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54874790 No.54874790 [Reply] [Original]

Unironically I don’t understand how poorfags cope. I’m sitting on the deck on a beautiful day on my lakefront property, it just feels so fucking good not being poor.

I’m not trolling or being ironic, I would be suicidal 24/7 if I was still poor. I don’t know how poorfags do it, I don't understand how they can look themselves in the mirror knowing they WORRY about how much the register is going to read at the grocery store when they literally do something as basic as buy food to feed themselves. It must be a degrading and humiliating experience.

I just keep watching my home equity skyrocket, I watch my investment accounts moon, it’s like welfare for rich people, I literally don’t have to lift a finger and the amount of wealth I have goes up. It feels so fucking good not being broke.

>> No.54874827

You're still an incel though kek

>> No.54874852
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>> No.54874853


>> No.54874859

I've been up and I've been down and it definitely feels better being up lol. Enjoy these times my fren and make sure you have a backup plan irt location.

>> No.54874871

Your downfall will come eventually, maybe not financially but in the form of cancer or being put into a lonely goalless existence. Stay humble or God will make you humble.

>> No.54874930

>I watch my investment accounts moon, it’s like welfare for rich people, I literally don’t have to lift a finger and the amount of wealth I have goes up. It feels so fucking good not being broke.
This is financial advice. Based.

>> No.54875010

This became an obvious LARP at the lackfront property part. The last line about watching your assets appreciate heavily and "welfare for rich people" confirms that you don't understand what the current economy is like and shows that your agenda is to agitate people against the wealthy.

This is cope. It's own nothing and be happy but with Jesus. It's petulant envy that ascribes some justice onto a greater God or karma that is all powerful so that you don't have to bear the responsibility of your anti-success, anti-life position nor do you have to explain why anything bad would happen because "God will take care of it."

>> No.54875062


>> No.54875072

Kek what a cope

>> No.54875075

>doesn’t post a view from his gorgeous lakefront property
Whatever larping ass brokefag

>> No.54875092
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>I don’t understand how poorfags cope
Quite a few of them cope the same way they coped in the Roman Empire. You can see some examples of this on /biz/ lately.

>> No.54875099

>they WORRY about how much the register is going to read at the grocery store when they literally do something as basic as buy food to feed themselves
kek this, when you spend time around poorfags (I used to be one tbf) you have to listen to them occupy their minds with the most inane bullshit
>ugh bro my car broke this morning that's gonna cost me at least $1k to fix and my kids need clothes
>holy heck my mortgage is going up $5k a year bro the world is ending
Poorfags are basically subhuman, they don't have the same level of sapience as the rich because they're too busy making sure the heating is only in one room at a time etc.

>> No.54875108

Wow, we even got one of them in this very thread: >>54874871

>> No.54875124


Exactly, they’ll do things like throw a tantrum if you left a lightbulb on for too long LMAO. Poorfags are low sentience.

>> No.54875131

>I don’t understand how poorfags cope.
i have friends and sex

>> No.54875142

>I don’t understand how poorfags cope
Robbing/mugging rich.
Its mesmerizing watching them cough blood on the pavement, pure terror in the eyes of pampered man-child that considered himself your better just moments ago.

>> No.54875201
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>It's own nothing and be happy but with Rabbi Yeshua, the son of Yahweh

>> No.54875334

Yes, but from the sounds of it, you’re too caught up in the materials of this world. You’ll be dead before you know it. Nothing will matter for this short and temporary time you are on Earth. Most poor people have the luxury of knowing God, something you may never know.

Oh, and don’t be surprised it’s all taken from you in an instant. Pride always comes before the fall.

>> No.54875464

I'll never forget my absolute lowest moment as a poorfag. This was around seven years ago, a few days before Christmas. I was broke as fuck and went to the liquor store to drown my sorrows. It was a family-owned store and they had a daughter of about eight years old running around. I was in line at the register, and when they ran my debit card, it was declined. The lady handed it back to me, and suddenly her little girl shouts, "UH-OH, LOOKS LIKE SANTA CLAUS PUT YOU ON THE NAUGHTY LIST!!" Everyone behind me in line laughed. It was probably the most humiliating moment of my life.

>> No.54875488

Look up some old Reverend Ike sermons on YT for the exact reverse of these teachings. Most based Christian minister ever.

>> No.54875502
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>> No.54875519

Absolutely fucking based

>> No.54875602

We were out on this earth for 2 things. To rralise how insignificant we are, and to realise how important we are.

But you can't realise how important you are unless you first realise how insignificant you are. Otherwise it becomes ego.

Once you have completed these 2 steps, you may encounter some challenges but your death will come shortly after so you can finally be free.

>> No.54875822

I'm so dead inside that I would feel zero embarassment. I'm incapable of giving a shit anymore.

>> No.54875931

> I would be suicidal 24/7 if I was still poor
That’s pretty much how it feels. I have zero hope. That or implement coping strategies (which most people do if you think about it).

>> No.54875942

>I’m sitting on the deck on a beautiful day on my lakefront property
Post pic, should be easy if this isn't a larp

>> No.54875977

Damn anon eerily similar to my lowest. Back in 2019, also Christmas time. I tried buying like 4 items from the supermarket and my card was declined. An old lady sensed my embarrassment and paid for me, wished me a Merry Christmas. She looked at me like a charity case. I felt so shit. Luckily an 8 yr old didn't roast me.

>> No.54875993

God that's almost worse than leaving without the items. You have no dignity at that point.

>> No.54875996

well this is a lot better then the usual "i made it but im still unhappy". or "i'm stuck in 6 figure hell" demoralization posts

>> No.54876042
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uhh.. yeh I guess, thanks anon

>> No.54876187

based. also 1 million today is nothing.

>> No.54876197
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I don't want to be poor, and gambling in the stock market is the only way I can make it.

>> No.54876218

You can run on for a long time...
Run on for a long time...
Run on for a long time...
Sooner or later God'll cut you down

>> No.54876233

Let’s see a picture of the lake or LARP

>> No.54876236

I dont even have enough to gamble in the stock market...

>> No.54876587
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>It feels so fucking good not being broke.
Being broke is fucking insane. I mean, how can I afford to go on expensive trips, fuck some sexy latinos and pay for my flight's tickets with Alternative airline

>> No.54876615

You don't need to have enough to make it. my $40 on PEPE turned to 4k and I'm not relenting on throwing some bucks into low caps like CHUNKS, WOJAK and MONG. You just need one strong pump to change your life khunt.

>> No.54876616

Being brokes not so bad. What's not fun at all is riding that thin line between homelessness and making enough rent payments to avoid eviction. Being broke is a very enjoyable simple way to live

>> No.54876637

This. With less money you have an opportunity to make extremely high risk high reward plays, losing a twenty or two, even if poor, isn't as big a deal as losing tens of thousands. Once you hit five figures that's when you need to hedge your position and play safe.

>> No.54876747

some people are so poor, the only thing the have is money

>> No.54877116

lol I was trying to commiserate with you, didn't mean to make you feel worse

>> No.54877138
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I do it for my daughter

>> No.54877402

>doxing yourself
sounds like youre just coping

>> No.54877503

>look up the writings of some communist who said some good things, most based communist ever
>this shows communism is good for you
That's the logic you're using. If you search long enough you can cherry pick and find exceptions to the rule in anything.