> No.5494190
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Simple psychology dictates that Bitcoin Cash will always be seen as the imposter. Think of the Wii and the Wii U. It failed because it sounds like an add-on.

With Bcash It's worse because it shares a name with its larger and more well known competitor.

>> No.5494219

he clearly doesn't

>> No.5494222

They did pick a bad name for it. Should have just called it BItcoin and let core go fuck its self.

>> No.5494254


We have at least a decade, perhaps even several decades before crypto is "controlled" by banks.

Right now it simply costs too much to regulate, There's too small a return on investment for banks.

>> No.5494292

It's true this will always be a factor somewhat. I can't really think of any other comparable examples where it's happened though. I mean there was the XFL but that failed because it sucked if I'm not mistaken. Whereas BCH actually is a better functioning product than BTC.

>> No.5494305


What app is that?

>> No.5494308

On a technical basis and use case Bcore is the imposter. Segwit, high fees, slow transactions, private interests dictate development in a centralized manner, LN banker control, etc.

Bitcoin Cash is Bitcoin. If you don't understand this, I welcome you and all the other nu-coiners to read the fucking whitepaper.

>> No.5494312

not sure about that. wider adoption with ln still gonna keep the fees up will still be inconvenient as fuck to transact bitcoin and still gonna cost a lot to create channels on the blockchain.

only thing ln changes it makes bitcoin more scaleable because it is fucked as shit right now and by all projections it's unsustainable long term with wide adoption.

so it's pretty retarded to resist block size increase unless you are a miner and want some extra profit right now and don't give a shit about the future.

>> No.5494321

Not even that long. They are already in place to take over. Who do you think has been buying tethers and pumping the shit out of it? They will be the ones running the masternodes, they will be the gatekeepers again.

>> No.5494329

Unironically Bitcoin Cash. If you don't believe me or don't get it, I don't have time to try to convince you, sorry.

>> No.5494330

>On a technical basis and use case Bcore is the imposter. Segwit, high fees, slow transactions, private interests dictate development in a centralized manner, LN banker control, etc.

>> No.5494331

Lightning. But it still has scaling issues.

>> No.5494356

funniest shit is core crew will increase the block size too but only to 2mb not 8... big fuss over nothing if you ask me.

>> No.5494389

no it's not necessarily true. ln could be a lot less centralized than people imagine it right now. it could be a form of bitcoin lending that actually makes sense a lot of people running nodes with spare bitcoin they can tie up in channels with very little risk and small interest.

>> No.5494442

neither of them are. bcash has a terrible development team, broke the most important core principle of proof of work (difficulty) and is moving forward to sacrifice decentralization for micropayments.

bitcoin proper added segwit (which wasnt fully necessary for second layer solutions, any fix for malleability would work) and the miners stalled so long that it spawned bcash from it.

none of them match the whitepaper, but it's obvious satoshi wouldn't side with the hostile fork coin that had to break proof of work just so it wouldn't die.

if he was still around, he would have been able to push out a much simpler hardfork for malleability much earlier, and would have avoided this whole problem. but don't get fooled into thinking he was an idiot and thought you could just keep blowing up the blocksize for ever.

>> No.5494462


Wow only 14% of users have moved their expensive shitcoin because the fees cost more than the corecin in the addresses. Who'd have fucking thought.

>> No.5494482


If Bitcoin is slower, more costly and less reliable to use than Western Union, then it's no longer viable as a currency and has no reason to exist. It's as good as digital beanie babies at this point.

Go on now cuckstream faggot

>> No.5494505


It's a GUI for a non-functioning LN, so essentially he's baiting you by pretending that something is actually happening in that video beyond some button clicks, I can make the same retarded shit in 5 minutes with javascript.

>> No.5494535

Lightning will remove that. It'll have about 10k tx/s with just the first release of lightning (visa does about 4k for comparison)

>> No.5494542
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fearful corecuck detected, can't even call Bitcoin cash Bitcoin Cash out of fear because he sold his Bitcoin Cash for next to nothing after the fork because his kike overlords told him too. Either that or he is a paid pajeet, I'm guessing it's the latter TBQH.

>> No.5494567

bcashiers at it again.

