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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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54869595 No.54869595 [Reply] [Original]

it's over
>it's over
it's over
>it's over

>> No.54869632

This fucking buy signal. I’m short you son of a bitch

>> No.54869636
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>> No.54869642

its just beginning on BRC-20

>> No.54869645
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it might actually be
it's sad to see it die right after binance listing, it's not even a quarter of the way to shib's mcap and it's dying. binance might have to delist it 1 day after listing if they dont want furious people at their doorstep after a 1 day -90%

>> No.54869651

Dude fuck off
Get a life you fucking loser
You have been shilling all night

>> No.54869658
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wtf are you talking about

>> No.54869664
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>> No.54869673

Just hodl, it can still run up from here. The BTC halving is under a year away. Last bullcycle Doge's ATH marketcap was something like 85 billion.

>> No.54869681
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>> No.54869762

My laziness paid off. I just didn't boughted

>> No.54869833

Fuck. Who is still holding?

>> No.54869841


>> No.54869864

some retarded pajeet. nobody cares. go on retards sell

>> No.54869867


>[inane schizo ramblings intensify]

>> No.54869875

this is bullish

>> No.54869883

fuck yeah, we got a secret billionaire sponsor , even some glowies

>> No.54869898

Need more info

>> No.54869901

I listened to this wigger speak for 10 mins and I think I lost 10 iq points. He’s just bitching about how the dev owes him some money and he’s seething because he wasn’t able to buy optimism and eth with it and I guess the dev already fixed himself (although idk where that can be found). tldr this dude is a fag

>> No.54869903

it's a joke, dev is stil anonymous

>> No.54869907

Pepe is so inorganic
It feels like now they're just pumping random shit until they get money and then rugging it

>> No.54869913


>> No.54871469

Only a fucking retard will fomo into a meme at this mcap, I'd rather bag rail or some other midcap with a working product.

>> No.54871493
File: 290 KB, 864x1872, Screenshot_20230506-091134.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Calm down Francis. Look at this chart.

>> No.54871500

so business as usual then

>> No.54871505

Correct. Everyone just calm down. This is normal.

>> No.54871529

all these shitcoins are probably money laundering ops

launch coin anonymously
buy early liq
use dirty brown money to buy ads and get people to pump it
use more dirty money to buy your own shitcoin on-chain
cash out with your 1000x gains

in reality your gains are more like 10x after your expenses but low iq retail lets these jews get away with not only laundering money but making money at the same time

>> No.54871864

im making so much money shorting this shit. Is it supposed to be this easy?

>> No.54871930

I sold at 2x profit yesterday, woke up happy. Looking at it again now I won't be surprised if it does another ath but I wouldn't touch it again fuck this gambling

>> No.54872076
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Now that Pepe is done, can we finally talk about Apu? He's a better meme than Pepe ever was and still under 100k mc. Waves of normies will come back to crypto soon in search of the next Pepe. They will latch onto the closest thing to Pepe, Apu Apustaja. I think this will be at least a 50m mc Token. That would be a x500 from here. Even fucking Bobo is at 20-30m. Join me in my quest to give Apu the meme season spot he deserves.

>> No.54872113

I went full-on savage and shorted the shit outta this thing with 50x leverage. Yeah, it was hella risky, but who gives a fuck when I'm here to dump it to the ground? I scalped the trades 'cause I didn't have its full trading reports uploaded on TokenMetrics. If it did, I would've just let my position ride for 3 days straight. I know how good alts like WOO and FET did when I traded 'em based on the reports on the AI. But for now wipe those tears and get in on Wassie and Wojak, bruv. May the force be with you, whether you get rich or rekt.

>> No.54872136

>tesla/elon shiling pepe

>> No.54872240


>> No.54872312

Yup. Next bull run, 100b mcap is realistic.

>> No.54872381

eat shit and die fucking jeet

>> No.54872440


Got 8 Million Pepe. Am i a whale now?

>> No.54872661
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lol thinking CZ gives a shit about any of you. the only reason he listed it is so he can profit off the leverage fees because he knew it would dump soon and the whale bobos would come a charging for it

>> No.54872730

I have 750m and i feel like a stacklet. i'm not humble bragging, because i'm a fomo grabber just like most of /biz/. i think we're pretty much at the roof of potential here

>> No.54872738 [DELETED] 



>> No.54872773
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I just sold at 0.2 eth profit, got a PERFECT local top sell through
now I can stop shiling this garbage, lol cya

>> No.54872788

So, this a short signal?

