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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 712 KB, 1200x1200, 1683577993572461[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
54910817 No.54910817 [Reply] [Original]

How we could fix it, bros?

>> No.54910837

you need to be executed on the spot

>> No.54910849

replace the dollars with bitums

>> No.54910936

deflation is better than inflation

>> No.54910967

deflation literarily just means recession/depression

>> No.54910976
File: 30 KB, 548x411, full.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well that's what we're about to see. My main man jpow is about to crash the economy with no survivors. Hope you don't have any debt, anon.

>> No.54911042

Deflation can be the result of recession after an inflation fueled bubble pops, its not the cause, the inflation was.

>> No.54911056

deflation means people spending less silly

>> No.54911082

No, it means shit is cheaper. That can be a result of people spending less, or technological or productive improvements. Spending more / less is just a temporary boost that will always result in a slowdown when people return to normal spending habits.

>> No.54911104
File: 13 KB, 223x226, 16533321.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can't fix it, that's the point of crypto my dude. We're all waiting until it all falls down to ashes. Meanwhile, full on your memecoin of preference, mine is papa

>> No.54911140

They have a pro fiat shillbot now?

>> No.54911287

Think about it like this: you blow up a bubble until it pops. What was the cause of the pop? The rapid deflation or over inflating it?

Its better to actually grow something of substance that isn't just full of hot air like a spending / debt / inflation fueled economic bubble.

Like growing the economy with increased productivity on a per worker and per hour basis. Deflation encourages this because it only makes sense to invest in highly productive things that can beat the deflation rate. Inflation encourages debt maxing and asset hoarding which produces nothing of value, just uses up resources making people have to work harder and longer for less.

>> No.54911302

Put feces in a nigger's mouth. Throw knives at niggers. Inflate niggers until they pop. Send niggers into a blackhole. Castrate niggers. Feed niggers poisoned food. Force niggers to walk the plank. Push niggers into a pit. Kneel on a nigger's neck. Curse niggers with a spell. Stuff nigger babies into the washing machine and turn it on. Flatten niggers with a tank. Pop a nigger's car tire. Strike nigger children with a ruler. Make niggers swim in the Mariana Trench. Cut off a nigger's limbs. Airdrop niggers into Antarctica. Throw niggers off the boat. Pressurize niggers into fine crystals. Light fireworks in a nigger's ass. Falcon-punch a nigger in the face. Make niggers into fiction. Blow niggers heads off with grenade launchers. Blow niggers brains open with a sniper rifle. Lock niggers in a cage and drown them underwater. Nail niggers to a cross and stab them. Run over niggers with a tank feet-first. Throw niggers off buildings. Crush niggers with a press. Attack niggers with acid. Boil niggers in a pan. Lock niggers inside a brazen bull. Burn niggers alive. Drag niggers across a wall of spikes. Pour molten lava on niggers. Quarter niggers. Impale niggers on a pike. Total nigger death

>> No.54911360

anyone who doesn't have pointy ears is a nigger because it means they don't have elvish blood.

>> No.54911366

Impose a burn tax where the money is removed from circulation permanently

>> No.54911415

Bitcoin backed dollar. Would solve every single problem so it'll never happen.

>> No.54911444

These graphics are always disingenuous and never account for wages which would make this seem less extreme. Even if they did it would still be very bad.

>> No.54911476

We need a token burn

>> No.54911492
File: 34 KB, 854x470, cato usury.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ban usury and kill jews.
Some people think these are synonymous

>> No.54911874

fix would mean it's not doing its job. it was designed to make people keep working and invest their money, the dollar being toxic to hold long term is a feature not a bug