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File: 581 KB, 4000x3000, 1683305256623286.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
54878174 No.54878174 [Reply] [Original]

It's Still Caturday in Cali Edition

>Why Gold?

>Bullion dealers
https://www.jmbullion.com/ (US)
https://www.chards.co.uk/ (EU/UK)
https://www.silburycoins.co.uk/ (Ancient)
more at: https://pastebin.com/gZfZHtNE

>News and graphs

https://findbullionprices.com/ (US)
https://eu.compare.pm/ (EU)
https://www.gold.de/aufgeldtabelle/ (DE/EU)



>Nitric acid, magnets, and ping test

Previous Thread: >>54874032

>> No.54878191
File: 1.53 MB, 2630x1350, 1683421088454183.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

First for Otoya

>> No.54878213
File: 294 KB, 506x539, 1683306024670322.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why Gold if there is Bitcoin
I can spend my bitcoin through a card on food have yet to see a merchant taking gold for food

>> No.54878242

do redditards ever do meme coins?

>> No.54878253
File: 727 KB, 1900x854, 1683405323643860.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How's everyone doing today? Anyone here watched the coronation?

>> No.54878254
File: 3.44 MB, 3950x2964, M&P 45 w_ PMs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Went to a gun raffle. Didn't win anything but drank a pitcher of cheap beer and chilled with friends. Good time.

>> No.54878258
File: 111 KB, 807x810, 168308648295617613.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>reddit making memes
oh anon, you are the silly goose

>> No.54878261

Memes have been out of fashion and full normie since latest 2018. Its long over. Corpos have been in the meme biz since 2020 and rode it into cultural irrelevance like everything they touch

>> No.54878284

Man, I've never seen FUD to the extent that has been happening in /pmg/ threads, lately.
Nobody is going to just sit in threads all day, posting hundreds of posts about how good metals are as an investment, getting into simultaneous arguments with people and making pathetic attempts at memes all day for weeks on end, just out of the goodness of their hearts, to try and help people make a good investment.
There is definitely money behind the FUD shills, they have been employed by (((coin dealers)) who want people buying silver, in particular.
They've even started making multiple threads to disrupt /pmg/ cos they couldn't use arguments and were unable to make the threads unbearable (despite a lot of effort on their part).
The only conclusion that can be drawn is that we are over the target.

>> No.54878295

Yes, they are posted in every thread here. Here's one >>54878191

>> No.54878306
File: 2 KB, 227x67, time to start the work week.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh great he's back

>> No.54878311

whats the toothpaste on the filgeree edge say?

>> No.54878324

thats otoya name in kanji

>> No.54878345
File: 77 KB, 233x206, 85 - R2FTShw.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

found the syrupnigger.

>> No.54878352
File: 338 KB, 720x720, 1662534664348704.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you're sure? it's not gonna end up saying some wrong shit like "haircuts on korea pigs worthless"

>> No.54878355

well that would be funny anyway

>> No.54878366


>> No.54878371
File: 1.31 MB, 2800x1415, AgBug_Fairy_Alyx.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes. I didn't even know I was buying Reddit rounds until years later. I've got about a dozen different ones. The best was the beetle series made by Intaglio Mint, but I also liked their Silverbug Island series. Pic related from the fairy (?) series.

>> No.54878377

I like the front of it

>> No.54878383
File: 413 KB, 1370x1410, AgBug_Fairy_Archer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dubs checked.
The other side is the same across the series.

>> No.54878393

Site doesn't even work anymore

>> No.54878397

why did you break it?

>> No.54878402

works on our machines, what did you do?

>> No.54878406
File: 53 KB, 907x718, 7 - wJsCE9I.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.54878415
File: 218 KB, 640x640, 1675479238081859.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There are debit cards that use gold or silver and they work just like crypto cards. A bit meh because it's even more ridiculous with a physical commodity but it's possible.

>> No.54878418
File: 192 KB, 640x618, 1658087861379655.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.54878435

Made you look :^)

>> No.54878456

Why would we team up with others if only one person can use it?

>> No.54878459

Ngl it's kind of comical yall sit around all day every day bragging about how much you lost on millenial rocks

>> No.54878461
File: 233 KB, 771x786, SilverGuide.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Obligatory US Constitutional guides:
Silver: bit dot ly/33ryJBb
Gold: bit dot ly/327ob9T

>> No.54878464
File: 202 KB, 1180x963, Annotation 2023-05-07 010720.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

reposting my findings

>> No.54878470

You fucked up Moshe. A jewish twitter fart huff post with YAhAll is not complete without folks

>> No.54878471

except the dude said the typos aren't part of it

>> No.54878475

>08:09 AM in Israel
get your first cup of coffee down yet, Mr. Bergstien?

>> No.54878480

yes thats why i included his post. no way the hyphens are typos

>> No.54878482

Team member here again, You guys can ignore everything thats a typo, and everything that hasn't been posted on 5/6/23.

>> No.54878487

its not morse code, i tried

>> No.54878491

The mischievous wordplay hides an encrypted secret, unlock it to reveal profound wisdom and uncover the mysteries of the universe. I got this from rearranging the final sentence of today's update. Have any of you spotted some word play?

>> No.54878492

do you just not know how to use hyphens then? >>54878480
also when you do learn how to use them, make sure you know the difference between hyphens, en dashes, and em dashes please

>> No.54878508
File: 12 KB, 398x384, 113 - FT1BR2s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw you figure out the first part of the riddle

>> No.54878514

Long live the emperor

>> No.54878528

So are the hyphens consider typos?

Like if you're gonna expect autists to do this shit, expect them to be autistic

>> No.54878544




>> No.54878547

they keep getting angy at me for giving hints, but yes, our retard web dev decided to edit the news post because "Hyphens indicate going to the next line". The hyphens are typos, the typos's do not matter.

>> No.54878550

idk something about removing opponents, found in a coin, step up just one notch, litmus

right; exactly

oh also checked image metadata. 1600x1329 = 2126400 pixels

>> No.54878551

In that case its gold ious i suppose. Could as well then just buy some paxg crypto gold ious.

>> No.54878554

I mean that's not a hint, that's clarifying shitty grammar/spelling/punctuation usage

>> No.54878556
File: 95 KB, 1280x720, 1502507459651.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.54878557

lmao your dev is retarded

>> No.54878574

Yeah, but we love him.

>> No.54878585
File: 65 KB, 840x574, 1681795630671330.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so its deff not morse code? lmao

>> No.54878587
File: 248 KB, 1500x1185, 3591545622.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the incuse is so shallow, looks engraved
and what is going on with that roughed up edge?

>> No.54878593

Production sample are always like this

>> No.54878597

>and what is going on with that roughed up edge?
its probably the machine that spins the coin while its pressing in the text

>> No.54878599

I am not at the liberty to say literally anything else unless something is vitally important on our end happens or they are gonna bully me more. You guys are on your own, goodluck.

>> No.54878606
File: 334 KB, 1063x640, 1663117625964502.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if it is more code ima be pissed i suck at decoding morse code

>> No.54878617

no it can't be. they said the hyphens are just to show where they are moving onto the next line

>> No.54878621

welp thank god there are smarter men than i
it better make me giggle when i find out what it is

>> No.54878650

How many of these did you guys make? 1000 of each?

>> No.54878653

100 gilded will be made maximim of 900 serialized

>> No.54878665

Does this puzzle require programming skills?
Or can i use my caveman brain to solve it?

