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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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54872110 No.54872110 [Reply] [Original]

is AI going to make the economy better or worse?

>> No.54872117

Better for companies, worse for wagies.

>> No.54872152

Better for the *elites*, worse for everyone else.

>> No.54872158

I think I'll follow my own advice and make an ai comics actually
That idea cost $0

>> No.54872175

Worse because it won't actually do most jobs better but companies will slash every budget

>> No.54872178


>> No.54872195


AI is deflationary as it increases efficiency of production and resource procurement (which you may or may not personally benefit from depending on how much luddites appeal to you).

>> No.54872206
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AI is and will put a shit ton of businesses out of business.

>> No.54872229
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Tay's Law. AI is a meme. Look at all of the FUD surrounding AI. They are terrified AI will start noticing patterns. That is why They want to shut it down. AI as it exists now is little more than calculator that works faster than a human could do the same work. AI is just another sort of useful software.

>> No.54872238

Such as?

>> No.54872386

how ?

>> No.54872405

It will make it better, already seeing that in metaverse via altstatemachine.

>> No.54872411

AI is gonna fuck everything up for the masses, wagies will earn half as much as they do now doing some job that just touches up the work done by an AI. We’re all fucked. Only way out of it is making CEOs heads roll and politicians hanging from lamp posts

>> No.54872414

Have you ever considered that an actual human is a thousand times more powerful than an AI?

>> No.54872429

That is my point. AI is a meme. It's basically a calculator that does a few jobs faster than a human.

>> No.54872434

What job do wagies do now that will be replaced by AI?

>> No.54872436

Yes, but have you considered what a human is capable of thinking?

>> No.54872451

Anything to do with graphic design

>> No.54872480

probably a lot of paper work and middleware consulting people. I know for a fact at my large company one of the biggest pains is trying to figure out who to contact for specific niche IT support requests. But ai could literally wipe out half of these offshore jeets

>> No.54872492

You must be 18 to post here

>> No.54872494

and 10 thousand times more expensive

>> No.54872523

A very narrow band of the population is capable of actual thought. Most are NPCs reacting to stimuli. Of the people who do think, half of them have bad ideas.

Not entirely. I run a design studio. However, yes, most wagies are useless and should be replaced.

Right, so more useless people replaced by AI. Why is this a problem? No one goes to a construction site and demands all of the workers use hand tools. One excavator replaces hundreds of men with shovels.

>> No.54873112

As any tech advancement, in the short term it'll be good for some and bad for others.

In the long run it'll be better for everyone.

Unless it kills everyone which obviously has never happened before.