>> No.5494569

with this kind of thinking youre just going to get left behind. you have to evolve with the market, it's needs and it's expectations.

the simple fact is the infrastructure isn't here today for bitcoin to be accepted as a form of payment for those services, and even if it had 1GB blocks it would be the same. you delusionalists are all wrapped up in this imaginary battle for what bitcoin should be, that you fail to see that the market itself has already decided what bitcoin IS.

no amount of crying on the internet is going to change the fact that money coming into bitcoin today has no delusions about the quality of the network right now, and are simply buying tickets for the future. if bcash was ever going to stand a chance of replacing bitcoin, litecoin would have already done so, but nobody apart from litecoin evangelists would be stupid enough to think that was ever going to happen.

>> No.5494614

>store of value
do u even know what that means? bitcoin is so unprofitable and volitle its the polar opposite

>> No.5494619

lol, this bcash pumping is only good for me, because the higher it goes, the lower the combined cap of bitcoin + bcash is going to be, and most of my money right now is in ethereum.

i have no delusions about the current state of the network, but i also have no delusions about some worse clone of bitcoin ever taking it's place.

>> No.5494665


All of which are still considerably smaller than BTC.


Thats not what that means in the slightest, but whatever makes you feel better I suppose. The infrastructure will slowly shift to Segwit and all this muh fees bullshit will subside.


Good thing Bitcoin is neither slower, more costly, or less reliable than WU, then. Not even close.

>> No.5494667

you really don't understand this market do you? instead of being some tribal nigger fighting for your little hut look at the bigger picture

>> No.5494693

>$20-$35 fees are killing it.

No it doesn't. Besides from a few autists on /biz/ the great silent majority are fine with it. Just like they are fine with paying high fees to ship cargo.

>> No.5494694
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>> No.5494755


Why should some chinkcoin fork backed primarily by convicted felon Roger Ver and asicboost-exploiting chink extrordinaire Jihan Wu be given any semblance of legitimacy?

Have you checked the github? Is anyone actually working on this thing?

>> No.5494761

the funniest shit that by definition only things that are transactable can store value. so the value is literally tied to the transactibility. and bitcoin is supposed to take over fiat by removing the trust from the equation. so not only it has to be transactable but it has to be transactable directly without any legal framework.

but the retarded cucks don't comprehend this.

>> No.5494788

Where does this 10k limit come from? As I understand it LN allows infinite transactions without relying on future advances in hardware. You can open direct channels with no fees and do as many transactions as you like in that channel. It's supposed to be streaming money with nanotransactions not just microtransactions.

>> No.5494818

the real cognitive dissonance is the delusion that "tech" is actually the deciding factor, and based on that assumption, that a clone of bitcoin of all things, is the answer.

if technology is all it's going to take to "replace" bitcoin, it would have happened long ago, but it's a fucking joke to think that of all the coins to replace bitcoin, the one with one of the shadiest, most non-tech/political backgrounds, and with what amounts to the most insignificant technical change, is going to be the one to do it.

use your little brains, if bitcoin is going to die, why in the world would everybody move to the exact same coin that still has a chinese centralization problem, still has a broken proof of work, still has fundamental scaling issues, and still has the oldest codebase of all, with nearly 10 years of legacy cruft that is nigh-impossible to remove going forward.

>> No.5494826

The thing is there is the decrementing timelock. So once you exhaust the timelock, you have to close & reopen the channel.

>> No.5494830

What you're talking about is s2x. That will be a split chain not endorsed by core segwit already happened and core encourages everyone to upgrade their wallets

>> No.5494896
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Can we stop shilling b2x?

When the key player is negro woman, you know it's complete bullshit and meme.

Jesus fucking christ.

>> No.5494908

its clearly you that doesn't understand, given the market is pretty confident in it's position, and the respective backgrounds for both coins make the decision incredibly easy for new institutional money.

and this is ignoring the fact that bcash is becoming more and more centralized every day, as people like roger ver keep loading up on it for pump and dump games, soaking up more and more of the supply, making it significantly more unattractive for big money.

>> No.5494927

funnily enough this argument works perfectly for bcash too.

>> No.5494932
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>> No.5495005

Proven secure since 2009, and guaranteed D E F L A T I O N A R Y. This shit's going to 100k.