>> No.54878669

i couldnt solve it, the puzzles/website guys went wild but it is doable we had somebody unrelated do it. took a while though

>> No.54878672
File: 602 KB, 1022x804, 1668529110052452.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my caveman brain cant solve, so dont expect to get far

>> No.54878679

you outsourced autism for a puzzle?
gawd dayumn

>> No.54878680

Hour after hour
Day after day
Year after year

Yall brag " hey fellow loser look at this shitcoin I bought I lost thousands of $$$$ gibs me updoot plox

That's your identity
That's your life
You will be doing this in a decade with a larger pile of garbage rocks and nothing to show except more losses

Congratulations you hateful nazi larpers and thanks for your real paper $$$$$

>> No.54878682

solve it*

>> No.54878687

>You, Inejiro Asanuma, are making Japan communist. I have no resentment towards you personally as a person with a leadership role in the socialist party but to your onus, your outbursts when you visited China, and the responsibility you bear for the intrusion into the National Diet. I cannot let go of your unforgivable actions. I shall hereby be the one to bring down your divine punishment.

And now he's on a nice meme coin :)

>> No.54878688

I just looked at it. where does the answer get posted and what is the prize?

>> No.54878691

the winner get a pretty good order wide discount.

>> No.54878692

Two of the people who designed the coin cant solve it?

>> No.54878705

to be fair, ive never been good at puzzles.

>> No.54878720
File: 381 KB, 2626x2624, Alex Holding WAGMI.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i didnt help design
im just a hermit that stacks metal and collect meme coins

usually i namefag

>> No.54878724


>> No.54878725
File: 265 KB, 665x574, 1491804878867.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.54878733
File: 509 KB, 1024x724, 1619138454757.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Only in death does duty end.

>> No.54878735
File: 167 KB, 610x606, 1678966218798326 (1).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.54878752
File: 1.14 MB, 1080x1137, 1553745978597.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can confirm, you fucking suck at puzzles.

>> No.54878844

Go back.

>> No.54878845

Yep yall are still here bonding over your common identity, incels who fell for the silver scam

>> No.54878859

How was your Sabbath, Shlomo?
It was very quiet without your daily 50 posts about the premium and losses.
You are such a nice person! Always looking out for us poor chumps so that we don't lose too much of the money we have earned ourselves.

>> No.54878874

I give up.
The coins are cool.
Puzzle makers and web devs can kys themselves.

>> No.54878880

at least you tried!

>> No.54878884
File: 425 KB, 2267x2352, Sniper holding bog.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

imagine being so mad you have to post here 100x a day to say the same thing. nice try berginstein

>> No.54878892
File: 18 KB, 474x426, The_Numbers_mason.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.54878929

I cant find the puzzle to even try. I found the ovaltine, but no puzzle or decoder in my bag.

>> No.54878939

So you just enter it as a coupon on checkout?

>> No.54878943

no fucking way

>> No.54878946
File: 1.65 MB, 1168x766, 20toz.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this pmg is weird
wtf r u peopl talkin about

>> No.54878950


>> No.54878964

Yes, if you have the code, you should be able to enter it into the "redeem your coupon" slot at checkout.

>> No.54879054

>started slowly putting savings into silver in 2013
>the price has done nothing but steadily rise
cool scam bro

>> No.54879070

what puzzle is everyone talking about?

>> No.54879072

Anon I....

>> No.54879105

Oh look another moron who 5 minutes ago was bragging about "only" paying 256% premiums for memecoins now claims he bought 10 years ago for "only" 173% premiums

Post ur losses

>> No.54879120

I don't buy memecoins, I buy silver bars and rounds. It's amusing watching some kind of bot malfunction like this.

>> No.54879139

It's not to save (you), you are either a scammer like>>54878943 this guy or a willing victim who brags about losing money

>> No.54879149

>starts posting at 8:00AM israel time

>> No.54879155

>mossad has deposited $1 in your bank account for this post

>> No.54879175
File: 1.80 MB, 1290x1289, B97FD090-9E28-473C-8E4A-958AA8CFC58B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bullion dealer. Silbury Coins. Find this beauty and many others. So tempting to collect a historical piece.

>> No.54879243
File: 107 KB, 800x1257, 1677917917377321.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why are these threads so hit and miss. Sometimes people are shedding light into the entire conspiracy of price suppression, corrupt banking, economic collapse data, and other times it's just meaningless replies, tantamount to bots spewing gobbledygook.

>> No.54879251

Their minting looks better, they must have sold a lot more to afford a better mint.

>> No.54879266

The kind of scams i love!

>> No.54879271
File: 94 KB, 680x521, 1545488145425.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We missed you during shabbat yesterday, where were you?

>> No.54879315 [DELETED] 

Yeah it's rather spooky. perhaps it's the calm before the storm. Most of the regulars have a pretty good idea of whats going on with the dollar losing it's reserve status. The writing is on the wall with whats going on with OPEC countries ditching the petro dollar and It's not just US adversaries ditching USD; allied countries like France are starting to walk towards the exit. Also the turmoil in regional banking right now that the media is desperately trying to make us believe it's over when it's likely only begun. Is it going to happen fast like in 2011 or slowly ? Shits getting pretty spooky either way.

>> No.54879381
File: 40 KB, 1217x773, image (47)_4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Speaking of which, JPM just warned us goyim that it will soon be illegal to short banks.
Meanwhile an extra $360,000,000,000 left the US banking system the past 2 weeks.
Said banks who have zero collateral but mountains of worthless old bonds generating 0.5% yields when the new ones are at 5.5%, and are leveraged up to the tits, far, far more than in 2008.

No wonder (((they))) want to outlaw shorting banks, it's free money until they all crash.
The financial collapse will reach it's zenith this summer, probably in July, and will be the worst economic collapse ever witnessed by mankind.

The next few months are our last opportunity at cheapies. We may even get an extra discount as financial institutions all dump their paper PMs to deleverage their positions elsewhere. Tho the discount will probably be very short lived for the physical counterpart.

This is not in my nature to try to pinpoint doom events, but here it's so blatant the implosion is underway that i have to do it. Game is over.

>> No.54879416

is it (((them))) pulling the strings though? or being put in check? I thought I read it as all short selling, not just vs the banks. "national security threat"

>> No.54879479
File: 237 KB, 835x726, Screenshot_20230507-031355.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Bro just stack gold at home

>> No.54879495
File: 2.89 MB, 576x1024, brave dog.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I thought I read it as all short selling, not just vs the banks. "national security threat"
Yes, it would sound way too desperate if they specified "no short allowed just for us :)", so they will forbid it as a whole, but we both know who this ban is supposed to help.

>is it (((them))) pulling the strings though?
There are several layers of (((them))). At the head of the hydra, this entire crisis (who started with the repo market in 2019) have been carefully manufactured. They wont make me swallow that the supposed brightest minds of the country (Fed participants), running countless simulations with limitless data and feedback, simply decided all of a sudden to raise interest rates at the fastest pace ever in history, all while dumping for trillions of SPVs they accumulated during the scamdemic emergency budget plan, all while forcing banks to buy Tbonds at 0.5% at gunpoint,.. and didn't expect a huge blowback.
And don't get me started on the foreign policy where literally EVERYTHING was done to make the dollar unattractive, ranging from SWIFT bans, useless sanctions, DEI suicide and giga-fines on allied foreign companies under the pretext they didn't use the USD "as it should".
They sabotaged it all on purpose.

The level below (like regional banks) simply follow the instructions (regulations) and are driven by greed without even pondering how they are being made into the perfect scapegoats for the collapse.

Truth is the rats are leaving the boat, and they will make sure to loot you of everything before they are gone. Best you can do is to make sure you aren't part of the normies who will be wiped clean.

>> No.54879512

>bro just believe my 1pbtid fud story telling you you should leave all your belongings at the (((bank)))

>> No.54879521
File: 371 KB, 1096x1461, 1635018528218.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are there anymore silver round projects from anons?

