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54902832 No.54902832 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.54902872

I actually hated my childhood

>> No.54902874
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we'll see about that...

>> No.54902899

Just remember that when you're 45, you'll probably have the same feeling about not being in your 30's anymore.

>> No.54902898

I was miserable throughout my teenage years and early twenties. I do pity people who peak at like age 21 though, that must be a heavy burden. It's almost better to have never peaked at all

>> No.54902914

I may be a 45 year old man

But in my soul I'm a 12 year old sexy girl with a tight legs

>> No.54902927


>> No.54903311

It literally feels like everyday has been worse than the day before it since 2007.

>> No.54903321

I am finally free to do what I want

>> No.54903338

Sounds like you two retards are coping hard. Imagine thinking your best years are at 15-25

>> No.54903339

I'm 20

>> No.54903341

Sex with different kinds of hot women still feels good even if you're 30. But yeah if you're married, have kids ect. it's over. You will never feel pleasure again and will just toil until retirement, and after that it's basically sexless neetdom.

>> No.54903347

Lmao imagine being scared of getting old, grow a pair little bitch

>> No.54903362

But you can be old in comfort instead of poverty

>> No.54903376

>Not a 17 year old chubby emo girl

You failed

>> No.54903417

Nobody is actually poor in modern first world nations. Shelter, enough food to grow fat and a computer for shitposting/vidya is all that you need and even wellfare provides you with that.

>> No.54903450

the only reason i desire money or self actualization to afford anti aging tech and body swap tech so i can be a cute girl in her 20s
you're right being old, rich, and male is worthless

>Imagine thinking your best years are at 15-25
they are. the only value in making billions is that the ability to get those years back probably will cost a fortune.

>> No.54903476

This is your brain on shitty anime cartoons

>> No.54903486

>the best time is when you have to waste years on jewish indoctrination surrounded by subhuman npcs and psychos from dysgenic families
kill yourself already

>> No.54903498

that's impossible so just forget it
you can't suffer for not being born a cat or not having 6 arms

>> No.54903569

why lie to myself about what i want

>the best years of your life aren't your physical prime where you aren't fighting your aging body
so what are the best years to you

>waste years on jewish indoctrination surrounded by subhuman npcs and psychos from dysgenic families
that's literally any job or responsibility ever.
maybe if you retire early you can escape this fate, but then you just reclaim not having any responsibilities but in a worse, aged body

>> No.54903616

If you want to be a female you want to be fucked by guys (you can do that now)

Or for social media attention which just means youre a cringe NPC

>> No.54903619


>> No.54903644

You'll never be as young as you are right now for the rest of your life. Well, actually, some of you are going to make it and have the choice at either reversing some of the aging to your body (but you won't be immortal) or you will be able to go artificial/synthetic and leave your body behind. Many purists and superstitious people will look down on simulated humans, but in time they will see that it is rather pointless to argue that an emulation of a super nintendo video game isn't the same thing as playing the real thing. if a simulated person looks/quacks like a real person, then they have personhood.

>> No.54903667

>you want to be fucked by guys
yes i do but lesbian sex is a real thing too

>(you can do that now)
i'd rather do it in a female body

>> No.54903671

You'll never know what it's like to LEGALLY coom inside teenage boipucci

>> No.54903682

Too much internet and anime girl pic brain rot

Sad. Many such cases

>> No.54903770
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you’re taking your existence for granted.

>> No.54903801

As they say, youth is wasted on the young.
I wouldn't want to be young again unless I went back in time with everything I know now.

>> No.54903909

If the psychopathic pedophiles in the government get their way, maybe we will.

