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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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54877690 No.54877690 [Reply] [Original]

My 19 year old sister brought a literal nigger into our house tonight. Her new boyfriend.

And I'm even talking about some "high class" black guy that's at least from a decent family. I mean like a literal, retarded nigger (he's 20) who's spent a year of high school in jail, who has tattoos, and who has broken like 4 of his phones in rage after smashing them, and broke the central console screen on his car after punching it in range (oh, and my sister got him that car, cosigned it because she had a good credit score). He also legitimately seems to have like an 80IQ after speaking to him. No college. I checked his instagram and his friends are all super ghetto. The only reason he even met my sister was in high school because white parents adopted him and raised him in this nice area (he still ended up a total nigger though).
We're from a middle-upper class family and a nice suburb.
The craziest thing is that SHE IS LITERALLY ACTING LIKE IT'S NOT A BIG DEAL AND IT IS COMPLETELY NORMAL. Like she's acting as if she brought home a respectable white man (or even a fucking asian or latino, anything but nigger) with a future or something, and not some ghetto ass hoodrat nigger. She's gaslighting my family like crazy. And my mom is totally on board with it (omg he had a rough life he was adopted we have to support him!!!), and my dad is pissed like me. It's bizarre how she and my mother are acting like this isn't completely fucking insane. They're literally gaslighting me and my dad like crazy. The fuck?

This is crazy. I actually have no words
Why the actual fuck are white women like this?

>> No.54877697

Didnt read BBC gang we UP!

>> No.54877701
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>white parents
>white man
>white women
How's the weather in Tel Aviv?

>> No.54877702

My sisters are racist
But im neighter an anglo nor american so thats that dont blame all white womans

>> No.54877707

Crazy how his BBC is going to be bounding her tight wet pussy while you post on /biz/

>> No.54877710

based nigger

>> No.54877718

You're nuts if you let anyone in your family do that. Whenever one of those things chimp out on their coal burner they don't just stop with her, sometimes they kill the entire white family too. You'll end up paying the toll too since you're too much of a bitch to slap some sense into her.

>> No.54877730

Good thing there's more than one of you huh
Nothing you can do other than the parents disowning her
Even then she's a goner

>> No.54877738

>(oh, and my sister got him that car, cosigned it because she had a good credit score)

please tell more, i need to know what kind of car and how big of a loan/interest rate we're talking here. who the fuck cosigns a car loan with a boyfriend. and not to blame your parents, but who lets their child make such a retarded financial decision?

>> No.54877763

>Why the actual fuck are white women like this?

It's unironically people brought up on Anglo globohomo media

>> No.54877776

> and broke the central console screen on his car after punching it in range

I have done this to my car

>> No.54877775
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Your sister is nightly having every one of her holes filled with BBC, you mother craves it as well. All you can do is post on /pol/ like a faggot little cuck, not even your dad has the balls to do anything.

>> No.54877777

It's because white people didn't join the kkk and you know it

>> No.54877788
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>> No.54877791
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The KKK glows and is overall a very gay organization.

>> No.54877798

Im sure you will end up sucking his dick you faggot

>> No.54877804
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>> No.54877807

You see, this is your brainwash in an Anglo country. Do Italy, Singapore, Japan, Switzerland ever have a KKK?

>> No.54877810
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Enjoy your new brother. pro tip: take an insurance for your TV/phone

>> No.54877811


>> No.54877813

Checked. Bring back the KKK and put the niggers in their place.

>> No.54877821

don't worry you will be the father figure of your nephews/nieces.

>> No.54877838


>> No.54877848
File: 2.25 MB, 2224x1251, Screenshot 2023-05-06 110115.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that s why i m dating my sister

>> No.54877936


>> No.54877937

They will need to eventually or bow down to the bbc

>> No.54877959
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jews did this

>> No.54877961

oop, forgot to say checked

>> No.54877963

RIP anon. your family line is over. wont be surprised if next holiday gathering the nig kills you and your parents and your sister.

>> No.54877967

Hopefully anon raises his mutt nephew.

>> No.54877987
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It s 2023 fren. and don t forget to pay 2M CA reparation to each former slave living there

>> No.54878952

>Israel hours

>> No.54879024

LARP but still the solution is simple: talk to your dad and you both beat the shit out of him and tell him to never come back. Use a lot of racial slurs before, during and after the aforementioned beating. Tell him to never come back or you'll break his fucking knees.

>> No.54879047

Just kill him, unironically.

>> No.54879056
File: 61 KB, 412x423, Race IQ gap by income.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stash crack in her room and be like mom I found crack in her room. Problem solved. Also pic related, niggers dont just stop being niggers when they get a comfy White family that takes care of them and has money, thats a leftist delusion.

>> No.54879065
File: 22 KB, 324x333, niggers-iq2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Another one I cant find shows rich niggers commit more crime than poor Whites.

>> No.54879182

>/biz/ - Business & Finance

>> No.54879223

Women are fucking stupid, big news

They will change their mind when she comes home with a bruise or stab wound

>> No.54879230

Set her up with me saar, I give many goat and chainlinks for wedding gift sir! It is going to moon we are going to make it sir!!!

>> No.54879231

You think thats works against a feral nigger? Lol lmao he will come back with his gang and burn your house or some shit

>> No.54879285

Yo dawg, Tyrone here. Chill men, ya sista is in good hands man, my nigga knows how to tream them cracka girls right

>> No.54879290

Fake story dumbass.

>> No.54879349
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Ouch.. anon I am so sorry I'd forget about her I would've just forget about it and keep on my life she's already done.

Your sister probably succumbed to porn I am so sorry. Never ever let your children to watch movies or music that are obviously portraying only blacks propaganda. Blackies are pretty selfish and racist towards other races we would never welcome those animals.

t. mexican

>> No.54879354

>le BBC took my sister

>> No.54879371

sure thing chang

>> No.54879387

1 post by this ID
Thread made almost like 5 hours ago
I wonder what OP tried to achieve by posting this and now showing up when getting answers

>> No.54879403

not like he'll have a choice, though it will most likely be his mom and dad raising several niglets after this one P&Ds her and does it again to a different coal burner. and she will let it happen again, just like you and your mom and dad. she'll have several bastards and no dads around. and that's the best case scenario. he might just beat the shit out of her at some point then you won't even have a sister. and he'll be out on the streets because they won't even set a bail amount.
many such cases.

>> No.54879413

Kill him. Unironically.
Offer to sell him a ps5 for 250, and tell him to meet you in a dimly lit parking lot at 2am.
Bring a gun

>> No.54879419

Tyrone and his homies would beat the shit out of a lone pussy ass white boy, and no white people want to hurt poor oppressed black people

>> No.54879438

It was a 40" vizio, those shits cost like $70 no cap.

>> No.54879456
File: 48 KB, 495x424, laksjdh8q34haf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Another one I cant find shows rich niggers commit more crime than poor Whites.
i think this has the information you are looking for, but the specific one you want was made using more recent data. unfortunately i can't find it right now

>> No.54879472

Mud shark inc

>> No.54879478

That's why you americucks are a cucked culture, LMAO. You think a russian would let some nigger date his sister and pretend like nothing is happening because netflix already brainwashed the whole population with interracial marriage/relationships? He'll call his friends , get a car, get some iron pipes and kill all of them niggers if they have to. No wonder why are you afraid of niggers and they control you, lol. But whatever let them defile your sisters if you're all so scared