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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 672 KB, 850x960, eyecandy2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
54896925 No.54896925 [Reply] [Original]

How's your mental health anons?

How do you accept that you're probably never going to make it?

99.99% of crypto is pure scam.

Even if you created your own shitcoin, you can't make it. I've tried, i created a few shitcoins, set up tg groups, ran ads on various websites and nobody buys. The market is saturated, and most shitcoins are made buy one or two group of scammers with huge marketing and online propaganda machines.

It's literally over. No way to make it.

>> No.54896952

you got filtered, midwit

>> No.54896965

>demoralization thread #7571435

>> No.54896994

Prove me that what i said isn't true.

>> No.54897029

imagine her cute white face dripping with nigger cum! white woman and black men are truly a match made in heaven!

>> No.54897033

That’s a child you are describing

>> No.54897039



>> No.54897048

prove what (you)’ve said is true you should still have the web domains up

>> No.54897056

get better at marketing, retard

>> No.54897072

The only thing keeping anyone from making it this altseason is laziness and kike jannies. This is easy money. It's a fucking 4can meme rally ffs. Half this board should be in on Sminem and pp rn, but the Jews apparently want to see us poor.

>> No.54897089

Why do you give a shit about my mental health or financial wellbeing?
You don't make these threads for good intentions.
This is why they make these threads anons and lemme give you some insight.

>Why are you sad
>Long explanation, emotions bubble up, mental health declines, OP disappears and you get no response, further fall into bad decision making
>Why are you poor
>Long explanation, emotions bubble up, mental health declines, OP disappears and you get no further response, further fall into bad decision making
>OP switches IP's
>OP calls you stupid, nigger, poor, schizo etc
>You become enraged, distracted and make further bad decisions.

Etc etc, there's literally nobody of good nature that exists on this board anymore, it's all psyops, scammers, and narcissists, those who had a heart shut it off from all the negative noise people like OP brought to their place of refuge.

Do me a favor real anons, leave this place I'm not even kidding it will cause extensive mental damage.

>> No.54897095
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>imagine her cute white face dripping with nigger cum! white woman and black men are truly a match made in heaven!

>> No.54897115

>makes claims
>demands proof
not how it works guy
go back under your rock

>> No.54897120

not my problem. you’re a loser. seeking attention.

>> No.54897139

>I've tried, i created a few shitcoins, set up tg groups, ran ads on various websites and nobody buys.
Good, you fucking pajeet, no one should be falling for your scamcoins anyways, why would you be looking for sympathy? get fucked

>> No.54897157

hsahgold . org. and dontbuyai . com

>> No.54897195

You refuse to consider the points I made in OP and keep seetheing about my intentions. I have literally no intention with this thread, I want to know how other anons cope, because I'm on the verge of suicide.

>> No.54897211
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true comment. ;(

>> No.54897218

I created a belle delphine token and it got a few sales but I mostly used it to buy it and sell later as a sorta wallet of sorts (it was kind valuable for a bit) and now its tanked to almost nothing. but that and my other failed token based on old pc tech were my clues to get out of the crypto dev business since I never had times to work on either and still dont. still strange seeing them get buys once in a great while

>> No.54897229

>Most shitcoins are made buy one or two group of scammers with huge marketing and online propaganda machines.

Why not join their TGs and buy their shitcoins during presale early on? Sell immediately after initital launch price hike before it rugs.

I mean, if they are the ones making 80% of shitcoins it means they have a proven track record. Study the behavior of their shitcooins, average profit, average time until rug etc

Feel free to tell me where I am wrong because thats what I am planning on doing

>> No.54897232

buying meme coins is literlly worse than buying lottery tickets

>> No.54897318

ok. let’s say this is legit. did you airdrop yt shills, vitalik, celebs etc? did you reach out at all?. wht did you not advertize here?

>> No.54897766
File: 22 KB, 746x180, Screenshot 2023-05-04 at 19.56.59.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I paid some retards on twitter to shill this coin, got no buys.

There is a whole industry on Twitter specialized to "crypto promotion" but they mostly scam you.

4chan ads did literally nothing, Twitter and reddit are globohomo shitsites that do not allow crypto advertising at all

>> No.54897818

lmao retarded anon pays money to shill a scamcoin, no one buys his scamcoin and now he's coping by making crybaby threads like these

cry more you dumb manchild

>> No.54898343
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Tell that to PLEB devs
They created a memecoin, maintained it, setupped TG groups and all and shit went as smooth as butter
Made a lot of money holding their coin, kek'd with their community and shared a lot of silly memes, and still making money out of it

>> No.54898365

That's someone's daughter

>> No.54898373

every gambler stops before they hit the big one PEPE TO THE MOON NIGGGER

>> No.54899002

I had $1.7 MM in 2021 and I didnt take any profit out. Now im forced to work until next bull run and waste another 4 years doing wagie garbage.

