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54916332 No.54916332 [Reply] [Original]

Is it the BBC? the athleticism or the ability to make good music? And how can i use white women's attraction towards black men to my benefit? Serious answers only.

>> No.54916351

Most women don't think, they follow... I'll let you figure out the rest

>> No.54916361



>> No.54916363

It's /biz/ not your personal blog. Fuck off with this bullshit nobody cares

>> No.54916368

To be fair, it is very difficult for a woman to discriminate on characteristics on a man wrt a promise of good sex.
The size of the cock matters to women through:
-the small size, which clearly no woman loves
-the thick cock, which women loves
A woman also knows that men loving to perform live, men love be complimented on their performances as well as to hear that they have bigger cocks than her previous orbiters
-the long cocks, which women loves to think that they could handle and seems exotic, but are bad for vaginal, but very good for oral and anal

The clues coming with a man about financial wealth and tastes are more deterministic about the quality and quantity of entertainment and pleasures not directly related to sex, than the size of the cock, because the size is clearly and advantage, but there is no evidence, through the size, about the ability of the man to make the woman cum without effort.

So yeah. women have easier access to sex, but most men are not much endowed and even the few who have thick cocks do not perform well, in short or mid term, because they think a fat cock is enough. Thank god for women:
-that most women get orgasms from their clitoris
-that most men, irrespective of their physique or social background, love to eat pussy [but men are so stupid that they begin by eating pussy, instead of finishing by it]

so what do women rely on to be as sure as possible that the beta will make them cum? they rely on:
-what the man brags about [but men easily distort the truth on their abilities to please women, in bed or not]
-what the other women fucked by the guy say about the guy. this is why women talk about sex between them. they want to know if the current orbiter that they have for short term casual sex is indeed acceptable.

>> No.54916376

and modern white men can't lead... I'll let you figure out the rest

>> No.54916378

I’ve seen more lust for blacks from various men on here than women will ever have, and you’re one of them, kike

>> No.54916395

Women do not see race, they evolutionarily speaking, have had no reason to. The old "open legs to invading tribe and integrate" thing.
It's problem now due to proximity. White women are in proximity of blacks more and more whereas hundreds of years ago and beyond they only ever came across their own race.

>> No.54916401

meanwhile in reality:
slave races have the worst ranking of women of all human races

>> No.54916403


>> No.54916425

>Women do not see race
women literally see race orders of magnitude more than men do
it's why they're desperate to push race politics but would themselves never shit out a brown child

if you weren't an incel you'd realize just how much more racist women are than men, it just doesn't manifest itself as what the media tells you racism is

>> No.54916432

wrong, see war brides
Men are inherently more tribal than foids

>> No.54916440


>> No.54916443


>> No.54916444

Why did Americans make a sport thats basically like jumping and swinging out of trees?....who else other than monkeys would be dominate that king of sport

>> No.54916449

Wtf is wrong with jannies? Why let feds spam the board with off topic demoralization threads?

>> No.54916455

Look, it's supply/demand. White men don't demand coalburners and there is a huge supply of them. If we wanted Tyrone's used up fleshlight we'd get one. We don't want them.
That said, if a species cannot preserve itself then it will disappear. No matter what, coalburners do not exist in nature. They exist for a short people of time before being selected out. It's the equivalent of a gazelle running toward a lion. Nature just decides "this doesn't deserve to exist" then removes it from existence. It's why we don't see Neanderthals today. My advice would be to just stop thinking about nigger dick and buy some BTC. If we are meant to exist, we will exist. If our women are a bunch of whores, nature will determine our race is an abomination and remove us like it did the Neanderthals.

>> No.54916456

I just sold all my crypto I'm so demoralized

>> No.54916457

nice cope, but in reality women choosing life over death isn't evidence for anything but self preservation.

again, if you weren't an incel you'd actually have some idea about how women think. status and hierarchy is everything to them, and the natural inferiority of browns manifests itself as strong feels of either repulsion or empathy, never attraction.


>> No.54916463

>huge supply of them
you will never have white children, so why even bother having any?

>> No.54916466

Not really. That's just them echoing the TV.

>> No.54916485

Seek professional help

>> No.54916510

Women love displays of physical prowess and competition. It turns them on. Noblewomen fucked gladiators for that reason. That's it. Imagine the same guy, different outfit, different context. Just walking down the streets. She wouldn't even look at him

>> No.54916516

the tv is desperately trying to make the low status (brown) creatures appear as equals, yet human females (pure europeans) overwhelmingly reject low status (brown) males at the highest rates of any race with the exception of asian females.

women are biological automatons, and all the propaganda in the world can't save subhumans. white-ness is deeply encoded in the genome as high health, high status, high desirability. there's no natural explanation for the rapid evolution of europeans phenotypes other than white-ness becoming even slightly viable at higher latitudes and immediately being selected for across the board, despite being mostly unnecessary even for vitamin d levels.

>> No.54916517

>21 posters
>15 of them posting about BBC lust
Really activates my almonds

>> No.54916553
File: 255 KB, 798x812, 1BE191AE-948D-4FB8-BA53-9A40F892920D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Go back to /b/ you glowie fuck.

>> No.54916556

remmeber, if being a filthy brown was so desirable, nobody would have to tell you it is.
likewise, if white supremacy wasn't natural, nobody would have to tell you it isn't.

>> No.54916577

>the only "human" race without neanderthal dna is consciously and subconsciously not treated as human at all

>> No.54916626
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