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File: 5 KB, 586x290, chainlink.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
54873086 No.54873086 [Reply] [Original]

>inb4 nice blogpost
when is this shit finally going to take off into the hundreds? I'm a single dad and put everything I had into it in 2017 without my then wife knowing. She left us because she turned mental and won't be back. Everything I earn goes towards my son. I can't kill myself cus he's just a toddler. I'm not sure how much longer I can take it.

>> No.54873104

Tonight, strap in!

>> No.54873177

Same bro. I'm a dad, not single though. It's been tough but I still have some links left to survive for another year. Hopefully things get better then. My 7k links will be staked forever

>> No.54873198

you're a dad. your entire fucking life is "how long you can take it".
stupid soft faggot take 5 minutes to think about what your ancestors went through.

>> No.54873201
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same boat. been selling some each year to cover bills. hope i have enough to matter by the time this FUCKING SHIT goes up.

>> No.54873233

Not this year at least, Sergey himself admitted that he has no big plans for the rest of the year. Hope you're ready to be strapped in for another 3-5 years while everything else moons around you.

>> No.54873256

It sucks so fucking much. I do not care about build, scale or this crippled staking shit. I want the real deal. How many buzzwords are left? I always thought the radio silence and backdoor marketing was awesome and would result in something mindblowing. Now they pump out "the next big feature" announcement after another and nobody cares. The new year announcement in 2022 with CCIP... I almost wet myself "this ist the year". what a huge letdown that was,holy shit.

>> No.54873290

kek dad of 2, link was my “all in” and if I picked anything else my kids could go to private school and eat better. If this fails, Sergey will have to fall on the sword

>> No.54873300

>wen take off
when sergey will quit dumpîng
aka never

>> No.54873363

Did you take your kid to see the mario movie

>> No.54873776

What do other cryptos have going for them thats better than chainlinks progress? Why is chainlink held to a higher standard?

>> No.54873791

Because we said so

>> No.54873794
File: 159 KB, 996x1723, 640406C6-25B2-4D7C-86F2-194AE3C129C0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he bought a premined altcoin with ponzi tier tokenomics
Anon….you got scammed

>> No.54873822
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>> No.54873861

Every new shitcoin (launched after 2022), has de facto higher upside potential than Chainlink.
>Why is chainlink held to a higher standard?
Ask the holders since they're the ones refusing to accept this altcoin isn't special.

>> No.54873879

>my premined shitcoin is....LE AMAZON!
why do shitcoiners say this? It's beyond pathetic, accept your loss and move on. All altcoin are scams the sooner you realize this the better you're off

>> No.54873933

>Just wait another 10-20 years.
>Meanwhile fucktards get rich with a meme frog coin

>> No.54873971

This is fud anyway, it took another 7 fucking years from there for Amazon to 10x.

Who is going to hold this shitcoin for 7 more years with each year getting not even a 2x on average?

>> No.54873980

only people getting rich from pepe are the discord scammer fags who made it, retard

>> No.54874031
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>> No.54874125
File: 112 KB, 939x1479, Screenshot 2023-05-06 at 17.56.41.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bought more today frfr

>> No.54874143

Dumbass. Your argument doesn’t work when projects that launched in 17 are on v3 versions and Sergey just start working on beta versions.

>> No.54874149
File: 396 KB, 540x564, Link-BTC.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

never underestimate the mental gymnastics shitcoiners go through.

Some Linkies are willing to hold their premined scam token for more than a decade even if it means they end up -99% in sats

>> No.54874152

Sack up pussy

>> No.54874270

you are mentally deranged and you will never breed

>> No.54874377

Stop coping. Sergey failed to deliver CCIP and real staking when he promised last year. The market reacted accordingly and has priced this shitcoin where it deserves to be, which in my estimation is still around 10x its fundamental value.

>> No.54874383

Idk I’m just never selling is all

>> No.54874480

>Sergey failed to deliver CCIP and real staking when he promised last year. The market reacted accordingly and has priced this shitcoin where it deserves to be
By that logic ETH and ADA should be out of the top 50 lmao

>> No.54874487

Kek i knew this would trigger (You) faggots

>> No.54874491

yes anon, you're holding the new Amazon

You'll get rich...in just 2 more decades ;)

>> No.54874543

That sounds great. Im already rich off all the other meme shit i bought.

