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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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54925420 No.54925420 [Reply] [Original]

if you're ready to admit you've been scammed and need help then this may interest you

Bromelian (pineapples)

when taken in combination on an empty stomach can quickly degrade the spike proteins causing inflammation in your body. Additionally


can break up blood clots from the vaccine in not just the cardiovascular system, but in other vital organs in the body.

>> No.54925443

its simple, the "vaxxie" is free

insulin is not

epinephrine is not

i trust those for that reason

>> No.54925445

Homeopathy offers much better solutions than the protocol you've provided.

>> No.54925449

It's not "Free"

The govie is paying the big coorps for you
INsulin isnt even expensive to make they just inflate the price because they know you need it or you die

>> No.54925464

care to elaborate?

>> No.54925472

>he thinks they do it for free

>> No.54925483

what if you take it with food instead?

>> No.54925513

it will compete with proteins in the food for absorption

>> No.54925522

Googled it. Honestly seems fine. They're just basic ass health suppliments I think?

Bromelain is an enzyme found in pineapples, primarily in the stem. It is commonly used as a dietary supplement for its potential anti-inflammatory and digestive benefits. Side effects are generally mild and may include diarrhea, stomach discomfort, and allergic reactions in some individuals. If you're allergic to pineapples or have a history of other fruit allergies, you should exercise caution when taking bromelain.

N-acetyl-cysteine (NAC) is a derivative of the amino acid cysteine and is used as a supplement for various purposes, including supporting liver health and as an antioxidant. Some potential side effects include gastrointestinal issues like nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, and abdominal pain. In rare cases, NAC may cause an allergic reaction, rash, or fever. If you are taking medications or have a pre-existing medical condition, it's essential to consult your healthcare provider before using NAC.

Nattokinase is an enzyme derived from natto, a Japanese fermented basedbean food. It is often used as a supplement for its potential benefits in promoting cardiovascular health. Some potential side effects include gastrointestinal issues, such as bloating, gas, and stomach cramps. Since nattokinase has blood-thinning properties, it may interact with blood-thinning medications and increase the risk of bleeding. If you're taking blood-thinning medications or have a bleeding disorder, consult your healthcare provider before using nattokinase.

>> No.54925572

imagine being a vaxxie npc lmao
>support ukraine!
>trans rights are human rights!
>black lives matters!

>> No.54925617

One excellent intervention is homeopathic remedies made from the vaccines themselves - giving the vaccine in an ultra high dilution allows the body to recognize the toxins as "not me" and facilitates fast and permanent elimination and recalibration. After that first stage, the individualized, constitutional prescriptions are made.

>> No.54925638

4 doses. Just another 2 more weeks right?

>> No.54925639

Just let them die you faggot delete this shit or I’m never gonna own a house and they’re gonna shit up the markets forever.

>> No.54925650

and how exactly does the typical person go about getting their hands on the vaccine (which has to be kept cool at -70C or else it turns into mush) and then diluting it? My solution is something most people have relatively easy access to.

>> No.54925661

Quite simple, go to your doctor or local pharmacy and ask to be administered the Covid vaccine and/or any applicable booster shots.

>> No.54925706

thats the point im making

also thats why i trust insulin, because they make money off it because someone needs its.

why am i re explaining this shit

>> No.54925744

>compete with proteins
what if you're a vegan or vegetarian?

>> No.54925782

most food has some protein in it lol

>> No.54925834

Why are you trying to save them? 90% of them demanded that everyone get vaxxed up too and they deserve to die

>> No.54925878
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>tfw getting paid to get the vaxx
You chuds are doing it for free HA

>> No.54925879

Image being an anti-vaxxer
>Muh ivermectin

>> No.54925887

the internet was a mistake because it let the literal tinfoil schizos have an audience

>> No.54925907

>not even one eth
>maga more like miga hu
Not taking any ((medication))
Especially for a flu
Nothing to do with the gene therapy shot

>> No.54925917

>not being part of the grand genetic experiment going forward

/biz/, always left behind

>> No.54925987

imagine taking experimental jew juice because you were afraid of the flu

>> No.54926092
File: 785 KB, 1010x1010, 1646409641447.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you didn't fell for psyop 1 that must mean you fell for counter-psyop 2!
imagine being a psy-op npc slave

>> No.54926126

Honestly it was wild going to the anti lockdown protests. I met lots of regular people but also Trotskyites and Jehovah's witnesses

>> No.54926147


>> No.54926170

Hurrr I’m retarded and don’t understand drug delivery hhurrduurrr just eat acetylated cysteine or a literal fucking protein derrrrruurrgggghhfff