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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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File: 37 KB, 1160x316, 1D possibility.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
54865491 No.54865491 [Reply] [Original]

Something like this might be going on on the 1D. Certainly seems like it at the moment. If the 1D starts showing weakness soon around 80 points it's basically confirmation of this.

>> No.54865511

US dollar facing weakness, bitcoin about to go parabolic in funny money value.

>> No.54865533 [DELETED] 

The USD was already "facing weakness" – aka inflation exponentially increased since – from 69k to 15.5k; during the entire bear market. Means nothing. Inflation doesn't prevent dumps. Doesn't even prevent entire bear markets.

>> No.54865548

The USD was already "facing weakness" – aka inflation exponentially increased – from 69k to 15.5k; during the entire bear market. Means nothing. Inflation doesn't prevent dumps. Doesn't even prevent entire bear markets.

>> No.54865557

China and Russia contest the petrodollar, US dollar has no foundation.You cant weigh Bitcoin in the value of a garbage 1000x inflated currency like USD. The funniest part is the Tether fudders will win, when the US dollar collapses. Its not Tether that will fail, its the US government.

>> No.54865572
File: 852 KB, 1220x940, mfw fan kitteh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wew laddy your bots on the fritz

>> No.54865594

>inflation exists
>therefore btc price can't go down!
And yet the price fell from 69k to 15.5k. During increasing inflation.

>> No.54865608

It cant go down in dollar value and really the value in dollars is irrelevant because dollars arent worth anything. Measure it in how many grams of cheese you can buy. BTC is worth X pounds of cheese.

>> No.54865630
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Great post
oh my god

>> No.54865633

>It cant go down in dollar value
So why did it? 1 BTC was $69k in November 2021, then 1 BTC was $15.5k in November 2022. It went down in dollar value.

>> No.54865636

Heres how this looks. Bitcoin is worth 30,000$. Bitcoin is worth 100,000$. Bitcoin is worth 10,000,000$. Bitcoin is worth 100,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000$ but it costs

To buy a loaf of bread. Congratulations were all rich in Zimbabwe. TLDR at that point you will be happy Bitcoin isnt inflationary.

>> No.54865650

Because China and Russia just dropped the petrodollar like a month ago and Yellen is already saying they cant print more money (because their petrodollar system died). She said the tools they used in the last recession have been "exhausted".

>> No.54865678

>BTC went from $69k to $15.5k because China and Russia just dropped the petrodollar like a month ago
Soooo, something happening in early 2023 caused the price to fall in November 2021 and caused that bear entire market? How did something happening 1 month ago have an effect backwards in time?

>> No.54865690

Bitcoin is worth 30k instead of 15k right now because the dollar lost half its value. If you cannot understand this you deserve to stay poor. Bitcoin is still in a bear market, its increases are merely matching US dollar inflation. It has not gained any buying power value over the last 2 years.

>> No.54865708

You claim the reason BTC fell from $69k in Nov 2021 to $15.5k in Nov 2022 (which you first said it could not do: >>54865608 quote: "It can't go down in dollar value") is because of an event which occured in early 2023. How does an event in the future cause things to happen in the past?

>> No.54865714

Also if you held 10,000$ from 3 years ago its now worth 5,000% in 2020. You lost half your money even if you didnt lose any dollars.

>> No.54865721

Looks like I'm right on target with my analysis in the OP pic, judging by this guy's reaction.

>> No.54865735

>Apr 4, 2023
You are retarded. As of last month, no it cannot go down in value. The dollar lost its foundation a month ago, when China and Russia and BRICSs started trading oil in Rubles and Yuan instead of USD. This means they no longer need their USD to trade with, and neither does the rest of the world. Theyre dumping dollars, smoothbrain. Bitcoins worth more dollars but the same amount of cheese, cars, vacations, door dash orders. Bitcoin is worth the same amount of shit it was before, but the USD lost value against Bitcoin.

>> No.54865750

>It cant go down in dollar value
So why did it? 1 BTC was $69k in November 2021, then 1 BTC was $15.5k in November 2022. It went down in dollar value.

You >>54865650 quote:
>Because China and Russia just dropped the petrodollar like a month ago

How does an event occuring in early 2023 cause something to happen between Nov 2021 to Nov 2022?