>> No.54874890

ChainLink as a company has the most well financed enemies of any company in the history of mankind. Its not held to a higher standard, its artificially suppressed by the people who it will replace. The only question is how long can/will they last? People who tell me to take meds in response to this are paid shills.

>> No.54874924

So two more weeks.

>> No.54874978

no ur not, stinkie :}

>> No.54875059

Where did the X$/LINK/month thing come from? Post the math.

>> No.54875738
File: 415 KB, 480x760, 328231.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Bulgarians, JUMP, the MEV mafia and the WEF are suppressing my rank 23 bags because they are okay?!?!?!

>> No.54875749


>> No.54875807

are you posting about Pepe?

>> No.54875971
File: 919 KB, 1125x1815, IMG_0812.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.54876251

>Why is chainlink held to a higher standard?
This. Linkcucks don't realize that Chainlink is just another shitcoin, nothing special

>> No.54876547

Eth has a whole ecosystem for people to use. Link doesn’t have anything.

>> No.54876757

it will happen when the market becomes serious without rampant scams. aka long way to go

>> No.54876851

I like how you can tell in the last few years fud went from bored holders making hilarious copy pasta like the technomachinations one to outright insanity only calling people cuckolds with extremely low effort poor quality pics of basedjack and the chainlink logo. I read almost the same replies word for word on every link thread posted. Whoever this person or people are are trying so absurdly hard to make me reconsider my investment. At least come up with some fun fud guys. Oh right chainlink is actually unfuddable now so only swearing and abuse is your tactic kek

>> No.54876854


>> No.54876918

they're deranged bagholders who lost their minds "losing" a large amount of money because they think the ATH valuation was money they actually owned and was taken from them, rather than an outlier fluctuation in a volatile market.
They're stupid, myopic, high time preference and emotional, which means they were never going to make it anyway. Stumbling onto Chainlink was a fluke for people like that.
Think about why they are fixated on cuckoldry specifically. Fears of shame, weakness and being dominated. Obsessive fixations on those emotions. These bottom tier losers could have sold at $50 and they still would have nothing, because they lack any of the fundamental virtues that make a person decent or worthwhile.
But facing that is too painful so they take their own fears and project them outward, blaming other LINK holders for their "loss", incapable of seeing it rationally because the rational truth is too unbecoming for their own, already terrible, self-image.

>> No.54877429

How do we get him thrown in jail though? Im not a cuckold like how guys like you are. If anyone else here is serious about this Im willing to throw at least 5 figures at lawyers to get our money back. Guys like me dont take well to getting scammed.

>> No.54877446

Its beyond cringe. Amazon actually had a tangible product. This is a fucking joke

>> No.54877499

>le wall of cope

Are you high? Can you make some posts on here on how you live the lie? Would be fascinating to see how people live like this.

>> No.54877630

>Between $1 and $7 per month
Yeah, no.
$1/ month = $12 year which at 5% apy implies a price of $240
$7/ month = $84 year which at 5% apy implies a price of $1680

That price range isn't a reasonable target for the next couple of months
You're welcome.

>> No.54877688

Build tokens? Still bullshit

Strong projection

>> No.54877765

Kek, why is this picture so accurate? This is exactly the image that comes to mind when imagining LINKers. What a bunch of sad, angry little men.

>> No.54877867

they are all incel cuckolds but they are also obese

>> No.54877900

how can those kek baggies be obese when they poor as fuck bro

>> No.54877998

take your medication, b1tch

>> No.54878417

Yes, absolutely. The fudders pathological fixation with cuckoldry specifically, is an extreme form of projection. They are trying to be as insulting as possible, and where does their mind go? To being sexually sidelined and dominated.

>> No.54878583

Build is a nothingburger.
There's 22.5 million LINK tokens staked right now.

If tokens from the build program accounted for $1 of monthly rewards for each LINK token staked, there would have to be $270 million worth of tokens added into the program each year. That's not happening anytime soon.

>> No.54878715

Yep it’s bullshit. I imagine much of the build projects will have thin liquidity and no real market value

>> No.54878797

>I imagine
Thanks, anon. I normally go along with whatever strangers imagine. You're the best and not a fudder how dare anyone think that

>> No.54878863

Just doing some more maths on that.
$270M would represent say 3% of all the Build Project participant's supply
So the total worth of all the projects in the scheme would need to be 33x this, which is $8.91 Billion.
How many projects will there be in the the Build scheme after 1 year? Shall we say 50?
So $8.91B / 50 would give us the required average market cap of each project which is $178.2M
That's actually quite a low figure for a MC, and if web3 finance begins taking off it could be a lot higher.
Ouch. Not looking good for non-stakers. Countering analysis welcome as there may have been something i'm missing, but plain old shouty fud will be mocked.