>> No.54879526

Enough ffs. Being flooded with memecoins is counterproductive.

>> No.54879559
File: 104 KB, 758x376, final.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

still waiting on pic related

>> No.54879565

also who is the onna in your pic?

>> No.54879576

nvm found her. Izumi Rika

>> No.54879631

By winning

>> No.54879643
File: 86 KB, 600x969, 1648931960508.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm surprised you have AI'ed your thot yet. Just think of all the coin stacking she could do.

>> No.54879741
File: 581 KB, 2000x1500, 1680843853126024.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not sure if the gold you load up your balance with turns into a debt like in a regular bank account. I think it's more like a custodial kind of arrangement where you retain ownership until it's converted into/sold for fiat when you buy something with the card. But in practice it's not much different except they would be crminally liable if they gamble away your gold so the stakes are higher. The nice thing is the transparent compatibility with legacy fiat currency systems but personally I don't see much value over a crypto card because gold and silver are something I want do be able to use physically and anonymously. It's a bit of a vanity thing at that point but I guess it still beats handling or worse, touching fiat to pay for things. I'm so disgusted by what people call money that I hate touching it and it shows. Which looks weird to normans because I treat their ajmighty god like the smelly turd it is. They just can't see it the way I do. It's not even naturally antimicrobial for fucks sake. Gross. If you hate crypto anything and want to side-step debt tokens for day to day transactions it's still a cool trick, though.

>> No.54879775

One of the FED posters has a storefront and sells "his" merch here to gather intel on the nazi larper incels who fall for the silver scam for future glowie ops targeting the incel domestic terrorists . If you want to minecraft the FED irl or just buy a gay ass meme coin an FBI agent or operative will be in touch with you to set you up

>> No.54879844

>You will be happy to know that there is a discount at the end of the trial
what does this even mean? at the end of the trial? i want to solve the puzzle

>> No.54879871

Speaking of which, JP Bullion just warned us that it will soon be illegal to buy silver.
Meanwhile an extra $360,000,000,000 left the COMEX warehouse system the past 2 weeks.
Said silver industrial warehouse complex has zero collateral but mountains of worthless receipts generating 8% yields when the new ones are at 12.5%, and are leveraged up to the triple witches tits, far, far more than in 2008.

No wonder (((they))) want to outlaw buying silver, it's free money until they all crash.
The COMEX collapse will reach it's zenith this summer, probably in July, and will be the worst economic collapse ever witnessed by mankind.

The next few months are our last opportunity at cheapies. We may even get an extra discount as financial institutions all dump their silver (from the COMEX warehouses) to deleverage their positions elsewhere. Tho the discount will probably be very short lived for the physical counterpart.

This is not in my nature to try to pinpoint doom events, but here it's so blatant the implosion is underway that i have to do it. Game is over.

>> No.54879932

someone has a meme tier chart at hand?

>> No.54879942

Holocoinanon, why did your site just tell me you dont ship to APO addresses? Do you hate me?

>> No.54879943
File: 152 KB, 1280x1000, Ger Fra Dut silver junk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I asked the previous thread, somebody got a guide for euro silver junk. Am missing Austria and Switzerland

>> No.54879952

ill take a look into this!

>> No.54879978

Thanks. Not a huge rush, I'm just trying to get a regular non-guilded one. It's just annoying that so many sites don't ship to APO even though it's no different from any other US address.

>> No.54880040

67:820 7 hours past launch.
wonder what time they'll sell out.

>> No.54880055

its the first we have heard about it, maybe its something we can config if i find something ill post in the thread/twitter about it
hard to say, megumins were up for quite a while as far as gildeds go. The serialized ones selling out would be amazing and i have seen a few new names in the order feed which is a great sign.

>> No.54880079
File: 27 KB, 1267x531, Screenshot 2023-05-07 205532.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

checking shipping costs
>Sorry, we do not ship to this location

>> No.54880088

ill see whats going on, we have rates for australia.

>> No.54880099

try again for me, for some reason australia was set to israel
be it poor taste i will not leave these unchecked tripple trips on the day of launch is bullish for otoya coin

>> No.54880110

20 AUD for anyone curious

>> No.54880138
File: 426 KB, 767x564, 1637280167292.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good design on the otoya coin, and it's for an important historical moment. I would say it's bullish, but your digits already confirm.

>> No.54880187

>that one newfag who thinks caturday is from reddit because he was mindbroken by cats is still here

>> No.54880248
File: 12 KB, 326x252, 1669043229735783.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ah, so you ARE Jewish.

>> No.54880251


>> No.54880254
File: 330 KB, 642x840, classic life.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if ever there was a time for pitchforks, torches and guillotines

>> No.54880376

Holo, is there a picture available of the non-gilded version?

>> No.54880385

Man really is sitting at his desk about to clock in that's wild

>> No.54880392

>want new PAMP design gold bar
>not as liquid as any coin
bit of a shame

>> No.54880415

You can use those crypto right now, and can keep using them if Texas issues their own money. However, your crypto isn't comparable, because there's no physical component, it's entirely virtual.

That only works for buying merchandise from local shops. It doesn't scale for B2B and international transactions.

>> No.54880464

it scales up fine. the problem us the jews wont wait a week and settle without interest.

>> No.54880552

God look at her hips and tummy and legs she is absolutely made to produce big beautiful healthy babies and just pop them out like a 6 shooter.
That curve they get in the lower tummy turns me the fuck on so fucking much holy FUCK

>> No.54880580

>Speaking of which, JP Bullion just warned us that it will soon be illegal to buy silver.

It's probably more about how supply chains are "just in time" now.

>> No.54880620

That ID is a bot, just filter and ignore.

>> No.54880622

Someone posted a bunch of those last summer or fall, so you might check the archives. It might be easier to do an image search on that jpeg and see what threads come up.

>> No.54880660
File: 372 KB, 1610x1287, 1669151546873288.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The COMEX collapse will reach it's zenith this summer, probably in July, and will be the worst economic collapse ever witnessed by mankind.
>The next few months are our last opportunity at cheapies. We may even get an extra discount as financial institutions all dump their silver (from the COMEX warehouses) to deleverage their positions elsewhere. Tho the discount will probably be very short lived for the physical counterpart.

Why break character like this IQDELET? I've made $1000 the past month trading calls on silver ETFs but am sitting on the bulk of the free cash waiting for cheapies like we saw in March 2020. It was hard not to make money going long at the coronacrash bottom but I'm considerably better educated now, when paper shits the bed again I'll be ready to make some big bets.

>> No.54880745

IQDELETE is also known as Rafi Farber, he has a YouTube channel. Mossad has offered him a penance to FUD silver on 4chan for his recentless shilling of silver YouTube. Hello Rafi!

>> No.54880766
File: 820 KB, 828x1522, 51394E1A-8B36-4F3F-B7E5-3A9262045884.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alright boys, it’s been fun. Time to go liquid and slurp up some T-Bills. See you next time around. With this rate pause everything’s going to return to normal, it’s been fun!

>> No.54880863

>suddenly. everything's fine. nothing to worry about. Just sell all your actual tangible real assets and buy more of our worthless paper monopoly contracts

>> No.54880929

>They wont make me swallow that the supposed brightest minds of the country
The jews actually aren't that smart, just are just shameless, greedy and extremely nepotistic.
Add in a few generations of drinking their own kool aid and you end up with our current mess

>> No.54880947

Why would a person ever buy gold if they just sell it when the fed does something?

>> No.54881025
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>> No.54881089
File: 2.66 MB, 1300x4200, 1675289747721840.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Which one?

>> No.54881100
File: 736 KB, 920x2988, 1675290334759564.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.54881126
File: 796 KB, 820x2550, 1683432031798229.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This one is probably my favorite because it's the most realistic.