>> No.54865766

If you think Bitcoin is not a hedge against inflation, but then you fail to attribute "gains" to matching inflation when its at the bottom and going up - only looking at "does it stay up when shit goes bad" - youre an idiot.

>look look bitcoin go down bitcoin go down
>from 60k
Same person
>is merely matching inflation
These people will stay poor. Its natural law.

>> No.54865769

>As of last month, no it cannot go down in value
How could it go down from $69k to $15.5k? Inflation was already occurring during that time, which by your logic >>54865511 means that could not occur.

>> No.54865777

Worst TA I've ever seen kek

>> No.54865784

>How does an event occuring in early 2023 cause something to happen between Nov 2021 to Nov 2022?
It doesnt youre just a moron. Thats covid inflation, from shutting society down genius.

>> No.54865786

price target? how low will it dump?

>> No.54865789

Bitcoin is a hedge against inflation long-term. Inflation existing and occurring does not cause dumps or crashes to magically not exist, nor does it even prevent bear markets from occurring. BTC went from $69k to $15.5k despite inflation. .

>> No.54865793

Youre dumb. It went from 15k to 30k because inflation due to lack of supply.

>> No.54865796

keep dreaming you goddam retard, we had the highest inflation in 40 years and Bitcoin tanked -75%, it's not an inflation hedge.

>> No.54865811

Yes 69k was the top of a market which crashed due to covid. Think of it like when Bitcoin beats all the other shitcoins that lose 99.999% of their value, even if its doing bad and going down. Now the USD is one of those shitcoins too, about to lose 99.999% of its value. Even if Bitcoins going down because theres a global pandemic and people need to spend money now now now.

>> No.54865812

>It went from 15k to 30k because inflation
I wasn't asking about that. I asked how could it go from $69k to $15.5k despite inflation occurring during that time as well? Nov 2021 to Nov 2022.

>> No.54865841

Maybe if I told you that Bitcoin is worth the same now as it was in 2019 youd understand. 30k is the same as 9k. Were at the same spot we were before last cycle, but the dollar lost its value. Thats the difference. Were the same, US dollars are worth a lot less. You can buy half as many big macs as before with dollars, but Bitcoin is still worth the same number of big macs.No Im not Sergey.

>> No.54865847
File: 34 KB, 832x532, 1672169377158647.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>BTC stopped at 69k due to covid, the resulting fall was due to covid
Interesting cope and narrative. So according to you it's not like bear markets are a thing, which happen. And anyway, so, you're finally admitting that BTC went down in dollar value from Nov 2021 to Nov 2022?

>> No.54865858

>Did you check the BTC/VELVETA chart though bro?
The absolute state of mumus lmao

>> No.54865860

Because it dropped to 9k inflated to 15k. Il Capo actually got his target, he just failed to see the devaluation of USD because its not pegged to things that actually matter, again like how many burgers it can buy. When you tie Bitcoin to USD, you will not be seeing USD losing massive value when Bitcoin goes UP

>> No.54865880

This is actually a bearish sentiment which says Bitcoins not going parabolic its just slowly gaining value representative of how much the US dollar lost. It says we are not in a bull market at all.

>> No.54865910

Tether always says its worth about 100 cents. Its 98 cents, its 102 cents, they keep it roughly 100 cents to match a dollar. Tether hasnt changed. The USD dollar did, its still worth 100 pennies, 100 pennies are only worth 50 from years ago.
Bitcoins worth 2x as many pennies, which are worth 50% as much. Bitcoin did not move, its worth the same value, it has not gone "up". The US dollar went "down".

>> No.54865924

I guess nobody in this thread has heard of the term priced in. US dollar devaluation is priced into Bitcoin, thats why its 30k not 15.

>> No.54865928
File: 22 KB, 320x320, RM2q3JGf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Notice how this guy's narrative went from:
>Inflation exists, therefore BTC number only go up
here: >>54865511 and here: >>54865557
To then claiming BTC can't go down in dollar value, after being asked how the price could fall from 69k to 15.5k during increasing inflation:
> "It cant go down in dollar value"
here: >>54865608
the question: >>54865594
> "BTC went from $69k to $15.5k because China and Russia just dropped the petrodollar like a month ago"
here: >>54865650
> "The bear market which began at $69k was due to covid"
here: >>54865811

>> No.54865942

I hate how springy DXY is.
It bounces out of nowhere. Can't wait for the day the mechanism through which they manipulate the market into that behavior finally stops working.