>> No.54878870

*unzips penis*

The usual discord nufudders are actually a lower form of life than unpaid internet janitors:
>constantly making 50+ pbtid fudding in discussion threads over 10+ hours whenever they're up
>the rest of the time they seem to be seething, samefagging, and monitoring in up to 6 fud threads at any one time during their "rush hour"
>sometimes when they're really upset because no one takes them seriously, they'll spam the board with nikado avacado's asshole threads
>they have been doing this possibly since 2021, when a lot of them bought the top and never recovered
>others lost their stacks on bancor and celsius
>some even think that they're "fighting the wef" by posting on here - yes they're that retarded
>lets be generous with the math and say that they've only done this for five days a week (including holidays) for one year (50x52=2600 hours spent doing this maybe, not including the time they've spent making low quality memes and looking at pictures of the best cock cages to use)
>all over an apparently shitty and unimportant crypto
>on a board that doesn't even affect the prices
>all for FREE

>> No.54879222

>if web3 finance begins taking off
Thanks sirs, I normally go along with whatever strangers speculate. You're the best and not a paid shill, how dare anyone think that.

>> No.54879254

checked and lets assume it doesn't. We'll still easily reach those figures i set out. Look at Coinmarketcap, it's full of utter shite that's of no use to anyone, and the MCs are way higher than $178M
Linkies are going to be so fucking rich and there's not a damn thing you can do about it kek
PS. And this is all quite aside from staking rewards. Fudders so btfo it's hilarious

>> No.54879259

damn thats accurate

>> No.54879260
File: 94 KB, 1125x1107, 1648286464164.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Be happy she left and didn't stick around to make your life new kinds of hell.

>> No.54879317

what is this red herring? there are also a lot of worthless crap that didn't even manage to reach even $10M

>> No.54879390

>there are also a lot of worthless crap that didn't even manage to reach even $10M
Yes, and that's because it's super easy to spin up a blockchain and generate tokens. Any retard can see that if a project is joining Build then 2 things: 1. Chainlink Team won't just approve any old crap, there will have to be something useful there so some DD will be done beforehand, and
2. The projects themselves will be of a certain calibre. There's not much point in launching a pump & dump and giving away 3% of your supply to another party.
For sure, quite a few won't make it, but I think the smart money can see that the AVERAGE will easily be at least in the region of $178M
Even if the maths were out somewhat, this is still serious money and it's basically free to anons in the community pool, over and above anything else.
You're retarded if you don't see it, but we all know you do see it and are fudding.
Thanks for the opportunity to hammer my points home :)

>> No.54879467

>Chainlink Team won't just approve any old crap
>The projects themselves will be of a certain calibre
judging by their partners (NEXO, Celsius, Bancor) and the countless scamcoin integrations promoted by the team (MOAB, Lady Luck) this statement is unfounded and at best naive, there is zero reason to believe any DD is being done for BUILD selection.
thanks for your rampant bullish speculative drivel anon, I'm sure you've managed to encourage a couple idiots to keep holding.

>> No.54879481

I sold 10k lines at $40. I ve been buying it all back at 6-7. It's ok to take profit.

>> No.54879486

Wtf are you checking?? This place makes me sick these days, makes me want to sell FUCK YOU

>> No.54879503


>> No.54879530

Ok I hear you but Space and Time alone which is basically GRT on steroids is going to rip past $1B mcap. Let’s just say it only hits $1B and if stakers only get 1% of that then that’s equivalent to an additional 44% on your money. So with just 1 project APY is now over 49%.

The chances that

1) more than 50 projects join BUILD, SCALE, and pay for services and
2) at least 10% of those reach mcaps of $100MM+

I would say are very high.

GMX by the way at just 1% distributed to stakers gets another 10.5% and that is actually guaranteed at this point.

So really it’s quite hard to believe anything less than 55% on staker investment is coming, and I would not be surprised to see at least a 100% return.

Although I do generally agree with the concept that most of these projects will fail to achieve meaningful market cap. The thing is, that just doesn’t matter.