>> No.54903916

unironically fuckin this

>> No.54903974
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>> No.54904070

This guy is a fucking retard and looks like a 45 year old woman cancer patient

>> No.54904094

>I wouldn't want to be young again unless I went back in time with everything I know now.
the problem with that is you are still trapped in the same situation where you grow up in even with knowledge you cant escape that and the only reason i made it the first try around is because of lacking a correct frame of reference i didnt know how fucked i was
these threads do reveal the ones with happy childhoods from the ones who didnt

>so what are the best years to you
it depends on your situation, if you were born chad or to elite tier parents and knew your whole life you made it then yes 18-35 for a man is best
but i guarantee most of us here dont come from such a background so you most factor in the hell of everyday life
now in your 20s you still have the energy to do your cagie and have a social life after that, but in your 30s you can only do one and even then it sucks
so yeah i would not want to go back living in that uncertainty again not knowing i would escape that hell i was living in or not
if you made it to not being in the cage then your 30s really arent that bad and you age much more slowly so dont compare yourself to the burned out 40s wrecks that got rekt by the cagie, roastie and spawn

>> No.54904112

the only things i missed about being young was

>no back pain
>fast recovery

besides those things everything else is better now. 2/3 of those things you can fix / cope with

>> No.54904138

i just don't want to work anymore
money would enable me to truly enjoy what life and the world has to offer, i would travel the world for long time

>> No.54904157

you know you can just buy some quality product in most gyms right that will fix at least 2 of those 3 problems
do be sure to calculate your own dosage and not trust the gymbros advise there

>> No.54904193

imagine not being young anymore AND not having any kids.

>> No.54904231

well, it's my dream. normal things old men are supposed to want do not really interest me in the slightest

age is just biological. the energy and health are the value of being young. all the money in the world as an older person is just used to buy those back

>> No.54904448

My episodic memory is way shittier now than it was when i was 10 years younger. Also time goes faster so in my experience i have a shorter amount of time to enjoy things. And i just feel less in general, everything feels less grand, important and amazing. That combined with time going faster just makes everything feel less interesting than 10 years ago. There is no beating aging.

>> No.54904472

when I was young I was still broke, I'll take the money please.

>> No.54904505

yes having money and being young is best no doubt
the point is everyone is young once, not everyone has money in any age
so if it depends on yourself the question becomes young and poor or middle aged and made it what is best
and never underestimate the value of not going to the cage every weekday that alone vastly improves your energy levels for doing stuff you actually want to do, there is more than just biology its also the demands you place on your biologically available potential

>> No.54904548
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Who fucking cares? Being young is cringe. Do you not remember all the cringe shit you did as a hormone filled fag?

>> No.54904571

The point is to have access to young pussy
and you don't need to be young for that, you just need to be loaded

>> No.54904594

That's what I said, at least 2/3 of those are fixable. Hell I'd say all 3 are fixable.

Take care of your body anons and you will be forever young to some degree.

funny thing is my memory is still amazing. Im 30 now. as a kid I had no discipline , everything came super easy. Aced Calc1/2 in high school, got into a great college then burned out. Last few years I've been retraining and rewiring my brain and it's been great. I actually feel as young as when I was in my teens (mostly(

>> No.54904614

Being young is a meme, what matters is being beautiful.

It's just that most of the people lose their looks as they age (if they had any in the first place)

>> No.54904628

being old is fine

>> No.54904631

My working memory is same as ever, maybe even better. It's the episodic memory that's gotten worse, the one you use when you live "your actual life". The one tied to experiences and shit. If i can't even remember my experiences as well as when i was younger but my facts memory is the same, that means that it's better to wage in older age than when i was younger.

>> No.54904655

interesting. I have been doing some body release. I had a lot of tension built up in my body and when I started working some somatic snake oil bullshit to release it, I started getting sflashbacks of my childhood... not sure if thats related but since then ive been working on this and now I feel alive again

>> No.54904709
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I'm accumulating capital to launch a coup against the state when the conditions are right.
I couldn't care less about reclaiming my youth.

>> No.54905811

thank fuck, I hated being young

>> No.54905832

is this how you poorfags cope, op?
nobody cares, everyone experienced youth
but you'll never experience wealth and power