>> No.54865950

Youre just strawmanning Bitcoin cannot lose value, as of last month.

>> No.54865960
File: 189 KB, 790x1050, go back faggot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This faggot is a plebbitor, who needs to go back: >>54865572

>> No.54865980

2020-2023 pre april covid inflation, which continues to inflate because bad covid management and shutdowns crippling production. Inflation is occurring because the suppliers shut down and now people want food they no longer make. It costs more, thats inflation. That means the USD lost buying power.
Then, last month, to put the final nail in the coffin China and Russia took steeltoe boots to the USD value and investor faith in it. People want to get the fuck rid of their dollars before they lose even more value. In this environment no, Bitcoin cannot lose USD value. Bitcoin will literally never be below 20k again, and likely 25k.

>> No.54865992

Ive never used Reddit in my life, youre talking to Gab /pol/ and a 2017 /biz/ user. Youre talking to 8ch.

>> No.54865997

It's because the basket of currencies that weigh the DXY have been volatile recently, especially JPY where 2% intraday swings have become common.

>> No.54866011

Now that said you need to make 500k instead of 100k to reach the first "made it" peg. So have fun with that.

>> No.54866090

The last thing Ill say is that if Bitcoin remained 28k for 6 months, it would have actually gone down. So for Bitcoin to actually lose US dollar value it has to do worse than US dollars, obviously. Thats impossible. The US dollar is soon to be worthless.

>> No.54866118 [DELETED] 

if dollar becomes worthless then how will people buy btc?

>> No.54866130

The government would predictably do everything it could to stop use of cryptocurrencies when they bring in the new digital central currency, allowing them to deflate everyones dollars at once say. Like if they took 10% of everyones account and just said there, less dollars.

>> No.54866144

>youre talking to Gab, youre talking to 8ch
So you're saying you're a paid shill / glowie of some sort. Good to know.
A "gabbai" is a beadle or sexton, a person who assists in the running of synagogue services in some way. The role may be undertaken on a voluntary or paid basis. Gabbai also means an assistant to a rabbi. While the specific set of duties vary from synagogue to synagogue, a gabbai's responsibilities will typically include ensuring that the religious services run smoothly. The gabbai may be responsible for calling congregants up to the Torah.[In some synagogues, the gabbai stands next to the Torah reader. A gabbai might manage some of the financial affairs of the institution, such as collection of contributions and keeping financial records. The administrator of charitable funds might be called the gabbai tzedakah.

>> No.54866164
File: 181 KB, 560x500, wignat-fedposting.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Im concerned with stopping White Genocide and I dont promote engagement in the sham of democracy, if thats what you mean.

>> No.54866199
File: 10 KB, 465x115, torba-white-genocide.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fun fact Gab has a contexts tool which allows you to put a "mood" on your posts, maybe its a hot take, maybe its feeling cozy. One of them is "Every Single Time" - which everyone knows is a meme exclusively about how its jews every single time. That context can be clicked by people, which brings them to a page of only posts made with "Every Single Time". They can find only posts exposing jews, if they like, on Gab.
Torba was swayed by the community and essentially agrees with 90% of White Nationalism now, the last part he cant embrace being methods of solving it.

>> No.54868191
File: 405 KB, 1920x1080, 1662273210573.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Everything slowly gets fucked up while I'm still clinging to a NEZUKO bag, it's ironic, I feel like I'm carrying a sword into a fucking hurricane, better luck for the next life then

>> No.54868215
File: 76 KB, 224x112, clappers.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

based and check blessed knower and seer

basically 4chan's own neighborhood spiderman, doing the reverse image searches you are too lazy to do.

I would give this man a mouth hug, he probably just cost this subversion analyst his job. round of applause for anon

>> No.54868254

Gaslighting frog poster. Every time

>> No.54868327

You're referencing a short-term movement in price, it means nothing. Simply compare bitcon's properties vs the US dollar. Bitcoin's rise is inevitable, there's no better option. Who do you think created bitcoin anyways? Doesn't take a genius to see that there had to be a way off the sinking ship.

>> No.54868342

>1 day stock rsi anon returns
Holy shit this is thick lines all over, 35k incoming. Buy buy buy!!

>> No.54869846

>2% intraday swings have become common

>> No.54869893

Did you side adjust for the phase lock error before syncing?

>> No.54871559

how many?
was it a duplicate bot?