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54908813 No.54908813 [Reply] [Original]

My gf keeps talking about getting married. I just see marriage as a coinflip for divorce rape. Is there anyway to mitigate the 5050 chance of being financially obliterated?

>> No.54908820


>> No.54908842

If she was a virgin before she met you, the divorce rape rate drops to 40%. I don't tell my gf a fucking thing about crypto, stocks or how much money I have.

>> No.54908872

Cant the lawyer "discover" my crypto somehow? or does the woman need to tell her lawyer about it?

>> No.54909011

You should just be hiding it in XMR anyways. If the IRS can’t track XMR, Saul Goodman can’t either. If she knows you had some money just fake a boating accident

>> No.54909012

They can subpoena your bank accounts and hire a forensic accountant, see you have a goybase account and see the wallet address you withdrawed to, but beyond that they can't prove that any other wallets belong to you.

>> No.54909043

Marrying a virgin drops your divorce rate below 15%
If you are successful eg >25th %ile for income that rate is even lower

You wouldnt pay full price for a used car, dont pay full marriage for a used pussy

>> No.54909060

Google fresh and fit “don’t get finessed” on yt. They have info on prenups and divorce laws

>> No.54909105
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>tfw virgin girlfriend i will propose to this year
feels good man
>pic rel when i still rent and dont own a house

>> No.54909221
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I suppose this is what you guys are talking about.

>> No.54909288

lol my wife only has access to a credit card. I do all finances and buy her w/e she asks for.

>> No.54909318

I see. then i just need a quick aliby for where the money went. like crypto gambling or something

>> No.54909325

Yeah they teach this chart in introduction statistics classes, the point of the lesson is to claim that it's a biased measure because women that are virgins are likely members of religions that forbade divorce, despite the clear positive relationship with number of partners and higher divorce rate.

>> No.54909342

Can't wait to marry my virgin gf, buy a house and have kids. Sadly I'm still studying and am broke as hell

>> No.54909343

what about alimony payments and stuff how do i avoid that?

>> No.54909364

Crypto gambling is a good alibi, the big sites are still KYC but they don't report to the IRS or listen to subpoena requests if they're offshore corporations. I'd still claim you used a decentralized site to get your degenerate gambling fix.

>> No.54909378

getting married is the most cuckold thing imaginable

>> No.54909522
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No shit anon, it takes a certain mindset for a girl to not kick off a cock carousel whoring career. Religion is a strong factor in cultivating that kind of mindset.

>> No.54910626

Don't get married, and know your jurisdiction's common law marriage laws.
Assuming you're the one with the high income, you can only lose.

>> No.54910951

This is a very interesting concept. I googled some studies and yes, they indeed list "sexual intercourse" as a source, but then don't elaborate at all, while elaborating on all the other sources a lot. And wikipedia doesn't list it at all. Lmao butthurt whores detected.

All the studies are only a few years old though, and we don't really know what effect lingering male cells have on females. If we can't see any effect, the occam's razor assumption is they probably do nothing at all. Still interesting for further studies.

>> No.54911255

Depends on how much money we are talking about
The best way is to just straight up move your assets to another entity, the story of the soccer playe whose salary was paid to his mom comes to mind but unless there is a person you 100% trust you will have to use a straw company

Personally I'm getting paid 50k euro a year by a company in Estonia that is owned by another company in Panama which is being managed by a law office
That Estonian company also owns my house and cars and rents them to me for cheap, crazy huh?

The downside is that you're paying both extra taxes, operating costs and whatever fee your strawman requires
If you're an American though it becomes A LOT cheaper since you can route it trough Delaware instead IIRC
Setting all of it up was done by my bank advisor and accountant which was suprisingly easy, just needed to sign 3 documents (protecting the law office) and visit Estonia once a year

>> No.54911380

>All the studies are only a few years old though, and we don't really know what effect lingering male cells have on females. If we can't see any effect, the occam's razor assumption is they probably do nothing at all. Still interesting for further studies.

Have you ever heard of the term "slut face"? Peeps can tell at a glance if a woman has had a lot sex as it shows up in their face.

>> No.54911417

In the same boat as you anon

>> No.54912572

>form living trust
>move all assets into trust
>buy home before marriage
>move into trust
>put all income earning assets into trust
>never let her pay any mortgage or loan associated with it
Thats just about the only way, at least in the west.

>> No.54912625
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am close to buying a house
where find virgin gf
I don't believe the ones on tinder

>> No.54912674



>> No.54913052

why marry when it has such a shit ROI

>> No.54913229


>> No.54913253
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-Choose 1 only

>> No.54913287

You have been psyopped. The divorce rate for a white male and white female for their first marriage is 7%.

>> No.54913782

Tell her what you think straight up, see her reaction, deduce her intentions instead of assuming emotionality, leave if bad intentions

>> No.54913934

Marriage is the worst financial decision you can make unless your partner makes significantly more than you do and always will. “Only a 25% chance of divorce rape if she’s a virgin” is still a 1 in 4 chance of getting absolutely gutted at a point in life where you have more assets than you’ve ever had before.

>> No.54914003

I am not trying to demoralize you but I’m serious when I say they don’t exist. Just get used to the idea of being the guy who settles for the used goods. It’s that or die alone

>> No.54914249

I think they exist in very conservative states, like Utah

Also, I've taken 2 virginities, so not all hope is lost.

>> No.54914322

It's this guy's fault. Hey everybody. This guy did it.

>> No.54914326

there is no benefit to getting married

>> No.54914363
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Tell her you're already married with Nezuko because you're buying the NEZUKO coin cuz at least she's giving you some good bags

>> No.54914795

My gf is bad with money, so I told her I make 4k a month while it is actually closer to 8k a month.
Because of this I'm able to save up for a house and a nice engagement ring
After I get married, would it be difficult to continue this lie? I'd like to save up for our future and have some backup savings ready if she files a divorce

>> No.54914841

There are a lot of financial benefits to marriage (just like there are a lot of upside to risky investments). But there is an 80% chance you will lose everything. It is basically a shitcoin.