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54869985 No.54869985 [Reply] [Original]

How can ANYONE cope with being a non-chad at this point?
Yes, you missed out. No, men do NOT age like wine. Yes, zoomer girls prefer zoomer chads, not coping millenial manlets. While you are here, bitter and getting older, posting nerd stuff about genetic maps and politics, Chad is getting all the poon clubbing and partying with his zoomer chad friends.
Prime cute virgins DESPERATE to satisfy Chad, to please him. And all you, betas get, is his sloppy seconds IF YOU'RE LUCKY. He can be abusive, narcissistic, and women won't care. What did he do to deserve it? Nothing. Just top genes.
>b-but my life hasn't started yet
Cope harder. Your life had started long ago. It was over the moment you were born.

>> No.54869991

The guy on the left stays home all day, lives with his mom, unemployed, showers once a week, dropout, smokes weed, plays video games, thinks about suicide constantly, refers to women as bitches, uses ebonics even though he's white, doesn't have a car, thinks reading is gay, never won a fight in his life but talks mad shit, has a 4 inch dick, has erectile dysfunction due to drugs, has fucked up fetishes like rape/foot/stepmom/teen, would run away if he got a girl pregnant, only cares about his pleasure not the woman's, has no idea how female orgasms even work yet claims he makes girls cum 20 times in a row, and has no real hobbies besides playing Call of duty and smoking pot, everything he doesn't like is "gay".

The guy on the right graduated from college, has a 6 figure income, lifts weights 5 times a week, plays sports, showers 2 times a day, uses proper English when he texts, knows MMA and Brazilian jiu-jitsu but doesn't brag about it, doesn't refer to women as bitches, owns a car, has an 8 inch dick, has his own house, knows how to perform cunnilingus and make females orgasm, is open to having kids, doesn't use drugs (he might moderately drink alcohol at social events).

Who do you think girls are gonna choose? Who do you think normies would say looks more trustworthy, honest, hard working, and moral? The guy on the left every single time because face is everything. Even the MILFs would choose him. If the guy on the right manages to find a girlfriend she's cheating on him with the guy on the left and she's only with him for his money. Women don't choose men based on their actions and lifestyles. Face is all that matters. Nothing is "earned" in this life. "Free will" is a lie. "Meritocracy" is a lie. It's all fake and rigged.

>> No.54870011

t. facelet

>> No.54870021

bad example because right guy could simply get a decent haircut and contacts and would mog left fag

>> No.54870045
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>right guy could simply get a decent haircut and contacts and would mog left fag
lol. no.

>> No.54870078

>right pic
shave it off,
wear contacts,
lose the chain,
dont take a pic in your fucking bathroom,
use natural light,

It's so easy

>> No.54870080

Right side is legitimately stronger, healthier, and many women would prefer that physique to protect them. His face is inferior but he’s also not super ugly. So long as he makes enough income, a lot of women would be happy with right side.

Left side has to do a lot less to get the same amount of pussy but has to avoid confrontations in front of his women because he would easily get his ass kicked.

>> No.54870084

Umm... I'm 30 and I have a 15 year old girlfriend. I beg to differ. Men do age like wine

>> No.54870088

>Right side is legitimately stronger
in what way? can lift more? sure. right is probably better at cardio and calisthenics though
doubtful, lower BMI is associated with better overall health and longevity, left is much more likely to have a cardiac event based on his BMI alone
>and many women would prefer that physique to protect them.

>> No.54870095

Women dont like zoomers I have a female friend complaining about being hit on by them

>> No.54870096

holy fucking based

>> No.54870115

If anything chads are getting divorced raped by their bitter fatass wives. Or better yet paying child support

>> No.54870123
File: 399 KB, 1080x1177, TFW society collapsed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>showers once a week
Pathetic. Try "whore bath" once a week and maybe you'll look like me someday