>> No.54879545
File: 9 KB, 642x371, 1536377271546.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

c-c-c-checked :DDD

>> No.54879866

It went to $50, that was it. It then halved but went back if you missed it the first time. Better luck next time I guess

>> No.54879881

Im also a dad. And Im so tired. I just want it to start.

>> No.54879903

And you shill an unneeded shitcoin at great personal expense. Ya blew it.

>> No.54879915

>single dad
>Invests everything in something he still knows nothing about even after ~6 years
>wife turned 'mental'
>is bad dad
>should be ashamed
she saw the red flags and abandoned your genetic lineage as a failure

>> No.54879919

based wife, hope she's enjoying Tyrone's dick now.

>> No.54879936

Waiting for institutional investment green light.

>> No.54879939

I bought at 50 cents
I have lost no money
I believe the best is yet to come

>> No.54879975
File: 113 KB, 1015x725, 1682141371180850.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"at great personal expense"
>for holding a coin which is now 50-60x above my dca
sorry fudcuck but not everyone's experience of link is buying the top in 2021 and gambling it all on lending platforms / selling at a loss while missing out on shitcoin pumps
i know it's probably hard for a coombrain retard like you to imagine anything else but if you figure it out one day you'll understand why you're mostly ignored on here when you aren't being laughed at, spammed, and told to fuck off

>> No.54879982
File: 9 KB, 222x175, MV5BNDUwMjQ3MzQwM15BMl5BanBnXkFtZTcwMDAzNjUyNA@@._V1_~2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lmao at the cope of increaingly fictitious buy in prices

>> No.54879999

post portfolio. Everyone writes the same cope about buying in at the ICO which is even sadder considering the price has dropped 90% from its ath and shows no sign of recovering anytime soon.

>> No.54880008
File: 45 KB, 1045x425, whoa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>people who bought in 2018 don't exist sweaty its just a myth!
quick! better back yourself up! make sure to actually switch ids this time

>> No.54880023
File: 81 KB, 1433x527, jesus christ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

THERE'S the samefag

>> No.54880030

chaincuck baggies truly are mentally ill. Sad to see, bullying them is still a tonne of fun.

>> No.54880037


Lmao they can't help themselves.

>> No.54880065
File: 15 KB, 424x283, travolta.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>gets absolutely rekt by a dude 6 figures in the green from link alone while he's stuck in his basement for 10 hours a day posting fud on biz
>"t-this is what winning at 'bullying' looks like"

>> No.54880069

I got rekt how? You still haven't posted your folio, LARPer.

>> No.54880096
File: 190 KB, 600x616, 165440462142382.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>j-jump through my hoops linkie
why would i care about proving anything to some retard caught samefagging to fud a token he doesn't hold?

>> No.54880131

I haven't seen a fudder post a single image of their holdings or folio in the long years i have been here. I've seen many linkies post their stacks.
Not a single fudder has ever actually proven a 6+ figure net worth. Not even one.

>> No.54880319

you're an angry baggie, aren't you?

>> No.54880453

>judging by their partners (NEXO, Celsius, Bancor)
These companies failed because the individuals running them were crooks, and that is not the fault of Chainlink. You know this.
Also, the companies you mentioned were worth many billions and so if we get anywhere near those sort of evaluations we'll be unbelievably wealthy. In addition, those companies were all promising unsustainable returns which the market has now learned from.
Your argument rings very weak. Link holders are going to be laughing all the way to the bank while idiots like you seethe n cope, foaming at the mouth and wishing you had afforded to buy more.

>> No.54880461

They're all Link maxis kek

>> No.54880490

The usual discord nufudders are actually a lower form of life than unpaid internet janitors:
>constantly making 50+ pbtid fudding in discussion threads over 10+ hours whenever they're up
>the rest of the time they seem to be seething, samefagging, and monitoring in up to 6 fud threads at any one time during their "rush hour"
>sometimes when they're really upset because no one takes them seriously, they'll spam the board with nikado avacado's asshole threads
>they have been doing this possibly since 2021, when a lot of them bought the top and never recovered
>others lost their stacks on bancor and celsius
>some even think that they're "fighting the wef" by posting on here - yes they're that retarded
>lets be generous with the math and say that they've only done this for five days a week (including holidays) for one year (50x52=2600 hours spent doing this maybe, not including the time they've spent making low quality memes and looking at pictures of the best cock cages to use)
>all over an apparently shitty and unimportant crypto
>on a board that doesn't even affect the prices
>all for FREE

>> No.54880522

>Everyone who fuds chainshit must be part of our incel cult.
The delusion is unbelievable. Never bought chainlink in my life, never will.