>> No.5495011

>spread the news among feminists and other sjw
>market is as the next big thing in cryptocurrency

Can it be this easy?

>> No.5495014

Why do you think that's a problem?

There's black women with over 150 IQ and definitely with an IQ higher than yours.

>> No.5495069

>high fees to move physical goods is the same as broadcasting to a decentralized ledger

Calling you a brainlet would be giving you too much credit.

>> No.5495090

probably, but bitcoin, along with all of the old-gen coins, bcash, litecoin, dash, are probably only on a downward trajectory in total market share.

without some extended bear markets, and hopefully some significant wipeouts of older coins, the hype is just going to keep getting split between more and more alts.

>> No.5495135

I just checked if the fee has changed on coinbase and the fee is fuck all. Even so once you acquire it the trading is cheap. At what point are you charged a large fee?

>> No.5495171

8x blocksizes

>> No.5495202

>It's not going to fail because a couple of angry anons think 1-5 dollar fees are too much.
No, it's gonna fail when it gains mainstream traction and the fees are bumped up 5000% because of the increased traffic with no realistic solution apart from LOL BIGGER BLOCKS

>> No.5495262


>> No.5495380


I trust the hundreds of intelligent individuals working on bitcoin core more than some brainlets shitposting on biz

>> No.5495406

not for long salty shitcoiner

>> No.5495511
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>I trust the thousands of intelligent individuals working int he government more than on brainlets shitposting on /pol/.

>> No.5495522

Well no... they had a chance to already and chose not to with Segwit 2x.

>> No.5495603

>ayo ayo ayo hold up
>smacks lips

>> No.5495629
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No, btc is being left behind in droves because of its failure to adapt. Look at Steam, Bitpay, and the ever-rising price floor for it to be practical to actually transact with bitcoin. The opposite of adoption is happening.

The only money coming in to bitcoin today is dumb normie money and institutional investors fixing to take a shit on it. It is completely delusional about the utility of bitcoin, even some of the big media outlets writing articles about it hardly have a clue how useless it is for any practical usecase as a currency. These people don't know blockstream from their .0003 bits coin.

Charlie Lee has always positioned litecoin as bitcoin's good little goy, "silver" to "gold", 'transactional' to 'store of value,' even going along with their no2x bullshit. He's had like a 5 year headstart on BCH and has like a third of the marketcap. He even has little r/bitcoiners advocating its use. Because they know it isn't a threat.

When people realize the disgraceful stain on the face of the humanity blockstream is, it will appear self-evident why adoption and onchain scaling was the answer. I'm pretty content just watching the market play out. We have our roles now. An onchain, mass-scaling p2p currency vs offchain store of value or something.

>> No.5495703

>sells entire stake in litecoin for "reasons"
>I have full faith in the tech

>> No.5495760

who the fuck cares about big money? we want a payment system that works and where the state can't just seize your assets or block your transactions. now bitcoin promised this and more and failed to deliver time and time again. who the fuck needs an other speculative asset traded on paper? it doesn't solve anything.

>> No.5495860

really they backed away?

>> No.5495913


Are these even real people?

Looks like some computer generated shit. Their linkedin looks robotic as fuck.

Can someone confirm that the black founder even exists?

>> No.5495919

bitcoin is now worth 1000% what I bought at but yeah $1 fee is insane!

seriously what the fuck is wrong with you

>> No.5495964

>bitcoin is an investment vehicle not peer to peer cash

t. Brainlet

>> No.5495987


What does that have to do with what I said? And the people in government are definitely 100x more intelligent than the brainlets on /pol/, you're right.

>> No.5496021

>I've never worked in government

>> No.5496049

Bitchcoin fees cucked me out of being able to buy a Christmas present on time for myself with my mining earnings, Coinbase was having withdraw problems in the UK so I was using a faggy virtual debit card that uses BTC to deposit and I got charged a total of like £100 for fucks sake THEN Coinbase decided it would do withdraws normally.


>> No.5496114

Use ETH and Raiden Payment Channels to HODL.

>> No.5496179

Regulation, taxation, policing. There are no solutions.

>> No.5496298
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I stopped at 'chinkcoin, bash'

Pajeets must leave /biz/ forever.

