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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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54920942 No.54920942 [Reply] [Original]

Making money and being productive is all that matters.

>> No.54920963

Good goy. You must be "productive" and "contribute" to society through your wage slaving and enriching of the top 1%

>> No.54920965

I'm farting in your thread.

Damn that was stinky.

>> No.54920969

>money is all that matters
t. subhuman or underage retard. money does not make you happy and you will die anyway. focusing on money as the end goal is pure cope.

>> No.54920988

Businesses require more than a weekend to operate. Hobbies are also nice to amuse yourself.

>> No.54921007

Own nothing and don't enjoy yourself goyim, you'll be happy.

>> No.54921022

> Bowling on the weekends is a waste of time
> Now excuse me while I post on twitter 24/7

>> No.54921023

Why are americans just complete assholes nowadays? What 'business' do you think I should start?

>> No.54921025
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>> No.54921041

>literal WHO twitter screencap thread
Go back, cunt.

>> No.54921052

It's just the easiest thing to blame your unhappiness on and keeps you distracted for a long time.

>> No.54921054

Good goy:
>Live to work
Bad goy:
>Work to live

>> No.54921077

Grow Tilapias in your garden

>> No.54921082
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>> No.54921086

you're not wrong

>> No.54921114

>why would u train martial arts?
>why would you do woodworking?
If you met this guy in real life, you'd fall asleep standing up.

>> No.54922829

Bowling is low hanging fruit, those are D-tier endorphines.
What if my hobby is fighting other men in a cage? Or bushcraft? Or shooting? Or racing high performance vehicles? Fuck this twitter retard.

>> No.54923262

>avoid people with hobbies at all costs
>posts on social media as a hobby
Just take two seconds guys.
Try and argue against your own thoughts before you let them out into the world.
Most of them are of no worth.

>> No.54923271

Good to know 95% of /biz/ posters are low functioning autists because they apparently can't fucking recognize a joke

>> No.54923283

This mentality is making this world unbearable. I wish Russia would hurry up send the nukes over

>> No.54923292

many such cases, this is why it's so supremely easy to troll /sci/
arguing against a shitty troll post or obvious joke makes them feel smart

>> No.54923312
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> 1.e4

your turn anon

>> No.54923327

>martial arts
All these children's hobbies pale in comparison to video games, IPAs, and lego though bro
buy lego stop being a child

>> No.54923335

This. They've obviously Mossad accounts. And obviously kike posters spam them here.

>> No.54923345

>thinks autists can't understand jokes
>decide to take joke to known autist website
>not even a funny joke, but shit sarcasm at best
>autists on autist website take unfunny sarcasm seriously because it's more stimulating for them than pretending the shit sarcastic joke was funny or smart
>feel defensive and compensate with smug
What if the real joke was you all along?

>> No.54923357

Why did you have to wreck the midwit that hard?

>> No.54923367

>t. Took the bait and seething hard
Lol @ Ur life

>> No.54923403

>says the faggot wasting time on twitter

>> No.54923413

>confirming to the world you mentally identify as a low-functioning autist by taking offense to a post not even directed at you

>> No.54923435
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>> No.54923459
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>Dude hobbies are heckin bad
>just be like Japan and Korea bro
>Workuu wagieuu bro
>profits are all that matters dude
>culture? Community? What are those?
I'd rather die or take you all with me then to live like that

>> No.54923475

and this mindset is how people will sell their own souls and people around them for good goy points

>> No.54923481


>> No.54923484

>no fun allowed!

>> No.54923506

nay ser
it was you who took offence when i did not find humorous what you find so
and offended again when i implied my sense of humour less cheap and my intellect the greater

>> No.54923516

there's no way this is real

>> No.54923535

Kek, the lowest iq audience of all time

>> No.54923668

Unironically true kek. How many rich people do you see cooking their own food? They got brokie chefs for that shit.

>> No.54923819

You can't even tell I'm not the OP
So you're both autistic and too retarded to read

>> No.54923861
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>mfw my hobby is my startup business I work at on the weekends

>> No.54923921

The definition of hobby should include netflix and gaming bye

>> No.54924086

My FIL collects baseball cards and signatures of baseball players. He’s there at baseball games pushing the 12 year olds aside from the players so he can get a ball signed. It’s pathetic

>> No.54924095


>> No.54924098
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I'm probably richer than 99.9% of the people on this board and all I have is hobbies lmfao. This hustler grindset mentality is so funny to watch, it's just a bunch of wagie who want to make it by applying more effort rather than making better decisions.

I'm tossing up between dedicating today to listening to orchestra or learning about Russia history, after exercise and a good meal of course. Okay that's enough chatter, gonna wipe my was and go for a walkie laaalaaalaaaa, wagies and larps will remain uncomfy

>> No.54924118

Ass* lmao

>> No.54924186

>Sex trafficker is literally anti-books
I refuse to believe he’s a real person.