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548266 No.548266 [Reply] [Original]

Muh suits. Lets discuss them.

I bought two Jos A Bank suits and them promptly returned them for Brooks Bros 1818s, which were more expensive but are of better quality. Did I do good or what?

What are your opinions on suits? Brands/stores etc...

Im a newly licensed stock broker for a mid sized, traditional type firm in New Jersey.

>> No.548299

Anything below the $100 mark is going to be a fused (glued) suit is most likely disposable. Attempts to get cheap, fused suits dry cleaned often result in them coming back looking worse then the cleaner attempts to steam jacket flat.

You can get a decent suit for around $200USD + tailoring. JCPenny sells solid work wear if you need to be in a suit every day. Macy's is nice if you have the dosh.

Most actual business people aren't going to care about your gorillion dollar suit. Wear something decent, keep it neat and clean. Most suits are dry clean only.

>> No.548315

Yeah I'm not tryina rock the latest or greatest. The Brooks Bros suit was $600 and its nice

>> No.548329

How/where did you get it fitted?

>> No.548360


J Crew Factory Thompson Suit

Never ever buy anything from Jos A bank except shoe trees. That goes for Men's Warehouse too.

BB are okay but they are super expensive for what you get. Best deals are MTM suits online like Indochino, and some other brands (that are better then indo) that I canno remember.

Fully canvassed are nice but out of most people's budget. Half canvassed should work fine.

Don't underestimate the shirt. Get a nice custom made shirt. Do it.

Grab some allen edmonds oxfords or blutchers, or even dress boots.

Try to find a combination that not's boring.

I wear a medium navy suit with a white shirt, white pocket square, Gunmetal textured tie, and cherry blutchers with a round to stitch.

Suit $240
Shirt $70
Tie $15
Shoes $140
Watch $30
Socks $50
Pocket Square $10

Good to go

>> No.548388

>pocket square
>spending more on socks than on your watch

>> No.548391

>tfw forgot to put #fortune out of the namefield and now look like a fucking tripfag

>> No.548851

A $30 fucking watch? Are you serial?

>> No.548867
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I can't afford a nice watch right now. I would rather pump a couple k into my IRA or student loans. I bought a timex on sale and replaced the strap with chromexcel leather, making it dressy and matching my shoes.

>mfw I work in science and this is outdressing 99.999999 percent of people
>mfe the other .0000001 percent have their shit fitted incorrectly

Why would I waste that money? I have nicer watches but they are more casual because I dress casual at work and for play

>> No.548872


Meant $5 dollars socks

What's wrong with pocket squares? I have a cream one and white one which I wear very minimalistically.

>> No.550477

>Don't underestimate the shirt. Get a nice custom made shirt. Do it.

Give me places to get a nice MTM suit and shirt please