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54873596 No.54873596 [Reply] [Original]

Why is Litecoin crashing??

>> No.54874081

Litewhat I no Bitcoin

>> No.54874091

No particular reason, Bitcoin showing uneasyness so theyre predicting it goes down. Litecoin holders are always more bearish than Bitcoin you can actually tell BTC will go down if LTC is going down first.
TLDR short BTC

>> No.54874104

Of note BSC defi is also taking a hit, so its alts in general it seems maybe save a few cases.

>> No.54874112
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Litecoin is going to be the settlement coin


>> No.54874120

Washtrading shitcoin trending to where it belongs. Zero.

>> No.54874128

Jep. CZ or whoever is responsible for listings fucked up gloriously. Shib in green thinking it could bring the base back when the base hates the eth cartel corpo crap and fades those peddling it

>> No.54874131

Angry Bitcoin baggie, possibly SBF on bail. Reminder LTC rocketed as soon as SBF went to prison and couldnt manipulate it anymore through FTX long liquidations using his system where he pushed the prices down to thresholds.

>> No.54874140

He does a really shitty job of promoting cake as the #1 most important thing, and everything tied to it.

>> No.54874144

It's possible to hate samjew, the shitcoin peddler from yesteryear and the eth corpo crapcoiners with their broken normies alike

>> No.54874147


>> No.54874150

Kek, dosent even deny it. Your shitcoin is going to zero baggie.

>> No.54874158
File: 5 KB, 200x202, mfw litecoin moon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also for anyone wondering, his FTX token was about to be accepted by visa and able to be spent in stores, exactly like Litecoin. He would show up in threads to troll LTC because he was threatened by it replacing Bitcoin and the response he would get is "I can spend LTC anywhere, why would I buy your shitcoin instead?" It drove him nuts, that LTC was genuinely better and he had no shill fud to throw against that so he was pursuing FTX doing the same thing. Its all so transparent.

Pic related, he got caught using it repeatedly in every thread and when called out, deleted his posts and changed his persona.

>> No.54874163

Cake kind of fucked itself. I really was under the impression that their devs saw how well nft vesting works with high emissions appealing to nft traders and shitcoiners alike. And they misjudged the aptos corpo turf. Dexes should never try to go multichain

>> No.54874176

I think Cake is just waiting to take off with the rest of the market and its old market cap ATH is inevitable. Once all the shitcoins start launching there itl take off with everyone else. It is the #2 BSC app at least as of years ago, #1 was Venus which zero people here used so really Cake was always #1. It should be a trading pair on Binance, you could trade all the BSC coins listed there against cake.

>> No.54874187

Doing this would also make an exclusive tab for BSC coins which is obviously desirable for Binance to pump the BNB price. CZ isnt as smart as hes given credit for.

>> No.54874222

I used venus plenty. Still a fan of narrow banking protocols for 0.x leveraged positions to hedge more degen positions
And i disagree on the cake needed to be a
base pair. It's in the end a governance and reward token. Eitherway CZ shooting down sam might have been noble in some way but came with a cost that starts to weight in on him. Pyrrhic victory only meth heads profited from, why I don't get that he gave those another win legitimizing shib in green with no normies around to buy bags or trade bags

>> No.54874311

Well I never heard a single person talk about venus but yea thats probably due to them all being degens and you not seeming to exist. Anyways yea venus had the highest TVL I think is what that was so big money tends to be more intelligent than cartoon cake users. I dont really keep up on what Cake does but its also used for gambling and prediction I think, they have their NFT market which burns more tokens. They decreased the emissions which is probably a bad thing, but its also possibly about seeking to be deflationary. I dont hold much of it, I actually hold a lot more Alpaca which is doing dogshit too. If you havent checked them out, the 3 main guys running it are extremely financially literate and competent. Theyre essentially keeping up on absolutely everything of importance that goes on in the market, if anyone on Eth makes a new thing take off they put the BSC version in on Alpaca. Recipe for success in my personal opinion, even if its not showing it right now in the price.

>> No.54874322

Also the top list went Venus, Cake, Alpaca Finance, Apeswap if I recall for a while. Apeswap is extremely degen and had ponzi tier rates, its pretty much in the toilet but could have a comeback. I dont hold any anymore. As far as the memecoins with no actual usecase, obviously thats cancer. He just wants to bring new people in with doge shit so they buy BNB to trade with.

