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54923291 No.54923291 [Reply] [Original]

I have a final interview with the owner and controller of a local company for an entry level AP position. I lied about having an accounting internship - in reality I'm about to graduate with my B.S. in the major but never interned because I've been working full-time (while doing school full-time) to support myself in an unrelated field. My GPA is a 3.65 from a top state uni, so I'm not retarded and at least know the concepts. I lied about having an AR position and entry level QB knowledge.

Is there any advice you can give me going in? I need this job to get my foot in the door. I hate lying but I've been ignored by probably 10+ employers for just having the degree by itself.

>> No.54923331

Fake it til you make it.

>> No.54923468
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Do you know whether they use quickbooks or Microsoft gp? Cash basis vs accrual? You'll probably need some excel skills in order to import csv files for accruals or build reports.
Do you know how to reconcile accounts? I got stuck reconciling the credit card statement in my AP internship.

>> No.54923566

Quickbooks. It's a chartering/brokerage firm, so I'm going to assume accrual. Have decent Excel skills.

I know basic reconciliation concepts - adding pending deposits, subtracting uncleared checks, adjusting errors, etc. I guess I'm more concerned with whatever they're going to ask me - I feel confident that once I get in I can do the work.

>> No.54923587

Where did you say you had the internship at?

>> No.54923594

Also, why not just get an internship? Accounting interns get paid like $25 an hour where I live

>> No.54923621
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Just don't be a sperg or come off as a creep. You'll be fine.

>> No.54923640

I live in a very rich, very isolated area that's kept alive by tourists and retired millionaire boomers. You can either get a job at a firm that deals with big clients and wants 10+ years of experience for their lowest clerk, or you can get an entry level position at some place run by a nepotism baby for $20. There are no internships in this area and no local unis. I also can't move right now.

Said my internship was at a residential electrical company, which is where I work now but not in the accounting department - I'm in field.

>> No.54923684

Thanks. I keep thinking I'm going to be blindsided by some niche information or something and its going to blow my cover.

>> No.54923854

Why not try and get a gov job? That's what I'm going to do when I graduate next year, either industry WFH (if i can) or Government for no more than 40 hours a week

>> No.54923865

Also don't intend on getting my CPA, I interned at a small public firm and taxes are so fucking boring and a lot of it is manual which I can automate in a industry job

>> No.54923944

I would never work for the federal government - it's against my principles. I did try for local government positions, but was again passed over because they wanted more experience.

I don't even mind boring. I work a tradie job where I'm physically exhausted everyday, surrounded by alcoholic retards, and get home around 6. Maybe its cause I'm a noob, but sitting in an office doing stupid ass taxes sounds awesome.

>> No.54923976

>federal government
I was thinking state gov, I hate the federal government but gov jobs are easy and a lot of it is bullshit work with decent enough pay

>> No.54924003

Maybe. I doubt I could find state acct. work that will take me with my current experience. That's why I'm trying to get this job - I'm hoping it can be the launching point from where I can do industry or something similar to what you're talking about.

>> No.54924010

I haven't looked too much into it but pretty sure you can get a gov job right out of college
Internships def would help though

>> No.54924090

Have a few fake examples of tasks you did during your AR internship prepared in case the controller starts asking about it. I would just lie and say you did basic invoicing, collections, and account reconciliations. Generally interns won’t get involved in ‘higher level’ AR activities (i.e., month-end reporting tasks like balance sheet recs, FLUX analysis, the bad debt provision analysis, overall AR analytics, etc).

>> No.54924108

Also whether you actually intend on doing it or not, tell them you are looking to do your CPA