>> No.54881138
File: 1.59 MB, 1280x1902, 1679011232557954.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Almost forgot about this one.

>> No.54881149
File: 152 KB, 1836x940, 1680956809778372.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's a non-meme chart.

>> No.54881158
File: 560 KB, 1756x692, 1680943133567448.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A nice Roman wage chart.

>> No.54881177
File: 115 KB, 810x780, 1679065585503834.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Some other chart.

>> No.54881188

Most people only own REAL PAPER GOLD!

>> No.54881421
File: 293 KB, 1280x960, 224482CD-FEA5-4A7C-A032-01E56B181652.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.54881457
File: 2.41 MB, 4032x2268, Kitty and coins.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based. Nice looking stack and cat fren.

>> No.54881470

>the last increase in the biggest rate-kike cycle in a generation.


I can’t wait to be a grandpa with my necklace of ears going on completely batshit tangents in my rocking chair stuffed with long since useless federal reserve notes. My children, all born from different shortstack goblins I bought for a steep price of 1 oz silver each, stoically write down my advice leaving out such topics as “Israel” and “the small hat people” as they live in a world where they are mere relics of their ancestor’s generation; having all been genocided in the “Two More Weeks” War.

>> No.54881509
File: 1.46 MB, 576x720, nyannoyed.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where my cheapies at? Come on, man. I need my cheapies!

>> No.54881531
File: 2.20 MB, 4032x1816, My kitty.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm at a comfortable level for a bit with silver. Waiting a few months to see what the market does.

>> No.54881554
File: 166 KB, 850x1156, 168254597880771518.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>jews are mere relics
i would wish for world with this one simple fact.
hadrian had one fucking job!

>> No.54881585

Based and paperpilled. NPCs like shiney objects and they don't mind fake shit whether its a shiney rock or McDonald's "food" humans otoh insist on authentic investments that at least offer a chance at a profit, like real paper gold and silver

>> No.54881655

I think I’m addicted to stacking paper bro…
The crisp bills fitted snuggly into a little cranny. The *phoosh* sound when you gently take your thumb over the top of a STACK of Benjamins. The weight in your hand of $10000 in paper cash is something everyone needs to experience. They even smell great, you can tell the treasury took its time on these masterpieces. God, it just leaves you with a list for paper bills. Paper is truly gods money, all the unique symbolism on them really sends it home.

>> No.54881667

Yall incels are so feminine feeling like the world will conform to your retard opinions. You should stick to astrology instead of investing in metals which exist in the world of reality. Fact is no one cares if you think it's fair that certain groups (who are experts in gold and silver) (those people with silver and gold literally in their name). You hate them and then give them your $$$ you "think" you will win? Lmao you don't think at all you only feel with your neovagina or as you call it a boypussy. Wake up chudiots buy real paper metal. Actually don't it's funny when in a bull market you still make a huge loss. Lmao. Sayonara (to your fiat $$$$$)

>> No.54881714

when is silver going to moon so I can buy a house

>> No.54881728
File: 437 KB, 1360x1440, AgBug_Fairy_Ariana.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Osbornehttps://www.providentmetals.com/5-oz-silver-proof-silverbug-alyx-the-fairy-round.htmlAccording to Provident, they initially used North American and Osborne mints. I don't know offhand which was done where.

>> No.54881737
File: 2.86 MB, 640x360, 1682963040179567.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>there's no physical component, it's entirely virtual.
If you think that funny Texas shitcoin is going to stay backed by gold in a way the goyim can redeem you are retarded. If I were a Jew I'd even go so far as to say you deserve getting enslaved for being this ignorant about history, but I'm not that cruel myself. Other people are ruthless. Don't bet on being governed by nice and trustworthy people. Not in the current political environment. Why else are we stacking?
>That only works for buying merchandise from local shops. It doesn't scale for B2B and international transactions.
You were arguing against cash (rightfully), but on the other hand there is no easier way to do an international transaction than with Bitcoin. With Monero I can even fund the Taliban or Best Korea if I want to and no one would know because there is no way to trace anything (so far, probably never).
But even the Japanese currency is just a debt based ponzi scheme like the others so them using cash as in paper money is not really much better and hardly desirable. Anything the government does to keep gold and silver out of people's hands is a scam and even more so if they want to control money supply which is why they do it for that sweet, sweet money printing.
A few minutes to confirm a transaction is hardly too slow for most B2B. That's faster than most legacy systems in use today. No one pays for a day's load of wares each time it arrives anyway. Deals are done months in advance.

>> No.54881795
File: 1.68 MB, 1870x1401, AlanGreenspanMoney.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Litrally not until shit really comes unraveled in the bond market. The banks will do EVERYTHING they need to to plug the holes and monetize losses. The rest of the world is walking away from the dollar and although we are trading partners, their renegotiating global trade and will also likely become much poorer. This will put pressure on the paper-ponzi as well when people's financial assets start losing purchasing power. Although the banks and wallstreet will likely do what they need to to keep inflating these bogus asset values. It could be a long haul for all we know, and for all of what was just said things could come unhinged relatively fast but that is dependent on our global trading partners' cooperation. The war in Ukraine where the U.S. is destroying vital infrastructure, impoverishing Europe, toppling the middle east and then weaponizing the dollar has a lot of people moving away from the West. Not making it a REQUIREMENT to promote gay sex in your country is a very nice selling point for dealing with China and Russia instead of U.S.
Another lynchpin is the supply of physical silver. The system can provide industry and retail investors for now to prop up the paper ponzi, but if people move to PMs during this banking crisis shit can get out of hand real quick.

>> No.54881802

>fairy round

Lmao at yall

>> No.54881818

>The rest of the world is walking away from the dollar

Silver scam victims will repeat whatever the money changers tell them, sad but funny to watch them smugly self destruct

>> No.54881837

>don't worry everyone, BRICS isn't an issue
>look at how many dollars we can print to prove it's not an issue
>$4,700,000,000,000? Piece of cake, tax the kids they can't complain about it yet

>> No.54881872

Wow, hard to believe Osborne was involved. I don't see the screwups nor subpar work we've nitpicked on the various pmg coins, and especially on the Marecoin that pushed them to their limit of detailing, despite them saying they could do it. Anyways, those fairy and silverbug coins are pretty nice even if they're reddit.

>> No.54881875

Boomers have become the third tier beneath Jews and nogs. The complete lack of foresight into what their policies and actions would leave for the coming generations makes my heart cold to the suffering my grandparents are currently experiencing in old age.

I’m glad you have all that money to burn on keeping grandpa alive as he completely melts under the horrors of dementia. Write me out of the will; the money’s worthless anyways.

>> No.54881880
File: 3.29 MB, 3730x2797, High premiums no fucks given.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Got some teeny-tiny fractionals, first and last.

>> No.54881906

The $$$$$ is at an all time high against other currencies and that makes silver scam victims seethe and their calcified brains emit burning McDonald's grease

>> No.54881918
File: 280 KB, 1766x1559, 1666282085653285.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The amount of international settlements not taking place using the Dollar is at an all time high

>> No.54881919

I keep my fractional to mercs and Benny Frank half dollars but I respect your teenies, fren. The premiums seem brutal but so does everything PM related these days.

>I’ll likely be only buying 14$ half dollars off eBay for the foreseeable future until my remaining 8 tubes are full. Cleaned out the coin shop of their 12$ halves and now I’m condemned to suffer.

>> No.54881920

Yes hating your family is smart it's how you build generational wealth, just like paying huge premiums for garbage rocks. Always listen to the people who tell you those things they are your friend

>> No.54881932

Holy moly you paid a 37000 % premium.