>> No.54874341

it's prepping up
like how you prep up a slingshot

>> No.54874364

No new people in this economic environment. Only btc holders and traders and degen meth heads that are more than aware of the lack of suckers and go great length to astroturf the impression of popularity. Focusing on btc and the relation to the current banking crisis reminding normals about 2008 might be the most save and sound way forward

>> No.54874374

Because Kaspa took its place

>> No.54874409

Well Dogecoin was always as its real purpose an educational coin, it was designed to be safe and easy to use and a way for new people to be brought into crypto. Thats one reason whales manipulated it into taking off, to attract new buyers into BTC and everything else. Same reason CZ likes shitcoins with no purpose, normies buy them to fit in, then they buy stuff thats actually worth something later on when they trade Dogecoin for it. Supporting the doge/memecoin community is like taking their money and turning it into coins that arent useless.
Im hoping LTC stays down for a while. Ill buy 5 digits more of it when the money comes to me.

>> No.54874442

Like what do you do with a pet rock aka Dogecoin or anything, Pepe lets say. For a while you go hey I got a lot of Pepe. Hey thats worth a lot. Ha ha funny Pepe avatar token, this one says make memecoins great again.
Then you trade it for Eth or BNB or BTC, or LTC. Thats the next step.

>> No.54874507

That might have been the original idea but that one was astroturfed and peverted to the opposite. Eth fags and whales just made too much easy money on that fake narrative and are now in a cannibalization of liquidity riding it with the rest of the market into the ground leaving only burnt earth

>> No.54874552

I wouldnt disagree towards the end of the cycle that obviously the shitcoins became parasitic and ate into everyone elses gains. I guess thats what happens when the shitcoins are better converted into stablecoins than Bitcoin at 70k. In terms of takeoff economics, the last run was initiated by launching dogecoin much, much higher than it was supposed to be. Its still in the top 10, thats retarded. There are so many projects that actually *do things* but Doge is ahead of all of them. Its the same reason you could tell Chainlink was a fucking terrible buy when it was performing well last cycle, it was already far too high into the top 10. I judge if LTC is a buy or a sell based on what market cap rank it is relative to everything else. Sub top 10, obvious buy. Its 14 right now, it will go back at least to 7,6 probably 5. It belongs ahead of XRP in a conservative scenario, it belongs ahead of BTC in a realistic logical scenario but stupid people are illogical so yea not holding my breath even if I truly do believe that could happen, when the bitcoin mempool caps out.

>> No.54874630

Well I should be removing stablecoins as their market caps are irrelevant desu. So its 11.

XRP (should be below top 20)
Cardano (garbage, nothing needs to be said)
Lido staked ether also doesnt count, thats just Eth.
Dogecoin (too high)
Polygon (too high, blame jeets)
Solana (garbage)
Polkadot, I mean I dont know much about it. I know its not super relevant, but I also know it sort of does things and maybe has potential. I wouldnt scoff at it like other trash, such as XRP.
Tron (blew its reputation, cannot recover, Justin Suns bank account)

Then you have Litecoin. Being in favor of LTC first is as easy as considering literally all the other competition. Once you realize the purpose of crypto is to exchange value, you realize LTC is the obvious choice to fulfil that role. You realize its in all the ATMs, its everything BTC is like say a commodity according to Gary Gensler. Everything else is trash, LTC is what everyone would be buying if they werent sub 80 IQ niggers. When bitcoin hits its TPS cap because it cant scale, and it costs 100$ to send like Eth people will just shift over to LTC. Market cap values will transfer over, the ~5 7 10 15 billion or whatever its been at will just be the pre-pump flatline.

>> No.54874655

Yes. The utility and real innovation part of crypto got crippled with the state actor astroturfed campaigns and the opportunistic whales from the eth cabal and other corporate free riders. Iam unsure if the classic logic can be applied this year with rational market cap positions it's unlikely that the attacks will end anytime soon while the USA tries to juggle an economic crisis and 4 likely 5 proxy wars at the same time. Good part, stable coins could become less popular with them being tied to the hip to the US banking and bond crisis
On ltc its obviously mispriced but it would take a good flushout likely initiated by the sec officially serving eth foundation, xrp losing its case and normal people dumping their memecoins to get back to normal.

>> No.54874673
File: 57 KB, 968x778, bear-crab-bull-soyjak.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Every cycle has a meme associated with it, memecoins like dogecoin artificially started the pump and then we had defi innovation, also play to earn and NFTs to keep it going. I think it was a fake rally, manipulated and early. I think the people launching pepe and mumu and all these shitcoins are sort of onto that logic and they are trying to start another run early, but they will fail and were looking at another year of crab.

