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548914 No.548914 [Reply] [Original]

im a new college grad with a CS degree

have a job offer for $120,000 a year but requires me to move to california

i don't like california

wat would be the /biz/ thing to do? negotiate for more money to incentivize me moving there? Decline offer and do what makes me happy?

>> No.548916


if not troll, yes go for it. that's good money, and its California, not Eastern Europe.

>> No.548919

Take the job, it's good money. Worst comes to worst you ditch the job
California is fucking huge, don't generalize like that.

>> No.548921

decline the job and take burger flipping instead

>> No.548922

When they flew me out to interview at their office in Silicon Valley, I didn't like it too much and couldn't see myself living there for an extended amount of time.

I live in NYC and I don't know how to drive and it seems if I move I would have to uber or walk if I want to get anywhere.

>> No.548936

Just live in the parking lot. Google "google employees live in parking lot".

haha... now the non funny part - check out the rents there. Either way, yes do take the job, California or not, the money is incredible!

>> No.548939

Requesting proof, this sounds like total bullshit.

>> No.548954


>I don't know how to drive
>their office in Silicon Valley
>they flew me
>flew me

Why would any tech company fly someone out, when they could videochat with them?

You're a stupid faggot and a liar

If you're not, I can't wait until that stupid fucking bubble bursts. The South bay was already shitty enough, then it got expensive. Thank fucking god I left the Bay Area.

>> No.548955
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>Why would any tech company fly someone out, when they could videochat with them?
I know right? That's what I thought too but once I got there I could see why since I had to go through 3 interviews in a row as well as a hiring manager mixer. Can't really do that on skype.

>> No.548958


>new college grad
>in computer science
>doesn't want to work for Yahoo!
>doesn't want to work in Silicon Valley
>would rather say in NYC then move to California
>main reason is he can't drive
>not mentioning San Francisco, one of the most walkable cities on the planet
>implying they can't bus you from other locations

I still don't believe you

>> No.548959

>>main reason is he can't drive
Not the main reason, was just an example. I really like the feel of NYC, as stupid as it sounds. I was in Sunnyvale and everything seemed so dead and far apart. I like the high density of the city.

I did spend a few hours in San Francisco but wasn't there long enough to have a valid opinion. I was just there to meet a friend I met on the internet before I had to get back before the last CalTrain left for the night.

>implying they can't bus you from other locations
The hiring manager told me the company has buses so that's a plus I guess.

I also made this thread on /g/ and they made a good point: everything is fucking expensive in silicon valley and I might not actually be making a lot after paying for apartment/food.

>> No.548960

You think nearly all of your 10,000 per month is going into rent and ramen alone?

>> No.548962


Sunnyvale sucks balls. The only reason Yahoo is there is because the town licks it's balls to get the biz there. No one in the Bay Area goes and does fun things in the south bay. It sucks and now it sucks and is overpriced.

San Francisco may be a bit strange, but it definitely rivals Manhattan on commerce, beauty and nightlife. Except it doesn't have tons of poor people, annoying minorities and horrible weather.

The bay area is expensive. I recently left it because I can't afford it making good money. I also have SL and want to buy property though. Your potential for growth their is good if you're starting at 120k though. It's a great place to get experience as a CS. You'll be on the forefront of shit (well not with Yahoo, they are a garbage company).

Good networking imo

>> No.548968

I have no idea. Are taxes there higher than in NY?

Here, I need to pay state-level AND city-level taxs in addition to the usual federal, SS, etc.

>> No.548970

I'd move there for a year, prove myself, then move back home and work remotely for that sweet, sweet dosh.

>> No.549042

after commiefornia taxes he'll take home around 40k

>> No.549052

You can get information like this on any job site. OP is a faggotm as usual.

>> No.549054

Before you make a decision, keep in mind that the cost of living in California is extremely high...

>> No.549090

Yea, I know.. I just don't know how much more expensive it is compared to NY.

>> No.549152

what are your other options if you dont take the job? if necessary ask for more time since youd be moving across the country, but most likely they already would give you atleast a few weeks to find a house move and get adjusted. So just see if you have any other options in california. However you said you live in NY, both NY and CA are notorious for high cost of living(most populated states in america) so i dont se why that's a problem. Also which university did you graduate from and with what gpa and shit?

>> No.549154

So just see if you have any other options *close to where you live.*

>> No.549189
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The money is shit. The dead bottom of the San Francisco housing market is 300,000. That's in the worst part of the city for fewer than 400sq feet. You can get shoe boxes bigger. 120 won't be enough to pay rent there, and you don't want to live across the bay in Oakland, it's nigger territory.

>> No.549224

Holy shit you're retarded. Let's say rent is $2,000 for your share - this might be low for some 1-beds, but it's less than what you'd pay having a roommate in a 2br. So, $120k - $30k in taxes - $24k rent = $66k left over...

Yeah, as long as student loans are under $100,000 this is entirely liveable.

As for housing payments - $300k house, $2,000/month or less. $800k 3br, you're looking at around $5k/month. Buy it, rent out a couple rooms, problem solved?

>> No.549258

Hell no. Shame all of the CS jobs are there.
Enjoy your 10% state-tax + sales tax + expensive cost of living + noguns state.

shittiest place to live.

>> No.549264

Yeah, paying 90% taxes on ramen is gonna hit your 10k a month pretty bad, dont do it op

>> No.549265

>Now imagine living in Toronto
65k is considered a good starting salary for devs, cost of living is atrocious + we got a property bubble going on right now. Crackshacks literally go for a mil. Even if I had the money I wouldnt buy here for other reasons though.