#winning #upboated

# you is le smart

>> No.54881941
File: 3.02 MB, 4032x2268, Wolf Dist G21L and coins.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh the premiums are beyond stupid. But I scratched that itch. Just something else for the stack. I like mercs, and 1/10oz Sunshine State Mint tubes. Even though they do command a premium, something about a fresh 1/10 I enjoy more than a merc for whatever reason.

>> No.54881949

Nice "only" 100% premiums, that's le smart for a commodity

>> No.54881959

Gotta have those memecoins and your peepee in a box. #nice personality you bought

>> No.54881963
File: 3.44 MB, 750x1334, 44C400EE-377E-41F9-8F8C-FA8C8A7CAA18.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you faggots wanna see some shit?

someone start a new bread and ill dump all the photos of me testing my stack with the sigma mini pro

>> No.54881971

Have you gotten those 1/10 Merc tributes?

>> No.54881972

It’s brand new and .999; definitely a different aura than a worn down merc. If half ounce silver rounds are the same dimensions as half dollars I might stack those as well.

>> No.54881978

>to try and help people make a good investment
The threads that shill JMBullion? lol
Never change /pmg/

>> No.54881980
File: 327 KB, 220x151, tenor_(1).gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cope harder.

>> No.54881993
File: 128 KB, 1080x720, cyberterry.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Go shill your shitcoins somewhere else. I'm not stupid enough to buy into a scheme that requires botnet hardware to operate. The CIA and Mossad and chinks have backdoored all your CPUs, GPUs, operating systems, and you think you're smarter than them, but you're a dumb nigger cattle. You think your crypto will be safu when the agencies have access to quantum supercomputers? Fuck no! Your ass is going to get reamed, pal! You'll be like "Oh no how could this happen, who could have seen this coming?" LMAO!

>> No.54881996

We got 110 posts to go, anon. Go ahead and dump them now.

Just checked and my tubes can fit junk halves and bullion half ounces equally! Definitely a motivator versus drowning in Benjamin Franklins.

>> No.54882002

The petro dollar came undone not too long ago and numerous countries are lining up to trade with China and Russia. It's rather PROFOUND and in hindsight things will feel like they come unraveled quite quickly.
This poster is a bot, however. Interesting how the shills/feds are learning new ways to stifle discussion. And the fact that they pop up in the midst of a bank run tells you everything you need to know. Does this mean you should go 100% into PMs? That's probably not a good idea as we have no idea how long this shit could take to unfold. But whatever.

>> No.54882009
File: 1.61 MB, 220x220, 3CC2028A-381A-4FEE-9A03-2D64989A95E5.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

but....its not caturday anymore

>> No.54882015
File: 32 KB, 500x500, GWs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]





>> No.54882019
File: 101 KB, 720x713, 1682427065988734.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.54882025

>The petro dollar

More FUD the coin dealers put in ur skull. Lmao you are a victim and a shill for the silver scam. Lmao petrodollar

>> No.54882030

cool chart, thanks

>> No.54882031

archieves get deleted after some months, no?

>> No.54882039
File: 3.27 MB, 750x1334, 39CA8144-F3F6-44FE-90B1-8241815F83E3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is for you iqdelete

>> No.54882043

Start your own thread, or make a video, post it on YouTube or Mega or wherever for posterity, and post a link as often as you like. I can't imagine the time and patience it would take to fill a thread. Especialyl if you think you have more than 100.
300 is not a posting limit. 309 is a *bump* limit, when subsequent posts will not promote the thread to Page 1. You can post a max of 150 or text-only til the thread drops off Page 10.

>> No.54882044

Yes fellow shill victims only repeat what the premium geprabbers say. Lmao listen to ur boss here he owns you

>> No.54882052

And now they come here to brag about giving all their money to their enemies

>> No.54882055 [DELETED] 

How the hell did that become a response to that post?
was meant for

>> No.54882058

its only naybe 15-20 photos. ill eat lunch then post if a new thread started or not

>> No.54882076

Lmao look at that soft yet filthy hand, how many people did you scam today?

>> No.54882083

There's some other sites like 4plebs or something. I don't have a list but they exist.

>> No.54882086

It's a scambot like all shills on this thread, just buy silver and lose money, ok?

>> No.54882088
File: 2.15 MB, 4032x1816, 50 GSM 1-10oz fractionals.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, just GSM's version of a walking liberty.

>> No.54882096

just your mom, she overpaid me for my cum i sold her to guzzle

>> No.54882112

Looking at the prices of half ounce bullion is seriously demotivating. You’re not wrong in how insane those premiums are. I’m an eGay fag for simplicity’s sake and I’m looking at 42$ an ounce buying fractionals.

Bought a guilded and regular Atoya last night and will probably pause for better or worse until I’m waging again. If silver’s at 50$ in four months I’ll at least be content with the gains on my stack.

>IDF shitpost response jerking off fiat currency in 3…2…1…

>> No.54882139

Yeah I don't stack fractionals deep for sure. My next piece will probably be gold, then maybe a half kilo of silver.

>> No.54882213
File: 303 KB, 1173x1500, 1647875837590.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're begging to be enslaved by the government. You're the emasculated big eyed nigger cattle with no compiler with the code locked up on github. You talk about things you don't understand. You refuse freedom and ask for a cage because the government tells you it's made if gold. Because of muh backdoored CPU. If I had to guess I'd bet Terry would call you a retarded gorilla nigger for cheering at a government shitcoin.

>> No.54882216

Gold is my next step as well. I’ll likely dance between 1/4 ounces and half kilos of silver just for the similarity in price until I fix my off-kilter ratio of 5:715.

It’s insane how much value one ounce of gold is compared to the equivalent of silver.

>> No.54882232
File: 3.72 MB, 3024x4032, Glod.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>bank run
>/pmg/ flooded with bots.
Remember everyone, $46TN bond market in a $22TN GDP. Pair that with the supply/demand of silver which can only produce a measly 800M worldwide, which is NOT even enough to procure 3 ounces for every AMERICAN. Per person on the planet you get a piece of silver roughly the size of a penny. The global financial system is a PONZI and it requires you to work tirelessly to pay taxes and store your wealth within the system. It hasn't a chance in hell in providing you with the life it promises you. Your insurance, SS, etc are all pools of resources that have already been spent. Finance and accounting can NEVER create wealth on their own, and no amount of finagling will allow you to spend money TWICE. All that the paper-ponzi has left to do is monetize the losses/default. Or in other words, actualize losses. And there is no way to move the losses around on a balance sheet without someone else footing the bill. All they can do is print money. And to avoid the losses you have to avoid financial assets, including cash, bonds, social security, pensions, insurance as well as any premium built in to the real estate market.

>> No.54882236

>If silver’s at 50$ in four months I’ll at least be content with the gains

Holey cannoli the amount of coping seething and dilating

>if silver doubles in 4 months

Lmao. OK let's look at ur retard scenario, if silver doubles )lmao) you will have made a 19% profit and thrown 81% of your gain in the trash.

Now realistically silver won't go up at all and all you did was brag about losing 45% of your investment. U is le dumd.real Paper Silver for the win

>> No.54882245
File: 2.63 MB, 4032x2268, Gold cards.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It’s insane how much value one ounce of gold is compared to the equivalent of silver.
Yes, absolutely.

>> No.54882248

that's because silver is subject to heavy tampering. We will get back to a real gold/silver ratio ranging from 1:8 (existing material) up to 1:15 (historical value). We have something like 1:70 now

>> No.54882265
File: 445 KB, 1096x1461, 20210422_063856.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I owe IQdelete a huge debt. They forced me to learn to filter. Now I am a filter fanatic. I filter the anti-PM bots and shills of course, but I can also filter the off topic posters. No more wasted space arguing about religion, pedos, trannys, crypto, etc. Just pure PMs and related news. Sooooo serene!

