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54888417 No.54888417 [Reply] [Original]

700k migrants storming border Thursday when Biden Admin lets Title 42 expire

How do I profit off this

What do illegals buy? Beer? Tacos?

>> No.54888429

then why were people shooting up in the city when all the targets are out at the border?

>> No.54888432

they love raping 8 years olds
maybe sell them more little kids so they can pump 60+ samples of dna in them too

>> No.54888434
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LOL - my sides

>> No.54888435
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>> No.54888438

You think anyone fucking cares dude?
I can't even get state assistance because I'm fucking white, I call the cops because someone broke in at 4pm, they showed up at 11.

You honestly think this government local or federal gives a flying fuck about any one of us?
They laugh at us daily as we die of easily fixable disease and waste our lives struggling

>> No.54888444
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Sell guns.

>> No.54888448

I love how other races play the victim card and you seethe and say they are privileged, then turn around and play the same card.

>> No.54888455
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>as we die
You really want to know why?

The government wants to reverse population growth.

>> No.54888463

You're absolutely correct. Abortion. Birth control. War. Famine. Disease. Crime. Poverty. What do they all have in common? They all reduce our population. That's why the government endorses them.

>> No.54888482

>for-profit language schools
>career centers
>immigration centers

>> No.54888498

There is now way this is real.

>> No.54888508

Sugary stuff, carbs and water but...do they even have money for that?
Soooo grab the sloppest of the sloppest of drinking slop boil water with wooden logs and sell that

Death to America

>> No.54888523

Just for whitey

>> No.54888531
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fentanyl, legalization of hard drugs, setting up hard drug injection sites, school shootings, mall shootings, massive shootings, gun control/gun bans (take away self defense), trans gender movement, child sex surgeries, pushing bills to legalize child sex, pushing bills to legalize sex changes, pushing bills to legalize allowing kids to have puberty blockers......... ETC

>> No.54888543 [DELETED] 
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Show me the problem, and I’ll show you the jew.
The time is fast approaching.

>> No.54888571
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Because the real targets are the subhuman cumskins inside the border.

>> No.54888600

>marching with huge mexican flag
>while trying to escape mexico into america
help me understand

>> No.54888608
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Become a mortician.

>> No.54888612

>you shoud let other races act with impunity and be quiet about it
go back to hell kike

>> No.54888625

Or maybe instead understand everyone has problems and you can't blame it on the supposed institutional racism. Instead you point out the stupidity on the exception you perceive it affects you.

>> No.54888648

Every group gets entitlements besides able bodied whites, therefore able bodied whites are discriminated against.

>> No.54888701

Its all in your mind. An attractive white person with skills is the apex existance. Now I agree with you about western governments being corrupted trash. Can't border control or create productive societies anymore.

>> No.54888714

they love knives

>> No.54888774

>An attractive white person with skills
I'm a 8/10 and can build computers from the ground up and classic cars.
Am a marketing genius.
With cancer.

How does that play into your theory, get so fucking sick of people saying "if you're good looking you're set!"
If anything being good looking made doctors ignore my illness for years because they assumed if he's handsome he must be healthy.
Fuck off.

>> No.54888967

They buy the false hope that we sell to them for free.

>> No.54889398

How are there even any Mexicans left in Mexico? Lmao

>> No.54889463

when given free aid from elsewhere, brownoids instantly convert it into more biomass

>> No.54889475

I hope you recover anon

>> No.54889487

spay and neuter

>> No.54889513

Based and Barkerpilled.

>> No.54889514


Imagine all the organs we could harvest from these people

>> No.54889560

What kinda cancer anon
I'm hoping it's not too bad

>> No.54889602

They don’t want to be Americans. They want to turn America into another Mexico.

>> No.54889634

The people who are flooding into USA now are not just mexicans, it's from all of south america.

>> No.54889655

Thanks fellas, but incurable.
I personally can't wait to escape this nightmare.
I might be rubbing two pennies together but I don't have to endure this shit planet much longer.
I guess I'm making it in one way.

>> No.54889664

God speed friend

>> No.54889669

Thanks bub.
He needs to speed it the fuck up though, this fence sitting bullshit is tiresome.

>> No.54889692
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It's absolutely OWARI DA for USA
Over 6M such "immigrants" have arrived since Biden took over.
By next census year, US will become majority non white country.

>> No.54889705
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short the genetic composition of your soon to be third world shithole

>> No.54889708

Next Census is in 2030 btw, US' transformation into Brazil will be complete by then.

>> No.54889710

Take some politicians out with you, king.

>> No.54889762

Why don't you faggot, you're healthy you can accomplish more than I could.

>> No.54889773

you have a loser and coward mentality. nothing of value will be lost

>> No.54889780

Okay there buddy, you're so equipped to be the worlds hero then go fucking do it, literally heard this stupid fucking shit a million times.

>> No.54889799
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He's right you're a spineless fucking pussy. It's really no surprise modern white """""men""""" get humiliated and dominated daily at this point. Because everyone knows you cucks will never EVER do shit, even when you're dead anyway.

You're the most sniveling cowards to ever walk this Earth, literally.

>> No.54889822
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it's not like you shitskins are better, same kind of cowardly loser scum.
low IQ NPC animals such as yourselves should know your place and serve me quietly.

>> No.54889834

We should just institute slavery again. Throw a bunch of nooses around em YEEHAW cowboy

>> No.54889850

That image shows you white cucks are in fact serving them

>> No.54889864

I can't be the only one imagining a drone on each side releasing white phosphorus from all sides

>> No.54889868
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I don't pay any taxes, shitskin parasite.
be sure to not mess up my tacos order next time or 0 tips for you. Just kidding, you're getting 0 tips anyway.

