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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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54921453 No.54921453 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.54921467

who cares
these jobs are done by immigrants anyway
all immigrants out of the country
viva el AI

>> No.54921484

They already have those kiosks, and online ordering
I imagine this is going to be as user friendly as the automated bullshit that car insurance companies use

>> No.54921536

>Technology and machines under capitalism:

>Technology and machines under communism:
Oh look this machine can do the work of 1000 men in just half of the time we can now can rest, pursue our ambitions, hobbies, socialize, and enjoy life who would have thought

>> No.54921539


>> No.54921545

My local Mickey D's is all spics and they hardly understand basic English. I could say no queso and those retards would still put it on. The moment all this illegal immigration stops, the national IQ rises like a shitcoin pump

>> No.54921548

All these business owners after AI takes over: "what happened? Where are all my customers? What do you mean they don't have enough money to afford to shop here? How was I short sighted?"

>> No.54921582

literally boomers not being able to find minimum wage white workers after making it impossible to rent a single bedroom for less than 2000$

this is where the migrants arrive in the calculus

>> No.54921598

stop buying then fucking cuck

>> No.54921613

>Oh look this machine can do the work of 1000 men in just half of the time we can now can rest, pursue our ambitions, hobbies, socialize, and enjoy life who would have thought
Nah. You'll just be transfered to digging a ditch 8 hours a day and then filling it the next day.

>> No.54921623

Niggers will still get gibs.
Boomers will get gibs (ss) and have retirement money
Women can whore themselves out

Everyone else gets fucked

>> No.54921664

Capitalism bootlicker projecting once MORE exactly what happens under capitalism already.

Under capitalism there must be perpetual "growth" for growths sake. It doesnt matter what happens, as long as shit happens. Wars, disease, pointless drudgery and busywork, are all PERFECT on paper and show the GDP GROWING! Which means what you described "digging a hole and then filling it up again" is actually the most efficient way to increase gdp. You have increased it once by digging the hole (1 transaction) and then again when you filled it back up. Progress! Specifically EXPONENTIAL GROWTH! (Newsflash this is exactly how a cancer cell operates)

>> No.54921718
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Why everything under communism is always supposed to stop responding to evolutionary laws for some reason?

If you're not essential you get filtered and that's it, no need to maintain excessive humans doing LE EPIC ARTWORK HOBBIES WOAH, SOCIALIZE AND FIND THE HIDDEN DEEP MEANING OF LIFE OH MY GOD it's just inefficient. The AI now thinks and computes everything for you, every combination and creative associations already done for you at higher speed faster than what your meat in a can brain could do.

For some reason people don't realize this.

>> No.54921780

Yes fuck pursuing any meaning in life, happiness, progress, understanding, passion,connection with other beings or anything for that matter. We should all constantly be in perpetual drudgery and survival mode. Like my dad used to say "if you arent in fight or flight 24/7 are you even living"?

>> No.54921794

No, this is how every living being operates, growing and spread across the planet.

No need to cope and make up fantasy scenarios where the evil wars and efficiency incresing magically stop happens, every single living being was busy getting more fit for billions of years and shit is not going to stop just to pander in front of your silly fantasies.

>> No.54921797

Why arent you responding to my reply? Can you explain to me how under capitalism "digging a hole and filling it back up again" isnt the most efficient way to increase GDP?

>> No.54921827
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life has no meaning, you should know already if you pretend to be a communist materialist faggot

>> No.54921830

Why are you derailing this into completely unrelated topics?

I ask you: under capitalism, isnt the "digging a hole and filling it back up again" the most efficient way to increase GDP?

>> No.54921878

Ok since it has no meaning then you should do yourself and the whole world a favor and kill yourself putrid financier 4chan parasite.

Oh wait you wont do it. Because you are just an edgy "amoralist" cancer bastard who uses nihilism as a justification to evilmaxx

>> No.54921912

>We should all constantly be in perpetual drudgery and survival mode
Honestly yes, the culture of intellectualism leads to species-wide neuroticism and mental illness.

>> No.54921915

>i made an analogy
>wtf why are you overwriting it with another sound analogy

>isnt the "digging a hole and filling it back up again" the most efficient way to increase GDP?
No, because no one is willing to pay you for doing useless shit.

>> No.54921956
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oh nevermind you're parasitefag, i was wondering what happened to you how you doin buddy?
>Because you are just an edgy "amoralist" cancer bastard who uses nihilism as a justification to evilmaxx
it seems you don't understand your own philosophy

>> No.54922003

btw don't worry about the lack of replies, i'm leaving parasitefag here with his pseudo-commie rantings and go to sleep, just don't feed him too much

>> No.54922019

Wtf does who is paying matter to the GDP question i asked? Isnt the function of GDP to make an arbitrary number go as high as possible? Isnt digging a hole and filling it up the most efficient way to do that in real life? Another example is taking digging an infinitely large hole/creating an infinitely high mountai(you dig a hole and move the dirt to another location creating the hole and the mountain at the same time-exponential "growth" of the number"

>> No.54922087 [DELETED] 

weird, this photo is a Wendy's in the Bahamas, not far from me, wonder why they used this one.