>> No.5496319


Then pack your shit and go, faggot.

>> No.5496353

start using the real bitcoin (bch)

>> No.5496372

Start using SkyCoin

>> No.5496415
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Someone has to cancel out the endless FUD these pajeets and kikes are putting out, especially on /biz/.

Look at all the fucking kike posts on this thread calling Bitcoin Cash 'bcash', no other coin receives hate because no other coin is a threat to the (((powers))) of finance.


>> No.5496588


bcash isn't a threat to anything. It's a shitcoin fork endorsed by a tiny minority of the community, most of whom have ulterior motives for supporting the shitcoin in the first place (asicboost). It piggybacks off the name of bitcoin and essentially stands on the shoulders of a giant and calls itself tall. It's by far the shittiest of the shitcoins and everyone who supports it should literally be round up and shot.

Luckily the main proponents of bcash have likely sold off most of their BTC holdings and once this chinkcoin crashes to 0 they will have no economic say over what bitcoin is or does anymore.

>> No.5496625
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Disregard this kike post everyone. I didn't read it after the first word, it is not worth reading quite obviously.

>> No.5496634

Nice try roger but no one uses bcash. It's transactions/day are 1/3 btc

>> No.5496667


Much like bcash is not worth owning, quite obviously.

>> No.5496676

Pay your tithe to the king you ungrateful peons.

>> No.5496779

Lysergi, they recommend LTC

>> No.5496785
File: 266 KB, 980x742, 1511322542192.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



Kike, the coin is called Bitcoin Cash.

>> No.5496807
File: 45 KB, 800x635, 1513816618293.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

simple solution OP

>> No.5496897


You obviously have no real experience in business. I bet you never sent a wire transfer before.

>> No.5496911


>> No.5496923


Nah, its bcash

>> No.5496941


Switching to the real Bitcoin: Bitcoin cash.

Core is controlled by miners that are making a kiliing with the high fees. The engineered it that way. Why would they be trying to lower the fees?

If you still think Bitcoin is descentralized, you are as naive as normies.

>> No.5496948


>> No.5496986
File: 120 KB, 800x1002, 1514238635057.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Soon, this coin by name and reputation alone will be the wealth transfer of only the richest people in the world.

Aristocrat: "Heh, on>>5492946
ly peasants use their filthy altcoins..."

>> No.5497019

there is 2 bitcoin alternatives
1 works
1 does not work

that simple. you can call bcash shitcoin but it is the one that's functioning as intended.

>> No.5497551
File: 56 KB, 427x480, Prime Merchant.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Bitcoin Cash is the only bitcoin, and you leeching kikes can't stop it.

>> No.5497572

What's up with this FUD about $20-35 fees? I sent $400 worth of BTC from Binance for $5 today. Still high, yes, but it's not $20 or $35.

>> No.5497701
File: 28 KB, 488x463, 1514071684249.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Using a payment channel for coffee that will results into the same high fees anyways.

>> No.5497895

its 30$ if you want it in 1h i think

>> No.5497939

What's the fucking bitcoin whitepaper called? I'll wait, faggot

>> No.5498142

I got mine in 30 minutes.

>> No.5498184


Sure it is. That's why it has a miniscule fraction of the dev team, market cap, and just about every other useful metric.

Bcash is a shitcoin that we will look back on in a few years and laugh about (except for the retards like you who bought into the meme).

>> No.5498216


>> No.5498442
File: 140 KB, 1020x680, 1511561863343.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think we should run those bcore shills out of town like this pic

>> No.5498638

Total noob here, no bully

What are consequences of lowering the fee in the wallet?
If I want to send small amount of Bitcoins with the lowest fee there is (on Electrum) that is 5 satoshi/byte (which in my case would be 0.000012)? Low fee means just slow transaction? How slow? A day or two? Or more?

Can it linger in limbo forever?

>> No.5498669

>Can it linger in limbo forever?
sure as hell can i had to double spend once because the fee i set was demeed too low by miners.

>> No.5498842

Once send it with a fee too low, then there is nothing really you can do, right? Can't really cancel it or something.

Would it be theoretically possible, to mine particular transaction on your own?