>> No.54889919

>Australian faggot
You're both insufferable cancerous niggers, kys.

>> No.54889952

What movie is this?

>> No.54889961

You can probable get some cheap Bud Light now and sell it to them for a premium

>> No.54889966

Sell them water

>> No.54889985

The USA is an economic zone, not a nation

>> No.54889996

Are those electrical lines connected to the US? Can't those migrants just zipline through the wires to get inside the US border?

>> No.54890164
File: 61 KB, 474x616, 8e4aeeeed06d9c20d4dd448bcd7b4e72--gender-politics.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sell anti-rape tranny pants to women

>> No.54890278

They're an invading force and see themselves as conquerors.

>> No.54890288

Calling the US Brazil is a disservice to Brazil at this point.

>> No.54890306

>white roastie openly referring to her negroes as pets
Is that an edit? Never seen them just flat out say it like that before.

>> No.54890319

short america

>> No.54890397

its ok the way this play out is
enclave of productive whites
centrl gov collapses due to less tax as no productive work and USD monopoly money
which mean white minority enclaeves will take over as no entral gov, police or army functional as usd =0

they will have nothing to pay with that has value so they cease to exist

>> No.54890415

that actually make most men want to rape more
have you not seen the futa video from google

women getting it wrong

>> No.54890439

Sell tickets to Democrat cities like DC, NYC, Seattle, Portland, Sacramento, SF, Martha's Vineyard, and Denver

>> No.54890467

that's kinda hot

>> No.54890640

try to have kids before that day...
Because a human have to live first, you are thinking like our ancestors a.k.a. boomer mentality of sending young men to die instead of sending oldfags who already enjoyed life
Travel to Libya or easily gggle the migrant route to Libya, don't be a coward

>> No.54890655

Ok thanks for all the ideas.

I've decided to setup a taco shop. I will buy cheap ingredients and a pretty beat up old taco truck. I will drive down there and sell tacos to the illegals for $2 a pop along with tap water for an additional $0.50.

If each illegal buys 1 taco and 1 cup of tap water I should make $1.5M. My net profit on this will be over $1M

>> No.54890892

sell t-shirt with American flag and gun on it

>> No.54890932

how do I long American Hitler?
>Verification not required.

>> No.54891010

Try not being racist and your lives might see some improvement

>> No.54892036

Love how the left turned into a bunch of corporate boot liking whores so long as JP Morgan says gays are ok!

>> No.54892201

Kill yourself you stupid fucking nigger jesus christ
Only thing you stupid fucking pathetic nerds can repeat is
If you're so adamant that you can change the world by killing people then go for it and start with yourself you little fucking nigger.

>> No.54892222

You're such a fucking stupid god damn retard
Yeah you fucking zoomer us oldfaggots know a lot more history than the last 12 months.

>> No.54892235

You cowardly white maggots deserve your genocide

>> No.54892282

>try to have kids before you die
>so they can be raised by a single mother
nice advice

>> No.54892331

FUCK OFF how does me dying of fucking cancer have anything to do with your fucking stupid god damn mental war.

>> No.54892339

You shouldn't be mad at the immigrant who is fleeing poverty, you should be mad at the rich fuck who is underpaying both of you. Immigrants aren't "taking your jobs", CEOs just aren't giving you your fair share, and nothing makes the capitalist happier than to hear you're fighting over petty differences instead of banding together and coming after him.

>> No.54892358
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>> No.54892374

I mean, you know dog means friend in ebonics right?

>> No.54892416

is it a coincidence that every single state in America this past weekend had several major gun shows? Literally, look it up - EVERY. SINGLE. STATE. Had one. My take is that title 42 gets last minute reinstated and the gun manufacturers and straw-sellers make a killing. AGAIN.

>> No.54892447


>> No.54892612

>this is problematic in so many levels
womens can't stop finding problems in evert solution can't they?

>> No.54892705
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>Immigrants aren't "taking your jobs", CEOs just aren't giving you your fair share

midwit lib turd understanding. Jose and Paco are taking the jobs away from inner city and low iq americans. They're sneaking in here from the most domestically dangerous countries in the world and bring their cartels and crime with them. english is relatively easy too, only a couple hundred hours to become fluent. Those abuelas live here for decades and never even bother learning it while letting their dogs run free around the neighborhood

>> No.54892734

OP's pic is from the border Mexico and Centralamerica. They're not mexicans, but centralmonkeys which is worse.

>> No.54892761

So they're coming here to be homeless and hungry? I mean COL priced them out ages ago.

>> No.54892802

I am as Racist as they come and my life hasn't been any better.
Death to Niggers and Shitskins.

>> No.54892811

Worse. Now its Africans, Indians, Indonesians, and Brazilians too.

>> No.54892823

Central and South Americans make the vast majority.

>> No.54893155

Install chemical bathrooms, and sell cold drinks near the border crossing. List your prices in Mexican pesos, but make the prices 1,5x the converted price in dollars.

>> No.54893219

Cheap labor for corporation. They pulling tha wages down. Thats what everey corp want.

>> No.54893384

this. its an invasive force

>> No.54893502

Holocaust is fake btw people are catching on

>> No.54893524

They get paid by the government. They show up and collect gips including a housing stipend.

>> No.54893672

peak clown world in one picture
>rampant rape demographics
>cancel culture