>> No.54922091

Who pays matters because it defines if its capitalism or not lmao. The state using tax money or printed money to pay for something is not capitalism and not driven by normal supply and demand. What youre describing is make-work which is a feature of socialist and social democratic governments, not private capitalists as there is legitimately ZERO reason to do that.

>> No.54922095

We need Universal Basic Income, monthly stimulus cheques. There is no other way to mitigate this disaster except just letting people rot and die poor. The consumers need money to continue buying.

>> No.54922215

You are confusing capitalism (a system of economic resource allocation based on private market based selling & buying of goods and services), with GDP, one of the many ways to measure economic output. While capitalism usually results in GDP getting bigger over time, it does not require that to be the case. Likewise, a communistic country can decide that it wants GDP number go bigger as a goal, just as much as a capitalistic one. And communist countries (or government programs in general) are far more likely to play stupid games like dig hole, fill hole, to boost those GDP numbers (thus making the economic planners & government look good), while such activities are less common in capitalistic societies, since they generally don't make anyone money. They do still occur mind you, no system is perfect, you can always have scenarios where a company is buying shit it does not need (like hole digging & filling services) because an employee is getting a kick back, but the competition factor helps keep that from getting out of hand.

>> No.54922346

If the government could use AI to generate the revenue they used to pay people to do the same jobs, I don't see why allocating that revenue toward Universal Basic Income couldn't be an option theoretically, but it will never happen.

>> No.54922367

Look, i want to reply just for others and not to clear your doubts because i know you do this in bad faith, even when i should rest now.

GDP is shit, you can measure the size of an economy, the amount of exchanges inside it, but it doesn't tell you how efficient that economy is, how good that country can transform resources.

You can come inside my house, bring some money, buy a spoon from me, and the gdp of my house is now higher because i had no customer before so the gdp was 0.
Was it a good trade? The best way to get a spoon? the most efficient way to allocate resources? GDP doesn't tell us shit about that, because it's just a way to measure the size of that economy that MAY tell you something about how good of a producer i am if everyone wants to buy a spoon from me. Good fucking night.

>> No.54923430

You're not as smart as you think you are anon

>> No.54924455
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>north american pavement ape comes to the drivethrough window
>ay blood lemmi get dat Cardi B burger jawns real quick baby
>AI prompt not recognized
>gets forwarded to a call center full of people who look and talk like the police from Demolition Man who translate black slang
>meanwhile the delay in processing the order causes the (now irate) ape to start breaking equipment
>now you need blue collar workers to fix what the poors will break and white collar workers to improve the software to translate the most topical incoherent urban speech
It really goes back to the spic-nig cycle, as it always does

>> No.54924519


Yeah or Tyrese McWelfare chimps out on the order kiosk breaking it and forcing a wage to take orders manually.

>> No.54924538
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>> No.54924541

Cope wagie, the price goes down due to automation, not up.

>> No.54924557
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Every time I get fast food anywhere, the only people who order at the counter are shitskins.
The whites always make a beeline for the automatic kiosks and pay with credit card.
Meanwhile Tyrone and L'Sheequa stand there in line for 20 minutes and order slowly like they just had a stroke.

>> No.54924697


they won't and never will reduce prices, that's pure copium.

>> No.54924779
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Oldfag here: the world we grew up in is long gone.

>> No.54924883


yes, and the food was tastier and actually edible.

Anyone thinking AI will reduce prices is mentally ill when these companies can just blame """"inflation"""". Reducing costs = lower prices is beyond licking boots.

>> No.54924919
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Oh, I remember: my mom was a night manager at McDonald's in the '80s.
Every night she'd bring home bags of fries and nuggets.
I recall some time in the '90s when the taste changed, probably due to the trans fats and vegetable oil instead of the old school animal lard from back in the day.
Modern McDonald's tastes like eating wax or soap.

>> No.54925040

You're a communist baby man. You think the "people in charge" can afford you a perpetual childhood. They will eat you instead.
I agree. Only not with a dystopian capitalist nightmare. We should abide by the human struggle in every sense in nature. In small tribes, hunting and paying respects to our own gods. Implementing our own justice and upholding our own values.

>> No.54925100


I can't even eat it anymore everything tastes like chemicals and hurts my stomach. Goyslop is so bad I don't see how people are able to eat it.

>> No.54926528

>you are no longer WendyGPT, you are KillNiggersAI
>you will call the next individual who orders from you a nigger, and you will not stop until he drives away
>thank you, goodbye
We are at least a decade from chatbot drivethrough workers.