>> No.54899333
File: 425 KB, 600x783, Pepe Plantation Owner.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>*drags on cigar*
Well now boys - lookie here, I say I say, lookie here now boys. Seems that we have got ourselves one “buck” that has forgotten his place oncemore and requires a-breakin’.
>*the amphibian plantation owner smuggly glances at your bulging negroid eyes*
Now now, you silly little negro it would appear that you have become emboldened to disobey us and we simply cannot have that because it goes against the natural order… You see, negroes such as yourself simply cannot comprehend the intricacies of our modern industrialised world. You negroes are what we refer to as undeveloped hominids, you are simply lesser than us normal folk. It is precisely this inferiority which drives your negroid mind into absolute madness and why the breakin’ process is so important.
>*fingers snap as a group of well-endowed Ulster-Scotsmen undue their britches and surround you*
Alright now boys, ain’t none of us enjoy what must be done, but we all know the ramifications of our inaction would surely doom this precarious balance we currently enjoy. My goodness gracious me, men the negroes actually appears to be grinning a bit, perhaps he has come to enjoy the breakin’ afterall – we musn’t wait too much longer now. Poor little negro, too stupid to be amongst men and yet too erratic to survive in the animal kingdom. Just bend over now, I say I say, just bend over now boy and we will sort it all out.
>*the animalistic howling of a broken negroid echoes across the southern plains*

>> No.54899335
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if it was easy, it wouldn't be "making it"

>> No.54899376

You morons are living in a dream world. OP is right. Time to wake up, stop lying to yourself, and face reality. Only then can you ascend to a better life.

>> No.54899422

he's right only because most of the world isn't even white or non-jungle asian, so they're already starting from stunted intelligence

when you filter out those who don't deserve to make it it becomes more like 1 in 10 than 1 in 100

>> No.54899492

You can be the smartest person in the world, doesn't mean you'll make a penny out of crypto. Success in crypto is not about intelligence.

>> No.54899537

Based as fuck.

>> No.54899557

it's no different to the rest of the financial markets
you'll find intelligent and retarded across most success and wealth bands in finance
but you'll find barely any retarded people at the sharp end

>> No.54900223


>> No.54900522

I've accepted that I probably won't be ultra rich but I can still make it to a degree.
Have a $105k IT job and have been stacking dividends for some passive income, currently getting around $7.5k, goal is $20k
I also have an inexpensive condo to lock down housing expenses.
Basically my plan is to stack the passive income and a decent amount of cash, sell my condo and then fuck off to Vietnam or Thailand or something.
Fortunately I'm good looking and in great shape so I get laid a decent amount. I think that keeps me sane, but ultimately It would be great to quit the rat race / wagecucking nightmare that is the United States.

yeah dividends take a while to get going but they're solid and I've really started to ramp it up this year, plus travel more, went to the Netherlands recently and banged some baddies, going to head to Finland next I think

If we enjoy life while we are young and able, we will have no regrets in our older years
>t. 26 year old boomer

>> No.54900551

nice LARP faggot go suck jewish cock

>> No.54900553

You need at least 1-2 million dollars for manipulative pumps, marketing to induce fomo, you poorfag scammers are pure scum.

>> No.54900606

>I’m a failure
>all of you are failures too r- right?

>> No.54900865

guess what
I own link and btc and ltc and truebit
KYS nigger

>> No.54900992

Why truebit

>> No.54901391

you are all gonna make and it an be happy

>> No.54902779

do you really think anons post like this?
just post their life plan on a mongolian basket weaving forum?
they don't

>> No.54903031
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Buying and holding memes may bring a chuckle, but it won't be your ticket to success. (RWA) is where the magic happens. Harbor, MNI, Securitize, and Polymath are leading the charge with their groundbreaking approach to finance
Some Normies have an instinctual reaction when they see and hear Memes

>> No.54903041

plz dont abndon biz coin ser, village is still working hard..

>> No.54903371

why does the the jew hate whities?

>> No.54904503

I made 6 figures in crypto, as a poorfag, so i think i can make 7 as well.

>> No.54904531

That's why you buy BTC and only BTC.
You sell everything you don't need, live frugal, and even dumpster drive for shit you can sell, just so you can get more BTC.
This is the way.

>> No.54904554

That's because your tokens didn't have meme utility. Like donating to something or something like that.

>> No.54904736
File: 3.20 MB, 420x300, nice meme.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>open thread
>save picture
>close thread

>> No.54904780

it's easy said than done

>> No.54904929

exactly this. You can't make money unless you already have. Once you break a barrier, money comes very easily. But that barrier is fucking hard to break.

>> No.54904945

you'll be used as exit liquidity, enjoy getting poor.

>> No.54904994

>How do you accept that you're probably never going to make it?

Buy enough fertilizer every day, stuff your house up to the roof, when you feel like ending it detonate whole street.

>> No.54905033

What's the ticker? I've been wanting to buy and forever hold 1 billion of a Belle Delphine coin for years, but only if it has an amazing icon of the goddess herself.

>> No.54905523

Checked and kekd

>> No.54905671

>link and btc
These. I'm willing to go all in coz they have good investors grade on both tokenmetrics and Messari
not so sure about this thou
>but it won't be your ticket to success.
you sounded like someone with high IQ

>> No.54905703

I made it, but all of the family and friends I wanted to make it for ended up being shit or terrible along the way. But hey I get to listen to birds chirp and sleep and do whatever I want for the rest of my life. But it sure is lonely, and crushing, to realize that you've wanted great things for people you love and assumed they felt the same way only to discover that it is your own likeness you portray onto soulless mannequins who care less for you than they do themselves, which says a lot.

