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File: 347 KB, 579x344, icp d.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
54925688 No.54925688 [Reply] [Original]

Say something nice about the internet computer

>> No.54925743

Make the coin pump
You smug British fuck

>> No.54925755


>> No.54925779

buy a real coin like btc eth or arb

>> No.54925833
File: 150 KB, 428x428, shave.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shiterium and Arb can't scale, ICP can scale infinitely.

>> No.54925845
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will replace internet and btc....keep dreaming

>> No.54925848

>ICP can scale infinitely.
ICP is a centralised shitcoin

>> No.54925850

Insane Clown Posse?

>> No.54925866

good evening sers
happy birthday internet computer protocol coin. very nice coin. will take down AWS

>> No.54925888

Woop, woop, clown homie

>> No.54925914

Ze Internet Computah izza revolution hairy blogchain

>> No.54925919

100 check 'ems scheduled for deposit.

>> No.54926330


>> No.54926349

Daily reminder VCs bought ICP for 3 cents which is all it's worth.

>> No.54927855


>> No.54927928
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Trust the plan

>> No.54928686
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Love me some ALIEN TECH!

>> No.54928713


>> No.54928729

Your nearest mental asylum

>> No.54930186
File: 492 KB, 1990x1296, IMG_6951.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just getting started brothers… sns season incoming, ckBTC is a success ckETH is going to be crazy and ckDOGE

>> No.54930225

>sns season
Have the don anything with it yet?
Or is still just a bunch of retards circlejerking about muh 10,000 supply

>> No.54930252

Has icp had a single green month yet?

>> No.54930694
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yeah, the IOU was shilled here under $10, but nobody bothered studying ICP.

>> No.54930724

> ckBTC is a success

We were promised mass adoption via Btc defi. That never happened. Massive failure

>> No.54930765
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Trying to FUD ICP, without even understanding what it is

please buy crack and die a virgin.

>> No.54930845

ckBTC released on 3 April. 72 Bitcoin transacted.
1 MONTH OLD RELEASE and you expect adoption right away.
Hope you become homeless by the time ckBTC sees mass adoption, took well over a year before 2020 ETH DeFi became a mass success.

>> No.54930883

This is part of the Icp poo plan.

>> No.54930904

Spnnr cash is cool

>> No.54930956

>Has icp had a single green month yet?
yes between july-september 2021 it more than doubled in price

>> No.54931148

Just bought.

>> No.54931437

Which part of icp being a centralized shit coin don't you understand?
>Embarrassing, clout chasing, turbo-sperg founder who calls himself "Chief Scientist" but only has a bachelors in CS
>VC and team got 40% of supply at $.03/token
>Dfinity effectively controls the network through the NNS
>80% of the nodes are controlled by ~8 entities
>Nodes are $15K+ lolhuge server racks
>Node admission to the network is 100% permissioned at the consensus level, dfinity being the sole arbiters of admission.
>Subnets have very low replication (7-30ish) and performance degrades rapidly with higher node counts
>Subnet performance is choked by consensus and can only manage just under 1000 write tx/s
>Cross subnet transfers take 5s or more.

>> No.54931533

Can your coin serve a website on its own?

>> No.54931671

honestly I've given up on fudders. instead i just silently continue to accumulate and relax with a cup of coffee, knowing that my pees are growing, as they stay on ice.

>> No.54931837


>> No.54931985

I have 420 of these icy pisses.
What am I looking for in 2 years?

>> No.54931995


>> No.54932344
File: 53 KB, 310x432, 1677568941184174.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

HBD ICP. I still believe in you and one day, they we all see the power of a World Computer. Got my piss locked up for a while..

>> No.54932419

you can serve a website from a fucking smart phone if you want. This is not some grand technological achievement. I swear only midwit zoomers who don't understand technology and fall for 'muh alien tech!' marketing bulllshit buy this coin lmao

>> No.54932452

wait for a reply

>> No.54932523

I'm financially ruined.
$40k to $5k

>> No.54932556

But can your coin serve a website on its own though?