>> No.550097

I love shitty weather and billions of people packed into an urban hellhole

to be fair, sunnyvale is shite compared to SF. you should've gotten a job in SF

ya dun goofed

>> No.550110

How do you get such a high offer with CS degree I thought you guys expected like 60k out of college

>> No.550111

>don't like California
I hope it's not for some retarded reason like politics. Gangs and earthquakes are a legitimate reason though.

>> No.550118

lel. maybe if you went to DeVry

two reasons his number is so high. he's working in the bay area. this means the cost of living is high and that he's probably pretty smart

>> No.550190

Oh wow, my thread is still up.

I interned at various companies doing software development every summer, and during the semester I worked on a shitload of personal projects that I showcase on my portfolio.

>> No.550538

Alright, you know what, fuck you.

I'll take the job, no complaints, no bitching, and you can go do whatever the hell you want with your life.

>> No.550568

> Majored in CS
> Doesn't like California

You dun goofed. The money is in CA. If you want an actual ROI for your CS degree, you need to move to CA. Once you have 5-10 years of experience you might find an opporunity at another company elsewhere, but if Yahoo is going to pay you $120k/year to get your balls wet then you sure as shit better take it.

> San Francisco rivals Manhatten on commerce... and night life.

Absolutely not. I have lived in both places. Manhattan night life starts at 10-11pm and ends somewhere between 4am and dawn, whereupon you leave wherever you are and either get a god-tier gyro from a street vender or go into a 24 hour diner/pizzaria.

In San Francisco, the night starts at 8pm, ends at around 1pm, and you're lucky if you find a Taco Bell open around that time.

Oh, and San Francisco just shuts down on Sundays. Want to get a bite to eat at anything other than a fast food chain for lunch? You're SOL. On the other hand, you can find excellent food at any time of the day in Manhattan.

>> No.550570

PS: OP, don't live IN San Francisco. Use your 6-figure salary to get a cheap used car, cash, and buy a one story house in one of the many suburban areas within a 20 min drive to work. Rent out the other bedrooms @ 1k/month.

>> No.550582

Part of the reason I didn't major in CS is because I didn't want to deal with California's bullshit.

I own a couple of guns that I don't want to suddenly become illegal to use because I'm supposed to trust the cops to protect me from niggers.

>> No.550605

Fuck you. Just fuck you. Bitching about moving to one of the most beautiful places in the world and making more money than most people make in 5 years, fuck you, eat a dick

>> No.550608

>one of the many suburban areas within a 20 min drive to work.
i live in SF and i cant even bike 2 miles to work in 20 minutes
yall trippin

>> No.550617

This, taxes are unreasonably high in California

>> No.550715

Is this mountain view or San Francisco? Either way just live in the city. Most people do anyways.

Most (public) tech companies do. When I interviewed at MS in Redmond, they flew me out, put me in a nice hotel and bought me dinner.

>> No.550719

Oh fuck this is Sunnyvale? OP, Yahoo has the busses, and you can just live SF, and you can take the Yahoo bus down. Its a fucking commute (like 1.5 hours).

If anything do it for a year they apply somewhere else. Honestly, no where else in the country are you going to get that much money right out of school.

>> No.550723

>San Francisco
>doesn't have tons of poor people and annoying minorities
I don't think you have ever been to San Francisco. Atleast in manhattan the homeless don't shit on the fucking street.

>> No.550764

OP, you're not going to find a city in the US that's on 24/7 like NYC. SF shuts down around 1 AM. Agreed that SV is soulless suburbia.

Taxes and cost of living is going to be comparable to NYC. Groceries will be a little cheaper. Just work here for a year or two and then you'll be in a good position to go back.

Shh, we don't want them coming here.

>> No.551040


OP, SF is practically Long Island, but it closes down earlier. You really don't want to incur a 1.5 hour commute to live in a glorified suburb with insane property/rent costs.

This is what you do...you either rent or buy a house near Yahoo that lets you bike to work within 15 minutes. It also should be within walking distance to a local suburban bar.

Then you make friends with the poor sap who's taking the bus to work on everyday.

Then on weekends, you venture up to SF and crash at his place after you are done on the night out. On the weekends you don't feel like making the trip, you have that local bar to get your fix in. Sometimes you might just pick up a lonely milf there.

Trust me, you do not want a commute more than 20 minutes to work. That shit will suck out alot of time and money that could be spent doing other things, like maybe picking up a sport or working another job or practically anything other than sitting on a goddamn bus.

There are a lot of beautiful suburbs in the Valley area. Don't listen to these fucks who keep telling you to live in SF.

>> No.551171

Just move OP- you'll get used to gay sex eventually

>> No.551186

>not mentioning San Francisco, one of the most walkable cities on the planet

I don't know man. I live in Missouri and Missouri is supposed to be the public transportation utopia of the US, which it isn't. So I'm going to say you're full of it.

>> No.551858

I don't know what he means by 'walkable.' If he means that things are within walking distance, you'll find that in every major city. Although I will say that the 'downtown' area of SF is goegraphically very small, whereas the interesting parts of NYC spans a good portion of Manhattan + Brooklyn.

As far as ease of walking, SF is hilly as fuck and it can feel like you are walking twice the distance when climbing those damn mountains.

>> No.551862

It keeps the pounds off though.