>> No.54872804
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Algorand bros...

>> No.54872867

Don't get drown, dive in on DiD and ZKP tokens.

>> No.54872886

You're not too far from HBAR, ENS and ORE. Web3 projects are on huge green candles

>> No.54872896

Pepe is the devil's project

>> No.54872936
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nice. a huge chunk of US congress is about to go homeless. this is a coordinated VC whale pump and dump scheme if i ever saw one

>> No.54873005

No ID management tokens? Ngmi

>> No.54873066

These retards keep fading the real pepe

>> No.54873076

We boutta finna pump 4chan now. Get on bro fr.

>> No.54873082

Pepe isn't dead, 4chan hasn't even begun and is about to melt faces

>> No.54873308

>No ID management tokens?
chads are really slurping these.

>> No.54873554

Fuck off ore shilling jeets, none wants to buy your scam

>> No.54873617

It's following shib so much it's crazy. The next run will make record books

>> No.54873640

redpill me on this, I already got rugged with HAROLD you faggots better not fuck me over

>> No.54873650

Ignore it and move to the next thing. Which is PoolTogether probably.

>> No.54873663

Did SHIB dump after being listed on Binance?

>> No.54873672

Yes. Look at the charts dumbass

>> No.54873677
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lol the only way you're gmi is to keep shorting it at this point before the major incoming dump then maybe you'll make your money back buying the top like a retard

>> No.54873718

Nah. I'll make a thread next week quoting this post where we all laugh at you.

>> No.54873740

I buyed

>> No.54873750
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>Brown person doesn't recognize Coin Gecko frontpage.
Enjoy your market cap.

>> No.54873779

Thank my goodness I sold off this green frog for BnB, Usdt and NXRA before it started dumping.

>> No.54873800

You fucking failed to mention crypto payment project? The likes of COTI, CYMI, Zpay etc

>> No.54873887

Calm the fuck down, it pumped like 10x in two weeks

>> No.54873924

nice try max

>> No.54873955
File: 170 KB, 683x1024, 90FD4067-569A-460D-9B28-251B4818BE53.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Pepe gets a Coinbase listing
>Pepe gets a shiba inu 1000x

>> No.54873965

kek wasn't this guy getting raped?

>> No.54873966

What are the chances Pepe gets a Coinbase listing?

>> No.54873975
File: 424 KB, 2048x1151, 7277E3D9-7A8A-46D3-91F9-850E21BA6D0B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Check’em faggots.

We moon’en frog frens.

>> No.54873988

High. Is doing billions in daily volume, and surely they want a piece of the pie

>> No.54873995

It’s already making the bs news cycles


Basically we just need some JewTubers and moonboys to hype this now.

>> No.54874009

Hmm...SHIB was listed on Coinbase several months after the Binance listing correct? In addition, SHIB reach ATH a month after the Coinbase listing...

>> No.54874013

Yeah it dumped, then crabed but 5month later new ath were reached but it was because a black swan, et eth whales put billions in it and frenesy started again for 1 month? From what I understood.

>> No.54874034

Slurping this dip

>> No.54874069

>surely they want a piece of the pie
I'm sure CB does; however, aren't CB a lot more stringent on what gets listed? IIRC, this is why it took a long time for them to list SHIB.

>> No.54874078

Letting it dip then buying in with a few grand I earned from pepe in the first place then forgetting about it for a few months.
If nothing happens whatever I lost nothing I didnt have before. If if it shibs on the next bull run, then I made it.

>> No.54874098

Is this the fucking loser who had a mental breakdown on live?

>> No.54874101
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doubt it. brian armstrong is woke af. pepe is a symbol of hate and antisemitism and is not going anywhere because of it


>> No.54874127
File: 348 KB, 220x171, 9D224360-C497-4BDD-AFC8-0EE352805C38.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This troon doesn’t know we’re in clown market now. Stay poor.

>> No.54874129

wait wat no 1 told me that shorting it now

>> No.54874189

>peepo just 14x'd overnight

>> No.54874391

Yeah, doxxed the wrong guy and tried to extort degenharambe lol

>> No.54874429

Are you guys new? That's exactly what it is and what it's always been. You're supposed to play the market with this in mind.

>> No.54874476

Wasn't it proven shib was inorganic too?

>> No.54874545

>twitter cap
>listen to this nigger speak
Take your meds schizo