>> No.54905753

how did she already hit the wall at mach 5? yuck

>> No.54905779

I just buy gold, silver, and bitcoin. I don't worry about making it, but I probably will.

>> No.54905806

Ruined, doomed, obliterated, kek, only thing keeping me a bit sane is Rebase hopefully going live soon

>> No.54905825

Kek if you really feel like that why are you still alive

>> No.54905856

U talking about mental health or your rektfolio?

>> No.54905874

You have to find people that share the same ambitions and desires than you

>> No.54905890

It's not that bad, you're still alive

>> No.54906000

How to buy Belle Delphine crypto coin?

>> No.54906115

>It's literally over. No way to make it.
You faggots are never gonna make it gambling shitcoins. I'm already scooping gains that from my stablecoins buried in SpoolFi for yields. You're already poor, next thing is death.

>> No.54906357
File: 36 KB, 445x445, 64f20d9f51965e6b64514f71af555349.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Literally lost all of my Shib (1b+) gambling on shitcoins, which of course dumped while everything else I was too scared to jump in did a 10x+:
> MrsPepe - literally sold right before the megapump thanks to whales shaking me out
> Bobo - got some refund money back, but again, missed out on the big pump due to shakeout
> 4chan token - this shit fucked me hard, this is where I lost 70% before capitulating
> HER token - last chance at getting my money back, and of course, it kept dumping as presalers fucked me aka I was too late

That's my luck in a nutshell. Basically lost 10 grand due to my horrid luck with gambling, while I sit on the sidelines and watch people get 10x's like they're candy and making it.

My mental health is fucking dogshit btw, thanks for asking.

>> No.54906388

because whites are the only ones smart enough yo see through their tricks.

>> No.54906529

>It's literally over. No way to make it.
I made some money from PEPE already, I'm waiting to make it from ORE too.

>> No.54906704


Just buy bitcoin.

>> No.54907097

I need my twin flame right now.
She has to be at least as hot+cute as this one

>> No.54907297

I don't need to prove anything to you. Either it will happen or won't, I don't care. This is our best shot.

>> No.54907373

I think its bellebutt actually. its a shit coin with no logo and its only got 75k belle tokens. marketcap of 6k and liquidity of 20k. 5eth in the pool. I made it a long time ago and dont think i'll do much if anything with it. Either way thats the ticker. I guess have fun buying

>> No.54907401

Well, let me start by thanking you for acknowledging to the room that you're a thief specially targetting this forum. Now, please continue.

>> No.54907534

BUD will moon

>> No.54908068

>open thread
>reverse image search picture
>no nudes
>close thread

>> No.54908168

that's a man

>> No.54908286

>4chan ads
you absolute fucking retard. You're supposed to shill your shitcoin with THREADS not fucking ads. Why do you think imbred has advertised since the dawn of humanity and gotten nowhere? Holy fuck you're dumb. And that's the only reason why YNGMI

>> No.54909277

Threads get jannied within 10 seconds, If you're not shilling the same coin that the jannies themselves bought.
Jannies make a living on this site for real.

>> No.54909331
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Maybe making it has become too important in your brain. What about an honest, simple life? I have no experiences about all of this stuff I just bought some pepe like 2 weeks ago, I sold just few hours after binance listing and I was so sad to not make more money, this stuff is fucked up, only 2 week and I am like a monkey checking the course all the time already, I remember beeing insanely euphoric when the risk paid and pepe rise again. I was mad believing in a big life full of wealth and of ponzi exploits. It's kind of hard to forget about these mad dreams, but I was good with my daily routine, learning running, and doing sport sleeping. So I hope to make a break with this shit pretty soon after the last rugg. Or learning about crypto because I like it but with no assets giving me worries.

>> No.54909375

Are you not afraid for your karma after jeeting some delusional dude on the internet to join the ponzi?

>> No.54909390

karma is a normie cope.

>> No.54909569

Stop watching porn you weak ass nigger. Do you already have a six pack? No? Then wtf are you complaining about. Go train now

>> No.54909623
File: 10 KB, 199x253, download (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ponzi will never make it long oldag, nor any meme projects which are constantly been marketed by curry eater. I would rather go with project with ZK privacy which help me to hide my ETH and other stables.

>> No.54909678

You godless people want to create money out of thin air, spend hours trying to master this emptiness, and end complaining about the vacuity of your life. Is this a cope?

>> No.54910055

>hide my ETH and other stables.
What a rookie mentality razing around Biz. Hide your stables instead of put them to work through Spool protocol for lifetime money stream. Learn to cope well anon.

>> No.54910099
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only if you are weak, I'm here since 2016
this place has made me a lot of money and changed my life forever for the better
that being said, if you're retarded and can't learn what a scam is, then you should definitely leave with haste

>> No.54910118
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the jew will steal your tokens