>> No.54874737

I don't trust them. Either they have no freaking idea what they are doing with the /biz/ dog whistling and the already corpocrized and abandoned memes every real user hates because they got spammed and misappropriated for fake advertising or what I consider more likely they are disingenuous scammers pure scammers that realize that /biz/ is the only hold out left and thought easy money scamming them with what they consider (((4chan))) memes.

Crab is very likely and I don't mind it, because it could flush those retards not knowing what they do or being scammers on purpose out

>> No.54874741

I gotta take a shit but everything else I just said plus it has 72 tps or something, 68 I forget. It has 9.something times as many TPS it can handle as bitcoin and that means it should be #1. Bitcoin cannot scale. This is why BCH and BSV existed and they didnt do their job so guess what, LTC will.

>> No.54874761

Everyone knows everything except for bitcoin is a scam, and bitcoin isn’t even used for it’s intended purpose, the existing hashrate is purely out of speculation. At best you could call it say your investing in a future where bitcoin actually does something other than sit in a wallet. This is why all technically superior forks/coins like LTC have failed to overtake it. It’s not actually about the tech.

>> No.54874945

>Cardano (garbage
Opinion discarded imagine being retarded

>> No.54874971

Go back reddit fag. You and your hillbilly scammers are not welcome here

>> No.54874988
File: 55 KB, 800x450, list of cardano dapps.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.54875177

No u
>Op id
That means ur a gay faggot
>Basho 2 ill id
Basho is pretty ill, hydra is live on main net now. Cardano will win and (((you))) will rope
>Verification not required.

>> No.54875244

>(((Meme)))lords still trying to turf
Make an ada general like the lunc baggies and xrp shizos

>> No.54875315
File: 43 KB, 717x465, cardano lol.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.54875321
File: 348 KB, 1080x1868, cardano ded.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.54875322


>> No.54875325
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>> No.54875333
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>> No.54875347
File: 557 KB, 1569x852, Cardano-Defi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The greentext quote at the bottom, about how defi is useless and nobody can expect to make a bunch of money on cardano from liquidity pools etc.

>> No.54875355
File: 403 KB, 1080x870, you cant make a dapp on cardano.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>centralized app approval

>> No.54875361
File: 440 KB, 1242x1348, angry charl cant code.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Charl cant code.

>> No.54875376
File: 430 KB, 2400x1350, cardano 1 tps.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1tps, no complex defi legos, no flash loans etc

>> No.54875385

how does one end up with a worse ethereum WITHOUT any usage affecting the capacity of the network?

>> No.54875386
File: 1.81 MB, 1659x978, cardano-nigs.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And youre pretty much exit liquidity for Africa. Tranny dev, list goes on. Dont pretend Cardano isnt jewed.

>> No.54875387

>24/45 pbtid
Jesus this board is fucking dead

>> No.54875398

Get lost memelord

>> No.54875406

I double and triple post.

>> No.54875411

Cope & seethe. This is a single poster LTC thread with one person just seething about cardano. Both are truley dead

>> No.54875417

Everything is crashing, it'll go back up

>> No.54875428
File: 309 KB, 690x731, charl-turdano.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I said Cardano was garbage without anything else needing to be said and before swapping your IP with a VPN you challenged the idea Cardano was garbage, inviting me to explain reasons its in fact garbage. So I gave you proof, and now Im seething. I dont hold any crapdano why would I be mad.

>> No.54875431

Get lost memeWORD edge lord

>> No.54875671

>this thread
levels of cope and delusion only seen in link bagholders these days

imagine being in crypto and holding something that's only lost value against bitcoin since 2013
might as well have bought any stock instead

>> No.54875686

Link is to this day 1600% up in sats compared to the previous last cycle top
What is it with this link hate boner. Performed better since 2017 than any other altcoin. Eth included

>> No.54876062

link will never be a crypto

>> No.54876078

Where did you read the word (((decentralized))) or are you some jew york jew from ct that doesn't know what gt is

>> No.54876115

LINK is not a crypto it's a virtual currency just like XRP

>> No.54876374

Wut I read your words but they don't make sense. The chainlink token is a reward token for stakers and distributed node operators

>> No.54876895

So that Zcash can take its rightful spot.