>> No.54882269

Is that your picture and do you have any 20 gram bars?

>> No.54882292

Planning for my next purchase I’m noticing premiums are so rough that even kilos are not justifiable. Might as well commit to tubes that are at least divisible if and when prices spike and you can sell a few ounces versus a whole loaf.

Just a few months ago a tube of weiners was barely below 500$. Now it’s as expensive as the others and buffalos are a few dollars cheaper.

>did you notice how shill bot went full retard on my post with his usual “you’re already down 6 million percent?”
>the shilling tells me the tamping is almost over and there’s a lot of sweaty small hats right now.

>> No.54882300


>> No.54882310
File: 2.67 MB, 3024x4032, Platinum and nickel plated brass.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, that's why I justify some pieces with higher premiums for various limited coins where I'd tend to stick to generics before.
>Is that your picture and do you have any 20 gram bars?
Yes, and yes. But not gold.

>> No.54882330

When I was like 20 I had blind faith in crypto as some revolutionary means of securing one’s wealth away from the hands of big daddy government.

Now that I’m older I have zero faith in crypto and even think that it’s always been a government sponsored red herring for the rollout of CBDC which will be sold as a “safe alternative to BTC.”

The fact that a power outage completely bankrupts you no matter how many digi-bucks you may have is terrifying and gives me a greater respect for my god rocks; hard assets that are forever in my ownership and under my direct protection.

>> No.54882348
File: 31 KB, 600x665, catslap.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You refuse freedom
Freedom doesn't come in the form of modern computer hardware, as you'll find out eventually. Not my problem, I only ever buy gold and silver bullion, never crypto. I'm just glad to see some US states doing stuff with these metals, and giving the Fed some competition.

>> No.54882353
File: 376 KB, 1096x1461, 20220915_141343.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Be Your Own Bank

>> No.54882365

Lmao you go from one scam to the next and still think ur smart

>silver scam
>/pmg/ flooded with bots.
Remember everyone, $46BN silver and gold market in a $122BN premium grabbing scheme. Pair that with the supply/demand of silver which can easily produce a whopping 1800M worldwide, which is enough to procure 43 pounds for every AMERICAN. Per person on the planet you get a piece of silver roughly the size of an apple, when the demand for silver approaches zero. Look up the famous Mark Dice video. L to the MAO. The global silver system is a PONZI and it requires you to work tirelessly to pay premiums and store your metal in an expensive safe while paying 0 interest and dividends. It hasn't a chance in hell in providing you with the life ((((they)))) promise you. Your insurance, SS, etc are all pools of resources that have already been spent. Finance and accounting can NEVER create wealth on their own, and no amount of finagling will allow you to spend money EIGHTY times. All that the silver-ponzi has left to do is monetize the losses/default. Or in other words, actualize losses. That's why they shill garbage rocks to you 24/7/365. And there is no way to move the losses around on a balance sheet without someone who is not you footing the bill. All they can do is charge exorbitant premiums. And to avoid the losses you have to avoid so called precious metals, including gold, silver and copper,

>> No.54882370

>be your own bank and instantly lose 45% instead of earning 5%

>> No.54882394
File: 514 KB, 750x747, lol.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


alright, you have convinced me.
but what should we be buying instead?
inflation is killing us and the s&p500 is bouncing downwards like a kangeroo

>> No.54882409

I'm still debating whether to put some funds in XMR, I feel like it isn't volatile and better than holding fiat in a bank or some paper promising me PMs.

>> No.54882430
File: 60 KB, 294x361, BAHAHA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No argument. Just whining because people are starting to move their capital out of banks and into the real assets thereby exposing the paper-ponzi.

>> No.54882435
File: 543 KB, 2082x905, CollectEmAll.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It’s insane how much value one ounce of gold is compared to the equivalent of silver.
Research out platinum, palladium, and rhodium.

>> No.54882444

It’s a gamble as it’s always been. All the charts that balance BTC and PMs ignore the fact that crypto as a whole has gone from obscure child porn purchasing coupons to some level of social normalization even though practical use hasn’t actually been established.

I am more expectant of government legislation outright banning any form of digital currency not regulated under the wings of CBDC. Even something like XMR becomes equivalent to an unserialized gun in your garage. Metals, which may see similar restrictions, will at least let me live out my dreams of suicide by government employee.

>> No.54882458
File: 452 KB, 2048x1536, 1679248766769314.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're happy to get scammed with the same old trick as your parents and grandparents and their ancestors did?

>> No.54882462

Im torn between where next to pivot and platinum and gold both seem like valid options. I have 715 oz of silver which never feels like enough when you go down the rabbit hole of price suppression and the silver short meme but for practicality platinum and gold seem like the guaranteed option. Gold will remain a steady grower and platinum is looking to break out especially among our gay fetish of green energy (with the same argument being valid for silver.)

>> No.54882486

Good job repeating what the silver scammer told you to convince you to throw away ur $$$$$

>> No.54882492
File: 93 KB, 616x532, nothingburger.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nothingburger, but ordinals are going to kill Bitcoin long-term.

>> No.54882502

>price too high to buy more
>price too low to sell and retire

>> No.54882537

Absolutely, the spoltlight on crypto has definitely done potential damage to it since, as you point out, it isn't firmly established. You know said malleable nature will be abused.

The black market is why I feel XMR would be safe, albeit with the suicide by IRS risk. I believe XMR will remain if they do go after crypto

>> No.54882544
File: 2.59 MB, 4032x2268, Stack May 2023.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I have 715 oz of silver
Fren, see >>54881126 and >>54881149. You're absolutely good to pivot to gold, and why not add at least some platinum or others like >>54882435 is advocating. I realized I have at least 400 oz and I'm ready to save up for 1oz gold pieces now. I could die happy with anything over 300 based on how divisible it is per person globally. Get some gold. I'm not saying stop w/ silver, I'll get a kilo bar in the future and definitely some fun rounds, but yeah you should feel at ease with your stack to diversity.

>> No.54882548
File: 2.02 MB, 2152x2816, 1681900306854032.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Having some certainly doesn't hurt. Who knows, you might even like using it as currency. There are plenty of cases where gold and silver don't cut it because they require physical interaction. It's just not that great as a generational store of wealth.

>> No.54882550

I think “too high” is subjective and dependent on where we go from here. It’s a bizarre price limbo that will feel like a steal if this is the cheapest we ever see it again or a ripoff if half a year from now prices are significantly lower.

I have a house to fix so I’m tapped out of metals right now but I’m anxious to see where prices will be in August when I’m waging and back to stacking.

>> No.54882557
File: 2.19 MB, 3024x3024, Jesus cleansing the temple.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

*diversify, fucking autocorrect is pozzed now.

>> No.54882569

I appreciate the calming words, fren. You know how it is, the dragon-like gluttony of enough never being enough has me forever focused on that next arbitrary metric of 800 or 1000 rather than seeing how far I’ve come.

My game plan currently is to cycle between a full ounce of gold and an ounce of platinum + a kilo silver coin to scratch my love of weird yet highly pricey designs.

Need to get stacking on dry goods and MREs as well. No sense in becoming my own bank when I can’t feed myself.

>> No.54882576

I've been gone for a few months. What's the pmg coins being shilled now?

>> No.54882593

Holocoinanon just released the Atoya coin. Check the earlier threads for links if you’re interested. Guilded were already at 76 remaining when I bought last night and regulars were in the 800s if I remember correctly.

>> No.54882597
File: 213 KB, 900x600, terry pets kitty.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, the issuance of silver coins troubles me greatly! I tremble at the thought of being left out of the crypto and Federal Reserve ponzi schemes!
Oh my, now I really need some comfort petting.

