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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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54869670 No.54869670 [Reply] [Original]

>friend at work spent $7,000 making a short film
>he's 29 and still believes he can make it

>> No.54869687

delete this

>> No.54869694

All edge, no point

>> No.54869695

>All of the broke degreeless 30 year old NEETs on /g/ asking if they can get a job if they learn basic HTML and CSS from ThePajeetProject

>> No.54869697

Much better than giving up on your dreams and becoming a terminallly online gambler.

>> No.54869699

>friend spent his life savings making a vampire short film

>> No.54869709

I spent 10k making a short film three years ago, it was well made but shit. Wasn’t watched by anyone but got into some festivals where it again wasn’t watched by anyone. But it did get me an agent and now I’m working half of the year doing commercials at $20k a week.

>> No.54869722

Holy shit 29?!?!? He is about to die from old age!!!
Kys you fucking retard

>> No.54869730

when he makes it you'd better not be jealous

>> No.54869732

This is cope. It's a textbook failure to launch scenario amd going by the books. Guaranteed this person is a complete useless waste of space that's going to end up homeless

>> No.54869734

He'll make it. People are desperate for anything that's not Hollywood trash.

>> No.54869739

My brother tried a bunch of solo shit in his 20s, it didnt get anywhere, but it made his resume packed full of experience, so now in his mid 30s he was able to land a pretty lucrative position in a company purely based on all the random shit he did

He also made a ton of connections during his 20s trying out all kinds of random shit, which is how he got the connections to all these high end tier jobs in his 30s.

Thing is - he didn't do all that stuff in his 20s to get into his current position, it just turned out that way because of the people he met throughout his 20s doing his own random stuff that gave him the connections later on in his 30s to get these high paying jobs

That $7,000 spent on the film itself is not what will help the guy, he might have just worked with a guy on that film who in 10 years will become some top tier movie producer, and then he will be able to help your friend out then. You never know.

>> No.54869742

What are you babbling about, schizo?

>> No.54869753

Make a documentary about wether the government is zapping your brain.
Interview the Unabomber and mk ultra survivors and schizos. Garaunteed hit bb.

>> No.54870174

ahahhaah someone has still dreams and hopes.
Absolutely hilarious! Much better being a bitter nihilistic faggot that wants to kill himself.

>> No.54870216

Link faggot.

>> No.54870238

>heh the only alternative to slaving away for zog implanted "dreams" is nihilism
A horrifying peak into the mind of a golem

>> No.54870247

better than a week trip to Disney World or whatever normoids do, sounds fun

>> No.54870362

nice anon

>> No.54870484

Delete this you stupid nigger. Demoralization post

>> No.54870504

Good for him. Sounds like he is living his best life.

>> No.54870518

If true, super happy for you my nigger fren

>> No.54870544

lol at making a gay movie instead of buying PEPE futures

>> No.54870555

No gf until 31, no drivers license until 29, no job until 31. I graduated uni at 31 with meme engineering degree.
35 now, have a fiance, working in tech as a PM. I haven't made it yet but working on it.
One day I just hated my life, stopped making excuses and blaming others for my situation in life, took responsibility for my own actions and quit everything that was not taking me where I want to be (no vídeo games, no drinking, no procrastinating, no beating my meat 10 times a day).
Take this post how you will but you can change your life if you try hard enough. I won't be Elon rich but I won't be a homeless neet. I will make it, I will buy a house, I will have a family and I will not depend on Mr.Shekelberg. Working on a business now, refining my value proposition, sales pitch and closing strategy.

>> No.54870608

cool i spent 2k on snowboarding gear/trips this winter and im not even that good. its almost like people spend money on things they enjoy.

>> No.54870611

link to the film please

>> No.54870614

Funny how normie retard calls someone a "friend" just to shit on him. What a pathetic faggot.

>> No.54870699

Short film animations is unironically the only way to get noticed by Hollywood. Live action shorts are a waste of time.

>> No.54870714
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First of all:


Engaged with goals, not afraid to invest in his own dreams

Sucks dick full time, and shitposts demoralization threads on biz as a side-hustle

>> No.54870727

You spend more than seven thousand on shitcoins and bad financial decisions, he spends seven thousand on a shitty indie short. What’s the difference?

>> No.54870806

Skills gained, audience reached, firm handshakes made, recurrent income had.
Now he has more money coming in weekly so he can work on more hobby projects and invest more in shitcoins. The other one is a neet.

>> No.54870911

Not your friend then, friends support eachother, good for him trying to escape wage slaving, just because you cant imagine him succeedjng doesnt mean you have to drag him down

I saw similiar things in my circle, a friend started a online shop business and his "friends" made fun of him instead of supporting it, fucking npcs

>> No.54871010

Sadly there are many people like this. I see it happen whenever I'm a social situation of male-only group. Lower quality guys demean each other, and make jokes at the expense of one another, instead of lifting themselves up.
I had that same thing happen to me in my family, and it's sad because I realized I don't have time to hang out with people like that, but at the same time you have to sacrifice them in order to get to the next level
Thank for reading my blog post, subcribse, share with a friend, adn don't forget to commen which part was your favourite!

>> No.54871171

>doing commercials
Truly this must be hard on the soul. Godspeed anon.

>> No.54871260

That's awsome anon. I take inspo.

>> No.54871320

Failed normalfags on 4chan have this crazy idea that you're either a billionaire by 25 or a loser. There's a fundamental refusal, probably because of redditors flooding in, to accept that society is just poorer, things cost more and no one is ever going to reach the same levels of wealth that boomers had in the 1980s by 'flexing' online about their 'hustle' selling their ass to gay chinese people 2 days a week.

But we will always have fags claiming to be millionaires, who inexplicably complain about not getting laid and won't leave /biz/ to do anything else.

>> No.54871332

>But it did get me an agent and now I’m working half of the year doing commercials at $20k a week

Good for you man, get the bag. I'd love to give it a watch if you feel like posting it; I actually really like the short film medium.

>> No.54871477
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>You never know.

>> No.54872565


Don't make fun of someone for believing in themselves

>> No.54872605

It's because /biz/ is full of autists and autists ironically have a hard time understanding spectrums.

>> No.54872627

>Doesn't spend any money on marketing his product.
Your friend isn't going to make it.

>> No.54872641

>on the spectrum
>cannot understand spectrums
How tragically ironic.

>> No.54873155

>at work
what's your film about?

>> No.54873689

>>54869687 make it about >>54871730