>> No.5499012

no like i said you can double spend. until a transaction is on the blockchain you can spend the same coins as many times as you want. only one transaction will make the ledger of course the one that is first mined by a block that becomes part of the chain (but this is not 100% sure until some subsequent chains are mined)

you can also use transaction malleability to alter your transaction i think but not sure if that's easier.

>> No.5499184

I understand now. Thanks

So what would be a minimal fee if I want to be sure it will go through, but don't really care about the time (well I mean, within reason). 5 sat/byte is the lowest, will it be acceptable? If no, how about 10 or 20?

>> No.5499324

no idea but 10-20 will get you 24h confirmation according to

>> No.5499438


I love it when braindead newcoiner morons like you reveal just how fucking new and stupid they

peep this tweet from Lightning bitch in charge over TWO YEARS AGO claiming LN would be ready in six


What did we learn?

Repeat after me: "I'm a brainlet newcoiner"

>> No.5499527

That's from people doing paid acceleration. 80- won't get you confirmed any time soon

>> No.5499539

Thanks for that link, it cleared all my (current) concerns.

>> No.5499841

More segwit adoption is coming in 2018,and lightning network could be ready to go in 2018,i dont see a future for bcash only bitcoin and ethereum.

The fees dont bother me so much since i just buy and hold,nobody wants to waste their bitcoins on cups of coffee.

>> No.5499938


I used to send emails via the command line.

Now my dumbass in laws' children do it on their ipad

>> No.5500081
File: 16 KB, 620x581, 1491515207948.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

buttcoin iz a gud sdoor ovalue becuz id will keebs goin upb foruvr

>> No.5500130

>$20-$35 fees are killing it.
miners are making a killing in just fees
the jew miners are worse than the jew bankers

>> No.5500161

It is a currency you fucking troglodyte.

>> No.5500167

who would have thought the jews would have killed bitcoin by high fees

>> No.5500168

I call it bcash because it’s convenient

Autistic screeching about a nickname isn’t going to help your cause. You don’t see Brits get buttblasted about everyone calling the pound sterling «the pound» and they are already incredibably autistic

>> No.5500187

Damn, that burn.

>> No.5500236

You're going to have to show me a black woman with over a 150 IQ.

That means 151 or higher. Quick maffs.

>> No.5500250

it's what you get with centralization of mining: miners now have power over devs and hold the coin hostage for shekels.

>> No.5500418

LN and actual scaling solutions, not bandaid fixes.
$20 fees arent shit anyway. Stop being poor and buy more btc than just 0.01

Holy fucking cringe. Use some more buzzwords you /pol/ reject.

>> No.5500466

>miners now have power over devs and hold the coin hostage for shekels.
right and if anything they want to transaction price to be hire so they can make more shekels

>> No.5500619

Its literally just an abbreviation. And the only reason the scamming low life roger ver and his cronies get mad is because they know the shitcoin has no chance if they cant trick retards into buying it by co-opting the bitcoin brand.

>> No.5500677

well if bcash wasn't a bitcoin fork and didn't have common blockchain till the fork you wouldn't be a retard saying that. but sadly you are.

>> No.5500776

Bitcoin Cash-Bcash
Its the most convenient name for it. Rolls straight off the tongue. It was never intended as a 'derogatory term' or whatever. Remember that it was roger ver who started sperging because the name bcash throws a spanner in his sleazy games.

Its a fork that is no more legitimate than bitcoin gold. Deal with it.

>> No.5500865

>co-opting the bitcoin brand
i was talking about this statement
bcash is as much bitcoin as any other fork.
it would be pretentious if it was a new blockchain but it isn't.

>> No.5501034

Not yet it isnt.

>> No.5501103

Only haters and shills talk about bitcoins high fees! Fees arent important!! its a store of value, whadda you not get aboiut it!! buy my bitcoins !! you must be working for roger ver and the chinese, do not mention high fees again!! lightning network fixes the fee "problem" (which isnt even a problem! the high fees save us from roger vers spam), lightning network will solve hte probolems, just wait for release in 2022, otherwise you hating!!

>> No.5501230

>lightning network fixes the fee "problem"
i have no idea where you get that. ln fixes bitcoins complete utter inability to scale up to widespread use. it doesn't do crap about fees.