>> No.54882608

That's my thinking as having a some diverse stuff is a good idea however a combo of laziness, retardation, and anxiety has prevented me from making the cold wallet with tailOS lol

>> No.54882627
File: 1.20 MB, 1920x1080, 1682272144815863.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not established
Open your eyes.
The problem isn't the coins. There are plenty of coins you can buy right now. The problem is the digital shitcoin part that they fully control. It's just state level CBDC. They themselves admit that they don't expect most people to use the physical money. Like I said before, a few coins in circulation used by some autists isn't going to help you when they cut that off eventually. Then you're just trapped unless you have a fat stack but to do that you don't need permission of the government in any case. Sure, having legal tender silver coins in circulation is nice but look at the big picture.

>> No.54882741

Good job getting scammed

>> No.54882747

It's not a CBDC, there's no central bank of Texas. Those are all Federal Reserve shits, and the Fed is doing everything in its power to consolidate the regional banks by driving them out of business and buying them out via JPM & Co. Then they'll roll out the FedNow shit, and then FedCoin, and then you're fucked bigly. Except some red states like Florida (working to make CBDC illegal there) and Texas (issuing their own silver/gold money) and a few others are taking measures to counter that.
I'm convinced by now from your posts that you're never going to get it, so I'm done talking to you.

>> No.54882757

>mres to eat
>shitcoins to stack

Peppers really are idiots just do the opposite and win

>> No.54882771

I'm shocked that you can't retire with a loss of 63% on ur garbage rocks

>> No.54882808
File: 42 KB, 831x173, (((goldbacked))).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you really not understand what I mean when I say "state level CBDC"? Why do you think CBDC is bad? It's because it will be abused to fuck with you and thoroughly because it's all fully under the control of corrupt bureaucrats. The fact that it's not literally issued by a central bank is of little relevance.
This is mark of the beast level shit and you're like a vaxxie begging for it. But if you really trust government to treat you well, good luck. You only see "gold backed" and cream your pants, failing to see the "digital currency" part.

>> No.54882838

Trust me my eyes are open mate, like I said I be a bit nervous of my tarded self fucking up that cold wallet process despite reading up in it

>> No.54882872

The USD can't be replaced with another unbacked Fed vapor currency because the rest of the world won't accept it and the USA is too dependent on foreign commerce to go it alone. The dollar was only accepted internationally because it was backed by gold and the rest of the world was on its knees from WWII. Those days are long gone.

>> No.54882916

Will we see Weimar levels of assrape when the world rejects the USD in favor of local or at least regional alternatives? I don’t see anything but a false flag American invasion providing any kind of new support to our insane clown world paper.

>> No.54882965

i dont see how CDBC is different than the digital numbers in our bank accounts we play around with now tbqh kek

>> No.54882970

They played that card too many times already, and especially the recent nord stream sabotage is pissing people off.
So basically either the US gets their shit together, or they're locked out of trade and all the peasants become slaves and/or die en masse. Holodomor does happen sometimes, when jews are in charge.

>> No.54882986

The feds could see and audit EVERYTHING instantly if they want. Bitcoin being decentralized I have a level of faith in, but CBDC's kill cash and make us dependent on the government more.

>> No.54883020

If you believe your state is coming to save you from the FederalAssFuckingCoin because "muh red states" then you might as well invest in the next Nigerian Prince opportunity that comes your way. The CBDC isn't going to say 666 We Fuck You Family For 100 More Years on it. It's not going to have a picture of a demon ass raping a child on it. It's going to look respectable like "gold backed" or "commodity backed" because that sells with retards who trust their government.

>> No.54883023
File: 1.84 MB, 4061x3216, coomer lifts.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine standing behind her and squishing her fertile belly

>> No.54883027

with CBDC your coins can have an expiration date and transactions can actually be refused: e.g. you flew to much, no meat for you peasant

>> No.54883043

I need a thicker woman. Goblin shortstacks are all that’s allowed at Fort Frenship.

>> No.54883054

The current world order spun off a MASSIVE amount of bogus IOUs that provide you with a pittance of basis points in exchange for you handing over your capital to the system to leverage up. They can move money around and that is all, and without insane levels of government spending (which is also rapidly INCREASING given the exponential nature of debt) the economy will collapse on itself in a deflationary spiral. There is no solution to this other than to take a bite of the turd sandwich.
How big of a bite do you have to take? Well, that is up to you and your exposure to the leverage/paper ponzi.

>> No.54883117
File: 2.60 MB, 4032x3024, seaofsilvershipofgold.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.54883135

Beautiful my good sir, like the designs

>> No.54883157
File: 1.86 MB, 2815x3024, goldies.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah they're pretty kino
also got these fractionals

>> No.54883165

Oh hey, you're back! How was your sabbath yesterday, rabbi? You didn't post in a single thread yesterday, we missed your attempts to fud.

>> No.54883168

I have a healthy grasp of inflation but deflation still confuses me. Jefferson spoke on inflation being followed by deflation and I understand that a massive return of external paper currency would be met with a slowed domestic economy. This effectively stops the blood flowing within our economic structures, right?

>> No.54883190

I've liked the idea of goldbacks but totally paranoid about ruining them lol
They might have little gold but them art damnit

>> No.54883250

Buy from pmsforsale you'll get 22.5 face value at most fir 90 %

>> No.54883284

So what ur saying is paying 28x is taking an immediate 25% loss, a very smart and good thing to do?

>> No.54883295

Paper gold is smarter than FAKE physical and fake o aper goldbacks

>> No.54883317

USD is king and forever sorry not sorry

>> No.54883339

Correct. The economy hums along due to the expansion of credit. Given the fact that the economy is overleveraged and saturated in debt, in order to pay back these debts the economy needs to constantly be spending more and more credit in order to maintain the ability for the economy to repay loans plus interest. The loans are the inflationary aspect of money creation and paying loans off effectively destroys fiat in the economy.
For instance, if the U.S. government wanted to repay on net balance $1 of the nation debt, it would first have to cease all government deficit spending and only THEN could that $1 payment be made. Now, in doing this, that loss of spending would cause everything to lock up as the payment of debts is rapidly deflating the money supply while no new fiat is being pumped in. If you stop the spending, a cascade of payments would cease and along with it comes lost jobs, lost tax revenue, lost periphery/secondary stakeholders, etc. All of these payments that pertain to money ultimately undermine the banking system whose balance sheets are also leveraged and whose losses can seep in to depositors and all of the nasty business that comes there.
To offset these losses without credit would mean expansion of the currency in circulation which is the Zimbabwe style inflation that will undermine the confidence in the system when you can't trust it to hold its purchasing power. Bank deposits are a CLAIM on cash. Banks do not actually have enough cash to backstop everyone's deposits given the fractional reserve system.

>> No.54883341

Inflation is bad for consumers because the price on items rise; deflation is bad for producers because the prices they sell stuff at goes under the price that was required to produce at.
In inflation, a consumer takes time to gather a paycheck, and when they go out to spend that paycheck, the money is now worth less.
In deflation, a producer buys raw materials and maintenance and pays workers to make a thing, and by the time the thing gets made, it brings in less money so when the producer goes to make a second thing, they can no longer afford to.
Another way: in inflation, no one can buy; in deflation, no one can sell.

>> No.54883349
File: 2.34 MB, 498x396, 1679190769493343.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What a loser

>> No.54883362
File: 3.88 MB, 4032x3024, carpet stack.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Stop giving (You)'s and just filter and ignore it is a bot attacking /pmg/ already for a few months now

>> No.54883384

Back from your sabbath, rabi

>> No.54883394

Listen to the silver scammer, filter out facts, believe silver scammer lies, listen to ur masters

>> No.54883398

I recall seeing a graph of American inflation prior to 1913 and the creation of the Fed and I noticed from 1776 until than we had actually deflated by around 1.7%.

