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File: 225 KB, 474x474, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
54889147 No.54889147 [Reply] [Original]

>cotton swabs

>> No.54889152

I have this exact kit from Amazon, too. Very based OP.

>> No.54889154

Looks like you'd pop your cochlea

>> No.54889156

>posting in the wrong board
definitely ngmi

>> No.54889163

>doesnt see the financial implications of buying cotton swabs regulargly
you will die poor

>> No.54889168

I use a cotton swab dipped in rubbing alcohol. It dries all the shit out and it just comes out on its own.

>> No.54889170

just clean them after a shower by creating a vacuum with your index finger

>> No.54889172

I use these with my 20v Dewalt brand dewalt drill to really break loose that hardened wax

>> No.54889183




>> No.54889196
File: 32 KB, 612x432, images (55).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>needing all this low IQ bullshit
>not just using one of these

Niggers, all of you

>> No.54889223
File: 307 KB, 2026x1270, creating vacuum with index finger.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.54889234

enjoy your outer ear infections they hurt like a motherfucker

>> No.54889253

always had it for the first few months of using, but got my technique mastered after, now i orgasm from just putting the spoon in my ear, feels fucking good man

>> No.54889259

how are YOU using your wizard powers?

>> No.54889261

Are you shoving the tools up your ass before you use them? A bit of isopropyl goes a long way. Been cleaning my ears like this for years. First kit landed me a kernel sized wad of ear wax. Ears never felt better, really.

>> No.54889266

If you put sand in a straw laying on the table and plug an end, do you think the sand moves?

>> No.54889270

any tiny scratch on the inside of your ear can get infected. You shouldn't be putting anything in there.

>> No.54889291

HNNNG I need that

>> No.54889297

>He NEEDS to clean his ears.

>> No.54889302

>his ears are not functioning properly
see a doctor

>> No.54889307

The tools are rounded and blunt.

>> No.54889313

>His ears aren't self-cleaning.
Ngmi unevolved specimen.

>> No.54889319

>It dries all the shit out

Wrong hole retard

>> No.54889343

>liquid ear wax flows out of his ear
seek medical attention anon, you probably have an infection. also you stink

>> No.54889353

Winner winner chicken dinner

>> No.54889369

>He seethes because he is an inferior animal
How do I profit from people's misery?

>> No.54889384

My ear wax comes our naturally in form of small balls every few weeks or so, probably formed by motions of the ear canal or something

>> No.54889388

Someone post that lewd anime image of a girl in a fancy gown getting her ears cleaned and she looks like she's orgasming.
Yes I expect you all to have saved the same image I did about 4 years ago.

>> No.54889420
File: 869 KB, 800x627, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this might not be it, but here you go

>> No.54889854

Sell the dumb faggot metal rods because it's the only way he can clean his bitchass ears

>> No.54889867

Absolutely based ear doucher

>> No.54889891

>never clean my ears
>protects my hearing
>by the time i'm old and everyone else is deaf i'll clean my ears unveiling my immaculate youthful hearing

>> No.54889962
File: 611 KB, 830x830, 1663969375018865.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Now my question is, do we have erogenous zones inside our ears? or does cleaning it only feel that good because its an area that we dont really touch often?

If we do have erogenous areas in there...why? for what purpose are they in there?

>> No.54889964

I never had my ears cleaned and my hearing is 80% better than all the people i know

>> No.54891132

For tongues

>> No.54891204

use hydrogen peroxide. Get a spray bottle and spray it in your ear while your head is tilted in the shower

>> No.54891237
File: 74 KB, 1212x1136, 1681799502335697.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>go swimming
>tons of wax I never knew I had comes out afterwards

>> No.54891252

>for what purpose are they in there?
So that it feels good to have your ears fucked.

>> No.54891276

people who try to clean their ears usually just end up pushing and compacting the wax down in there. don't bother cleaning your ears, they're self cleaning.

>> No.54891350

The ones with the camera are superior.
I cannot imagine blindly stabbing and scraping away.
I use the camera and perfectly pull out big chunks and can hear so much clearer.

>> No.54891371

Generally speaking, this is for asians (generally SEAs) with hard/dry wax. Soft, wet wax people only need cotton swabs.
>very much gmi

>> No.54891764

So many harmful, health-threatening advices ITT.
Kys, faggots.

>> No.54891782

>Kys, faggots.
this advice also sounds harmful and health-threatening

>> No.54891819

Its sensitive so we quickly sense if there is something going on to protect it duh

>> No.54891826

>Sticking cotton swabs in your ear is bad for your ear
>Amazon sells this
If you buy this, you fell for a scam. Use proper ear cleaning solutions like a professional vacuum or a consumer-grade gentle oxidizer like debrox.

Don't stick a metal corkscrew into your ear you fucking retards

>> No.54891847

This. Got this tip from my doctor and I never want to use anything else ever again.

>> No.54892082
File: 716 KB, 886x898, 1664121024444152.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"Why is everyone talking about *Navage* nasal irrigation?"