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File: 100 KB, 900x500, recession.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
54883626 No.54883626 [Reply] [Original]

The global economy is probably on the brink of a major crash, we are living on borrowed time. I think more banks will begin to fail soon and it will trigger a domino effect throughout the financial system, causing a severe contraction in credit availability and a sharp decline in asset prices. In such a scenario, even cryptocurrencies would not be immune to the turmoil, as investors would likely flee to safe-haven assets. The resulting economic recession could last for years, it will be significantly worse than 2008.

>> No.54883648


It's likely but this board is filled with bots and pajeets and boomers that are dead set on interest rates lowering in two more weeks and the 2016-2020 party beginning again.

>> No.54883689

Great theory, but wrong on crypto. History is on my side with this one.
Go back to the 2013 Cyprus bank crisis.

I watched that entire event unfold, and as the banks tried to stop the bleeding, people with money in cyprus fled to bitcoin. The price went up several hundred percent within a month of the govt trying to clamp down on depositor funds.

>> No.54883744

Glad there are people here with common sense.

Analogies are great, but what you are referring to is a very isolated case. If the entire global economy sinks, the last thing people will be doing is investing in crypto. It would be wise to be cautious, and deinvest anything you can't lose wait 6 month to a year and see.

I think the increase in interest rates will begin to catch up.

>> No.54883844


>crytpo boom at the same time people got stimmies

For crypto to moon you need lots of idiots with lots of money

>> No.54883928

> If the entire global economy sinks, the last thing people will be doing is investing in crypto
The problem at the moment isnt the economy. Its the entire banking sector is underwater. The govt is considering minting a trillion dollar coin, defaulting on debt with the 14th amendment, putting hard caps on deposit withdrawals, and stopping shorts against banks.
The proble is the banks. Fuck the economy. If normalfags cant get their money at all, the economy is the least of the worries.
Word travels faster now more than ever. Once the noose tightens on banks, expect a monumental capital flight.

>> No.54883953

how safe are big banks for cash deposits?
I'm thinking of buying gold but it's already pretty high...
Don't really know what to do with my savings at this point.

>> No.54883962

Lowering interest rates to "" "kickstart Muh economy and more big mac for me". When did the usa turned into mc cuckold?

>> No.54883968

The rich and elites use crypto to stave off the effects of recession, reason dictates it will pump when the crash occurs

>> No.54884001

I hope so, I want to buy more land on the cheap.

>> No.54884096

Big banks will get bailed out, but the prpblem turns into increased inflation. Jp morgan now controls 17% of all deposits in the united states. They keep buying up failed banks and warehousing it on their books. They cant keep hemorrhaging losses forever.
Gold and precious metals is fucked. Unless you ordered 2 years ago, you’ll never take possession without a 50% premium ontop of spot price. Inventories are at absolute rock bottom fucking levels, and orders -> delivery, are in excess of 36 months.
So, knowing how fucked the situation is, and the roads to safe haven are cut entirely off; bitcoin is now the quickest out possible for your liquid capital.

Unless you’re a retarded niggerfaggot that wants to be a creditor awaiting repayment when your leveraged to the tits financial institution shits itself.
Also FDIC has less than 1% capital required to actually insure every account in the USA for the 250k they guarantee.

>> No.54884114

GME bros will think the collapse is the squeeze happening kek

>> No.54884164

Seems likely when every thread mentioning the crash has people bitching about GME baggies

>> No.54884197


>At least GME will be profitable and make money and I have all muh cash in GME stock for when we all go to electro-currency and (insert MOASS here)

>> No.54884198

Delusional, the elite don't hold crypto they hold land

>> No.54884212

i mean i could order gold it's just that it seems like it is expensive at this point. However if you scenario happens then it will certainly go higher.
i'm in europe btw. The bank fud isn't quite there yet but no doubt it could come quick.
Btc... i don't know. We're talking about my life savings. can't buy real estate with it it's not enough either

>> No.54884219

Looks like the bots have been triggered.

>> No.54884228

land is a good way to store wealth... no worries, little taxes, go up... good alternative to gold.

>> No.54884248

GME is literally the future of finance. Instead of market makers abusing naked shorting to drive companies into bankruptcy every single stock will have an NFT identifier to make certain the person who buys said stock owns said stock. No failures to deliver, no custodial ownership, no lending out shares to short

>> No.54884249

Banks already got a mulligan on treasuries big ones may not need any more stimulus. Something will break though (either financially or businesses bankrupting), stack some cash to swoop in for cheap beetcoins.

>> No.54884270


bizarre bot

>> No.54884358

>Gold and precious metals is fucked. Unless you ordered 2 years ago, you’ll never take possession without a 50% premium ontop of spot price. Inventories are at absolute rock bottom fucking levels, and orders -> delivery, are in excess of 36 months.
Just walk into a LCS and buy physical gold you retarded nigger.
Gold premium is like 1% to 2% spot right now.

>> No.54884385

Imagine buying land with negative birth rates in everyplace but sub sharan african.
Who the fuck is going to keep your land prices high?

>> No.54884447

Just because you’re a euro doesnt mean you’re safe. Hsbc is storing credit suisse’s dogshit balance-sheet on their books. Bnb paribas has an atrocious balance sheet, and Deutsche bank is even worse.
It’ll hit european shores very shortly.

