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54859959 No.54859959 [Reply] [Original]

>be nocoiner
>find about XRP on pol
>read about parnerships, ISO20022, CBDC's for a few weeks
>start purchasing it every month
>miss the bullrun
>haven't even doubled my investment
And all of this while niggas turning few hundred into milions on CUM, DOG and PEPE coins. I wish I never discovered this shitcoin and crypto in general. This shit sucked the life out of me.

>> No.54860030
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>> No.54863621

You just need to make different portfolios anon; a Iso20022 portfolio, a meme coin one, a BTC/ETH one, etc

>> No.54863863

Its time to accept you fell for the memes and move on. Nobody is coming for your XRP bags. It will scam pump from time to time but you are better off chasing shit coins gains.

>> No.54864328

Just bet on flare till we get some news. The charts have random 4 or 5 +25% tops that last less than an hour the past month.

>> No.54864478

>qoomer falls for another 2 more weeks scam
maybe some introspection would be useful

>> No.54864526

>Miss bullrun on shitcoin
>Miss other bullruns on shitcoin(s)
>I wish I never got into shitcoin
Dats you, and you are going to miss all of them for going all in with pennies.

>> No.54864682

Privacy tokens and/or cryptos with decentralized IDs and rights are ideal.

>> No.54864706

No they aren't

>> No.54864719

Nah, crypto shouldn't be a get-rich-quick scheme, doing some quantum-resistant tokens or cryptos that connect web2 with web3 should do.

>> No.54864746

ZEC and ORE are good ones respectively.

>> No.54864773

reddit rapefugee or pol rapefugee

>> No.54864783

You can DYOR other privacy cryptos like XMR and RAIL also.

>> No.54864860

Oh, but anons are getting into ZK-Snark privacy cryptos, that must mean something.

>> No.54864887

We told you already, its not going to happen so you should be accumulating wealth until everything crashes, then you buy XRP.

>> No.54864903

Crypto that shields transactions and assets from public view isn't something to just pass up, privacies are the next phase.

>> No.54864928

XRP Kings should be looking into these videos.


>> No.54864934
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Imagine supporting globohomo with your money. You get what you deserve.

>> No.54864988

Globohomo is CBDC or JPMCoin not XRP
XRP makes traditional banks outdated
Flare makes Depository Trust & Clearing Corporation which owns all the North American Stocks and bonds worth over 1.2 Quadrillion dollars outdated as a concept.

>> No.54865218
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Cope. It's a globohomocoin. Simple as.

>> No.54865261

Anon, there is no way you can trust me but I have an Invaluable eye in discerning the real essence and motive behind things. I’m certain that xrp is intentionally made odious to investors. It’s antithetical to what drives anyone to crypto to begin with. It encourages poor retards to vocalize support and raises hideous and insane heroes in representing it. It’s sued by the SEC. It’s touted as a bankers token and works as an on-ramp for globohomo finance. It disgusts all the techno anarchists and libertarians into generating endless amounts of FUD. And it’s heavily manipulated and rendered stable and stagnant in price despite its high market cap and valuable partnerships, connections and business operations.

No one can convince me otherwise. This token is actively used as psychological warfare in impeding as many independently thinking people from investing heavily. It corrals retards and scare so away sensible others all while being hoarded by an unknown wealthy elite. It’s the only reason why I hold. All the insanity and dissonance behind it is psychological abuse for a real purpose.

>> No.54865439

Yet it is still being dumped by the millions to the general hoi poloi on shoddy chink exchanges. Does not strike me any sort of gatekeeping the chosen coin.

>> No.54865662

look at the bright side, you are still on time to invest into some other shit with any hope to make it, SOL, ETH, AVAX and ROSE are good gems to try

>> No.54865791

>Just bet on flare till we get some news
Nigga, i'm down on FLR even with two airdrops.

>> No.54865912

>supporting globohomo with your money
Mate, we're supporting globohomo every day by paying taxes, buying, watching their movies etc. It's happening with or without me, I just thought it was a safe bet to ride with (((them))) for a while and then retreat innawoods and help all my extended family to do so. I get it, but you just can't do shit alone on a global scale, it's better to help people around you, that's all.

>> No.54865946
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With Jews you lose. Remember that.

>> No.54865959

>With Jews you lose
Some win, buy at what cost

>> No.54866175

Buy XRP before big move. This thing will change your life.

>> No.54866528
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I trust you and I agree with everything you said, I’m just tired, really tired.
Thanks bot, but I’m already top holder.

>> No.54866704
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I got $2m dollars by holding $500k on DEXT for a year now, sometimes it's not about the memecoins, sometimes you just have to trust the right coin

>> No.54867009

Wait until september, fag. All you have to do is literallly hold

>> No.54867773

Those are actually some valid points.

>> No.54867785

The problem is that you made an investment and then compared yourself to gamblers.

Know what you are doing and you won't feel like shit.

>> No.54867875

>2 more years

>> No.54867905

xrp is better than making it though
you have the joy of knowing you're going to be a part of the single greatest asset valuation ever and it's only ever 2 weeks away

>> No.54868205

I must support this suggestion. I wouldn't forget about LINK if I were you. Another one of the most solid choices in alts currently standing.

>> No.54868262
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>> No.54868281

lmfao, imagine believing this. The cognitive dissonance is real.

>> No.54869322
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>xrp is cursed and holders are in purgatory
I see no lies here