>> No.54880551

>ATH valuation was money they actually owned
it's a liquid asset (then more than now of course). it is money you own since you can instantly exchange it. your decision to not do so is the same as selling and immediately reinvesting at the top (ignoring taxes). everything else is mental bookkeeping and typical retail mental gymnastics. not surprising to find this financial illiteracy in link threads

>> No.54880575

its especially important to note that these same shills tell you to focus on the price at all times
so many thread they make they themselves become a price oracle, oh the irony
but the price of the token is absolutely meaningless to the growth and adoption of the network, so the metrics to focus on are integrations and data requests
still sucks enormously for us tho as we do care a lot about price

>> No.54880583

Yes, in fact every planck second you are effectively selling and rebuying in some kind of shrödinger quantum superposition of every single possible action on every possible timeline playing out at once.
But sometimes it's just easier not to sell and to wait for the 4IR.

>> No.54880611

Yes you have and that is why you spend your time in Link threads. We all know this.

>> No.54880634

sorry bro, my folio is split between ICP, ETH and AVAX because I'm trying to pick actual winners.

>> No.54880656


>> No.54880669

lol you may want to actually look into that.

In fact, ETH's ecosystem is perfectly interchangeable with the ecosystem of any other smart contract blockchain.
Chainlink's ecosystem on the other hand is only safe with Chainlink, all other oracles are worthless and fail constantly.

>> No.54880723

take responsibility for your actions (greed in this case). there was plenty of time to sell, it was your decision not to. own it

>> No.54880736

Imagine crying over someone else's spilled milk.

>> No.54880761

I do own it, I'm not the one ranting about Chainlink on a daily basis lmao. I own it along with every single decision I ever made. I'm not the one that's so upset, though.

>> No.54881650

>single dad
great job being scammed!

>> No.54881671

Except that Flare makes chainlink not needed

>> No.54882184

2 words.

>> No.54882433

The memes now are actually great and reflect the reality of a failed cult. You can tell by the way your post was written how bad they have gotten to you. You are shook, and it shows.

>> No.54882460

L M A O. Incoherent back of envelope “projection”. Embarassing. The best part of the reality is watching smug faggots like you scramble to present a confident front. But we both know thats what it is, a front.

>> No.54882467

>chainlink team wont approve crap
>ftx, celsius, bancor, volt inu, Lady Luck

LOL can I have what youre smoking? A cuckold and his money are soon parted

>> No.54882652

I sure am, but taking care of my son and working a shitty job that barely pays the bills takes every bit of energy I have left.
I'm suprised that my thread is still up.

>> No.54882708

>hundreds equals 50$

If I could have "made it" at 50, we wouldnt be in this thread.
>Inb4 take profits
I might have sold at 100 to set up my sons future as I dont care about mine anymore.

>> No.54882811

If that repeats then I'll be stinking rich. What are YOU smoking? Do you know how much FTX, celsius and Bancor's token supplies were worth?

Bloody hell you're shit at fudding kek

>> No.54882844

which part of it did you disagree with? let me hear your breakdown.
If you don;t do it you'll be laughed at by everyone for being crap

>> No.54883422

>If someone had bought 10,000 shares of Amazon (AMZN) in 1998 at its initial public offering (IPO) price of $18 per share, they would have invested $180,000.

>As of May 6, 2023, the price of one share of Amazon is around $3,600. So, 10,000 shares would be worth around $36,000,000 today.

>This calculation does not take into account any fees or taxes that may have been incurred during the buying and selling of the shares.

>> No.54884090

It fucking sucks but it is what it is.
The reason I bought in is because it isn't a shitcoin, it's a utility token that when fully realised will perform a number of amazing services that will revolutionise the financial industry.
Nothing has changed in terms of the scope and potential of the project, if anything it keeps getting stronger with the CCIP proof of concept they had with Swift going into BETA in the near future and bigger and bigger partnerships being announced.
I don't believe that the price is being particularly suppressed, I just think that big money isn't interested in accumulating something that isn't currently delivering on anything substantial. There are a shitload of nations developing CBDC's, when these start appearing I believe we will start to see major movement in the value of crypto as a whole but especially Chainlink because the more that blockchain goes mainstream the more use it will provide.