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54916065 No.54916065 [Reply] [Original]

You heard it here first.

>> No.54916078

based. when they let sam free the bull market returns

>> No.54916141

and then, for no reason at all..

>> No.54916152

Electric chair. And most CEOs from 2008.

>> No.54916163
File: 178 KB, 473x389, Apu_Coffee.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Learn and watch SBF. Learn his mannerisms and witness his coolheaded responses during interviews. This is someone who has fully immersed himself in his boldfaced lie. Every time he opens his smirking cringetastic mouth he lies through his teeth.
This is normal conduct for any kike.

>> No.54916255

They won't let him free, lol. His prosecutor, attorney and judge are all Jewish...they won't do something so bold and obvious. They really aren't that way...they'll properly run him through the process and give him a proper sentence if found guilty.
>then fully pardoned by Biden after the election

>> No.54916265

I miss him so much bros...

>> No.54916281

Where are thr ICP-Perp logs Sam? you kike nigger

>> No.54916310

>lying isn't fraud
No wonder the world is shit

>> No.54916317

Oyyyyyy veyyyyyyyyyyy

>> No.54916333

I hate jews

>> No.54916379

>lie to get welfare
this isn't fraud sers!

>> No.54916402
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Filthy fucking kike.

>> No.54916467

He's going to dump his fat j3wish bags on us, fool. It'll be the Eclipse of Bulltraps

>> No.54916472

Leave the kid alone you fucking freaks.

>> No.54916476

Eat shit kike

>> No.54916482

Fuck you racist.

>> No.54916497
File: 93 KB, 1050x858, 1609694089645.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

inb4 Tr4nn¥J4nn¥ ban

>> No.54916498

Go back up your yenta mothers crusty cunt and suffocate to death shitstain

>> No.54916568
File: 646 KB, 780x585, 168352668874415494.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For (((them))) lying to goyim is not a crime.
Fucking over a fellow jew, on the other hand, is an unforgivable sin.
Understand this and don't trust (((them)))

>> No.54916611
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It's similar in islam btw. It is allowed to lie to the unbelievers. #taqīya

>> No.54916667

It's not a lie of you believe it

>> No.54916828

No it’s not lol, no one in the world is like them kikes

>> No.54916904

That's the Shia sect aka the ones who hit themselves with machetes in an act of ritual flagellation

>> No.54916947

>he thinks this
They'll keep up the show trial until people forget and then he'll walk free as a bird back to a billion dollars and continue trying to turn crypto into a funnel for jewish liberal interests.

>> No.54917001

Like weinstein he has to take one for the tribe.

>> No.54917210
File: 64 KB, 600x570, 261881740.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

don't ever forget, this is exactly how kikes think and have for thousands of years

>the jew cries out as he strikes you
isn't just a joke, it's a serious observation

>> No.54917218

Dishonesty and unfair dealings are not fraud, they are the primordial bases of Judaism.

>> No.54917338

I really liked ftx though, very good exchange it was

>> No.54917431
File: 592 KB, 1353x762, solmn promise.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Meanwhile glowniggers would murder you over 250K

>> No.54917466


>> No.54917798

Source on your claim?

>> No.54917850

they'll give him grounds for a mistrial and get it dismissed on appeal