>> No.54932622

Honestly highest I see rn for 2025 is $100. This a long term play with the cannisters burning icp as adoption grows. 4k by end of decade and flips ETH

>> No.54932654

Is this the worst performing coin of all time two years after launch? (Excluding ones that were actual rugpulls)

>> No.54932990

can you serve a website to millions with automatic load balancing without having a centralized entity like amazon or google grabbing you by the balls?
that is what ICP is trying to do, its not just a website server
i am guessing you are some sort of psued

>> No.54933271

Go host a website through AWS or the backend of your project through a cloud provider and compare it to how it’s done with icp. There’s lacking documentation but holy shit the hassle of not having to deal with firewalls and all the other shit you have to do nowadays so your website doesn’t get screwed is a game changer.
It’s not as fast AWS (for now) but holy shit it’s must easier to use.
Apart from all the vc bullshit and basically dfinity claiming it’s decentralized when it’s not that’s the biggest plus I have for icp about how much easier it is to deploy and secure your dapp/project

>> No.54933311
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just don't worry dude... there's a lot ppl doing the same.
I started accumulate at $8 and right my average is $4.50, could be less but I thought $3 bucks was not meme.
I have 100k and pretend to get up to 200k by end of year. I think will be good amount to make it in next bull run.

>> No.54933327

ICP can't do that kek, it is not capable of the performance of traditional CSP's like AWS, full stop. It would gag at a fraction of the load of popular web 2.0 platforms like twitter, insta, etc. Not to mention that the UX will always be worse due to latency.

>> No.54933839

So the lag you’re talking about is due to smaller projects having to share nodes. If a project gets large enough icp will designate personal nodes for it where it can hand the load easily. So far the only project they’ve done this for is openchat due to it being the most popular and is definitely much faster than the majority of dapps on the icp.
I think there’s problems with going with this route due to smaller projects being laggy and slow how can they become popular?
But they can definitely handle the load of what you’re talking about if a project gets that popular

>> No.54934506

No, there's inherent multi-second latency for doing anything with writes, that's just a consequence of classical BFT consensus time to finality. An entire subnet can only do just under 1000 writes/s for minimally computation intensive tasks, that is insufficient for large popular web2.0 use cases.

>> No.54934733

its price today is higher than its price tomorrow

>> No.54935093

That’s only true for dapps that have to share nodes. It’s the cause for the limitations that I previously stated. Dfinity can implement personal domains for dapps that are in need of it in which case it is only open chat at the moment. The personal nodes can be modified and exceed the limits of what you just stated.
They talk about this on the forums all the time and you read up on it if you’re actually interested in the project rather than just trying to fud.

>> No.54935128

Personal nodes* not domains

>> No.54936423

no this is a consensus bottleneck and is not solved simply by moving a dapp to it's own subnet. It just means that no other dapps are taking throughput bandwidth away from it. But it's still limited to around 1000 updates/s per subnet. You can go read about it on the forums. In any case, the openchat subnets aren't doing anywhere close to this limit currently.
You're missing the overall point though which is that you're making all these performance tradeoffs to essentially still have a single entity in dfinity which de facto controls the protocol, how it executes, and what is and is not allowed. AWS you can sign service agreements at least, whereas on IC you're at the whims of the NNS.

>> No.54936463
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>> No.54936721

I bought ICP at 50 bucks per piss and it ruined me financially.
I was still not able to recover from it.
I still hold them like the retard that I am though

>> No.54936866

Yeah I stated earlier, don’t think it was to you, that AWS and cloud providers are fasters but deploying a dapp and hosting a website is much easier in my opinion with icp since you don’t have to deal with any of the security controls bs but documentation is lacking though for newfags.
Yeah dfinity and icp aren’t truly decentralized but the same goes with every crypto, this applies to btc and eth as well, honestly democracy based decentralization is a meme and a pipedream.
You can’t have a blockchain cloud service provider be controlled by democracy entirely due to illegal content and get taken down down by the ruling powers so the projects has to have a centralized entity to make sure it walks the line which is dfinity. They developed it so I don’t disagree at all that they shouldn’t control it but they they shouldn’t claim it’s fully decentralized like they do.
But yeah you’re trading bezos and performance for dom and security. So real games can never be hosted on icp due to the problem you stated but a hybrid or multi cloud provider where variation with icp where in game assets can be transferred from one player to another securely and can still have the performance that aws provides. Only problem with this now is Steam/PlayStation/and Microsoft want their own blockchain rather than a third party such as icp.
But also there has to be a way to modify these configurations to exceed the limits and receive the same performance as aws but I guess icp isn’t there yet.