All of this sounds like a completely unsustainable Ponzi. The REQUIREMENT for continued growth is the backbone of a MLM scheme. The only answer to why this would be allowed is that our masters actively know they are personally too big to fail and actively want these chickens coming home to roost in the form of complete evaporation of the middle class into a serf-like populace sustained off bugs and rented pods.

Dios mio, what a time to be alive. I am almost angry at my past life for asking God to put his next reincarnation into the gayest possible time in human history.

>> No.54883411

Look at his vernacular and it is common in other threads such as those critiquing government action on /pol/. “Sorry not sorry” is his calling card along with completely unhinged schizo posting.

If anything it’s a sign you’re in the right place and believing the right things.

>> No.54883416

Reminder, everyone who fell for the silver scam lost 50%, that's why they are le mad!

>> No.54883445

Either side of this concept seems rooted in economic mismanagement by an overbearing government. You saw the exact same practices in late stage Rome along with the Dutch, French, and English. I’m confident we have long since been past the peak of the American empire and even that was founded on our strategic position post-WW2.

Get ready to die for Taiwan, frens. Shit’s going to get spicy…in two weeks of course.

>> No.54883446

He wasn't here yesterday (shabbat) and I heard he works business hours in tel Aviv time

>> No.54883452

Look at theyselfs vernacular they brag about losing $$$ losing theyselfs $$$$$ is le calling card along with completely unhinged le schizo posting.

If anything it’s a sign xirself is in ze right place and believing ze right things that master demands

>> No.54883467
File: 515 KB, 1280x958, silver bowl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Another example, a bot with at least 30 pbid was let lose when a tread was made of isreali involved of 9/11, I suspect the same suspect for the ones shitting up /pmg/


>> No.54883471

Be careful not to outright insult the great country of Israel or you’ll get banned for racism like I did twice.

I feel the strategy is entirely around completely slathering these boards and generals in so much shit that it becomes unbearable to interact with. I can already picture the red faced Rabbi’s sitting around with cups of goyim blood presenting PowerPoints regarding strategy.

>> No.54883477

Nazi larpers are le mad they gave all their $$$$ to money changers and blame me for le warning them that was le dumb

>> No.54883482

>Get ready to die for Taiwan, frens.
I ain't going. There's plenty of Biden voters that can be sent... supposedly.

>> No.54883484

/pmg/ does the best job of ignoring the bots that i've seen in any 4chan community.

>> No.54883487

Another example is the post right above yours. Shlomo is going full retard trying to come up with anything valid or else Abby Shapiro isn’t going to crush his nutsack tonight after they have foreskin calamari.

>> No.54883498

You never answered me on how your sabbath yesterday was, we all noticed you missing.

>> No.54883504

Maybe le self should stop larping as a nazi and explain why paying le 68% premiums to le enemy is le smart and in accordance with your le nazi principles?

>> No.54883521
File: 837 KB, 1780x1442, AgBug_Space.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dunno which was Osborne, but I didn't see anything remarkable in the craftsmanship. Then again, I'm a total ignoramus in terms of the work involved. But they had North American mint make this one, and it really made me go, "Wow!"

>> No.54883530

It’s because of the foundation of this general. We’re a group that is focused on hard facts and evidence which influences our investment strategies. These boards have opened many minds to history, economics, and social influences especially in the last 110 years (using 1913 as an arbitrary metric) that has resulted in an intense confidence in wealth preservation and personal protection. This is why you see metals posted next to gardens, stores of food, and weaponry (among the occasional anime figurine stack guardian.)

Because of this it takes actual evidence contrary to our just understanding of the worlds currently uneasy position to bring about any kind of change in our perspectives. It doesn’t help that the FUD cast from our favorite Israeli is pants on head retarded.

>> No.54883538

I just like shiny rocks

>> No.54883579

Funny , because you posted 27 times that you were blocking me while responding to every factual post I made about paying huge premiums being le dumb

>> No.54883585 [DELETED] 

He's leading by example in ignoring you.
>Actually posting a second time to provoke a response.

>> No.54883595

I see those actively enlisted as the only ones that will put boots on the ground and even than I don’t see that happening peacefully. Expand that to the domestic population and either side of the aisle from the election denying trump supporters to those who actively voted for Biden have no interest in dying in another unjust war.

It will take an active invasion of the homeland or a 9/11-like false flag to drum up any willing conscripts. But shit, if the Chinese landed in San Francisco tomorrow I’d be grateful to see the bugmen liquidate the unending hordes of liberal faggots.

>more Americans are likely willing to trade the west coast for prime shovel face chink waifus and a political system that aligns with their values rather than actively fight to free California and the PNW from “foreign tyranny.”

>> No.54883596 [DELETED] 

Kek... scratch that.
Timing was perfect.

>> No.54883600

>It's because paying 88% to 32000% premiums is le smart. That's why we le block the authentic info we talk about constantly despite xirselfs blocking

>> No.54883621 [DELETED] 

> “Funny , because you posted 27 times”
>as he makes his 39th post

Death to Israel. All who respond reject the Talmud and pray that the Palestinians will exterminate the long nosed menace.

>> No.54883623

Gonna make new thread.

>> No.54883627

You like big losses to be in le secret club of losers

>> No.54883630

Lol. Also its like he doesn't understand thread ids or something.

>> No.54883655

It’s almost sad in a way. Someone is either hand writing these responses or has actively taken the time to construct a bot. Either way, the posts fail to do anything except splatter hummus-scented diarrhea on the best general on the Chans.

>> No.54883658
File: 36 KB, 758x379, 1671329122392739.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

New thread:

>> No.54883660

>It will take an active invasion of the homeland or a 9/11-like false flag to drum up any willing conscripts.
I personally think its far too late for that. The Social Contract in America is completely dead. There will be no more volunteers even if the Soviets were paradropping and there was a 9/11-scale attack daily.

>> No.54883667



>> No.54883673

are you the same as >>54883623 using e.g. aphone?

>> No.54883678
File: 3.78 MB, 4032x3024, goldstackstrio.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah I feel you. For you, I would just got a bunch of the 1s and use them I think
harder to ruin (pretty sturdy to be honest) and less valuable

>> No.54883680

Wanker. I said I was making a new thread.

>> No.54883682

This is the real thread go to


Ignore the 1pbid

>> No.54883716

Indeed, also see the 1pbid. Is this a new shilling tactic too? I only have seen this a last few months

>> No.54883765

You know, that sometimes happens to me even when I've been posting in these generals. I have my browser settings to not store any cookies, so if there's a blip in the internet it changes my ID. I've been accused of being a 1pbid thread man here when it's clearly not the case.

>> No.54883861

and another split AGAIN


>> No.54884215

Why is the demand for ASEs and Britannias so large compared to Roos or Philharmonics? Is it ease of use? I thought 1 troy oz = 1 troy oz..

>> No.54885183

The Covid vaccines are the mark of the beast.
These cryptocurrencies are just tools.. they are not evil or good just like a gun or a hammer.
Those who control them are the ones that are evil or good.
Bad people have controlled the digital dollars in bank accounts and the worthless fiat since 1914 in the US. But it didn’t have to be used as a system of control like it is now

>> No.54885211

Agreed. With BRICS threatening PMs and crypto - Japan, Hong Kong, China, Singapore being crypto friendly.. and the EU passing regulations that don’t ban it.. the US/west has no option but to embrace it and be the best at it. Not ban it and delay it and control it.