The reason US anons should be worried and fleeing to BTC is this;
When the first two banks showed problems, the fed opened a back door financial rail to allow banks to offload their “safe” treasuries with low percent yields early, at face value. Lots of banks bought treasuries to shore up their balance sheets to show their safety. The problem is that the yield on treasuries increased dramatically, and the banks were tied up with longer duration (1-2yr) treasuries at like 1% return. So naturally, the fed offered a way to take the leash off their capital and get out of the losing position they were tied down with.
The Problem; even with this life raft tossed out to banks, they’re still failing.
Meaning: they were doing financial fuckery in the background, and increased interest rates only accelerated how genuinely fucked they were in the first place.

Imagine you’re test driving a new car you bought at a dealership, and the brakes fail and you hit another car in the parking lot. When you jump out to look at the damage, you find out the front bumper was actually just painted particle board and your airbag failed to deploy.

Thats what the bank situation is at the moment. A problem caused an even bigger problem to become apparent.

>> No.54884450

>defaulting on debt
A state whose bonds are still bought cannot default on debt. The US is not greece within the EU, the US still has complete control over their money supply.

>If normalfags cant get their money
Normalfags get their money from insured banks, whose insurance that they can provide money to normalfags comes from the state.
Who cannot default on debt, because the bonds are still bought. Because the US is not greece, still in control of its own currency... do you begin to understand?

>> No.54884534

You’re actually wrong. And instilling this fear and panic should be grounds for a ban and a dox. Honestly, the financial system is fine. Yes, we were blindsided by the economic situations that the covid pandemic brought about (no, we didn’t print money - it was a stimulus package to keep businesses afloat while we figured out the deadly virus that claimed 1/2 a million American lives). NO, the financial system is not going to collapse. And, NO banks aren’t on the brink of a total meltdown.

Can you honestly not post panic fear inciting false news. Reminder, causing bank runs is illegal and you can be jailed and fined.

>> No.54884559

>Reminder, causing bank runs is illegal and you can be jailed and fined.
Not in my country retard.

>> No.54884636

Excellent rage bait.
Reddit posting like this should be fucking illegal though.

>> No.54885520
File: 115 KB, 722x1017, clown market.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I agree with you, but I've been hearing this for over a year now. We're in the Clown World Economy TM now, and clown world logic rules, not regular logic.

>> No.54885732


Well your wrong op you know how? The housing market hasn't even crash. Housing market will continue to go up and forever. This isn't 2008 anymore. This time its different. Its the new paradigm.

>> No.54885749


Well said anon. OP is done he couldn't respond to you.

>> No.54885778

I do actually worry about this. I’ve been putting all my 401k funds into the S&P. How long does America have before we go full-Japan?

>> No.54885814


Anon don't worry about the housing market in US. US is safe and won't experience such crash like Japan.

>> No.54885879

Because of immigration? Technology? Both?

>> No.54886109


Immigration. Massive immigration.

>> No.54886173

didn't read
2 more weeks
nothing ever happens

>> No.54886204
File: 252 KB, 422x432, Capture d’écran 2023-05-04 à 22.49.28.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So....2 more weeks right?

>> No.54886939

The elite hold a bit of everything to hedge against all possible scenarios.

>> No.54887490


>> No.54887687
File: 2.87 MB, 3072x4080, PXL_20230506_145110878.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Price for a cauliflower in Canada.

>> No.54887754

Argentinian here
You don't understand the meaning of financial pain, not yet
When you see your cauliflowers being sold for 4 digits and not know if they are cheap or expensive, come back and talk to me

You see califlowers for $6 (units of your currency) and you think they are expensive.
I see a kilogram of icecream going for $3200 (units of my currency) and I don't bat an eye. We are not the same

>> No.54887819

what an odd thing to bring up.

>> No.54887924

Kek hedgies

>> No.54887949

I understand what you're saying but they are expensive. Minimum wage is 14$ an hour so two cauliflower

>> No.54888943

>i could order gold it's just that it seems like it is expensive at this point.
>my house is going to burn down tomorrow
>I could buy the home insurance today, but it costs 5% more than it did a month ago

>> No.54890857

There are indicators for recesion already. Like the 10 year 3 month yield one or whatver it's called.

>> No.54891264

>50% premium ontop of spot price.
based retard

>> No.54891309
File: 1008 KB, 1096x1975, EB13CE0B-0A3D-4592-891A-470BF6DA7618.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mumoid cope. The global economy is ALREADY IN Depression. Great Depression 2.0. The Silicon Dustbowl. Bidenvilles.

Look around and take fucking note. The history books will have sections on these years.

>> No.54891314

>paper price detaches from reality
>"reality is wrong"

>> No.54891355

>the economy will be four trillionaires exchanging money between each other while everyone else lives in tents

>> No.54891367


>The history books will have sections on these years

Not unless they can blame this on white people or Republicans or whoever Eastasia/Eurasia is at the time

>> No.54891418

The leaf economic collapse will be legendary
A mega snowy favela

>> No.54891439

the indicators were last year when the government changed the definition of a recession and then sent out their stenographers to insist they did, in fact, not change the definition

>> No.54892991

go back to playing soccer in your dirt patch of a country with your mutt family

>> No.54893575

>I think
thank you, random citizen

>> No.54894261

gold premiums are super fucking low rn when spot was around 1600, an ounce was 1800 etc. now it's barely $100 over spot