>> No.54936894

Ordinals released April, hundreds of thousands of bitcoin transacted

>> No.54936941

You’re a retard for holding an altcoin that was unlocking 20 million tokens a month at the time in a bullrun. I waited til the the last 3 million+ token unlock to start buying and now the unlocks are about 1 million tokens a month and will stop next spring just in time for the btc halving. And then the year after, 2025, which is when predicted next top will be there is a gap of no unlocks within a 6 month period.
So icp will be 4 years old by then and hopefully keeps improving at the rate we’re seeing now.
The writing is basically on the wall or at least a pretty damn good bet

>> No.54936953

And now has basically destroyed the btc blockchain

>> No.54937429

>And then the year after, 2025, which is when predicted next top
kek normie spotted
the top will be eoy to around the halving
dont think like everyone else, that's how you get left holding the bag

>> No.54937757

Holy shit, this guy completely destroyed all icp faggots and they couldn't even argue back. If you still unironically hold this shitcoin, after everything that's happened, kill yourself.

>> No.54937869

How much icp to make it?

>> No.54937944

Wtf are you talking about I literally responded

>> No.54937973

Yeah I’ve heard what you claim and don’t think it’s true honestly. You need exit liquidity and it adds up there’s no point for the market makers to have a bullrun so soon. No way in hell the bullrun will be end of year to the halving. That’s just retarded.
You can make a better argument by saying the bullrun isn’t going to happen this cycle it’s just gonna crab. Honestly that might be what happens

>> No.54937979

bought more

>> No.54938036

To add to this. It’s too soon for a bullrun to happen
1. Student loans
2. Interest rates
3. Inflation
4. Housing market
5. 2024 election
Every one of these things are going to have a huge impact for 2023 to 2024. Your buying power is shit now resulting in everyone being conservative. When student loans requires payments again it’s going to result in even more conservatism.
There will be no exit liquidity or buyers to buy if the bullrun happens eoy to the halving. It’s too soon. 2-3 years from now is enough breathing room for everything to settle down.

>> No.54938046

Conservative as in with cash not the political party

>> No.54938179

You didn't address the main point, plus your entire argument of it being "simpler" than AWS is completely bullshit. I can believe Dom pays retards like you to spam this shit everywhere

>> No.54938252

Go deploy a website on icp and compare to aws. Literally go post a pic of your balls and make a website on aws and icp then tell me which one is easier to do this. Then also tell me which one is more secure initially. You don’t have to deal with any of the security bs on icp that you have to do with aws.
That guys main point is with building on icp you’re trading off bezos and performance for dom and security. That’s it. The ease of use for deploying dapps is just a plus

>> No.54938290

I work with AWS and have a canister running
ICP is easier to work with
Kill yourself

>> No.54938320
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>Holy shit, this guy completely destroyed all icp faggots and they couldn't even argue back. If you still unironically hold this shitcoin, after everything that's happened, kill yourself.

>You didn't address the main point, plus your entire argument of it being "simpler" than AWS is completely bullshit. I can believe Dom pays retards like you to spam this shit everywhere

>> No.54938473
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>he actually bought something called internet computer

>> No.54939376
File: 125 KB, 680x820, DA54BF5D-2412-4B4B-AAD6-CA87E6242CE8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

0. Literally stay away from that piece of shit.

>> No.54939720
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>> No.54939728

The amount of ICP in circulation is on part with the total supply. 5-6% annual inflation after total supply is in circulation. 50% of supply staked, only 250 Million ICP's left for trading with 5-6% annual inflation.
This is actually bullish for ICP 2024

>> No.54939826

500 sui
5000 make it

>> No.54939853

Very organic you fucking faggots

>> No.54940455

nah you're missing the point
bull run != bull market

bull run started in november of last year and will finish eoy - halving
followed by a multi year bear market that should lead to the mother of all bull runs to close out the decade.